
ch. 18 morning pleasure and preparing for the council

(AN: lemons bitches just skip if you don't want to read.)

Walking with glazed eyes kana made her way to Naruto's home. 'How, we always use protection.' She thought as she felt her stomach

'Ah that might be me and Kurama's fault.' She heard her friends voice come from her head.

'What do you mean?' Kana asked back

'When well you guys always used the basic anti-conception jutsu. If you had sex normally than it wouldn't be much of a problem. The problem started when you and your mate used our chakra while having sex. With our chakra running through your systems your vitality shoots through the roof.' Kurami explained

'And you didn't tell me this sooner!' She mentally screamed

'We thought you knew, plus your both uzumaki anyway the anti-conception jutsu would have failed eventually anyways.' Kurami defended herself before adding after a pause 'also considering you not only had sex while using our chakra but at our jinchuuriki expect some changes with the baby.'

'What changes?' Kana asked worried

'Ah I don't know but whisker marks, and fangs at the least.' Kurami replied

Sighing kana replied with a mental nod before opening Naruto's door. Coming into the apartment she looked around for her nephew. After a little she found him passed out on his bed. Snorting in amusement she noted that the bed was way to small for him. 'Hmm there's no way I'd fit normally.' She thought before grinning. 'Well he did say I'd get to use them tonight.' As she finished that thought four chains came out from her back and gently wrapped around his wrists and ankles. Smirking she made her way up the bed until she was hovering over Naruto. Rubbing his cheek she made him purr. Nodding to herself she turned around and than pulled her chains taught.

*yelp* "the fuck!?" Naruto yelled and asked

"Fufufu ruto, you said I get to use my chains tonight, also since you wanted to take the bed and leave no room for me than become my thrown for the night." Kana giggled out lustily as she sat herself down on Naruto's face.

Finally getting his mind out of his sleepy haze Naruto looked up to see his aunt/lovers soaking pussy and her little pink star winking at him. Licking his lips he eagerly Naruto replied "don't worry ka-hime your throne awaits." While thinking 'but tomorrow I'll be sure to pound your ass till it's as red as your hair while painting you insides white.'

*next day*

As the morning light shined in through the window Naruto groaned in annoyance as his eyes fluttered open. Stretching a little he took in a long breath to stimulate his senses only to be hit with a musty and tangy scent that caused the memories of last night to pop back into his head. Smiling he licked his lips still able to taste his aunts pussy and ass juices. 'Anal is great!' He inwardly cheered before feeling a vice like grip on his member that made him groan in pleasure. Looking down he spotted a mop messy, wet, and cum stained red hair on his chest. Smirking he slowly bucked his hips causing the red head to moan out.

"Hnnn ruto im sore…" she mumbled out as she tried to burry herself into his chest.

Rolling his eyes he cupped her ass before standing getting a painful hiss from the woman. "Yes yes I know but after you used my tongue and nose to please your ass you should have been ready for me to fuck it." Naruto grunted out as he made sure to slam kana down on his pelvis with each step. "Now let's shower, unless you want to go to the council meeting smelling like a used condom."

"Hnnn I am a used condom!" She growled out as she felt her pussy and ass full of his semen while she could still taste the salty aftertaste in her mouth.

"And who's fault is that I distinctly remember you crying out to and I quote "fuck my ass, pound me till my ass is red and my insides are white dattekane!" Naruto mumbled into her ear as he turned the shower on.

Blushing kana bit his neck where she left her mark and slapped his back as she ran her fingers through the scratch marks she left on him. "Not fair, you used your lightning message again I couldn't help it." She rebuffed as she disconnected from Naruto, letting ropes of cum drip out of her now gaping ass. Smirking she noticed Naruto unable to take his eyes off of her. Nodding to herself she scooped some of the cum dripping out of her back door and brought it up to her mouth and licking it up like a needy kitten.

Growling Naruto picked her up and put her in the shower. "If you still have enough energy to seduce me than…" Naruto trailed off with a smile as he stepped in front of her lining his cock up with her sexy pink lips. "Than you have enough energy to clean." He finished while plunging his cock down kana's throat.


Creating some clones Naruto sent them off to clean the house while he and kana stepped out of the house. Kana was holding onto Naruto's arm for support as she limped her way out. "Bastered! I was starting to heal and than you just had to fuck me again dattekane." Kana growled out in a whisper.

"Hey that was your fault for teasing me I was satisfied with just a blowjob but no you just had to bend over and give me those fuck me eyes dattebayo." Naruto whispered back while rubbing the bite marks that were on his shoulder and neck.

"Just shut up and carry me dattekane." Kana finally growled out as she hopped into her nephews arms.

After making their way to the hokages office Naruto was met with the sight of an amused tsunade and a blushing Shizune. Raising an eyebrow he asked "what?"

"Ah well we had a report last night." Tsunade spoke with an amused glint in her eyes.

"Huh what happened?" Asked a curious kana who was being carried by Naruto.

Motioning for them to come closer tsunade picked up a piece of paper. "Last night at around 8:00 pm the sound of a woman screaming could be heard." She started making Naruto and kana's eyes to grow serious.

"The location of this incident is 1528 rain street." Tsunade added making Naruto's eyes go wide in panic. Grinning tsunade continued "a patrolling anbu, codename Neko came to investigate." Tsunade continued as she watched the growing horror and embarrassment on Naruto's face. "Where neko found a red haired woman furiously riding a blind man's face while screaming 'eat my ass ruto, use that tongue to clean this queens ass dattekane!'"

"Eep!" Kana eeped in embarrassed horror as she buried her face into Naruto's neck.

"Hahahba!" Tsunade burst out in laughter as she watched the two stew in their own embarrassment. Wiping away a tear she motioned to a corner as a smiling purple haired woman walked out.

"So this is the woman who seduced my little brother huh?" She quipped as she circled kana and Naruto. Raising her head kana was about to talk but the words were still k in her throat as she noticed the neko mask strapped to the side of her head.

Blushing Naruto stuttered out "big sis it's ahh, umm it's been a while." As he hugged the older woman.

Hugging him back she noticed the multiple bite marks on his neck, than adjusting his shirt she snorted in amusement as she spotted the scratch marks on his back. "So she used you as a scratching pole as well huh?" Yugao questioned making kana's face burn even redder than before.

"Alright yugao that enough playing." Tsunade interrupted yugao's musings as she motioned for yugao to go back to her post.

Nodding yugao put her mask back on and left back to her corner but not before landing a hard slap onto kana's ass. "Treat my little brother right or I'll kill you." Yugao ordered with a happy and cheerful tone that completely contradicted with her words.

Rolling her eyes tsunade spoke to Naruto and kana. "Alright Naruto you need to go over these documents." She ordered as she passed some papers to Naruto. "There for clan resurrection and clan head status. With them you'll be officially recognized as the new uzumaki clan head." Than motioning for him to leave tsunade added "now I have to heal your girlfriend so she doesn't have to sit through the council meeting with a sore ass."

Pouting Naruto asked "what about me my back and neck hursts."

"Your a big boy now go deal with it." She shooed him out, seeing the door close she turned to kana and asked "so you tell him yet?"

Looking down kana replied "no, I don't know what to say." She mumbled

"Simple you tell him his life long dream has come true and he has a loving wife and child now." Yugao stated from her spot hidden in the corner.

"Huh wasn't his dream to take this seat?" Asked tsunade

Shaking her head yugao replied "yes and no, he wanted the hat to get recognition and love from the village, but what he wanted personally is a family of his own."

Closing her eyes after a few seconds kana spoke "I see than I'll tell him after the meeting." She replied with determination.

"Alright good now hurry up and give me grandbabies to spoil." Tsunade interjected while doing some check ups on kana while healing her bruised ass.

"Is he good?" Asked another random anbu within the office

"Hebi!" Barked out a boar masked anbu.

Giggling yugao replied "yes, when we were with jiraiya-Sama he made Naruto go through both seduction and anti-seduction training. Naruto mesmerized every pleasurable point on a female body, he also created a lightning jutsu that stimulates our nerves causing mind numbing please. I've watched him use it to get info out of experienced sex workers like it was nothing. Of course he can just as easily use that jutsu to cause unbearable pain, like he did with that hand of pedos." Yugao trailed off as she went off into her own imagination

"Lucky bitch wanna share." Hebi asked shamelessly

Growling kana replied "bitch he's mine and mine alone dattekane!"

"You sure because I distinctly remember the CRA law while doing my anbu training." Hebi taunted

"CRA?" Asked kana

"CRA where did I hear that from before?" Mumbled tsunade

Wincing Shizune spoke out "ah it's the clan restoration act, the last male of a clan has to take on at least three wives."

"What!" Kana exclaimed as she stood up in panic.

"Oh shit! I completely forgot about that law,

It was never used so I forgot about it." Tsunade mumbled to herself before speaking out. "Yes now I remember and this isn't just something that can be ignored or outvoted. My granduncle created this law and with it a mandatory law."

"You think Naruto knows?" Asked yugao as she worried about her little brother

"No he most likely doesn't, let's just hope no one brings it up." Tsunade-sama replied before leaning in and whispering into kana's ear. "The only one that I can think of remembering this law is danzo and we both know he isn't a problem any more."

Nodding kana calmed down 'ya, ruto is in control of danzo and the other council members will be to busy finding ways to kick Naruto out of the council to remember some long forgotten law.' She thought.