

Before the cookout, I could see the apprehension on my mom's face about socializing with our neighbors again. She'd been fine with the band and Amber, but hadn't been around anyone in so long, I knew it would be a hard day for her.

It was heartening to see our neighbors turn out in force to support my parents in their first real social gathering in three years, and Amber and Kayden with their good news. Amber was surprised to see her family there as well. It had been Kayden's idea, and the low-key affair was perfect for our families to get to know each other.

The get-together was fun; with it being the first one we had at our family home since the boys had passed away, my mom asked me to sing. I shook my head, but Flynn smiled warmly and nudged my arm.

"Hmm, I've never heard you sing. Go on, babe," he said, gently encouraging me. I shook my head, embarrassed to be asked in the first place, never mind that my boyfriend was a rock star.