

They say when you die it's over, you just see the light and you get judged by the higher power to be in hell or heaven maybe get reincarnated. But I been wandering for wile now into different planes of existence, universes and can't do anything about it sometimes I get stuck in one for years so I do what I do best it's gathering information no matter where you are one thing to never forget knowledge is power. With it I start studied everything and I gain the means to understand my predicament but I still can't where I want to go because all the places I been are from comics, movies or games I saw or played in my first life so it was frustrating and it started to get to me then I get an idea create an AI to gather info for me because insanity was close at hand so I make an AI using everything I learned and named it Sebastian. With it done I could sleep in way "what is your order sir" said the AI in little bit English accent.

"Your task is to collect knowledge and items from every world we will be going and wake me up when you deemed vital" I said to Sebastian.

"As you wish sir" responded Sebastian. Then I went to hibernation living it in control of my soul as I reincarnated repeatedly.