
Desperation and Doubt

They were on the way to the Lab in no time. How could Dr.Paine go missing? They have had a pretty event full time recently, but this one was shocking. As they reached the Lab, they saw a couple of policemen on the big front gate. Dr. Jeffrey had a worried look. They went into the Lab after a small but doubtful conversation with the policeman. The Lab had a couple of 6-7 floored buildings, a barren ground at the back, and some security cabins on the front gate. It was described as movie-ish by Sergio, but still had a certain thoughtful view about it. They saw a couple more policemen in the long front hall, and at the end of the hall was Gordon Maziel, standing with nervousness. His face was pale and anxious.

'Hey, don't worry, we are gonna find him all right?' Jeffrey said.

'Hello, Doctor. I am John Blake, Sheriff. I am here to investigate, of course. What exactly was the situation?' A tall, black policeman came to them.

'I don't know-how, we were-we were working on some things and then he went to the lavatory and never came back. I don't understand, how can he go missing so suddenly?' he stuttered.

'Did you see any strange activity or person at that time?' Blake asked.

'No sir. Everything was normal.'

'Well then. We have searched the whole lab, we currently don't have a clue about him. We will search further, inform you time to time 'kay? Good day to all of you. And most importantly, don't give up. We are going to try our best.'

Maziel sunk in a chair, looking desperate and shocked. Another scientist, who as they know was called Brenner, comforted him.

'No...how can this happen? Everything was...normal...yes.' he muttered.

'Are you perfectly sure that you saw nothing strange?' Leo asked.

'Yes, I am sure.' He was starting to feel more desperate by the minute.

'Have they searched the whole bathroom?' Sergio asked.

'They must have.' Brian replied.

'Shouldn't we check once more?'

'If the police have checked, they must have done so nicely.'

Questions were bursting up in Leo's mind. Not that it was uncommon for someone to go missing, but why the one who was working on a top-secret research? Why the one who knew so many secrets that others didn't? Can it be related to...

'Enischy.' Leo broke the silence.

'Enischy what?' Maziel seemed alarmed.

'Can it be related to Enischy?'

'How can it be? He ran away. I haven't seen him for 30 years.'

'Did he ever tell anything before he ran away? Anything at all?' Sergio demanded.


'Did he mention any of his plans?' Brian asked.

'I don't think he said anything important.'

'Anything at all?!' Leo asked.

Maziel fell silent. After a moment he spoke, 'He was just curious. If anyone would have been in his place, they would be curious.'

'Tell us whatever he asked.' Leo asked again.

'Well, he asked a few things, like whether more people can get effected like him if they go into that Pit. He said he didn't remember whatever he saw in that Pit, or didn't realize. He asked if his abilities can be passed on. If he would be able to get more people...stronger. He asked how it happened to him. We couldn't find an answer.' He saw Sergio's worried face. 'It can't matter. It doesn't matter at all.'

'Or does it?'