
Realm of Nightmares

*** The red moon was shining down upon the Dreamscape also known as Nightmare Realm. Everywhere the light fell, a creature, seeming to stem from the deepest pits of hell lingered. All were fighting. Each trying to consume the existence of the other. Reality breaking in the process. Now this cruel world, intent on satiating its endless hunger had set its eyes on earth. While two worlds Clash, one the pray and the other the predator, Kalvin alongside humanity is caught in between. This new world like many others had in the past, now stood before its ultimate fate. The reason that the universe was quiet and devoid of life had now come to earth. *** Everything shall be assimilated and the deck is to be reshuffled. The only question is if where you end up. At the top or the bottom of the food chain ? *** When neither society nor the earth itself remain, what remains for Kalvin who had lived a quiet and peaceful life until now. How will he fare in a world where death is the norm and morality a suggestion. What will the decent into hell drive humanity to? In this hell, only the strongest survive.

MasteroNothing · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

Twin Stars

Kalvin took out the explosives he had prepared beforehand.

Getting these had taken him quite a bit of money, two days of time and some extensive browsing on the dark web.

Yet even so, getting these bombs had been easier than expected. He had actually predicted that getting these would cause him quite some trouble. Quite on the contrary, he even found a supplier in two city's away.

This only reinforced his new opinion that he would have to work for his own safety.

Any rich maniac could have just as easily gotten their hands onto one of these and just blown people up. Not something that would evoke feelings of safety in his heart.

This was not what was important though. He now had the explosives and a way to utilize them.

'From the way the weird mind manipulating monster looks, it can probably tank quite a bit of damage. Good think I brought those with me just in case.'

Carefully, Kalvin laid his backpack below the floating egg and swiftly left the cursed looking hospital.

His way back was not filled with visions of monsters or death. Quite contrary, leaving actually made him feel quite good. With every step he took away from the monster, he felt the air getting warmer and a feeling of happiness erupting from his stomach. All probably caused by the monster as a means to encourage his departure.

Quite ironic Kalvin thought. The creature probably thought that it had managed to drive him away and now only wanted to continue its growth, until eventually hatching and going on a killing spree.

How naive this thought was. The creature did not know what would soon come to it.

Compared to the time he had taken to reach the creature, exiting the building had taken about half the time.

Taking another few steps back, he took out the remote that would cause the bomb to go off. And without hesitation...


he pushed the trigger.

A loud shockwave resounded from within the hospital.

But only a few flashes of light could actually be seen leaving the hospital.

The explosives had certainly gone off. Any creatures nearby would have probably come rushing to his location because of it. Luckily, he had already taken care of these small fish previously. The only thing beside him that should be alive within the city should by now be him and whatever lurked within the graveyard and maybe the creature within the hospital if it actually managed to survive the explosion.

Actually, this reminded Kalvin that he should definitely check out the remains of that creature, meaning, the cloud of energy that he would likely find within a small crater.

This time when he went inside, while it was still cold in the surroundings, he was not met with visions.

Either the monster had succumbed to his plan, or it was close to dying. Whatever the case, he was quite satisfied with the power of the explosives he had bought.

Afte ra short walk, he reached the place.

On the ground was a light blue creature, or at least half of it. The other half was splattered over the wall on the other side of the entrance.

The bomb itself had left the ground on which the creature was currently writhing charred black, clearly showing the power it had.

The tentacle creature looked quite pitiful, yet Kalvin felt no pity for it. In his Gaze was only disgust and apathy to be found with maybe only a little bit of satisfaction.

"Sorry pal, but you won't get the chance to kill me. Better luck next time."

And with that, Kalvin lifted the metal pole in his hand he always carried around with him in the air and threw it with all his might right where the creatures flesh had been blown off.

Together with his telekinesis guiding the throw to his desired location, he hit the softspot perfectly.

Only half a second later, the thing ceased its movement and dissolved into the red mist Kalvin had come to appreciate.

Not holding back, Kalvin greedily took in the dense mist into his existence space.

That very moment, he felt a great warmth inside his mind.

While the creepy hospital may not be the very best place to do so, he still chose to take a meditative position in the middle of the room and look what was actually happening.

"Like I expected" Kalvins voice or rather thought echoed out within the existence space. "Another star seems to want to form."

A look of excitement formed on Kalvins face. When he had first formed a star, he had already become vastly stronger than he had been before. With this one, he would also grow in power.

Just imagining what he would be capable of made his mouth water.

The best thing however was, that he did not have to imagine what was going to happen. It was happening now.

With every second that the gas got closer together, he felt his power grow. Both physical and mental.

His body started to absorb the energy in the air like a man in the desert would drink water. But there was no lack of energy in the air. Whenever he consumed the energy and took it within himself, the energy from outside would push in.

At the same time, the control of his telekinesis improved by leaps and bounds.

Inside his existence space, the two red miniature stars where formed providing some light in the infinite seeming void.

Like dancers, the two stars orbited one another. Neither coming closer nor getting further away from one another.

It was quite the beautiful sight. The place that had been so bleak and lonely before had gained some life. Though it was not much, Kalvin was already very satisfied.

Seeing the sight that was in front of him seemed to touch something deep within him like he had found his true calling in life. He remembered the first time when he had come in contact with the strange energy.

But he was quickly distracted from these thoughts. The heat he felt was skyrocketing. His body felt as if it was burning. He could not help but scream out in pain. In mere moments the energy that was rushing inside his body tore him apart from the inside only to rapidly fix him the very next moment.

It would remind him of the cultivation novels he had read where the characters would undergo body tempering to increase their strength. Sadly, he was to occupied with being in pain to really contemplate his situation.

The process lasted about 10 minutes. And by the end of it, Kalvin felt better than he had ever before.

Standing up, he stretched his limbs, causing a few satisfying cracking sounds to sound from his joints.

Doing a few stretches, Kalvin felt that his muscles had become very elastic.

Throwing a few punches in the air, he noticed that the speed at which he moved and his strength had improved all the same.

If he were to draw a comparison between how his body previously felt and how it operated, he could not help but draw the connection between a old an rusty car and a new too class sports car. This is how big the difference between his current body and his previous body condition were.

Even just moving around made him happy, the movements being exceedingly smooth and comfortable. This had happened the last time as well. Only this time, it was even more noticable.

But there was still something missing in his test. He still had yet to check out how much his telekinesis had improved.

Not even hesitating for a moment, he tried what he had been looking forward to the whole time.

Just the thought alone made him feel like he was on top of the world and his heart beat rapidly.

Slowly but surely, he exerted his powers on his own body. First it was unnoticeable. Then it grew stronger and he felt a bit lighter. The stronger it grew the less he felt his own weight.

Until the point where he had no weight anymore. Now his whole body was supported by his powers alone.

Kalvin felt that he had not quite reached his limit yet though. He could push further. And he did.

Slowly, his body lifted itself from the ground. Kalvin now hung in the air. His heart was pounding like crazy.

Kalvin was just before screaming like a little child before stopping himself.

"Ahem Ahem... It seems I can fly."

Kalvins fists were closed tightly and his shoulders were trembling with incredible excitement.

At the same time, the most genuine smile he had ever had on his face began to form on his face.

Within moments the facade he had built up to hide his excitement had crumbled like a sandcastle in the waves.


Never in his life before had Kalvin felt so excited. Not when he graduated college nor when he received birthday gifts as a child neither when he had his first time.

The only thing that could even slightly compare was when he had formed his stars. Though the way he felt at these times more resembled a deep satisfaction.

"It was all worth it. All the hours. All the effort. I will never walk again. Ever."

Within his eyes, there seemed to burn a bright fire. With this step forward, he had proven to himself that everything he had done up to this point had been right.

Many times he wondered whether everything he did was correct or if it would all be for naught.

He had dreamed of flying many times. Hands down, he could say that these dreams where those that he liked the most. The incredible freedom and the feeling of gliding over the trees and seeing the world from above. Not from within a plane or from a drone but just by himself. Unbound by gravity and the laws of nature.

These were what he had truly yearned for all his life. But only now it became apparent to him. Previously the reason he had put himself trough all this stress was simply out of fear of death.

While this particular ability was something he had expected, he was still surprised by it.

Finally all the emotions accumulated and burst out.

"Hahahahahha This is really amazing. Who would have thought that one day I would actually be able to fly?"

With all this excitement, all Kalvin wanted to do was share his happiness with the world. Sadly his excitement stopped there.

"No, If anyone notices what I can do I will probably land in some research facility or something. Either way, as far as I know shits gonna get real soon, so I can't waste all my time on dealing with the government."

He reminded himself once again, that the world was still filled with danger.

Even if his priority's had slightly shifted, he still would try his best to survive.

"Seems like the graveyards next."