

In the omniverse there was a screen in the sky that will show the heroes, villains, gods, demigods, supernaturals,etc across The omniverse. DISCLAIMER : I Do Not Own Anything

david_vazcano · Tranh châm biếm
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6 Chs



Name : Ninja

Species : Human

Powers and abilities :Master of swordsmanship, master of stealth, ninja arts, super stregth, speed, durability, agility, stamina, master acrobatics, master martial arts, enhanced senses, breaking fourth wall, invinsibility, smoke manipulation, dimensional storage, elasticity, hair manipulation, Light Manipulation, Water Manipulation, Air Manipulation, Explosion Manipulation, Ice Manipulation, Electricity Manipulation, Earth Manipulation and Life Manipulation, Fire Manipulation and Heat Manipulation, Insect Manipulation, Organic Manipulation, Sound Manipulation, Size Manipulation, Healing and Resurrection.

Special abilities : Unknown

Description :"For 800 years ninja had protecting the city he was born from, he use his ninja arts and powers to fight evil sorcerers, monsters, villains, robots cyborgs from evil people and the ones who wants to harm innocent people.


Union academy

Prryha :"So now we are now see a ninja huh?" she is looking interested.

Nora :"Yeah now we are gonna see a ninja break someones leg."

Blake meanwhile is looking forward to this one because she read books about ninja romance.

Leo :"Cool we are going to see a ninja."

Nico :"Hey guys do you think this ninja can tell us an art about stealth or something so we do not die from monsters?"

Percy :"I don't Know about that nico." he wasn't sure about the ninja thought them.

Mina :"A ninja?"

Sona :"A ninja huh? interesting."

midoriya meanwhile write and draw the ninja is on the screen, he was thingking that the ninja is the master art of stealth, so he maybe can learn one or two from him.

Present mic :"Wow shota look a ninja."

Aizawa did not anwer his friend but he is looking forward to this ninja and his stealth ability.

Avengers tower

Hawkeye :"A ninja?"

Susan :"Well looks like we are gonna see some ninja stuff now."

Meanwhile for the avengers who are using stealth are interested in the ninja, most of them are like daredevil, black widow, etc.

Justice league

Green arrow :"So we are now see ninja?"

Flash :"Seems like batman is now interested."

Wonder woman :"This ninja has protected his city for 800 years? I never heard of him."

Batman meanwhile does not see or answer barry, he is now looking at the screen and the looks of the ninja form the description this ninja is 800 years old, that means he is been around for so long, does he affiliated with the league of assasins or not.

The ninja also have abilities that the ninja should have like stealth, weaponry, smoke bombs and all of that, The Bat family are also interested in the ninja and maybe they can learn something from him.


We can see now a factory in the edge of the city,There are two guards who are guarding the factory.

Thug 1 :"Hey do you think the ninja will be here?"

Thug 2 :"I don't know but we need to be cautious because the ninja is known to be senaky but we can burn him using our fire powers."

Thug 1 :"You're right."

After that both of them was draged up and gone from sight, there is a man drop out of nowhere and go inside to the building, the screen switch to the two thugs and we can see both of them are dead on the roof.

The man is inside and went to hide, he goes to the ceiling using a rope, he sneak and scout to count of how many enemies are there.

The ninja is using ropes and choke the guards who is on the seconde floor and dragged them up, he choke them until they are dead just like the others who are in the second floor.

After that he sneak to the first floor and sneak attack the guards all over the place,he use daggers to throw it at them when they are not looking at each other. he proceed to go further to the next side of the building without anyone noticing and he also hide the bodies so anyone can't notice or find it.


Union academy

Azazel :"This guy is good." he observed him seriously.

Nezu :"I Have also analyse, this ninja is stealthy as it is he is a ninja, I am also surprised this ninja is a hero."

Sirzech :"I also agree, ninja ussually is not a hero in the past, they usually used to kill people silently or use to assasinate people."

Ruby :"WOW, that ninja is so cool."

Tsubaki :"He is also very stealthy, non of the guards even realize that their gangs are dissapeared."

Xenovia :"They are probably think they just go to another section to guard it."

Bakugo :"GODDAMIT, when will the fight will be shown.?" he shouts.

Kirishima :"Woah, calm down baku bro, just patience."

Bakugo :"Get off of me shitty hair."

Avengers tower

Black Panther :"This ninja is very good at assasination and stealth." he is impressed.

Wonder man :"What do you expect, They are ninjas of course, they are stealthy."

Natasha :"Impressive." she is impressed by the ninja.

Tony :"WOAH, what did I hear, did natasha just compliment the ninja?" he teased her.

Natasha :"Shut it, stark." she is glaring at him.Tony just raised his hands and make a surrender gesture to her.

The Avengers who use stealth are impressed by this ninja, he is quick and observant. He also took the guards of the sight for the other can't see it.

Justice League
Nightwing :"I gotta say this ninja is impressive."

Batwomen :"I agree, this ninja is stealthy, not only he is good at his assasination, this ninja is also observant and quick at taking down his enemies."

The bat family are impressed by this ninja and not only them batman also impressed by this ninja stealth but he did not like he killed them.


The ninja see three guards are talking to each other, so he take out a coin and toss it to other side of him, one of the guards hear this and check out but quickly ninja close his mouth and stab through his neck he dragged the body back and take out the other two.

He also see there are no second floor so he is clear, he sneak attack them and killed them all, he goes to the blue container, he take out a sword out of knowhere and slash down the lock.

He see what is inside, he see the inside there are many drugs, weapons, magical items, magic books, and money. He goes outside to see a second container and open it to see the same thing, he goes outiside and see there is a folder inside some room through the window.

He see the folder it is said It is an illegal shipmet, this containers are meant to send to the union city and there are many police, heroes, hunters, huntresses and supernaturals was bribed by this gang, they are agreed to it and send them money to extract this container to the union city.


The world is shocked that inside the containers there are drugs, money, weapons and magical items but what shocked them is these gangs bribed many police, supernaturals, heroes, hunters and huntresses are bribed.

Union Academy

The students, principals, and even the teachers are speechless and can't talk. They just see an illegal shipment full of illegal stuff inside and not only that there are also see an agreement between heroes, police hunters, huntresses and supernaturals.

Mina :"Th...that can't be true? R...right guys?"

The other cannot answer this because they are uncertain of what they are gonna answer. They just see a file full of people were bribed and agreed to send it to union academy.

Ironwood :"What is the meaning of this?" he shouted directly at them.

Sirzech :"Oh shut up Ironwood like you are not also involved in this."

Ironwood :"Whay do you say devil?" he pointed his finger at him fiercely.

Ozpin :"Enough all of you, now all we need to do is just figuring out of what the screen show us and investigate it." he also feel angry and frustrated of what the screen show to the entire world not just that the whole supernaturals, gods of each pantheons, even the entire omniverse know about this.

Avengers Tower

They are silent at this but then there was angry voice broke out the tension.

Jessica jones :"What the hell, are those unions are fucking idiots?" she is angry.

Ironfist :"Not just that, look at all the list of all those heroes who are bribed."

She hulk :"There are so many of them." she looked shocked of the list.

Steve :"We need to find them if we can.

Ms.Marvel :"Cap, it is not easy to do that besides they are in the union city."

Thor :"She is right, captain it is far away from us."

Steve feel angry and frustrated because he can't help to apprehand and catch all those people who are birbed by them.

Steve :"At least we need to know who are the people in the list."

Tony :"Already on it captain, friday capture the image and see if you can find thos people in the files."

Friday :"Yes, sir."

Justice League.

Ms.Martian :"Oh No."

Wonder woman :"What the hell are all those union people doing?" she is now angry at the unions people who led this slide.

They are surprised of the list of many people who are been bribed by this people and those people are smuggling all those containers in union city for who knows how long. Batman see this was mad at the union heroes, he actually didn't trust any of them, also the principlas because they are incompetent. Later this he will investigate union city and the heroes. He also take a picture of the list of the people in the screen.


The ninja see this and very angry at the union people because they let it slip, also they are doing it for years, this make ninja rage, he take all the files and other scedules of the next shipment and the place where it will be placed, he burned down the factory and the shipment, he goes outside without any trace.


The world is now in shocked and of what they see, they just see illegal shipment to the academy and the people who bribed them are the one who is defending union city, they are also shocked to see this have been go for years and no one is finding out about it. The people who are happy are the villains because they can see that the so called heroes are not good and kind as they see.

League of villains

The villain are happy if what they see in the screen

Toga :"Hahahaha, now they are exposed and the whole world can see it." she is grinning.

Spinner :"Agreed no they can see that they so called heroes are not what they think." he is happy that the world will know the heroes true attention.The others like dabi, shigaraki, AFO, etc are smiling and laughing madly at this.

Salem palace.

Salem :"Hmph, now the world will know the true intentions of the union, now ozpin what will you do now?" she is smilling evilly at this.

The others are also very happy at this and now the union will fall apart and crumble.

Khaos brigade.

Bikou :"Well looks like the union will be fucked up."

Kuroka :"Of course they are, the secrets are exposed and it is worse because they are not realized it for years." she stated the obvious.

Cao cao :"Hmph, the so called heroes are disgraced, the true heroes will be us." he said to the descendants of the heroes from the past.

Somewhere unknown

"Talia, I need you find this ninja and see of you can make him to our side," said the man in robe, he is Ra's al ghul.

"Yes father, I willsearch for him," This beautiful and hot lady, who has brown hair and green eyes is Talia al ghul.