

When a group of adventurers stumble upon an ancient temple, they are clueless to what lies within the temple. Within the temple is an Ancient God, known for his lust for destruction and his lust for women. The group stumbles upon the Ancient God who sits upon his throne, chained away to seal away his powers. When they free him of his imprisonment, they don't know what is in store for them. The Ancient God is now awake, but instead of wanting to destroy humanity, he is rather curious of how humanity has shaped into their current era. He joins the adventurers and they show him the state the world is in and more.

AncientShadow · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs


"Hey! This way! I found something!" The leader of the group of adventurers called out.

"What did you find?" A woman asked and hurried to the leader then noticed a temple.

"Whoa...an Ancient Temple. I've read about these. These temples have so much loot and rare gemstones we can use to empower our village with! Our Sacred Stone needs more power so let's go in!" Another woman said and tried to hurry inside before the leader grabbed her arm.

"Hold on, Laverna! You have no idea what could be in that temple. Anything can be in that temple. I know you're a bandit and all that, but blindly going in can't be good besides...half of what we find goes to the king anyway." The leader said.

Laverna looked at the leader and snatched her arm back. "You worry too much, Matilda. Besides I can just hide the important things. No matter how much that corrupt king tries to take our things, I can just store stuff in my handy dandy pocket realm!~ Tell her Eden!"

Eden grunted softly and crossed clutched her staff tightly. "I-I don't know...the king is kinda scary when he's mad whenever we deceive him. Last time he tried to execute us...before the Queen stepped in and saved us."

"And this is why were POOR! We do all this shit for nothing in the end! It's time we step up and say 'Fuck the King' and do whatever we want! I'm going in! You two LOSERS can stay behind and piss your panties, I'm gonna get some loot!" Laverna said and walked toward the door then activated the temple.

Because of Laverna's impulsiveness, there was no turning back now. The three headed into the temple and began to travel about the temple.

Laverna's sense of tracking allowed the group to find rare gemstones and lost ancient jewelry on the ground. They found many treasures and began to daydream about how rich they could become if they sold the loot they didn't need.

As they traversed deeper into the temple, Matilda stopped the group and pointed forward.

"Look.." Matilda said and pointed at me.

I sat on my throne in chains that were used by the higher gods to seal away my powers. I had my eyes closed, and was meditating in silence...My energy surrounded my body and kept the chains from fully depleting my power.

"Who is...that?" Eden asked.

"Oh I read about him in one of my books!" Laverna said and pulled out a book from her bag.

"Isn't that one of your picture books? Laverna, you're like 19 still carrying onto that?" Matilda asked.

"It's useful okay?! Gosh, besides I never really learned how to read or speak in our native language so this was the next best thing. I wasn't privileged like you or Eden..." Laverna said and flipped through her book then showed Matilda and Eden.

Eden gasped and stumbled backwards. "No! We need to get out of here now!"

"Why?! This is a huge find and if we—"

"No. I can't allow this to happen. There can be nothing good from reviving the God who destroyed Exodus! Especially a God like Ashikaga!" Matilda said.

"You two are never willing to take a risk! Imagine what we can do if we have him on our team! You, Eden, and I can overthrow the king and the rest of these stupid royals and finally have freewill!" Laverna said. "We will have complete rule over Reval and more!"

"This is stupid! This is a risk that could get us killed! Who's to say when we revive him that he won't instantly kill us?! He's in fucking chains, Verna!" Matilda argued.

"We are already here, Tilda. There's no point in turning back now." Laverna said and walked forward.

"Laverna! You're making a mistake!" Matilda warned.

Laverna walked toward me and looked at me. She reached out and touched the invisible energy barrier that was around me then it shattered and the chains broke off. She grunted and stumbled backwards then groaned as a powerful force of energy blew her away. Matilda caught Laverna and noticed I was slowly opening my eyes.

I looked at the three women and stretched a bit. I stared at them and looked at my hands that were finally free. "You freed me from my chains...Do you understand the cost of your actions?"

"I told you we should've gotten out of here! Now he's gonna kill us!" Matilda yelled.

I looked at them and stood up. "Who are you three...and why are you in my temple?"

"N-Nothing, we were just leaving!" Matilda said.

I watched the three trying to escape. "Halt."

They froze and were practically trembling with fear.

"Crap..! We're so screwed..!" Eden whined.

"I'm so sorry..! I shouldn't have let my impulsive thoughts win..!" Laverna said.

The three slowly turned around to face me.

"You three freed me just to leave me in this temple alone? What was the point of going through all that bickering just to leave me here?" I asked and crossed my arms.

"Wait, you heard us?" Laverna asked.

"Woman, you and that beautiful blonde haired woman were practically yelling at each other. It was hard to ignore, but I couldn't let your arguing ruin my meditation." I said and walked toward them. "State your names."

Matilda gulped and took a deep breath before speaking. "M-My name is Matilda.."

"I'm Laverna, y'know the woman that freed you." Laverna said.

Eden looked terrified but mustered the strength to speak. "My name is Eden, Mr. Ashikaga, your godliness, sir..."

I looked at the three, studying each of them.

Matilda who seemed to be the oldest of the three had long blonde hair, beautiful green eyes, and a slender and curvaceous build. She wore leather armor and carried an iron sword at her side.

Laverna had long white hair with black and red highlights, dark blue eyes, and a thin yet curvaceous figure. She wore a fitted top, black panties with waist cape, bridal gauntlets and had two sheathed daggers strapped behind her.

Eden was an elven woman, who was rather shy and timid. She had light blue hair, teal colored eyes, and a pretty mature body out of the three of them. She wore a light dress that looked to have stitches on them with a homemade cape and carried a wooden staff that had a gemstone inside.

"You three don't seem to be Royal Knights. You came here on your own integrity. I must say, you three are rather bold. However with me being released from my imprisonment...I am not to stay within this temple any longer. Take me with you, it has been generations since I've seen humanity since the day I destroyed Exodus. I am curious on how the world is now." I said.

The three women looked at each other then back at me. They were stunned at the fact that I didn't immediately wanted to blow shit up.

"You want us to show you...the state of the world?" Laverna asked.

"Would that be too hard to ask for?" I asked.

"Verna, if we bring Ashikaga, we will be EXILED! This is a villain we can't just waltz out of here with him like this!" Matilda said.

"Come on, he's calm. Besides, we have already gotten this far. There's literally no turning back from this point now." Laverna said.

Eden grunted softly and looked at me. "He is calm right now and looks sincere. As long as we don't anger him—"

"He literally is known for his harem of women in his generation and destruction. If you've forgotten, we are still women! I don't know how I would feel keeping someone who lusts for women for the sport of it with me at all times." Matilda said.

"Okay, here's what we are gonna do. We can't leave him here and we can't take him back to the village so how about we find him a home outside the village and kinda like...show him around?" Laverna suggested.

Matilda sighed and crossed her arms. "I...I mean I guess. He's outside the village and not really around us so I guess that could work. Wait—where did he go?"

"While you three were figuring that shit out, I'm getting out of here." I said and walked off.

"Wait hold on! Don't go out there just yet! Royal Knights are coming here!" Matilda warned and hurried after me.

"Crap, I had forgotten about them!" Laverna said and rushed after me as well.

"H-Hold on!" Eden said and ran after us.

I walked outside the temple and grunted as the sunlight was extremely bright. I looked forward and noticed a group of knights then noticed their surprised faces to see me. I looked at them and looked back to see Matilda and the others rushing after me.

"It's the Ancient God, Ashikaga! Those three awakened that monster?!" A knight said.

"He's not at his original power so we can strike him down and prevent anything else from happening! Arrest those peasants as well for releasing him! We are putting them under investigation!" The Commander said.

I watched a few knights charge at me and I sighed and rubbed the back of my head. I dodged the first few attacks then used a burst of energy to blow the knights away. I walked forward and placed a barrier around Matilda, Laverna, and Eden. I summoned my sword and energy began to spiral around the blade.

"Ashikaga! Don't do it! If you kill them, our village will be in danger!" Matilda yelled and slammed her fists against the barrier.

"Kill him!" The Commander bellowed.

I watched the knights charge at me then lowered my sword. My sword disappeared and I summoned my gauntlets. "Alright, I won't kill them."

I dodged the first knight and struck his stomach then knocked him into his allies then parried each slash from another knight using my gauntlets then hit him with a roundhouse kick and knocked him upwards. I formed a ball of energy in the palms of my hands then launched it at the ground of knights then an explosion happened, blowing the knights away. They groaned in pain as they laid on the ground.

"H-He actually listened..?" Laverna said in awe.

"Why..? Why did you listen?" Matilda asked.

"You freed me from my imprisonment. I am indebted to you three. I may be a God of Destruction and Lust, but I am not as evil as people paint me as." I said and looked back at the three women.

"But you destroyed Exodus..." Eden said.

"For a reason. As a God of Destruction, my actions must have reasoning behind it. They didn't explain why I did it in the history books I'm assuming so once we get out of here, I'll explain." I said then formed a large magic circle beneath us.

"Wait where are we going?" Laverna asked.

"To my old village." I said then warped us away.

The Commander was surprised and watched us warp away. He grunted and created a magic screen to contact his King. "Lord Sighilde! I have something I want to report and it's rather important."