
Real life: Fiction Bringer

A man suddenly found himself suddenly being able to take things from video games, how will he deal with it? Let me clear a few things first: -The name: Although it's name has real world in it, it's not...really? It's our parallel world but with the supernatural in it? So in a sense it is a real world to the Mc. This is a slice of life fic so if you expect plot from the start then I will have to disappoint you.

Peck · Diễn sinh trò chơi
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
14 Chs


(Note: An update, I was kinda caught up reading a fanfic called *Alexander creed: re-life* it was a fun read, took me four days to catch up to the current chapter. Kind of a shame though.)

Segs brutal.

That was my summary of the sex I had a few hours ago.

It's 08:09.

I think we finished roughly five past ten or twenty…or forty minutes.

That means I only sleep about two hours before I wake up.

I feel like shit. Nah, just kidding I feel fine.

Or am I?

I don't know but I know one thing though.

No more segs brutal for me.

…at least for one or two days.

Really…I should've taken that level of disrespect, laugh it off and play that playstation.

I don't know what came over me last night, was I too horny that all I can think of is having sex with her?

Nah, I don't think so. But I know what made me horny.

Her lingerie.

She knows me too well and she fully used it to her advantage.

And her charm is not making it easier for me when she knows how to use them. She keeps tempting me, saying things that she knows would irk me and make me move rougher.

But just as she knows me better than myself, I know her better than herself and this time rather than following along with her rhythm, I pulled her into mine.

Which, while not hard, consumes a lot of stamina.

If it weren't for me asking Misty to stand by with stamina potions nearby, I think my plan wouldn't work and my balls would cut themselves off from my penis due to overwork.

Thankfully it did…not without consequences though. But that's for future me to worry about, not mine.

But well…to think that Misty was peeking at me and Milyana having sex while still having energy to play with herself after all the dicking I gave her…

Truly, characters from hentai game's sexual libido are unbeatable.


It makes me wonder why we keep our relationship as it is. She did tell me that she just wanted us to be friends and wants me to move on and find other girls.

Well, I tried…

It didn't last as long. If I were to describe it, it was stress relieving at best and boring at worst.

And even though she was the one who told me to move on, she didn't.

Not that I would like it if she did find other guys but it was weird that she didn't even try and was more interested in my relationship with other girls.

Like, she didn't even look jealous. Just curious.

She love me right?

Or is it just a one sided feeling from me?

Should I just move on?


A groan snapped me out of my thoughts.


Milyana's voice quietly came out after a while. I turn to face her for a moment before wincing and immediately turn to the opposite direction.

Did I overdo it? That's what was on my mind as I heard sniffing sounds from the woman beside me.

"...I smell like dick."

I can feel something touching my ear–

"Ouch?" I let out as she pinched my ear.

"That's what you get!" Milyana huffed, releasing my ear as she attempted to sit up from the bed.

Well, I expect worse but a pinch on the ear is fine. And as for my thoughts, maybe I can solve it on a later date.

I sigh and get out of the bed.

"Damn, what drug did you use to last so long. Is it dangerous?" Milyana said while looking me in the eye as her hand moved to massage her pelvis.


She rolled her eyes at my answer.

"Fine, keep your secrets to yourself but if I come to know that it's something dangerous…I'll kick your balls."

I only laugh awkwardly at her threat.

I'm not lying but I can't really tell her that the drink is simply out of this world, right?

At least, not yet.

"Ugh, hey. Take responsibility and bathe me."

"That was my intention." I shrugged and went to pick her up from the bed in a bridal carry.

Milyana warped her hand around my neck and squinted her eyes at me for a few moments before sighing and closing her eyes.

I wonder what was that about?

Did she notice my skin became smoother and healthier because of the impurities coming out of me when I cultivate?


Speaking of cultivation, I somehow stepped into the third realm of qi gathering while having sex.

Understanding the concept about qi and movement better. Before I realized it, I was pulling the surrounding particles into my body and continuously refining it before breaking through.

Is that how enlightenment feels?

Enlightenment or not, having sex while feeling the perception of your time slowed was a very weird experience. I think I created a sexual technique while I was enlightened.

Like how much strength I should use or which place to touch to bring even more pleasure.

Should've thought something else like punching but I was having sex so mutual pleasure was all on my mind.

Thus, I shall name the technique [Pleasure 1.0]. Because you know, it focuses on pleasure.

And…I also think the rich water and dark blue particles from Milyana's vaginal fluid helped me more. It felt more rich than the particles in the air.

Also I managed to improve all my spiritual roots elements into damaged lv 2 just now. If earlier I didn't sleep then I would've improved at least two roots into lv 3.

Anyway, the walk to the bathroom was silent. I think it was moments like this that made me realize how beautiful and charming she is. Over and over again–

Milyana smiled like a Cheshire cat as she caught me peeking at her.

"Aww~ I love you too, Kristian~."

I rolled my eyes at her remark, if only she could tone down the teasing a little bit then she would be perfect.

Heh, who am I kidding. She's already perfect the way she is.

I entered the bathroom and closed the door before letting her sit on a stool. Walking to the bathtub, I turned the tub faucet to the right and went back to Milyana to wash her while waiting for the hot water to fill the bathtub.

Grabbing the shower faucet, I turned it on and checked to see if it was the right temperature before I let the water run down Milyana's body.

"You know, a bit hotter would be nice."

"Nah, I think this is fine and wouldn't make you feel as if you burn your skin."

Ignoring her pout, I poured soap liquid into my hand and rubbed her body. I start from her neck area before slowly making my way down.

Arms, fingers, armpit, her back, her breasts, nipples, stomach, tights, ass, and lastly feet.

Of course I teased her a bit by attacking her erogenous zones but I didn't go overboard since she just went through segs brutal with me.

After I was done with her body, I went to shampoo her hair and wash her with water before finally washing myself and carrying her into the bathtub after I was done.

We both breathed out as we went inside the bathtub. The hot bath was one of the reasons I often came to her house.

It was too relaxing.

Milyana was sitting between my legs and resting her body on mine as I wrapped my hand around her waist while leaning my body against the tub.

"So…college, you're going right?"

Milyana questioned, while feeling her hand holding mine over her stomach.

"Yeah." I answered despite the sudden question. I don't know why she asked despite knowing the answer and I don't really care.

Maybe it's just a passing question without much thought to start a conversation.

"Have you found a place?"

…Is this what I think it is? Why can I suddenly sense where this conversation is going.

"No…" I answered while keeping my tone even. If this is what I think it is then…

"Great, I have a place if you're interested…"

Nailed it.

So this means she's going too?

Wait, if she's going then is she proposing for us to live together? Are we finally making our relationship official?

Am I finally out of the friend-zone?

"...I discovered that my mom actually inherited quite a lot of buildings and land deeds across the province from my late grandparents…"

Milyana continued as I deadpanned at her words and inwardly sighed while waiting for her to continue.

"...I know that my maternal grandparents are rich but not this rich. Anyway, there are few buildings in banjar that you can choose from but you'll have to pay for water and electricity yourself."

Milyana turned to face me with a grin as her face came and softly kissed me in the lips before using her hand to caress my face.

"I know what you were thinking but no, I won't be following you to Banjar because I will stay here for a few months before moving to…New Banjar with my mom."

"You...I have no words."

I chuckled and kissed her on the forehead. Milyana laughed with me because the distance between banjar and new banjar was only an hour or so.

And then there's her offer, I can save more money if all I have to worry about is electricity and water bills. Well, not really. I have to worry about food and stuff too…wait I have powers so no problems with that.

"About that offer, are you sure? Don't things like land and buildings have tax or something? At least, I want to pay some rent and help with the bills."

Milyana shrugged as she returned to rest her back against my body.

"True but some of them are pardoned of tax because they are fully ours and not obligated to pay to the country? I don't understand but that's what the lawyer a.k.a my aunt told me."

"Really? How does that work?" I frowned because that sounds too good to be true.

"Don't know, don't care." She shrugged, turning her face up and winked at me.

There's many things I want to ask about that but I decided to drop the topic for now. We're here to relax, not stressed out.

Seriously, it could be a conspiracy. They hide the tax, leave Milyana and her mom to accumulate big debt then knock on their door to confiscate all their assets.

Or it could be wrong and I'm just being paranoid.

Who knows.

I shook the thoughts off and hugged Milyana tighter while trying to find topics to break the ice.

"Can you remind me why we're not dating again?"

The question unconsciously escaped my mouth.

Now that I think about it, It's been a while since I asked her this question. I think I made it my mission to ask her this question at least once a year and let her hear how stupid she sounds with her words.

I didn't ask her this question last year since I kinda forgot about it, now that I remember I can continue until I forget about it again. With this question, I'm also confronting her about our relationship at the same time.

I think it's time to clear our thoughts about this relationship.

A fling is nice and all, but we both know that it's not a healthy one in the long term.