
Re:Zero Tortured

A fresh take on Re:Forgotten Subaru a boy forgotten by the world has reached his lowest point. His contracted spirit betrayed him. Tortured by his own friends And wants to die But when a few witches decide to help him his rise has finally begun.

Lemonman12 · Tranh châm biếm
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15 Chs

New Family




That was what Subaru was doing with his weak body

Running hurt

Every step hurt his feet

Every breath made his throat itch

Yet Subaru pressed on as while Running away he felt a new sensation along with the pain his body brought

As he ran, he felt free

Freedom from imprisonment

Freedom to pursue any path he wanted

And it was because of this Subaru smiled

Sure, Subaru knew he had many hardships to come

But he would do everything in his power to avoid conflict until he was absolutely ready.

Subaru looking back and seeing that Lugincia was but a small speck in the distance stopped running and collapsed to the ground panting

"*pant* pant* Wow *cough* that was... exhausting but man am I glad that your spirits can boost my physical abilities with what's it called... mana boosters? Anyways thank you cause without you I would still be in prison."

"I'll accept your praise"

"Yay praise"

"Glad to help"

"I'm only doing my job I suppose."

Subaru's six contracted spirits replied

Subaru spread his arms and legs out to stretch them a little bit

Subaru stared at the sky and thought about his relationship with his spirits

If he was going to live with them permanently wouldn't it be polite to call them by a name?

"You know spirits... or girls since you all possess feminine voices if we're going to be contracted for life, (Strikes a pose while on the ground) I say we all call each other by names not just you but also me."

"Umm Subaru, you may not know this but usually lesser spirits don't have names. We just exist so we aren't named."

"Well, there is a simple solution to this problem, if you don't have names... would you like a nickname?"

The spirits were surprised to hear this.

Usually, humans just use spirits for a power boost

But Subaru seemed different

Not just his naturally high spirit affinity

But as a person, Subaru just seemed different

"Yes please."

"Yes please Subaru"


"We'll only because the others agreed"

"If you insist that I must take a nickname, then I shall do so."

"Sounds lovely"

"Ok, ok, now for the hard part. Choosing who goes first."

Subaru looked at his six spirits

"Who wants to go first?"

As expected, Subaru was met by all his spirits begging for him to pick them first

Subaru smiled

"Well then since we can't decide I shall do the only reasonable thing... First to touch my hand gets picked."

The spirits hearing this dashed towards the hand Subaru raised

Each trying to get their first

If they had physical forms they could be trying to push each other out of the way

In the end, after a very quick race, the fire spirit had made it to Subaru's hand first

"Alright then Fire spirit you're up first."

Subaru began to think of worthy and fitting names for his fire spirit

This name needed to make people feel hot just by speaking it

It needed that spark

That intense heat

Then it came to Subaru

Subaru pointed at his fire spirit and announced her name

"Spirit of fire, after considering the very essence of fire and what makes you burn I have decided to refer you by the Genius name... Blaise."

Blaise Began to shine brightly

Subaru could feel a calm warmth emitting off of her

And because of their contract, Subaru could feel that Blaise was extremely happy with this name

"It's a great name. Thank you, Thank you."

Blaise said while dancing around Subaru

"I knew it was perfect, I am a master at naming things after all. Now then runner up for that race it's your turn to receive a name."

Subaru points to the water spirit

Water was basically the opposite of fire

Unlike Blaise's name which was hot and energetic

This name would have to be calm and cool

Something befitting of a water spirit.

Ahhh, how could Subaru miss this name

He had decided on a name

"Ok since you're a water spirit that means your name must feel completely different to Blaise's. I've thought about names that make you feel calm, and I've got it, I've thought of the perfect name for you... Nice to meet ya... Aqua."

Aqua just Like Blaise was very happy with her new first name

Aqua felt extremely graceful that Subaru was kind enough to take the time to bond with his spirits, most humans don't do that.

Aqua floated up to Subaru's cheek and softly rubbed it

While Aqua didn't have a physical form, she used a little bit of healing magic so Subaru could feel it

"It's a very nice name, thank you Subaru. I promise to honour the name you've given me for all eternity."

Subaru points to the earth spirit

"I'll do you now."

Ahhh earth is such a hard-headed element

And certainly, the toughest element of them all

Subaru needed a name that while it gave the message of the spirit being sturdy it also needed the message that Earth is a strong element.

Strong and Sturdy hmm

Subaru turned to his Earth spirit

"Ok Earth spirit, you need a name that's down to earth while also getting the message across that you're both strong and sturdy. How about Toph?

Toph was pleased

Toph did sound like a tough name, so she liked it

"Yeah, sounds perfect. I mean that names probably perfect for any earth spirit."

Subaru points to the wind spirit

"Alright, it's your turn I hope you don't lose your hat when I blow you away with this name."

"Subaru I don't wear a hat I suppose."

"...N-no it's a figure of speech... anyways give me a second to think."

Wind spirit

Subaru wanted to continue with the element name puns for each spirit

Now for a good wind name

Blowey... no sounds to... obvious

Stormy... no not creative enough

Subaru wanted to use a name that originated from his world

So Subaru decided to turn to the one culture that had all the good names

In Greek mythology, there's a god who's known as the keeper of winds

It makes sense to name her after him

"Ok, Spirit of wind, I have a name that will just blow you away. I want to call you... Aeolus."

Aeolus gladly accepted the name

It sounded like a very acceptable name

One which all people should speak of with respect

"It's acceptable I suppose, only barely though."

Subaru looks to the Yang spirit

"Alright, your turn. Now then let's see..."

Subaru didn't know that much about the Yang element besides its buffing effects and having something to do with light

But Subaru could tell that his Yang spirit seemed to have a level of maturity above the others.

So he needed a name that reflected her shining side

Subaru had a few ideas, but finally one stood out to him

Subaru pointed at his Yang spirit

"Alright Spirit of Yang, I wanted to give you a name that both reflects your shining side. How's Eon?"

Eon was beaming

Eon was indeed extremely happy with her name but remained calm as she thanked Subaru

"It truly is a marvellous name, Thank you Subaru."

Subaru turned to his Yin sprit

The slowest in the race

"And here we are, the finale name to be given by me, Yin... I'll give you a name that you will never forget."

Subaru began to think

"Now what's Yin related?" Subaru thought to himself

Yin magic was dark scary magic, while mainly been known for its ability to weaken enemies or more accurately de-buff them, Subaru had seen the true extent of Yin magic

During his fight with the great Rabbit, a spell was cast that ended the fight instantly

It was an Al-Shamak

Subaru never knew Yin was so devastating, and since Shamak type moves were the only magic, he could cast by himself, Subaru decided to honour the one spell that helped him through thin and thick

Subaru would name his Yin spirit after his one and only spell

"Ok, Spirit of Yin, The name I'm about to tell you is inspired by the only spell I've cast by myself, If you don't like it that's ok but do consider it. How about Shami?"

Shami could tell this name meant something to Subaru.

Could he only cast Shamak spells by himself?

Usually, someone with a high spirit affinity is decent with magic

"Shami hmm... yes I love it, this will be a name I treasure till the day I die."

Subaru smiled happily

Each spirit accepted the names he chose for them

Subaru hopped that he and his spirits would grow much closer as time passed.

"Alright girls listen up, I don't think we properly introduced ourselves at the prison or even during the time we spent stealing Appa's in the capital. I say we start over from zero and build a relationship from that."

Subaru points to the sky, striking one of his many cool poses

"Hello, my name is Natsuki Subaru, I'm broke, weak and completely lost. And I really, really need someone to rely on as I grow stronger. Would you six please support me, if you agree I'll give you my absolute friendship. That is a promise."

The spirits were quiet for a second.

They were a little confused about why Subaru their contractor wanted to do this.

But Aqua kind of understood the reason so she joined Subaru in his greetings

"Hello Subaru, my name is Aqua, I'm a lesser spirit of water. And I will gladly lend you my strength and support if you keep your promise."

Subaru smiled

After Aquas introduction, the other spirits decided to join in

Toph went next

"Alright then, listen up, my names are Toph, I'm a super strong lesser spirit of earth. I'll lend you, my strength."

Eon was about to speak when Shami began to glow

Shami glowed brightly and then grew slightly bigger

She had evolved

Subaru was confused

"What just happened to Shami... you've grown?"

"It appears I've evolved from a lesser spirit to a Quasi spirit... that very odd I'm hardly 17 years old. I thought that I would have had to wait at least a few decades before reaching this form."

Subaru Just stared at Shami confused

"Wait how long does it take for a lesser spirit to evolve normally?"

Eon decided to give Subaru a short lesson with the knowledge she possessed

"Subaru, usually it takes multiple decades for a lesser spirit to evolve. What's just transpired here is nothing short of miracle work. But it's odd, I'm 20 years old yet even with three years of experience on Shami she somehow evolved before us."

"Is there a reason for why that is?" Subaru asked through the contact

"I cannot say for sure, but we can all tell that your natural gate produces Yin magic. So maybe you and Shami are simply more compatible with each other. However, this is just a theory I could be right or wrong."

"Interesting, so Shami gets an extra buff by contracting me, well if she evolved this quickly what about all of you? Can you tell if you're about to evolve or not?"

"No, spirits cannot tell when they're about to evolve, nor can we track how much progress we've made to that point. I suppose it just pounces on you one day when you least expect it." Aeolus stated

"Even so, I hope we all evolve quickly, I'm a proud fire spirit, I can't be falling behind to spirits contracted to my contractor," Blaise said getting fired up

"Ok if that's all soughed out let's continue with the introductions."

Eon cleared up her... throat?

I mean she coughed as to imitate a human clearing their throat even though she in fact, being a mana ball didn't have one

"Well then, Hello Subaru my name is Eon. I am a lesser spirit of Yang, and I would love to lend you, my strength. As a spirit that is literally one of the only reasons we exist."

"...Alright then who's next?"

Aeolus floated closer to Subaru

"Hmph, my name is Aeolus, a prestigious name which you better not forget. And I expect you to praise me if you desire my strength."

"Sounds fair... what about you Shami?"

"H-Hello Subaru, my name is Shami, I'm a Quazi spirit of Yin magic and ill lend you all my strength."

"Blaise, to end off these lovely introductions would you end it for us?"

"Sure, ok my name is Blaise, Ima lesser spirit of fire, I specialise in burring things down. Just ask and ill help ya out of any situation.

"Alright now that we've all formally introduced ourselves, I hope we can grow to be really close."

All the spirits floated around exited saying some variation of yes

"Ok, ok. I've rested for enough."

Subaru stood up

"Ok Eon please continue floating towards this Karargi, the sooner we arrive the better."

"Subaru, not that I'm criticizing the fact that you're planning to walk across the entire planet... but wouldn't it be easier to rent a dragon carriage?

"Well, firstly we both know that I kind of can't communicate with anyone else besides you girls cause of my throat's most unfortunate condition. That's the first problem, the next problem is I'm dead broke so unless I steal a dragon carriage which would attract unwanted attention towards me, I can't get one. But even if I could afford to rent one, I still wouldn't. I'm not one hundred percent certain if this is right or not but theirs a chance that purchases might be recorded and if say two knights were trying to find me, those documents would help them out way too much. So we're walking, walking's free and hardly leaves any trails behind for someone to follow."

"If you don't mind me asking Subaru, why are two knights after you? No matter what your answer is I promise I'll stick by your side, and you don't have to answer me, however, it would be appreciated." Blaise said asking politely

"Ahhh yeah that's fine, The reason two knights might be hunting me down right now is that I've been accused of being a witch cultist and was sentenced without trial."

Are you a part of the Witch's cultist? Not that I care but I am simply curious I suppose?" Aeolus spoke

"Nope, I hate the witch cult. I hate them so much that If I had the power to I would personally exterminate each one of them. However, speaking of things, I hate, they are only number two on my list."

"Who's number one?" Asked Toph

"I will not speak their cursed names, but the position of number one is shared by two knights."

"Where did this hate stem from?" Asked Aqua

"I don't want to talk about it just yet ok, I'm currently trying to suppress those memories until the day comes when I can do something about them."

"That's understandable." Said Toph

"Anyways Eon please lead the way to Karargia?" Subaru said getting back on topic

Eon began to move at an above jogging speed

She wanted Subaru to not collapse from exhausting

Even with her buffs and Aqua constantly healing him, it didn't quite compensate for his body's condition, but it helped.

Location: Roswaal Manor

Emilia, Beatrice and Ram had returned from the capital, all very upset at the event that had just unfolded

Ram was in the best mood, while it was a little sad that Subaru got tortured while she and the others did nothing about it, Ram just wanted to see her little sister who she finally remembered. Ram knew Rem would probably be upset about Subaru's condition, but she would try to help her through the difficult part.

Beatrice had red eyes, from all the crying, she remembered the day she condemned him, she broke her own contract... a contract that had brought her such happiness and good memories. She Recalled the things she said to him over and over trying to make sense of it.

"Stay alert Emilia"


"He's a witch cultist"

Painful Memories

"We used to be close Beako."

Excruciating Memories

"Don't you dare call me that"

Memories that hurt

"Another step forward and you die!"

Memories that brought endless pain to the great spirit

"Reinhard Please take care of this Cultist."

Memories that tore the poor girl in half

"Check me for a contract we are contracted!"

Memories that brought the greatest shame to Beatrice

"How dare you! Forcing a contact with a great spirit is despicable I suppose! You're a filthy cultist and nothing more! This is what I think of your supposed contact."

Memories that made Beatrice want to do nothing more than run up to Subaru hug him as tight as she could and beg for forgiveness

"Away with you now Betty has seen enough I suppose."

Beatrice's last memory of Subaru was him crying his eyes out with tears of hurt and betrayal written all over his face

Beatrice felt all alone now

Her memories of contacting Emilia were the actual fake contact

After Subaru's name was eaten her memories of him were replaced with Puck asking her to contact Emilia

But that was nothing more than a fake memory, Beatrice would not contract with some half-elf while her Subaru was out there somewhere

Beatrice didn't know how, but she would do everything she could to make amends with Subaru.

Emilia was broken, she allowed the most amazing person in her life to just goes like that. She just watched and did nothing to support him as Beatrice accused him and Reinhard took him away. Emilia owed an endless debt to Subaru, he was the sole reason she even had a chance of winning the throne. If he joined another camp Emilia knew he would easily make them win the race to the throne. And he could have easily asked them for wealth or power in return. Yet he stayed with her because he loved her. He has said it many times and genially meant it. Yet how did she repay him? By ignoring his cries for help and letting him fall into a fate reserved for only the absolute worst of people. Emilia's mind struggled to believe that she had caused Subaru such great pain.

As the Three entered the manor they were greeted by Frederica the maid.

"Welcome back Emilia-sama, it's great to hear that your exhibition went well."

"Hello Frederica please gather everyone to the dining table, we have an urgent matter to discuss immediately," Emilia said sternly

"Right away Emilia-sama."

Frederica bowed before running off

Frederica ran off as Emilia, Beatrice and Ram made their way to the table


Everyone had gathered as per Emilia's request

"Alright you may be wondering why we've gathered you here, well we have a few important announcements to say. Firstly, I am not Lady Beatrice's contractor."

"Tc'eh hella ye talking about?" Said Garfeil

"If yourrrrrr not Lady Beatrice's contractor then whooooo is?" Said Roswaal in his usual accent completely unaware that his entire night was about to be ruined

Beatrice had a pained expression as she said his name

"It's Subaru Natsuki."

Silence fell upon the table

"Who ta hell is... w-where IS MA CAPTIN!?!" Garfeil yelled in shock

"Subaru-kun? What do you mean? Why isn't Rem's hero standing here with us if he contracted Beatrice-sama?" Rem spoke concerned for her hero

"Subaru-sama?! How could I have forgotten the man who did so much for me?!" Otto's face had a horrified expression

"Ahhhh Subaru-kunnnnn how could we forget you?" Said Roswaal not breaking his smile. But deep, deep down he was freaking out. Had he truly forgotten the one person who can carve a path for his dreams to flourish

"WHERE IS MA CAPTAIN?!" Garfeil shouted

Emilia let a tear fall

"W-we don't know..."

"Emillia-sama how could you just lose Subaru-kun, someone as great as him should be impossible to lose."

"Ta fuck do ya mean YE DONT KNOW?!" Garfeils gave off a dangerous expression

Beatrice stood up allowing her mana to flow

"WE DON'T KNOW I SUPPOSE!" Beatrice screamed with tears in her eyes.

"Well, that begs the obvious question of what happened to Subaru." Said, Frederica

"His name was eaten by Gluttony... and I accused him of being a witch cultist I suppose." Beatrice said with pained breaths

Otto's eyes widened in horror

Garfeil was emitting a dangorus aura

Roswaal looked distraught

Rem was speechless

"No way, you know what happens to people that are suspected of being part of the witch's cult r-right?" Otto said with sweat coming down his head

Beatrice didn't respond

"Beatrice-sama... w-what did you do to Rem's hero?" Rem spoke visibly angery

Beatrice didn't make eye contact with the maid

"Ye Bitch, DIDN'T HE SHOW YA HIS BLOODY CONTRACT?!" Garfeil wanted to rip Beatrice in half as he spoke only not doing so because he would probably be stopped by Roswaal or Beatrice herself




Otto held a disappointed look as he asked the next question

"And Emilia-sama, what were you doing as all this transpired?"

Emilia began to cry

"I-I-i watched, I did n-nothing but watch as he was sent away..."

"Well... stopped a great calamity, helped take down a couple of sin Archbishop's and this is how he's repaid." Otto clenched his fist drawing blood

Roswaal was looking down with eyes visibly scarred Subaru was supposed to be his ticket to achieve his goals, Roswaal understood that Subaru is as equally important as Emilia in achieving his goals. Without Subaru Emilia stood no chance of winning.

"So, Emilia-sama what happens now?" Roswaal spoke without his usual accent or tone surprising a few listeners

"Isn't it obvious? We track Subaru down; Reinhard has already been sent to Subaru's cell to use his divine protections to gather information and once that's done we can begin locating him." Said Ram

Hearing this a few members attitudes changed just slightly

Garfeil was a tad concerned that Subaru may not be too friendly when they reunite

"Do ya think he wil'l wanna see us after all dat?"

Emilia smiled

"Subaru he's always been the type to forgive and grow from experiences, that's what makes him so unique. But I'm not sure this once, what's happened to Subaru is something no person should ever experience. Subaru probably won't want to come back easily." Emilia showed a face of pure pained determination

"But we will get our hero back." She finished stoically

Rem smiled at the idea

"If Rem must she will search non-stop for her hero. And if he needs it Rem will supply him with all the love and affection I can."

"Maid only Betty is in a position to give Subaru affection, after all, I am contracted to him I suppose... was... will be again I hope.

Petra quietly spoke, "Will Subaru ever forgive us?" The small maid said feeling shame that she couldn't help her love and hero.

Federica put her arms around the young maid

"Petra, Subaru's just been through the worst experience anybody could ever experience. Some might even call it hell... so it's very likely that Subaru won't be very open to seeing us for a while."

Petra looked down saddened by the elder maids' words

Emilia turned to Garfeil

"Garfeil, would you give up being my knight when Subaru returns?"


Knock knock

"Ohhhh it seemmmsss we have company, please let them in Ram and Rem." Roswaal spoke with less energy in his voice

"Yes Roswaal-sama"

"Yes Roswaal-sama"

The two maid sisters went to the door

And when they opened it they saw Reinhard the sword saint and Felt.

"Excuse the intrusion but I have information about Subaru that you might find interesting."

"This Dummy took way too long to get almost no information."

"I'm sorry that I disappointed you Felt-sama future queen of-"

"Shut up already and let's go in."

"Yes Felt-sama"

As the Maids walked Reinhard and Felt over to the table Rem couldn't help but feel extremely excited that he might know where Subaru-kun is

Felt seemed to be wearing a blank expression which was quite odd since she always had a fiery expression

"Greetings, I apologise for the sudden intrusion, but I have some information about Subaru."

Emilia looked at the Saint with excitement in her eyes

"Yes, what is it?"

"Firstly, I found by using my Divine protection's that Spirit magic was used in that area meaning that Subaru somehow used spirits to escape. And secondly, the guards while spotting Subaru leaving saw nobody with him."


Beatrice felt betrayed

"Bettys Subaru used spirits... but b-but?" Beatrice struggled with the very concept that Subaru replaced her for abandoning him, sure it would make sense, but the thought hurt far too much for Beatrice to accept.

"Don't worry Beatrice, I'm sure he didn't contact any of them, he just used them to escape a desperate situation," Emilia said trying to calm Beatrice down knowing how torn the great spirit must be

"So, he escaped on his own? Wow, Subaru-sama truly is amazing huh?" Said Otto trying to lift the room's spirits

"Wait do you know where he is I suppose?" Asked Beatrice

"Unfortunately, no, this dummy was only able to get that much information, would you believe we spent half an hour at that prison for such small results?"

"What now?" Asked Emilia

"Well, Emilia-sama you will be glad to know that both Our Camp Crusch' Camp and Anastasia camps have agreed to form an alliance to find Subaru and of course, your camp may lead this operation if you wish."

Emilia with a stern look replied

"With our four camps combined resources and might we will find my missing knight... I promise."