
Mia's Fantasy

Mia is a small girl born to a small village. Although it's a small village people in the village is kind and well educated. They have educated their brain as well as the heart because they know if educating the brain but not heart is not education at all . Because of this Mia grew into a very beautiful and a kind teenager. She loves to sing and to dance every time she can. And other times she used to study and read books in order to pass her exam well.

So she does the exam and passes with a score of 98% . Mia and her family had a good day but the time came for Mia to leave her family and go to her college. This was an international college lot of them were high class people . On her first day she found a teacher getting bullied by her students for being poor . Mia's heart melt in an instant because she is a big hearted girl.

She immediately helped the teacher who was laying on the ground unconscious . All students laughed and said ' wow! we thought we had only a one slave but , guess we're wrong' . ' Yes, your wrong teacher and I know you all are weak in maths ', replied Mia with a bossy tone . 'Also there are no slaves here, so be quite ', teacher too followed Mia's bossy tone. She was impressed about a child's behaviour for the first after working for 20 years straight in this school.