
Reading Chapter 6: Departing and New Crew!

{Naruto Shippuden OST The Rain Stops} [START]

Lucas wakes up in his temporary bed to the sound of music as slowly opens his eye so they can adjust to the light. The first thing he sees is Nami beautiful sleeping while holding Luna close as they smile in each others familial embrace. He turns his head to glimpse behind him to see Robin awake hugging him from behind, with her eyes half open she lean in to give him a peck on the cheek.

Robin (whispers): Good morning hon, sleep well?

Lucas (whispers & smiles): Yeah, best sleep I've had in a long time. This feels nice, to lie down and cuddle. Not that I don't enjoy what we normally do ehehe.

Robin (whispers & smiles): I know what you mean, sometime just being there is enough little Luna's so cute when she's asleep. When are we gonna have one?

{Naruto Shippuden OST The Rain Stops} [END]

Lucas: ...

Robin (smirks & whispers): You know, with Luna's power and her eagerness to have little brothers and sisters, it wouldn't surprise me if somehow force it to happen. Who know, with how a child's mind works, she might make it so we'd have triplets every time.

Lucas (cold sweats & whisper): ... *sigh*... Okay okay, we'll do it, but NOT now. Not while Luna's in bed. But before we do any of that... I'm gonna have talk to Pitch about this.

Robin (raises an eyebrow & asks quietly): Oh, and what for? Why bring him in on this?

Lucas slowly begins to turn his body around so that he faces Robin and doesn't the other two.

Lucas looks at Robin with a serious expression (whispers): You know how she's inherited my power, right? (Robin nods) When we, and I mean me Luna and your counter parts from the original time line, were first brought here Pitch said something about sealing or restraining her powers. And with how easily Luna has been able to use them, it scares me...

Robin: Lucas-

Lucas (whispers): NO, not like that, Luna is still very young and impressionable and if the world government learns what she's capable of...

Robin (frowns & whispers): They hunt her down for the rest of her life.

Lucas (nods & whispers): And that's the best case scenario and if all my children are anything like her they'll be at risk too. *Sighs* And if they DID get her they'd either try to repeat what happened two years ago and kill her or worse turn her into a lab experiment... and finally there's Lucius I heard him talking about him earlier like he's alive and I can't take that chance...

Lucas (rubs Robin's cheek & whispers): That's why I want to talk with him, to see if could either help her hide her powers until she matures or limit them so we can buy time.

Robin: Alright, we'll talk to him. And what what do you think Nami?

Lucas: *Sigh* Let me guess, it was when I turned my back?

Nami: Yeah and I agree, as strong as we are I won't take any chances when it comes to her during the next break we're talking to Pitch.

(Theater Room)

One hour later everyone was awake. Well kinda, the OG Zoro is off and on while with the UF Zoro was walking with a smirk on his face and kick in his step... I wonder why.

After five minutes everyone was seated and had a plate of your classic breakfast foods.

Pitch: Good morning everyone, I trust you all slept well.

Everyone even the Laws had dreamy faces: Yeaah~~~~

Pitch (smile): Good to hear, I took extra care in make your rooms as comfortable as I could. Now, before we get started I have something to tell you.


Everyone was shocked at UF Usopp's sudden out burst, Pitch stood there dumbfounded for a second before a smirk crawled up his face.

Pitch (teasingly): Oh~. Looks like someone became a man overnight. Kaya, you wouldn't have any idea as to how this happened, hmm~?

UF Usopp and Kaya blushed, but he change the subject before the either crew could pick up on it.

UF Usopp (quickly says): Hey, what was up with that 'beep' sound a second ago!?

Pitch (still smiling): Part of the news. Now to avoid any more near death beatings I made it so that whenever any kind of adult content would be said or shown that Luna wouldn't have to worry about it.

Lucas: Than why could we hear it?

Pitch (closed his eyes & shrugged): Meh, so you could tell the difference for yourselves. As for the other changes, now you all won't have worry about either of the Luffys stealing your plates or food.

Everyones jaws dropped.

OG Sanji: H-how!? I've been trying to figure that out ever since I joined.

UF Sanji: Same here.

Pitch (feeling a little proud): Simple, Luna darling?

Luna: Yeah Black guy.

Pitch (trips on himself): D-don't call me that, ever. Trust me, it's for the best. (kneels down to eye level) But you can call me Gedo.

Lucas (takes out his phone): Huh, says here that's Arabic for-

Pitch (giving him a blank look): Shut it. Now Luna, (snaps his finger & restrains the Sanjis) lift your plate up in front of you and drop it.

The Sanjis (outraged): WHA-! *snap*

Pitch didn't even look at them as duck-tape appear on their mouths.

Luna: But Uncle Bitch and Bitchier say I shouldn't waste food. (the Zoros, Usopps, and Kuina laugh in the back ground while the blondes die inside)

OG Zoro: If I ever have a kid, I'd want em to be like her.

UF Zoro and Kuina stop laughing and blush a little at the thought of having kids.

Pitch (chuckles): Don't worry, you can trust me. After all, (looks at the other four on the couch) I know your parents and Robin trust me with you.

Pitch's implied messaged didn't go over their head, but it did unnerve them.

Nami: Ahem, y-yeah, it's alright Luna, he's... nice?

Luna (smiles): Okay mommy.

As she lets go of the plate they are all bit surprised at what happened next...

...nothing. The plate was left hovering, frozen in midair.

OG Luffy (eyes twinkling): COOL~! A GHOST PLATE!

UF Luffy (looking serious): No... It's a poultry-geist.

Pitch (looking blankly at them, smiles): Luffy come see for yourself.

OG Luffy runs up and tries to take the plate, but it won't move as he turn red in the face.

OG Luffy (struggles): I... THINK... IT'S... MOOVING... AAAH! *Bfft*


A smell begins to linger.


OG Luffy lets go & turn to everyone.


OG Luffy (grins & rubs the back of his head): Oh wait, no, it was just gas hahaha!

Nami (beat him on the head): YOU MORON!

Pitch snaps his fingers releasing the Sanjis.

Pitch (chuckle): As you can see, the only ones that can move the plates are it's owner and me. (grabs the plate from the air gives it to Luna) Just so you know, the couches/recliners are here to stay.

Luna (nods): Thank you Gedo.

Pitch: You're welcome Luna. Now onto the show.


{One Piece-To the Grand Line Part 1} [START]

["A friend…"]

["Mr. Bon Clay!?"]

[Mr. 2's subordinates shouted as they saw him seem to stay in the Straw-Hat pirate's ship.]

["...If we run away now, we're not worthy of being friends!"]


["If we're not able to sacrifice ourselves to help our friends...we will not rest in peace!"]


[Mr. 2 begun his pose while tears streaming down his eyes.]

["Straw-Hat Luffy and the rascals, listen to me carefully! We...will be your decoy and draw them out for you!"]


Luffys (hug & cry): BON-CHAN!!!

Lucas looks at the growing tick mark on both Namis heads, but when OG Nami say him she turned pink thinking about the 'talk' she had with her counter-part and the kinky things they do.

Lucas (nudging UF Nami): It's alright, let them have this.

Nami (looks at him): *Sigh* Alright, but if they get louder deals off.

Lucas (kissing her on the cheek making her pout): Thank you.

[Luffy, Usopp, and Chopper were all crying as they watched Mr. 2 transform his face into Luffy's and jumped off to his ship!]

[At the distance, the marines noticed the two ships separate and immediately reported to Hina.]

["Miss Hina! Their two boats have left their course! The duck ship is going south!"]

["Is the duck ship a decoy?]

["No...that's!? Straw-Hat Luffy and his crew are on the duck ship! The Going Merry is a decoy!"]


[Hina took the binoculars and indeed saw Luffy in the duck ship.]

["Chase them quickly! Full speed ahead!"]

[The marine's ship are all top notch, naturally, it wouldn't be any slower than a small ship like the duck ship of Mr. 2.]

[Soon, they were able to surround the duck ship and noticed that Luffy wasn't truly there!]

[In the Going Merry, Luffy and the rest saw the marines starting to attack Mr. 2's ship!]

["Bon Bon! We...we will never forget you!"]

[Lucas sighed. He knew that Mr. 2 will survive this but will be sent to Impel Down in the future. Maybe he can still change this a bit?]

OG Crew: !!!

[But if he changes it...and Luffy still ends up going to Impel Down in the future...he may not be able to get out without Mr. 2 there…]

OG Luffy (pissed): And you didn't do anything!

Lucas: Wait for it...

[Lucas looked at Luffy and the rest then at Mr. 2. Eventually, he shook his head and sighed.]

["Forget it. I'll think about the future once I get there…"]

[Lucas stood on the deck once again and raised his hand in a chopping stance.]

[He glared at the sea ahead and gritted his teeth.]


[He swung down his hand...and the sea split in half all the way to the marine's ships!]


OG Crew except Robin, Luffy, and Zoro: JUST HOW OVERPOWERED ARE YOU!?

Lucas (smirks & thinks): If you think this is overpowered you'd better be prepare to be surprised.

The UF Crew: You have NO idea.

Olivia, Kaya, and Kuina just chuckle to themselves thinking about him owning Gran Tesaro.

[The marines and Mr. 2's ship immediately separated! Using this chance, they sped away from the marines as fast as they can!]

[Seeing as they were able to get away, Lucas sighed in relief and collapsed to the ground.]


Lucas: Yeah, I was still new at... everything?

{One Piece-To the Grand Line Part 1} [END]

[Nami, who was closest to him just now, immediately caught him as he fell.]

["Heh, that...that was something huh?"]

[Lucas weakly laughed as he savored Nami's embrace a bit.]

UF Nami (leans on Lucas's shoulder & whispers): You can be such an idiot sometimes.

Lucas: I know, but I'm YOUR idiot.

UF Nami (nuzzles): Damn right you are.

Olivia (walks over & smiles): Mind I take a seat?

Lucas: ...Sure.

Olivia: Thank...

Olivia comes closer and sits right on his lap with a teasing smirk aimed at her OG daughter who blushes a small bit. She puts her arms around his neck making a partial princess carry.

Olivia (chuckles): Best seat in the house.

["Lucas! That was amazing!"]

["Are you alright!?"]

["Doctor! Where's the doctor!?]

Choppers (think): I've really got to stop doing that.

["You're the doctor!"]

["Ah, that's right."]

[Even now, in this situation, they were still joking around...or is it that they're not quite right in the head?]

[In any case, seeing their expressions which were worry, excitement, proud...Lucas felt a sense of belonging in this small ship.]

[In his heart, he thought to himself.]

['I want to see it...the day Luffy becomes the Pirate King! I...want to see him reach it alongside him!']

[At this instant, the resolve in his heart grew!]

[Meanwhile, back in the island.]

{Red VS. Blue - Contact (Final Transmission)} [START]

Lucas: Huh, I don't know this one. Pitch, what anime is this from?

Pitch: It's not, it's from a more... unique show that has been running for almost eighteen years now. I'll and them to your phone later.

Lucas: Thanks.

[Vivi had begun her speech.]

[Tens of thousands were gathered in front of the palace to see her and listen to her voice. But she isn't there.]

[Instead, she began her speech while standing on the edge of the island!]

["I recently...went on an adventure."]

["It was an adventure over deep oceans and dark tides in search of 'hope'...The ocean that I faced was vast the day I left this country...It is full of unbelievable islands which hold many things."]

["There are creatures I had never seen, incredible sceneries, and sounds of the waves…"]

["They are sometimes so peaceful...it's as if they were trying to cover up all the trouble around us."]

["But sometimes they are so violent, as if they were laughing at the weak."]

["But in the darkness and storms, I found a tiny ship. That ship pushed me forward and told me, can you see those lights?"]

["That ship will always find its way out of the darkness. And unbelievable ship indeed. It's as if it was dancing, sailing through gigantic waves."]

["Even though it seems like they're just drifting, they only go forward, even going against the wind. In the end, it will raise it's finger...and say, 'Look! There is light!'"]

["Even if history will make this light seem like an illusion, they will always be real to me."]

["And with that said…"]

[Vivi's voice trailed off as she saw a familiar ship in the distance.]

["Let's go...it's almost 12 already."]

["She will come, I know it! She is definitely over there! Let's dock and look for her!"]

[Luffy insisted, still hoping of having Vivi join his crew.]

["Hey! Bad news! The marines caught up with us!"]

[Usopp pointed over to the marine ships approaching while Zoro began to make preparations to leave.]

["How many are there? Let's sail now! Full speed ahead!"]

["Forget it Luffy...she is different from Vivi that was with us."]


[Lucas looked at Luffy and stood up again.]

["Ah, Lucas! You can't move too much yet! You're way too exhausted!"]

["...I'll hold off the marines for a few more minutes…"]

Luna: Are you gonna be okay daddy?

Lucas (smiles): Yeah, I'll be fine (reaches over with his free arm and rubs her head) I'll always be here.

["!!! What are you saying!? Anymore of that power and you really will collapse!"]

[Lucas ignored them and was about to make another big move when suddenly, a familiar voice shouted over from the island.]


[Looking over, they all saw a blue haired woman wearing a beautiful dress along with a large duck.]

["Vivi!? Carue!?"]

["Look, she came, right!? Let's turn back! Quick!"]

["Vivi! The marines are closing in!"]

[Though Luffy and the rest rejoiced, Lucas looked at Vivi's expression and sighed. He knew that Vivi wouldn't be joining them.]

Pitch (facepalms): She may become a great leader, but that girl seriously needs to learn how to time things better.

OG Nami: She wasn't that bad. Name three times it backfired.

Pitch (removing his hand): Not including this incident, Giant Scorpion, the Erimaki Runners, Desert Strawberry, Warusagi Bird, Sandora Dragon, Kung-Fu Dugongs, and when she told you about Crocodile's identity she should have made sure you were completely isolated and no one could hear it. Did I miss anything?

OG Nami (depressed): No...

UF Nami (invites her out of self-pity?): You wanna play with Luna~? it'll make you feel better~.

OG Nami accepts and goes to the couch with Olivia, Lucas, Luna, UF Robin, and UF Nami.

OG Nami (depressed): Okay...

Luna (patting her): There there...

OG Nami (improving): Thanks Luna, I'm feeling better already.

["...I'm here...to say goodbye!"]

["!? What did you say?"]

["Carue, give me the speaker."]

[Carue quaked and handed over the speaker she was using just now.]

["I...can't go with you all!"]

[In the island, everyone was confused as to who the princess was suddenly talking to.]

["Thank you all for what you have done for me! Even though I still want to go with you...but right now I...really love this country! So I can't come along!"]

[Vivi shouted with all her heart.]

[Hearing this, Luffy was silent for a moment before smiling.]


["I...Even though I...want to stay here...But if there is one day where we meet each other again, will you all take me as a friend!?"]

[As soon as she said that, the marines who also heard her began to panic.]

["Did you hear that!? The princess is Straw-Hat Luffy's friend!?"]

["The princess has pirates for friends!? No way!"]

[Luffy didn't care about all this and was about to shout back but Nami held him back.]

["Idiot! We shouldn't answer her! The marines already saw her. If they found out we're friends, they will mark Vivi as a criminal!"]

[Let's just part quietly…]

[Vivi naturally knew what they were worried about but the tears in her face still kept dropping.]


[However, this didn't last long.]

[When she looked over, all seven of them...Luffy, Nami, Sanji, Zoro, Usopp, Chopper...and Lucas were all raising their left arm and had taken off their bandages, revealing the X marks beneath!]

[Seeing this, Vivi and Carue also both raised their left arms as they thought back to the time they all made this mark.]

['From now on. No matter what happens, the sign on this left arm...will forever be the sign of our friendship!']

["Let's sail!!!"]

[Just as Luffy and the rest sets off, Vivi shouted at them once more.]

["Lucas! Just you see! I'll become a great Queen! When the time comes, I'll definitely not let you get away again!"]

{Red VS. Blue - Contact (Final Transmission)} [END]

OG Crew (looks at Lucas): ....

Lucas (looking blankly at them): Look, just... don't ask. I have a hard enough time seeing what people see in me.

Olivia, UF Robin, and the Namis (think): He's kidding, right?

[Lucas staggered as he heard her declaration.]

[Panic occurred in the cities who heard this as well.]

["Lucas? Who's that?"]

["I don't know but he seems to be an important person in the princess' heart!"]

{Gintama OST : 12 - Kono Stalker} [START]

["Kyaa, I wonder what sort of man he is for the princess to like him!?"]

["Dammit! The princess is already taken!?"]


[Not only the citizens, even King Cobra had began to flare up!]

["Chase! Chase that damn bastard!"]

["Y-your Majesty, we can't! They just saved our country!"]

["I don't care! How dare that bastard woo my daughter!"]

Lucas: As a parent I'm actually kinda torn on this one. On one hand he's protect his daughter from a guy she hasn't known for a full week, on the other he wants to kill me. I gotta admit it tormenting Luna's future love interests does sound fun. (cold smile)


[It was the same in the marine's side.]

["Dammit! Which one of those bastards is that Lucas! Shoot! Shoot him down!"]

["Kill him!"]

["Quickly find out what we know about that bastard!"]

["Eh? He was the one responsible for the huge wave and the water splitting earlier!? Make a call to HQ! Raise his bounty!"]

[But of course, nothing can be said about the chaos in the Straw-Hat pirate's ship.]

["Lucas you bastard! What did you do to my Vivi-chan!?"]

{Gintama OST : 12 - Kono Stalker} [END]

["Eh? Ehh?? Did something happen between you two that we didn't know!? Quickly tell us!"]

["Shishishishi! Does that make Lucas the future King then?"]


[Fully aware of the ruckus that she had created, Vivi chuckled and tied her hair back as she turned around.]

["Let's go back! To Alubarna!"]


[Some time had passed, Luffy and the rest finally broke free from the marine's pursuit and they all laid on the railings while sighing.]

[Zoro and Lucas sighed as they looked at them looking so lonely without Vivi.]

["Well, don't be too down. I'm sure our paths will cross again in the sea someday. More importantly...I think you should focus on the stowaway in the ship."]

[Lucas shook his head and resumed a serious expression.]


[Just as they were about to ask, the door leading to the cabins opened up and revealed a familiar black haired beauty.]

["At last we're out to sea...good work."]



[As soon as they saw her, they all sprung into action!]

[Zoro grabbed his swords, Sanji was being his usual pervert self, Nami, Usopp, and Chopper all began to panic.]

[Only Luffy and Lucas were not as excited.]

["What…? It's you! You're not dead?"]

["Don't point these dangerous things at me. Didn't I tell you that before?"]


[Robin simple smiled and swung her hands, summoning a hand on Nami and Zoro as she swiftly slapped their weapons away.]

["Since when did you board this ship!?"]

["I was here the whole time in the cabin, reading a book and taking a bath. These clothes are yours? Lend them to me."]

[Nami was pissed and immediately retorted at her but Robin paid her no mind.]



["You didn't forget what you said, did you?"]


OG Robin: Oh, now what's this?

[Lucas blanked out.]

[What was going on? This didn't seem quite right from the original story?]

Lucas (to prevent Nami from getting pissed): Remember that until less than a week ago you were 2D!

Pitch (shrugged): And that it was unreal to him, kind of like when you first got to Skypia.

Nami (squints): Okay, just watch it.

["Ahh! Hey Lucas! What did you say to this beautiful lady!?"]

[Sanji immediately freaked out and grabbed his collar as he shook him.]

["Hey! I didn't say anything!?"]

["No, I remember clearly...you better...take responsibility.~"]


[Hearing this, Sanji began choking Lucas and shaking him even harder.]

[Luffy glared at her with an annoyed look.]

["You're really weird, what do you want?"]

["Let me...join your crew."]


Pitch: On to the- Wait, just remembered something.

Lucas: What's that? (Pitch points at the Sanjis)

Pitch: I forgot to remove the duck-tape. Here let me take care of that, (pinches the strip) now I'll help you cope with the pain. What do you call a cheap circumcision?

Both Sanjis sweat at this.

Pitch (grins a little sadistically): A rip off. *RIP!*

Needless to say that for the next five minutes the two were either rubbing their mouths, holding their privates, or screaming in pain.

Now that was long, hope you guys liked it.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Chronosigncreators' thoughts