
Chapter 107- Shinwonryu

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Using the three fundamental laws of shinsu control, Bang, Myun, and Soo, shinsu users could calculate the total of destructive power and damage generated from the shinsu.

If a shinsu user created a lot of bangs, they would lose the option to control the wider area of Myuns and also the ability to put up a lot of concentration of Soo on each bang.

This applied the same way to Myun and Soo as well. Hence, usually, even if a shinsu user changed the composition of the three aspects, the total generated power from their shinsu wasn't that much different.

This didn't mean changing the composition of bang, myun, and soo was worthless though as each of them had its own uses.

Bang for the number of shinsu that a shinsu user could control. Having a lot of them would help to attack from many angles, and also helped to attack many targets at the same time.

Having a lot of Myuns would help to attack in a large area as the shinsu size would be wider and larger, making fast-moving targets easier to hit, and also easier to clean up many crowded weak enemies in one go.

And lastly, having a high concentration of soo made the shinsu much more lethal and damaging as its power is concentrated into a point, giving the shinsu a powerful penetrating power.

Although it made the size and amount of shinsu lesser, this would make the shinsu higher in power, effective in dealing with tough and powerful enemies with high shinsu resistance.

However, Shinwonryu was completely different.

Although it was only a single bang with a size much lesser than a Myun, and a very thin concentration of Soo, its destructive power was miles apart compared to the regular shinsu with equal composition.

From what Liu Guanyi observed, it was because the shinsu black hole simply operated in a whole different way than the regular shinsu.

"As you can see, Shinwonryu is different from the usual shinsu control. It draws the shinsu around and compresses it into a single point, then releases the shinsu into a great explosion."

"This is an ungodly shinsu control, you can see it as an explosion of space. Since this type of shinsu control is impossible for ordinary regulars, even I can only use it on this train." Explained the God of Guardians.

"If you manage to master this skill, you will have mastered a shinsu control skill on a whole another level to the ordinary regulars. With just a small and insignificant shinsu, you will be able to destroy a gigantic world." Said the God of Guardians solemnly.

Liu Guanyi nodded in agreement. "It is indeed an unimaginable shinsu control, fitting for the irregulars as they could bend shinsu at their own will. Unfortunately, to master such control, it's extremely hard."

Creating eight bangs of shinsu with quite a decent size each, Liu Guanyi merged them with the amplification style shinsu control, creating a huge ball that dwarfed him entirely.

Then, Liu Guanyi launched toward the corner, causing a big shinsu explosion, yet, still considerably less destructive than Shinwonryu.

"Even though my technique might seem similar, instead of drawing shinsu, I only gathered the shinsu together, which costs much greater energy. Also, my control couldn't make it into a single point, resulting in far less power than the Shinwonryu." Liu Guanyi said after his demonstration.

The God of Guardians nodded and spoke in appreciation. "That's right, you are quite sharp to notice the fundamental difference and advantages of Shinwonryu. However, those are just some parts of its uniqueness. You will understand its true power once you have truly mastered it."

"Knowing the difficulty of mastering Shinwonryu, do you still want to learn it, kid?" Asked the God of Guardian seriously.

"You have already put it that way, of course, I will be stupid if I don't take the chance. Anyway, Zahard and the ten families' leaders managed to do it, naturally, I should be able to do the same."

"Maybe I will take a long time with my barely above average talent in shinsu control, but I can simply cover my talent with hard work." Liu Guanyi said with a thin smile.

This was the truth, and Liu Guanyi had come to peace with it for a long time. Although he had managed to control eight bangs with decent Myuns in just fifteen years of training, something that was way above average achievement even to the members of the ten great families, especially considering that he wasn't a wave controller, but as a fisherman, he was still lacking compared to the real talents.

It was true since it was mainly because of his efforts. Compared to those with greater talent like Adori who had spent equal time in training, her progress in shinsu control was still much better.

At least for now, she could already create and control more than twenty bangs with ease, after all, her sword slashes were still shinsu bangs in the essence.

"That's the spirit, kid. Let's start our training inside the Rice Pot, it will help to stimulate your training much better, making it far easier." Said the God of Guardians. Then, without waiting to hear Liu Guanyi's response, he leaped high in the air into the Rice Pot.

"Alright, then." Seeing the guardian had just gone, Li Guanyi shrugged off his shoulders, and then quickly followed the guardian into the rice pot.

Before Liu Guanyi managed to land safely, he quickly put his arms in front of his face as a punch suddenly connected to his arms, sending him flying to the corner of the Rice Pot.

Just a moment before he crashed to the thick reinforced steel walls, Liu Guanyi did a backflip to mitigate the force and balance his body, with that, he kicked the walls and landed smoothly in front of the Guardian.

"I thought we are only doing the usual shinsu training routine?" Liu Guanyi asked with his eyebrows raised.

"No, my training is different from what you have learned in the tower. Without any stimulation, it will be much slower. That's why we need to fight until you are tired first to start our real training."

"We will do it every time until you get the feeling." Explained the guardian.

"Well, let's start it. It's been a while since I fight against strong enemies." Liu Guanyi smiled as he spoke casually.

Your powerstones, thanks!

Heavenly_Ravencreators' thoughts