
Realm of Nightmares

*** The red moon was shining down upon the Dreamscape also known as Nightmare Realm. Everywhere the light fell, a creature, seeming to stem from the deepest pits of hell lingered. All were fighting. Each trying to consume the existence of the other. Reality breaking in the process. Now this cruel world, intent on satiating its endless hunger had set its eyes on earth. While two worlds Clash, one the pray and the other the predator, Kalvin alongside humanity is caught in between. This new world like many others had in the past, now stood before its ultimate fate. The reason that the universe was quiet and devoid of life had now come to earth. *** Everything shall be assimilated and the deck is to be reshuffled. The only question is if where you end up. At the top or the bottom of the food chain ? *** When neither society nor the earth itself remain, what remains for Kalvin who had lived a quiet and peaceful life until now. How will he fare in a world where death is the norm and morality a suggestion. What will the decent into hell drive humanity to? In this hell, only the strongest survive.

MasteroNothing · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

Run for your life

As the creature was slowly approaching Kal, he felt something try to break into his mind, commanding him to stay instead of running for his life.

Kal however listening to his instincts which had not yet abandoned him decided that running away was his best chance for survival, at least better than staying and turning into a human schisch kebab.

With his spear and Knife in hand he turned around running in the opposite direction from where the moth creature was floating.


This action seemed to confuse the creature that had expected Kal in to stay in place to be slaughtered like the rest of its victims

At about the same speed as Kal in was running it followed behind him,seeming to enjoy th display Kal in put on for it.

'If this is not the thing that has killed my neighbors then I'll be damned'

Is what Kal in thought to himself while running away.

Oddly enough while the sky and the sun had changed, the soundings still seemed to be mostly the same as before. He still seemed to be inside the city as he had been before.

Some details had become slightly different. The buildings oddly seemed to be higher, the streets slightly more narrow and there stood cars where they usually would.

He briefly considered using one of them to escape but knew that even if he knew how to steal a car,(he did not) he had not enough time to get in and start it before that monster would catch him.

So instead, knowing that it was way bigger than him and would have trouble fitting itself through a door, he ran back into the building.

'It should not be able to get me through here' Kalvin gasped, closing the door behind him.

As a precaution however, as soon as he closed the door he got away from it.

and just like it had done with the barrier, exactly where he had previously been, a Spear like apandage was now sticking through

In a split second, the door was gone. Kalvins plan however did not succeed, as the creature, like a hot knife cutting through butter, tore the concrete around the entrance door into pieces Before proceeding to float into the corridor.

But the moment Kalvin had seen the creatures

Limb penetrate the door, he was already on the way up the staircase.

'whatever this creature is, it is definetly stringer and more mobile than I am judging by how effortlessly it just destroyed that doorframe' Kalvin quietly cursed at what this would entail for his chances of survival.

Going inside the building would keep him a life for the longest.

Here the creature would be restricted when trying to fly and be unable to easily pick up speed.

Had he gone outside, where the creature could simply dive down from above, he would not stand a chance of running away.

Especially since he was new to the city and had not fully explored it. The chance of accidentally driving himself to a corner were to high for his liking.

The creature, that had seen Kal rushing up the stairs were it could not so easily follow was quite dissatisfied.

But understanding Kalvins intention of restricting it to a place. Where it could not use its mobility to its advantage, floated out of the building and began looking for him through the windows.

Kal, noticing the monster was not chasing him at the moment quickly fleed into an apartment that had its door unlocked.

Inside he, found the whole floor covered in dried blood.

The apartment he was currently in, was that of the married couple. The big window, that was facing the street had been completely broken, shards covering the surrounding area.

He guessed that the creature had gotten to the both of them through the window.

Originally Kalvin wanted to inspect the scene further, to maybe learn something more about the killer moth. Sadly for hin his search for information was interrupted by the moth creature that was staring at him menacingly through the shattered window.

Kalvin instantly turned around and bolted out the door.

The creature apparently possessed some form of intelligence. Though it did not lack strength either.

Instantly tearing the doorframe apart once more. The creature had seemingly taken a liking to that.

Running to the staircase once more Kalvin tried to escape. The creature however knowing what he was trying to do sped down the corridor at an incredible speed. Maybe it had after such a short time already grown tired of the cat and mouse game the two were playing. Hovering above the ground it flew with its six legs outstretched towards Kalvin, who had almost reached the stairs.

Noticing this, Kalvin pretended to try and reach the staircase to the upper floor. When it saw this, it sped up even further to not give him a chance of escaping.

Contrary tom the beasts expectations, Kal did not Choose to go up. Instead opting to take the stairs leading downwards. Seemingly not expecting such an action the beast tried to change direction but instead hit the wall head on with all of its razor sharp limbs.

Kalvin not anticipating the beast to get stuck in such a position noticed a chance appear in front of him.

The whole time he had held onto the spear he had brought with him from the real world.

Suddenly feeling confident he approached the beast that was trying to struggle free from the wall. He raised his makeshift spear and got ready to stab. But the moment he got into reach of the creature he felt his instincts fire once more. Where his head had just been a moment ago was now one of the claws that had just before been stuck in the wall.

'Bastard!!!' Kalvin exclaimed loudly.

The creature had fainted being stuck. Instead of letting him escape downwards, as it knew it could not catch him due to it being too far away at the time, it decided it would try its chance at a trap and Kalvin had almost lost his head because of it.

Right before trying to attack the thing however, Kalvin had once more felt the same feeling of confidence he had when he locked himself in his apartment to wait for the mysterious killer. Once mor ethat damned nightmare of a creature had manipulated his mind again.

In this battle for his life Kalvin could only rely on his instinct and careful planning. Whatever rhis monster was, it was not stupid.

But now Kalvins situation was much worse than before. He was standing right before the creature, that had just the moment before parted concrete walls like they were nothing.

Kalvin did not know why he thought so, but the creature seemed slightly stunned.

The human had actually avoided its attack. But knowing this made it not lose its confidence. Instead the hunger it felt only grew.

Kalvin however did not care to wait for that creature to think its thought to the end. While the creature was thinking about eating him, he Stabbed at its eye with his spear.


It hit.

But not its eye.

His father had been right. Video games had been a waste of time. The big eyes, that he thought to be its weak point had in fact deflected the spear to the side.

His action had not been useless however. He had instead, not expecting the fierce resistance the eye provided, let go of the spear.

What had been hit instead was the creatures left wing.


Judging by the things ear shattering scream, it seemed to have hurt a LOT.

Wildly flailing its limbs around, it cut deep groves into the surrounding walls, collapsing some of them in the process.

But not only the walls received damage. A bloody gash had appeared on Kals arm. Blood had flooded the wound

But when looking at its wing, all that had happened was a small hole of maybe 3cm had formed.

His improv spear however was now stuck in the creatures wing.

Reacting quickly Kal jumped back the moment he saw the creatures reaction. The creature to angry to think and too keen on ripping Kal into pieces in the most painful way imaginable quickly approached him while slashing the air with incredible speed.

Because of his Dodge he was out of reach for a second. The backwards movement however had caused him to stumble and land on the floor.

The beast approached ready to end his life. The spear, that was sticking out of the wing at a weird angle however had, due to the quick movement of the moth, gotten stuck in one of the groves that had been cut out of the wall


and resulted in a 20cm wide hole being ripped out of the wing.


A scream of unimaginable pain had resounded from the creatures abyss like throat.

Its teethe rotating like a the teeth of a chainsaw.

With that scream of pain, it dropped to the floor. But just before, it caused an uncontrolled shockwave to spring out from its body, that shattered the window far away and collapsed the already barley holding walls close to it.

Kal however got thrown down the corridor, bleeding from both his ears.

It was a miracle that Kal was still conscious after that. Though rather than a miracle, it was probably his military training, where he had learned how to deal with nearby grenade explosions, that had allowed him to not black out.

To his fortune that wave of energy had taken a lot out of the moth. While right now it was lying on the floor, he knew that once it managed to take flight once again, he was dead.

Approaching it and taking advantage of the situation by stabbing it with his knife sounded like a good idea, but after briefly considering it again, he would rather not risk it.

While Kal had been considering his actions and his head buzzing, he almost missed the moth, that had started to claw itself toward him. Slowly, its body ground against the cold stone floor, now filled with pieces of the wall. Its wings hanging limply to the side of its body.

The psychic explosion had ground his spear into dust, allowing the moth to freely move its wings again. At the moment though probably due to pain, it did not lift them. Why exactly it could not fly with its wings, even though it did not even had to move them to fly, was a mystery to Kal. He guessed that it used the same force that had pushed him down the hall to stay off the ground

The way forward was blocked by the approaching beast. Taking the stairs was not an option. Waiting would result in certain death. Hiding was pointless.

'Only one way left.'

He looked at the creature and it was throwing a hate filled gaze back at him. How he knew that it was filled with hate?

It was getting faster.

It was getting faster!