
Re: Symbiote

An avid reader, found himself reincarnated in a different world as a symbiote.

Shuurai · Tranh châm biếm
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Ability Spoiler

Essence of the Ultimate Symbiote

By drinking from a writhing, questionably liquid substance you've become the personification of a multiverval living abyss known as the ultimate symbionte!

-Your body becomes a formless, writhing mass of impossible flesh. In this state you are practically indestructible and are capable of exercising enough strength to defend yourself and subdued most creatures, however, any abilities and powers you have become unstable and unreliable. You can survive indefinitely on this form but you mind will be assaulted with an urge to seek out and bond to a host, and this urge will grow stronger each day until it becomes irresistible.

-You are able to 'bond' to a host regardless of their consent, but they must be larger than an insect. Once bonded, your body will stretch and envelope your host, forming a bodysuit-like cover over their form, the only natural markings being a color disparity over their eyes, that's it if they have any, this will become your 'default state'. Any powers and abilities you have including essence based ones are only stabilized once you are bonded.

-You have an uncanny ability to freely shapeshift your form in whatever way you wish, this include fully transmuting your form into another material if you wish. With this you can modify your default state in any way you want, making into a mass of bulging muscles, a tangle of wiggling tentacles, a lump of toothy maws and bone spikes, or a combination of all, the possibilities are endless, but be mindful of your host.

-You are able to completely hide yourself within your host body in any way you wish, be it melting inside them and staying just under their skin, concentrating your entire mass into tiny area forming a tattoo or a mole-like dot, or even melting inside their molecular composition seemingly leaving no trace of you behind.

-Once you are hidden, it's impossible to detect you are here no matter the mechanics or method used, you toggle this ability on and off.

-You can not be separated from your host unless by your choice alone. If you ever decides to leave your host, you can choose if your parting would harm or kill them.

-You are able to multiply your host strength, speed, agility and any other corporeal aspects many times their normal capacity, the amount you can unleash is virtually limitless but there is a limit to how much stress your host's body can handle. Of course, you can ignore this and allow for physical feats surpassing even gods, but this will be at the expense of your host's body.

-You are immensely tough, able to withstand forces that would destroy a planet, survive at near absolute zero temperatures or the heart the sun and quickly regenerate from any damage. You are able to protect your host from a similar level of punishment, though you can masterful pretend to be injured and let some damage pass if you want to up the fun and intensity of a fight. It's impossible to tell if you are pretending no matter the method used.

-You are able to absorb, copy or steal any inherent power, knowledge or ability your host has, no matter if they are metaphysical or incorporeal in nature. For example, you might absorb the Gamer power if your host have it, or the capability to use Chakra, or produce mana. As long as your host has them you are able to steal or copy them for yourself.

-You can absorb and learn new powers, skill, or abilities by consuming others, consuming small parts like blood or bits of flesh only gives a partial effect proportional to their size, while full consumption grants everything they have. You can even acquire memories of the target by the same means. You can consume your own host to the same effect if you want.

-You have utter control over your host body, mind, soul and any other aspect of their being. Allowing you to shape then how you see fit, you also have a instinctual understanding about how to make any changes you want to without harming them, be warned though, there is a clear limit about how much you can manipulate them without risking a complete breakdown, you can ignore this limits at your host's risk if you want. However, any change you make require time to appear ans settle, with changes to the mind and body ranging from near instant or few seconds long, and change to the soul or other deeper aspects taking a hours or days to change.

-You have a telepathical link to your host that allows for communication. This link his essence based and can never be broken, blocked or disturbed unless you allow it. Though you can choose to never use this and talk to your host through the dominion your have over their mind.

-Any ability, power of skill you have can be transferred or taught to your host, even if their bodies shouldn't be capable of using it. You can choose how to ability manifest. Incidentally, you can give your host nothing and use the ability yourself in a matter that makes them think they're the one using it. Its up to you.

-You do not have any particular vulnerability, but sharp sounds and sound based attacks and techniques annoy you more than others, they give you the equivalent of a throbbing headache. For this fact, its more difficult for you to learn and absorb sound based powers.

-You need sustenance to survive. At your most desperate, you can enter a state of stasis or near stasis that can let you wait out for the closest form of sustenance for as long as necessary.

-There are three means you can get sustenance. The first is using photosynthesis; you will need a sun or a source of light at heat for this method, though its impossible for you to feel satisfied with this alone. The second is consumption, be it eating or drinking normal food and drinks or consuming entire beings predatorily, you can consume anything biological and even some inorganic objects to replenish your energy, this will only ever be mildly satisfying. And the last method is absorbing sexual energy through lewd acts much like an incubus or succubus, this is by far the most effective method, you can get it from your host, through your host, or using your host to get it from someone else. This is the only method that can satisfy you.

-You may toggle on a reaction on the chain of fate of the world you are that would inevitably make you met a host or make a host met you.

-You know a spell that would fling you through the multiverse in the direction of a host you can't choose the exact identity of this host but you can set 'requirements' of how you want your host to be and the spell will send you to a host that meet this requirements.

Essence of the Blank

By taking this essence, you gain but one benefit:

Your potential becomes limitless. You can learn any discipline or skillset, even if you shouldn't be capable of it, without forgetting it and practice them into mastery, no matter how many you learn. Any abilities you have from other Essences will increase where possible and develop in ways beyond their initial purposes.

Essence of the Involate Self

Drinking this essence confers you the blessing of inviolability of the body, mind, and soul:

-You now no longer need to eat, drink, breathe, produce human waste, or sleep, and are immune to the harmful effects of radiation alongside extreme environments ranging from the bottom of the ocean to the vacuum of space.

-Total immunity to all forms of poison, sickness, or disease, mundane or otherwise. Any existing ailments of physical, mental, or spiritual nature that plagues you will be completely cured upon drinking this essence.

-You are biologically immortal and utterly tireless, possessing unlimited stamina - you will be be aged/reverted to your physical prime, but no longer age further.

-Infinite willpower to keep going through any amount of hardship; even bloody and broken you will not stop, and you will forevermore be protected from the effects of despair, boredom, ennui, etc., that will make living forever a pain in the ass.

-Your freedom is also inviolate, protecting you from being imprisoned, incapacitated, trapped, bound, sealed, etc. against your will, automatically freeing you from such situations and teleporting you to the nearest safe location.

-You are completely immune to any attempt to forcefully change, control, or manipulate your body, mind, and soul against your will in any fashion no matter what method is attempted or used. Those that use supernaturally boosted persuasion are equally stymied, being forced to rely on simple mundane arguments against you as anything beyond that flatly fails to work. You are also immune to memetic effects or the maddening effects of eldritch beings or phenomena.

-Your soul cannot be targeted as a vector of attack - the only thing you are still vulnerable to will be actual physical violence, if such things can cause damage to you.

-No Oracles or any other form of precognition can account for you, ever. Any predictions that are made will be made without taking you in account, and if seeking you out directly, all they get is static. In addition, you are not bound by fate anymore; your destiny is only what you make of it. -This extends to the point that people and events that are deemed unstoppable or even unkillable, just because they are destined to, can be killed by you permanently.

-You are also immune to reality warping shenanigans, such as being caught in time paradoxes, time stops, not existing due to someone killing your mother when she's pregnant with you, etc. - your very existence is inviolate.

-Note: You can still be injured or killed through direct physical damage, if such things are capable of damaging you; all this Essence does is preventing your body, mind, and soul from being affected by other forces without your consent.