
RE: Monster Devourer System

Yuri have seen loved one's perish, home destroyed, comrades ripped apart and communities demolished by mutants. Death was inevitable, he knew that a time would come that all the people he knew and including himself will perish from the hand of the mutants. But never have thought that he'll be the last man standing, he then realized there's no reason for him to figth, only then he let his guard down, and only then he learned how die. "Bro...Wake up!" A gentle voice of a young girl echoes on Yuri's ear, as comforting smell of roses reminds him the home. He opened his eyes and saw a familiar looking girl. Its her little sister. A tear drop from his eyes, as he suddenly hug the unprepared girl. "Kyaaaaa, let gooooo"

SirLazeAlot · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
6 Chs


Incoherent screeching echoes through the dark corridors of a old moldy building, as the smell iron ferments the air.

A well built man in his early 30s with his shacking hands tried to stop a wounded woman from bleeding out from a cut in her neck,

"Can you hear me! Alexandra!" Yuri bellowed.

Blood and sweat covered his face as he desperately dip his tumb to the the womans neck to stop a cut vein from gushing all the woman blood out that were staining her white hair red.

"Alex!" he yelled.

The woman opened her ruby eyes slowly, before turning her head towards Yuri.

"Yo-you should leave me...i don't have much time...*cough* the mutants will find you if you stay any longer."

"I won't leave you!" Yuri yelled.

Alexandra laughed, as she cough up blood.

"You're still as stubborn *cough* just like the.... first time we met. we've been fighting for 5 years together *cough* but i still don't know why, i fall in love with you."

Alexandra smiled weakly.

"You're telling me that now! You actually hated me, do you."

Yuri manage to squeeze a little laughed.

Alexandra raised her hand to touch Yuri's face.


Saying those words with her last breath Alexandra slowly closed his eyes, as her hand became limb and falls.

Yuri caught it her falling hands, he close his eyes as tears flow from cheeks. ignoring the roars of monsters outside the the moldy building .

He didn't wail or curse in anger, he just sat there holding her hand, letting his tear soak his shirt.

The roaring of monsters became louder and louder, as time goes by, but Yuri didn't budge.

Grabbing a plastic rose from his bag Yuri place it in Alexandra's hands before put it next her chest.

"You're rigth I'm...a..idiot, I should've given this to you earlier."

Wiping the blood off her beautiful face, Yuri looked at Alexandra one last time. Standing up, he dried his tears with his arms.

all he knew now is that, his the only man alive,

He fought mutants for decade, thinking there still hope in the world left for him and his fellow survivor, but it only took one nigth for all of that to disappear.

Monsters took everything from him, his only family, his friends, his comrades, and the woman he loved.

In the end, there's nothing for him to lose but his life.

Yuri made his way on the top of the old building.

upon reaching the roof, a sea of mutated monster in various shapes and sizes was below him, armed with claw, fangs, and horns.

The sorrow that filled eyes was turned into fury, his blood boils, his veins bulges, and his body started shaking.

Gritting his teeth, his arms started to deform, before a huge organic scythe spring out from both of his arms, and Black scales protrudes from his skin until it covered all of his body like an armor.

"Curse this world and all of you bastards in it" he murmured.

Without a second thought he jumped down.

"I'll die today, but I'll make sure to drag a couple of you assholes with me!" Yuri yelled cleaving a monster in half after landing.

Monsters in all directions turned there attention to the exlosion.

Dust and debris covered the area, when a figure shoot out from it and slashed a nearby monsters head off.

The figure didn't stop as he hack and Slashed all the moving things in his vision. but they didn't seems to lessen.

Stench of sulfur became stronger as more bodies pile up under Yuri's feet, but the monsters didn't rushing towards him.

Hundreds or even thousands Yuri has already loss count, his mind was willing, but his body is already failing him.

This swings became weaker and weaker as the times goes by.

At last his weakened swings could not even wound an enemy only then he succumbed to the horde of monsters.


*Ding* "System analysis complete."

*Ding* "Host integration complete."

*Ding* "System rebooting....."


"wake up!"

A familiar voice of a young girl came to my consciousness, as the smell of roses tickled my nose.

i might be dreaming.

"we're gonna be late!"

That voice, i clearly remember thats my little sis-


A throbbing pain in the abdomen almost made my eyes pop out of its sockets. the shock was so fast woke up in an instant.

"Mutants?"I yelp, thats the only explanation i have why i was awoken hastily.

With a foggy vision, i started to look around. the room, but everything seems quite, expect for someone that is currently sitting on my stomach.

As eyes became clearer, i saw my little sister Alice.


Alice tilt her head sideways.

I hurriedly lean forward.wrapped her in my embrace. even though its just a dream I'm still happy seeing my sister again.

"kyaaaaa, let go of me you....fart face, or i'll bite you!"

Bite me?


Sharp pain in my forearm suddenly awoken me from my daze, while Alice manages to escape my grasp like a angry little rabbit.

I touch the bite mark on my forearm.

This is not a dream!

Looking at the calendar on the wall, its the year 2069, it the year where mutant monsters start showing up.

I came back? but why?

Looking at Alice, she's still looks the same in my memories. a petite 7 years old girl with black hair.


Yup, its really was my little sister. this is unbelievable, but in what ever reason the feeling that i can see my sister again filled me with joy.

I smiled.

Alice stared at me with a worried look.

"er...something happened?"

"No, Its nothing."

Alice squint her eyes before looking at me.

"Your lying, was It about the girl with big melons again?"

"Girl with big melons?"

"You know, the one you do the goo-goo eyes when she passes by the house."

hmmm, if i remember correctly she's the young girl next door, i used to love looking at her..ahem melons. Welp i can't even remember her face now.

I shrug my shoulders. before a walking out of bed.

"Suspicious!" Alice yelp.

*Ding* "Host Instruction manual intergation"

A mechanical voice suddenly resound in inside my head before a sudden shearing pain soon followed.


I clutched my head before falling to the floor in all four, I feels like my brain is being electrocuted.

"Whats wrong!"

Alice run beside and touched my shoulders.

Its only lasted for a few seconds, after its gone, i suddenly became of the system. and how to use it.

"Bro?" Alice asked a worried look plastered in her face.

"Im ok" i assured her.

This thing might be the reason why im back in the past, i don't know what exactly this thing was but thank to this i can redo my life.

This time I won't fail.