
RE: World's Strongest Summoner

Long story short, Tyler died while saving a little kid. When he thought that his journey was over, Tyler suddenly found himself in another world! A world full of wonders, hidden dangers, and powerful creatures. Accompany our protagonist as he aims for greatness.

_Nero · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Chapter 9 - Surprise!

After experimenting different things, Arthur felt tired because of his mana being drained down to its last point.

He asked Lucia and Kent if whether they would want to stay here or rest inside his domain. Only Kent went inside his domain to rest, leaving Lucia and Arthur alone in the room.

"Lucia, do you want to sleep? I wanna rest." Arthur asked as he pointed at his bed.

Lucia's cheeks reddened at Arthur's words. She didn't know what to say! She fidgeted before giving a stuttered reply, "I-I'm good, master. Please take your well deserved rest."

Arthur tilted his head, he didn't know why Lucia became fidgety. He just shrugged and threw himself on to his bed, half a minute later snores could be heard from his room.

Lucia looks at Arthur in disbelief, her face turned red due to her own embarrassment and pouted.

"You dare tease me, master? Just you wait." Lucia walked towards Arthur's bed and sits down. She played with his hair as she watched over him.

. . .

When Arthur woke up he was surprised because right in front of him was a beauty like no other. It was none other than Lucia.

Arthur couldn't help but stare at her unearthly beauty. Lucia's cherry colored juicy lips parted a little and her soft breathing could be felt. She looked really peaceful and this also affected Arthur, he swears in his heart that he would protect this peacefulness at all costs.

He couldn't contain himself; he reached out and caresses Lucia's head.

Lucia's body flinched for a moment before her eyes slowly opened. Arthur didn't retracted his hand and continued to caress her.

"M-master?!" Lucia unconsciously raised her voice when she noticed that Arthur was in front of her and was caressing her head!

She slept! What a blunder!

She was about to get up when Arthur spoke up first, "Just a little bit longer if that's okay with you." He wanted to enjoy this moment of peace for a little bit longer.

Seeing Arthur's warm and sincere gaze, she couldn't have the heart to say no. What's more, she enjoyed his caresses that was full of affection and care.

Lucia closed her eyes and silently accepted Arthur's caresses. Not long after, both of them slept as they drifted to dream land.

The two of them were not aware of the problem that was about to come.

. . .

"Mother, is everything ready?" Elisse asked with excitement in her voice.

"Almost!" Lylia also felt excited.

The mood of the Astraea today is over the top! Why? It was because today is a very special day!

A celebration for Arthur for successfully becoming an Evolver!

The family's table was filled with delicacies to the brim! There were Unranked Claw Lobsters, Unranked Needle Fish, First Tier Carnivore Cabbage and the highlight was a big portion of Third Tier Flame Boar's meat that was perfectly roasted! Of course, we can't forget about the desserts!

The first floor was designed with glitters and other things that would make a party lively. All of this were done by Elisse and Lylia, surprisingly the cook of the family was the boys; especially someone like Regas.

Why get in to so much trouble of preparing simple things like these when they're one of the powerhouses in the kingdom? It's simple, because the Astraea family preferred to spend real quality time with each other on a special day of a family member than to exchange fake pleasantries with other families.

That's why they didn't went out of their way to invite annoying people and just prepared a simple yet extravagant surprise party for Arthur.

Even the oldest, Zeke and the second, Elisse didn't experience this kind of surprise; only Arthur. Why? Because he's the youngest isn't it obvious?

But contrary to other siblings who would get jealous if they didn't get the treatment the other was getting; Zeke and Elisse loves Arthur so much. So instead of getting jealous, they felt great happiness for Arthur instead.

"I'm glad that Art is still asleep. We got enough time to prepare." Zeke joined the conversation before putting the mushroom soup he just made on the table. This was the last dish for Arthur's surprise party!

Zeke and Regas learned about Arthur's adventure yesterday from Lylia and Elisse, who took turns on telling Arthur's tale.

The both of them were shocked and surprise upon learning what kind of creatures Arthur have faced!

That's why Regas and Zeke went all out on their cooking for Arthur.

"Speaking of Art, wake him up, Elisse." Regas also joined.

Elisse stood up and saluted like she was a soldier being commanded by someone with a higher position than her.

She walked away in hurried steps and quickly arrived at Arthur's door. She didn't even knock on the door, she just went ahead and opened it.

"Art- !" Elisse shouted but couldn't continue when she saw an unbelievable scene in front of her.

Arthur was laying down on the bed and beside him was a woman who was also fast asleep. A beautiful woman, probably the most beautiful person Elisse have ever seen in her life. Elisse could tell that the woman was more curvaceous than she is even with that maid uniform covering her body. What's more, Arthur's hand was on the waist of the woman and was treating her as a pillow.

However, for Elisse that was not it at all! Arthur and the woman looked like a married couple from Elisse's point of view.

Elisse activated a skill which greatly enhanced her speed. She vanishes from the spot and appeared downstairs to where Zeke, Regas and Lylia is.

"Kyyaaaaa!" Elisse squealed as she cupped her face, there was a tinge of redness on her cheeks.

"Why what happened?!" Lylia asked.

"Did you see Arthur changing again? I told you many times that you should knock first!" Regas reprimanded her once again. Sigh. Arthur is a growing boy,

"Sis, you're noisy." Zeke grumbled as he covered his ears and glared at her.

"Arthur is sleeping with a girl beside him! Kyaaaa~" She squealed once again.

"Oh is that so, honey?" Lylia sighed in relief.

"Can't you just let him be?" Regas once again reprimanded her.

"Why make such a fuss, sis?" Zeke rolled his eyes at Elisse.

Honestly, sometimes Elisse just loves to make some scene. Arthur is just sleeping with a girl what's wrong with that?




""WHAT?!"" The three of them shouted at the same time.

They didn't wait for Elisse's confirmation when they all sprinted with all their might towards Arthur's room.

The door of Arthur's room was already open so they got in quickly. There they saw the scene that Elisse saw earlier.

However, there was a bit of change, Lucia was now also holding Arthur's waist and was also treating him as a body pillow.

"Kyaaaaa!" Lylia squealed, now they know where Elisse took after.

"I'm proud of you, my son!" Regas said, there was a big grin on his face.

"Why Arthur?! Why must you get ahead of me, whyyyy!?" Zeke kneeled as he brawled his eyes out.

Due to the commotion being caused by the four, Lucia's eyelids flinched and her eyes flashed open.

Her eyes contracted like a needle before she disappeared from her position with speed that was not meant for her level. She appeared right beside Elisse and struck out her hand like a knife towards Elisse's head!

Elisse had her guard down the entire time simply because they were in their house, she couldn't react to Lucia's attack.

"Die, filthy human." She coldly said.

But before her hand could pierce Elisse's head, Regas who was near Elisse managed to block Lucia's attack.

"Tsk!" Having her attack fail, she backed away and landed beside Arthur.

Seeing that someone who attacked Elisse went towards Arthur, Lylia's body began to catch fire.

Zeke took out his sword, Elisse woke herself up and also did the same. Regas raised his hands and assumed a boxer's stance.

"Master! We have intruders!" Lucia exclaimed and nudged Arthur.

When they heard Lucia's words, a look of confusion filled their faces.

""Master?/Intruders?"" They all questioned Lucia.

It was at that moment when Arthur woke up and instantly assumed a fighting stance. He gathered his mana and was about to attack when his head cleared up.

"Mom, Dad?" He looked at them confused.

Lucia's entire body froze as she looked at Arthur, "They're your family, master?"

Arthur could only nod, he looked so confused as to what was happening right now.

"Art, who is she?!" Elisse asked. She was the one who almost died here so she couldn't help but raise her voice.

"Ummm... " Arthur thought for a moment before he continued, "Surprise?"