

A guy that has been reborn as a legend within the dragon ball universe... With a system of course :). Update schedule: This series is for fun, so when I get time. Depending on how well it does.

PettiaMius_6689 · Tranh châm biếm
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76 Chs

A Horrifying power...

~ Omni Pov, with Daiko... ~




The atmosphere shifted... A green, thick, and flame-like aura warped the very air itself as if anyone and anything under its cover was suppressed...

And the one who brought about these changes is none other than the young Daiko...




"𝑹𝒀𝒀𝑨𝑨𝑨𝑨𝑯𝑯𝑯𝑯!!!!!!" Daiko shouted. His hair rose. His muscles building far beyond their normal capacity. His power increasing exponentially, and the cause of it all, could do nothing but be shocked and afraid...

The ice golem prepared itself, it knew that whatever this was, is a crisis it had never seen before. A chaotic being with pure wrath on its mind...

Daiko floated off the ground powering up unconsciously, as if it was natural to him. As he rose from the icy ground his ki created a sphere-like crater...

His mouth was now over-saturated with drool, like a wild beast ready to tear its prey apart. A chaotic and sadistic smile now graced his face...

His target is now found...

"𝑺𝑶 𝒀𝑶𝑼'𝑹𝑬 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑶𝑵𝑬 𝑾𝑯𝑶 𝑫𝑰𝑫 𝑻𝑯𝑰𝑺 𝑻𝑶 𝑴𝑬? 𝑨 𝑷𝑰𝑻𝒀 𝒀𝑶𝑼'𝑳𝑳 𝑯𝑨𝑽𝑬 𝑻𝑶 𝑫𝑰𝑬 𝑵𝑶𝑾... 𝑯𝒂𝒉𝒂... 𝑯𝑨𝑯𝑨𝑯𝑨𝑯𝑨𝑯𝑨!!!!!" Daiko said, laughing maniacally. His voice now containing a psychotic baritone...

Yet in the same instant. The boy clutched his head in pain. As if the power he was receiving was both a blessing and a curse...

The golem seeing this subconsciously stepped back... In all its life, it never faced something emitting such violence... as if it was chaos itself stood in front of it...

Daiko laughed at the fear the creature displayed.

In an instant, Daiko disappeared.

The golem looked around frantically. It wondered where the creature could have disappeared to.

As it looked in front of itself, it felt an ominous presence behind itself...


The golem quickly used its ice strike, trying to end the creature before it...

However, as the ice attack launched itself, it melted before it could even touch the boy's physique. His aura itself emits enough power to burn the very surroundings.

The ice shards that were once penetrating his very bones, now melted away, leaving gaping holes. But the wounds never stopped him, if anything it filed him even more...

Daiko then grabbed onto the golem's neck, destroying its body in an instant, yet leaving its core alive...




This sick process lasted over the last minutes, with the golem regenerating just for its efforts to be thwarted over and over again.

However, Daiko had fun, but it was clear he was getting bored...

A green ki ball formed in his palms. His energy needed to be released. Its constant growth brought pain and such begot even more rage... A cycle repeating over and over again...


"𝙋𝙀𝙍𝙄𝙎𝙃!!!!" Daiko shouted, launching the attack, with more than enough power to eviscerate the creature hundreds of times over...



The attack left a large creator in the ground and Daiko... he simply stood there. His laughter became more manic as the seconds went by...

But his power just never stopped growing. His energy never ran out. It was hurting. His body couldn't handle all that power in excess...

"𝑨𝑹𝑮𝑮𝑯𝑯𝑯!!!! 𝑰-𝑻... 𝑰𝑻 𝑯𝑼𝑹𝑻𝑺... 𝑻𝑶𝑶 𝑴𝑼𝑪𝑯, 𝑷𝑶𝑾𝑬𝑹!!!!!" Daiko shouted. His energy climbed as the pain induced even more rage. He then floated up in the sky.

He then released all the energy at an explosive rate, far more than he can gain with each moment that passed...

And with the pain still existing, no enemies in sight coupled with the dispense of his energy... it didn't take long for his body to finally wear out.

With the rage finally subsiding he fell unconscious...





[Congratulations to the host for meeting the requirements for unlocking the 'Ikari/wrathful' state...]

[Items from special mob have dropped... The passive skill 'Minor Ki-Sense' and 'Frost scythe'...]

[Due to the massive level difference and the initial power difference, the original EXP from the battle has doubled... Since the host has killed his first 'semi-boss' EXP has doubled once again... Calculating the total EXP reward... The host has received 1,342,000 EXP for killing a level 63 Special Frost Golem...]

[You have leveled up...]

[You have leveled up...]

[You have leveled up...]

[You have leveled up...]




[Your injuries have been fully recovered due to leveling up...]

[Your passive skill has triggered. You have received a 1.5x increase on top of your base power...]






~ Daiko's Pov... ~


'W-What happened?' I thought looking around the area. My mind felt like it's been through hell and back...

'Why is the place filled with craters?...' I said to myself, slowly gathering my bearings...

The place was littered with massive holes, as far as my eye could see at least... I can feel my energy scattered and lingering around...

'I must have gone berserk... Seems like the typical after-effect...' I quickly concluded.

No life was in sight. However, that was the least of it.

My power... it felt incredible... far, far more powerful than I thought it would be...

'I need to head home... And I definitely need to sort myself out...' I thought to myself.

I quickly flew away to where my ship was...





~ Omni Pov, on planet Vegeta... ~

The planet was in shock, any decently powerful person could feel it, with energy that high, it was impossible not to... Just a moment ago, they felt a power that was unrelenting, demonic in a sense. It was growing with no intent to stop.

Yet what frightened them most was that it vanished...

And the ones who were in more turmoil were none other than King and the prince...




"I-I-MPOSSIBLE! T-That energy... why does it feel so much like...-" The king said.

"D-Daiko's!" The prince finished. His body trembled at the pressure the power exuded.

The king hears his son's response. Shook his head.

"N-No, it must be something similar. Daiko should be dead. A planet with beings that powerful is more than enough for him... It MUST have been another entity a powerful one at that." The king chalked up the energy as delusion...

The Prince in turmoil, shook his head.

"O-Of course! That couldn't possibly be him. That energy reading is far too potent. They must have much similar ki's." The prince uttered, convincing himself that what he was saying is true, no. That it was gospel...





~ Omni Pov, With Daiko... ~




As Daiko drew closer to his ship, an overpowering excitement washed over him... However, an equal amount of dread did too...

As he made it toward the familiar tundra cave. He flew down.

"Open!" He said. The ship did so.

He wasted no time in heading in. He then calmed himself...

"Status!" He said.





Name: Daiko

Age: 1.6 years Old+

Height: 3 ft, 1 inch

Race: Mutant Siayan-100%

Titles: The Legendary Super Saiyan, Mutant Anomaly, Genius

Level: 46/∞

HP (Health Points): STR + END * 5 = 3,281,625/3,281,625 HP

PL/Power Level: (STR) + (AGL) + (END) * 500 = True PL: {489,478,000} - (Forcibly Suppressed to 8,157,967) - Energy regen per second is 0.5% + 0.2% per second

Condition: Healthy

Strength: 325,765

Agility: 322,631

Intelligence: 45

Endurance: 330,560

AP: 96


Eraser Canon Lvl 10/10: This large energy blast will deal +6% more damage per level. The current bonus is +60%.

Mouth Canon Lvl 4/10: This attack lets you unleash the specialty of the Oozaru, it will deal +5% damage per level. The current bonus is +20%.


Gamers Body: Allows your body to function as a game's own, and makes you take statistic/HP damage instead of losing any body part as a consequence.

Gamers Mind: Allows you to keep a calm and focused mindset in stressful or dangerous situations, enabling him to think rationally and make better decisions. It also allows you to quickly analyze surroundings and identify potential threats or weaknesses, as well as learn and remember information more easily. (Warning, you cannot use this perk whilst transformed)

Mutant/Chaotic Ki: Your energy is uncontrollable and extremely potent, and will grow passively because of it. This passive increases your PL modifier by 5 * 100 as a result.

True Saiyan: You have your tail! This passive will increase your energy regeneration by +0.2% per second, as well as enable the ???????? later on. Warning! Losing your tail means that you will lose this passive!

Enhanced Zenkais: When 'injured' - close to a 'near-death' state, your power has a 100% chance to increase by 1.5 x your original base, a 50% chance to trigger the 3 x increase, a 10% to trigger the 10 x increase, and lastly you have the small possibility to trigger the 0.5% 'Super Zenkai' effect which increases your power by 30 x your base.

The Legendary Growth: Your anger increases your power exponentially and permanently, however, you have a 90% chance to lose your sanity and then go berserk as a consequence...

Powerful Mind: Increases your resistance to all mind effects by +50%. This passive also increases the rate at which you gain INT by +25% and control over your ki.

Legendary Potential: Allows you to gain all physical attributes easier, such as STR, AGL, and END by +25%.

Acute senses Lvl 10/10: Your senses are far more potent than most Saiyans. Increase all sense potency by 15% per level. The current bonus is +150%.

Quick to anger: You aren't violent by nature, but you are quick to anger. Increases the chance you get angry in any situation by +15%.

Legendary Physique: Your body is that of legends! You no longer get slowed down when you get larger or bulkier. You now take also take +20% less damage overall.

Genius fighter: You are a highly adaptable fighter by nature and this passive boosts that learning of any martial art technique by +100%.

Maximum energy: Your energy is maximum! What more do you need to know?

Ki-Manipulation Lvl 28/100: Your control over your energy becomes easier as you level up this skill by +2% per level. The current bonus is 56%.

Pain-Resistance Lvl 15/25: Congrats! You are more resistant to pain with this passive. Each level increases your tolerance to pain by +0.5% per level. The current bonus is 7%.

Copy-cat: You can copy almost any martial art technique by simply looking at it once because of your race. Lucky you!

Cold Resistance Lvl 39/50: With this passive, you gain +3% resistance to cold/frost status effects and cold temperatures. Your overall resistance is +117% greater than normal.

Meditation Lvl 17/100: Your mind is tranquil... This passive increases your natural regeneration by +2%, increases your mental fortitude/resistance to bad mental effects by +0.5%, and increases your Ki-manipulation efficacy by +3% per level (The last two effects are permanent even when the host is not actively meditating). The overall bonus is +34%, +8.5%, and +51% respectively.

Observe 5/25: This skill lets you observe an object within your power capabilities. Gives basic information on the target, such as their power levels, names, titles, and their skills...

Evasion 17/100: Increases your chance to evade an attack by +0.5% per level. The current bonus is a +8.5% chance to evade an attack.

Critical eye: You have a better chance of spotting the enemy's weak points.

Quick reflexes Lvl 10/10: Your reflexes are sharp! This passive increases your reflexes by +5% per level. The current bonus is +50%.


Ikari/Wrathful: This is the saiyans Oozaru state channeled into their base... This transformation increases your power by 10x your base. Can be stacked with other transformations. (Requirement that unlocked this form is 25 million base power and overwhelming rage)





"I'm an actual monster... What else can I even say?" Daiko said.

With the memories slowly resurfacing in his mind. He got to feel what the power was like. And how he had behaved in it, but this told him more about what he was...

'Okay... with an educated guess, that little temper tantrum of mine lasted around 7 minutes tops. Not that bad, but this brings serious concerns... When I made that wish with god... I never specified what type of 'incarnation' of the legend I wanted to be...' Daiko thought to himself...

Pondering for a bit he got back to thinking...

He looked at his new form, reading the description, he was happy and then he wasn't...

"Why is Ikari's requirement higher than the regular ssj form, almost 10x it even? Bullshittery much?" Daiko said, frustrated at the requirements. He folded his arms in wonder as to why it was that high...

But, he calmed himself to go back to the topic at hand...

'Anyway, I know for a fact that I was more like super Broly. The ikari form gave that away. But my psychotic personality... that's not 'super' Broly at all, that's more of dbz's Broly... He was just a sicko when transformed... I feel sorry for my future enemies... Anyway... I noticed that I released energy from my body, another characteristic that dbz Broly had because his power was always full. In this sense, he was better than Super Broly, but he fell short on his sheer adaptability. However, what if those traits were in one saiyan? Wouldn't that mean my energy would increase faster than my body could adapt... Wouldn't this also mean that my power would grow faster because it's double/triple overflowing...' Daiko thought.


[+1 INT for figuring that out...]

Daiko simply shrugged, at least this told him that he was right... Somewhat...

"If this is truly the case... then god made me a genuine monster, a fiend if one will... But what if... kale's incarnation was mixed in too? Wouldn't that mean I get access to the better legendary forms as well? Such as the 'True mastered forms'?" Daiko thought. The possibilities were literally endless...

He knew this idea wasn't entirely impossible... He could very well in fact be the incarnation of all three in one being... An amalgamation of what made them, legendary...

With that thought in his mind. He looked at the ceiling of his ship dazed. He rubbed his temple.

"I'm almost as powerful as the king himself, I think... With only minutes of my power growing out of control... on that topic, with energy levels that high. Wouldn't he be able to sense me? I remember in the guide that in movie 8 Broly with a power level of around 1.4 Billion could be sensed all the way from the lookout, and that was with his power exuding. One didn't have to use 'ki sense' to feel the sheer pressure... But wouldn't that also be the same with me...? Oh fuck..." Daiko thought grimacing...








