
I Dreamed a Dream pt. 3

The pain didn't register quickly. Blood then trickled down from the side of her mouth, making her eyes red in grievances. She stopped her feeble attempts of resistance and gawked. She was shocked because she had never been hit so rudely before.

The leader grabbed Helen on the ground and roughly pulled her hair. She could only let out a weak groan, her hands grasping the man's arm. Ignoring her, the man tilted her head to the side and stared at the area behind the woman's right ear. There, he saw a hollow triangle, which is the symbol for fire and the goddess' Feronia's mark. Her descendants bear this same mark on their body which is an indication of their bloodline.

Confirming that she was their target, the leader pushed her to his people without a hint of kindness.

"Tie her up!"

Nadia woke up from her daze and saw the people tying her mother up so she began to resist again. 

"No! Mommy! Mommy!" Nadia's tears soaked her cheeks and blurred her eyes.