
Realm Reborn: New Life as a Demonic Fae

Nathaniel Cromwell's life takes an unexpected turn when a tragic accident claims him at a construction site on Earth. Summoned by the God of Balance, Nate is given the choice to reincarnate into a new world with the option to customize his rebirth. Now born as a charming Half-Fae, Nate continues on starting new adventures and finding plenty of power and love along the way.

CirceCat · Kỳ huyễn
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86 Chs

A New Dawn

Screams of pain echoed through a small, moss-covered hut nestled deep in the woods. The air was thick with the scent of herbs and magic. "Push, milady!" a handmaiden shouted encouragingly, her voice strained with worry. After several agonizing minutes, the sound of a baby crying filled the room, cutting through the tension like a knife. "It's a boy," the handmaiden announced, gently placing the newborn in the arms of his exhausted mother.

Elara, a strikingly beautiful fae woman with blond hair tipped with pink and luminous green eyes, now filled with tears, smiled weakly at her son as she cradled him close. She brought him to her breast, allowing him to feed for the first—and only—time. Tears streamed down her face as she noticed the small black horns protruding from her baby's head, a stark reminder of the child's mixed heritage.

"Milady, we need to leave soon," the handmaiden said solemnly, her eyes darting nervously to the windows. Outside, the shadows seemed to grow longer, more menacing. Elara nodded with determination, her gaze lingering on her son. "Did you find a spot where he will be easily found?"

"Yes, Milady," the handmaiden replied softly, trying to avoid looking at the grief etched on her mistress's face. "I found a small human village while scouting the area. It's peaceful, far from the conflicts of our realm."

Elara took a deep breath, her hands glowing with a soft, silvery light as she cast a powerful seal on her baby's mana core. The horns atop his head slowly faded, hidden by the seal. "With this, my child, you can live a normal childhood... they'll believe you're half-human," she whispered tearfully, her voice breaking with emotion.

With a graceful wave of her hand, Elara conjured a small note, imbued with a trace of her magic. She placed it inside a woven basket, its intricate patterns telling a story of love and sacrifice. She gave her son one final, tearful glance before placing him inside the basket. The handmaiden, her heart heavy with the weight of their actions, took the baby and hurried into the forest, moving swiftly but quietly through the underbrush.

After traveling deep into the woods, the handmaiden came upon the clearing she had found earlier. Wildflowers dotted the grass, their sweet scent filling the air. She carefully placed the basket on the ground, surrounding it with protective spells that shimmered briefly in the dappled sunlight before fading from view. With a heavy heart, she retreated into the trees to wait, praying to the fae gods for the child's safety.

Hours passed before a middle-aged woman carrying a basket of herbs entered the clearing, drawn by the sound of soft cries. She gasped when she spotted the baby nestled in the basket, his stubbly black hair curling around small, pointy fae ears.

"Oh dear," she murmured, lifting the child into her arms and cradling him. His eyes, a mesmerizing mix of green and gold, gazed up at her curiously. A note fluttered out of the basket, and the woman bent down to pick it up.

The note read simply: Nathaniel, I will always love you.

Tears welled in the woman's eyes as she tucked the note into her basket and headed back to her village, her steps quick but careful. Upon arrival, curious villagers gathered as her husband, Henry, a tall man with kind eyes and work-worn hands, rushed toward her with their young son, Kristof, in tow.

"Cathy, whose baby is that?" Henry asked, concern etched on his face.

Cathy frowned, her eyes filled with a mix of sadness and determination. "I found him abandoned in the forest," she explained softly, her voice barely above a whisper.

Henry's expression darkened with anger, his fists clenching at his sides. "Who could leave a baby in the woods like that? Anything could've happened!"

Cathy, understanding her husband's outrage, smiled sadly. "He's a half-fae, Henry. Look at his ears," she said, gently brushing back the baby's hair. "My guess is his mother feared for his safety in the fae realm. You know how they can be about mixed blood."

Henry sighed, his anger slowly subsiding as he looked at the innocent child. "What do you want to do with him, love?" he asked, his hand gently caressing her cheek.

Cathy looked lovingly at the baby, who had fallen asleep in her arms. "I've always wanted another child. And this little one... he needs us, Henry."

A wide smile spread across Henry's face, his eyes softening. "What shall we name him?"

Cathy handed him the note. "He will be called Nathaniel. Nathaniel Cromwell."

Five years later...

The sound of children's laughter filled the forest as Nate chased after his friends in a game of tag. His short legs carried him swiftly, his movements graceful beyond his years. His keen fae senses allowed him to track the giggling children through the dense undergrowth. Finally, Nate caught up to his friend Sam, a girl with sun-kissed freckles and chocolate-brown hair.

"I caught you!" Nate exclaimed excitedly, his cheeks flushed with exertion.

Sam giggled and poked his cheek playfully, her eyes sparkling with mischief. "Now that you've caught me, you have to take responsibility and marry me when we're older."

Not taking her seriously, Nate patted her head, a gesture he'd seen his father use with his mother. "Maybe when we're older," he teased, unaware of the slight blush creeping across Sam's cheeks.

The bell signaling the end of their playtime rang through the forest, its clear tone cutting through the afternoon air. Nate grabbed Sam's hand and led the way back to the village, the other children trailing behind, their chatter filling the air with tales of their forest adventures.

"Mom!" Nate yelled as he ran into his mother's arms, nearly knocking her over with his enthusiasm.

Cathy inspected her son, noting the dirt and mud covering him from head to toe, leaves and twigs tangled in his dark hair. "You're filthy!" she exclaimed, trying to sound stern but unable to hide her amusement. "We need to get you cleaned up before your testing ceremony," she added, her tone growing more serious.

Nate grinned, bouncing with excitement. "I hope I'm gifted with magic!" he said, his eyes shining with anticipation.

Cathy smiled warmly, running her fingers through his messy hair. "It would be more surprising if you weren't, given that the fae are renowned for their magic. But remember, Nate, magic isn't everything. It's how you use it that matters."

They made their way to their small cottage near the village center, the scent of freshly baked bread wafting from the open windows. Kristof, Nate's older brother, sat at the table, his nose buried in a thick tome as he prepared to leave for the academy in the capital.

"You look like a mud monster," Kristof remarked without looking up, a smirk playing on his lips.

Nate stuck his tongue out at his brother as Cathy guided him to the wash bucket. After a quick scrub and change into fresh clothes, Nate ran to his father, who had just returned from work, the smell of sawdust clinging to his clothes.

"Dad!" Nate leaped into Henry's strong arms, nearly winding him.

"Look at you, all clean! Ready for your testing ceremony?" Henry asked, smiling down at his son, pride shining in his eyes.

"Yes! Soon I'll be stronger and more handsome than you!" Nate said with a mischievous grin, puffing out his chest.

Henry raised an eyebrow, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "You little brat. I'm going to train you until you drop!"

Cathy shot Henry a sharp look, her hands on her hips. "You best not mess his hair up, or you'll be sleeping in the barn tonight."

Henry gulped, quickly setting Nate down. "Right, let's get to it. The sooner we're done, the sooner we can celebrate," he said, making a swift exit with Nate in tow.

As they arrived at the testing area, a clearing at the edge of the village where colorful tents had been set up, Nate spotted Sam, who waved excitedly at him. He waved back before joining the crowd of children gathered around the testing table. A hooded woman stood behind a large clear orb that seemed to pulse with an inner light. She called out names one by one, her voice carrying a hint of an accent Nate couldn't quite place.

When it was Sam's turn, she placed her hand on the orb, which glowed a warm brown with flecks of green, like sunlight filtering through leaves.

"High-level earth affinity with a minor nature affinity," the woman announced, her tone neutral but her eyes widening slightly in appreciation.

Sam squealed with joy, rushing back to her father for a hug, her excitement palpable. The process continued, each child's result met with a mix of cheers, sighs, and occasionally, tears. Finally, Nate's name was called.

"Nathaniel Cromwell."

Nate eagerly approached the orb, excitement bubbling within him. As he placed his hand on it, a sharp pain exploded in his head, blinding him. He couldn't even cry out. A blue screen flashed before his eyes: [Host's memories have been restored].

Images from Nate's previous life flooded his mind, memories piecing themselves back together like a complex puzzle. He saw his death, his meeting with Fred, the God of Balance, and the choices he had made. Another message appeared: [God of Balance's blessing will now take effect. System initializing…]

When the screen cleared, Nate blinked at his updated status, his mind reeling from the sudden influx of information and memories:


Name: Nathaniel Cromwell

Level: 1

Class: None

Race: Half-Fae/Half-Unknown (SEALED)

Age: 5

Strength: 6

Perception: 10

Dexterity: 8

Intelligence: 4

Endurance: 5

Charisma: 20

Magic Affinities: Fae (Perfect), Spatial (Perfect), Illusion (Perfect), Unknown (Sealed)

Skills: Lover's Embrace (Epic), Running (Normal), Climbing (Normal), Jump (Normal), Charming Puppy Dog Eyes (Epic), Unknown (Sealed)

Blessings: God of Balance (Full), Goddess of Beauty (Minor)

Nate blinked the screen away, his mind struggling to process everything. He was no longer just a five-year-old boy; he carried the memories and knowledge of his past life, along with the weight of an unknown task set by the God of Balance. As he grappled with his newfound awareness, he noticed the orb in front of him had begun to swirl with colors of pink, white, and purple, each hue shimmering with an intensity that seemed to captivate everyone present.

The hooded woman's body trembled slightly as she muttered, "Three perfect affinities…" Her voice was barely audible, but Nate's enhanced perception caught every word. He understood now the rarity and significance of his magical potential.

To protect him, she snapped her fingers, causing the orb to show only pink and purple. "High-level fae magic with minor illusion," she announced, gesturing for Nate to leave. Her eyes, visible beneath her hood, conveyed a mix of awe and concern.

Once the ceremony concluded, Nate and his father returned home to the delicious smell of Cathy's beef stew filling the air. Nate's mind was still reeling from his awakened memories, but he tried to act normal, not wanting to worry his parents.

"How did it go?" Cathy asked eagerly, her eyes searching Nate's face for any sign of distress.

Henry smiled proudly, oblivious to the internal turmoil his son was experiencing. "Our boy's got high-level magic with a minor affinity!" he boasted, ruffling Nate's hair.

Suddenly, a knock echoed through the house, the sound sharp and authoritative. Cathy opened the door to reveal the hooded woman from the ceremony. Without waiting for an invitation, she stepped inside, pulling down her hood to reveal a beautiful elf with silver hair and wise, dark green eyes that seemed to hold centuries of knowledge.

"Are you his parents?" she asked, glancing between Cathy and Henry. They nodded, worry creeping into their faces.

"Is something wrong?" Henry asked cautiously, instinctively moving closer to Nate.

The elf, introducing herself as Eldara, sighed as she sat down, her movements graceful despite her apparent weariness. "Your son has three perfect affinities," she said, watching their reactions carefully. "In all my years of conducting these tests, I've never seen such potential."

Henry grinned widely, completely unbothered by the gravity of her words. "I always knew my son was talented!"

Eldara rolled her eyes, groaning inwardly at the man's naivety. "Your family is not powerful enough to protect him," she said bluntly. "That's why I didn't announce his full results. But…" She pulled a ring from her pouch, its surface etched with intricate runes that seemed to shift and change as Nate looked at it. "This will hide him from detection until he's strong enough to protect himself."

Nate accepted the ring, slipping it onto his finger. He watched in amazement as it resized to fit perfectly, a warm tingle spreading through his body as the ring's magic took effect.

"If we meet again," Eldara said, her eyes locked on Nate's, "I'll help train you. But for now, keep your abilities secret. The world can be a dangerous place for those with great power." With that, she vanished in a shimmer of magic, leaving Nate and his family to process what had just happened.