
Reality System

Will my second chance be any different than the first? Will this System that has existed since the time of the pre-creation of the world be reliable? Will these endless memories help in my journey to the top? Will I be Alone in my Immortality or Will I have companions to spend Eternity with? Will I reach the absolute top and beyond that is in existence or Will I be like a shooting star, brightening the world for a sparkle of time just to die out? Accompany me in my Journey as I Will seek truth to my query. Guys please take a look at my second novel: [The God Virus] https://m.webnovel.com/book/12918064806021505 You can join the story's DISCORD: https://discord.gg/u3jZDyD

MadReader · Du hí
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
44 Chs


After drinking his cup of tea and seeing there was nothing more on TV that interested him, Ren took his empty cup to the kitchen, washed it and placed it on its place before going back to the game.

He appeared on the same spot he had logged out, looking around him and seeing everything was like before, he got ready for attacking the Paper Golems, took a deep breath then charged to the Paper Golem groups.


As he started attacking the Paper Golems Ren was in absolute focus, he took about 16 or 17 seconds to end a group at first but as time passed his focus also began to waver, 26 minute later he was tired of being in focus constantly but he endured.

being constantly in focus wasno easy matter as he had to keep his full attention to all around him, observing and having 5 Paper Golems under control and calculating the time the next group was going to reach him, all these things had to be done simultaneosly so it took a great toll on Ren.

39 minutes later he made his first mistake which almost costed Ren's life as he almost died, but fortunately he was ready for this as he immediately drank his [Intermediate Health Potion] and restored 1000 HP immediately, barely living.

[Azmir's Ring] was also recovering a little HP too but that was only little, this item was no longer of that much help.

Whenever he made a mistake [Intermediate Health Potion] would save him along with the little of of [Azmir's Ring]

61 minute later Ren was feeling so much fatigue he hadn't felt in years, he was keep pushing beyond his limits as he broadened his limits further every second.

at 45th minute he received a notification which made Ren smile with happiness as he was one step closer to completing the System's quest.

[You have leveled up.]

Ren was level 29 now! 'just one more step.' he thought.

And as the light of level up shone on him his HP went back to full and this made his burden a lot lesser as he continued the hunt untill the 67th minute arrived and he killed the last Paper Golem.

Falling to the ground he lied down there looking at the blue sky letting go of everything.

10 minutes later he stood up eventhough he was tired and fatigued very much, what Ren needed was sleep, but right now wasn't the time to laze around. he promised himself after this quest was done he would log out and just sleep to his heart's content and satisfaction.

Opening his stats menu he distributed all his 30 reserved APs to Stamina.

After which he opened his inventory to see how many [Intermediate Health Potion] was left of the previous eighteen.



1x [Troll King Pet]

1x [Lavender Seed]

1x [Rosemary Seed]

2x [Life Powder]

1x [Basic Wooden Mortar]

1x [Basic Stone Pestle]

9x [Intermediate Health Potion]

Currency: 247 Gold and 30 Silver Coins


after checking everything he looked at the big tent which was at the center of other tents then he started walking towards it and went inside.

Inside he saw a small paper golem about the same size as a normal humanbeing sitting on a stone throne while beside him was a man lying on the ground bleeding from a scar on his stomache.

Seeing Ren enter the tent the small Paper Golem was looking at him without making any movements or getting up to attack, it was like he felt like it would be a overkill if he got up and killed this ant, so he was waiting for his huge minions to come and smash him to meat paste.

Seeing the boss not attacking and just looking at him like some big idiot made Ren laugh but getting serious again he did what he did first as always, which was to check his oppenents info and description.

[Small Paper Golem Gala]

level 35 - Wild Boss Monster

HP: 42,000

Known Skills:

Martial Rock Fist - Active - sends a Fist blended with a martial art towards the target and deals 1000 damage, unlike normal Paper golems' Rock Fist this skill is much faster. The Small Paper Golem can activate this skill whenever he wants.

Martial Rock Foot - Active - attacks the target with his foot blended with a martial art and deals 2000 damage. Unlike normal Paper golems' Rock Foot this skill is much faster. The Small Paper Golem can activate this skill whenever he wants.

Martial Needle - Active - The Small Paper Golem attacks swiftly in a way that makes his fists like a sharp needle. Damage dealt will be 3000 and he can acrivate it whenever his rage is high. If you're within the 5 meters radius of the boss dodging would be impossible.

Description: The leader of moving rocky creatures which moves in groups. This Small Paper Golem is the leader of the Paper golems. Like other Paper Golems the Small Paper Golem's HP is really low compared to his level because he is a very fragile rock with barely and shallowly attached body parts but still he is made of rocks so his defense is naturally very high so if you hit him normally killing him gonna be much harder than killing normal Wild Boss Monsters with higher HP. But please take into account that this is an evolved Paper Golem with higher intelligence than normal Paper Golems, also because his body is very small and the rocks of it's body are very fit it can move and attack swiftly. His strong point is his damage which is very high so eventhough he is a small paper golem he is still considered a golem made by rocks so try not to be hit by him.

After checking the stats Ren felt like he was ready, so he charged towards the Small Paper Monster.

Seeing him charge at him The boss was obviously getting angry because of this insult.

"HOW DARE YOU!" He said as it charged towards Ren too.


Guys pls take a look at my new novel:

[The God Virus]


Guys pls take a look at my new novel:

[The God Virus]


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