
Re: Memory! Are memories worth dying for?

William Rain is a low level adventurer with no friends or family to speak of at least he a can’t remember any. Can Will remember his past or will he gain family and friends the way he is. Are memories worth dying for?

REDEYEofBLOODmoon · Kỳ huyễn
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9 Chs

Arc II: A Dragon’s Trial: chapter 2 “Armor and the offer of a Demon Queen ”

It's the author here Sorry for the long wait I've been really busy with school work I hope you enjoy this chapter!!!😅

"So what can I do for you this fine day?" Asked the Armor-smith with a smile on his face.

"We came here to get best light armor in the kingdom, rumor says you've got it," I reply in a friendly voice trying to see if he will give us a lower price If we are friendly.

"So, you want a discount? I'll give you 10,000 bits off two sets of light armor for the compliment (10,000 bits is $100USD) , I'm normally not so generous but the lovely lady here has charmed me."

"Thank you for your generosity sir," I reply.

"Please call me Thorton, it looks like you're Adventurers, so if you want I'll give you a loyalty discount on ever purchase you make here if you let me be your sponsor."

"That would be amazing thank you Mr. Thorton," I say with a huge smile on my face.

"Great, sign here and here as an agreement that you will only use my products in battle and I'll go get your sets of male and female light armor."

Thorton brings the two sets of the most beautiful light armor I have ever seen to the counter.

"Here you go, these are on the house."

"I feel bad not paying, are you sure you don't want any money?" I ask because it looks to beautiful not to pay for it.

"I'm sure just don't let any one else talk you into buying there armor, okay."

"Got it, thank you so much Mr. Thorton."

"We should be going we gotta get to Prometheus by the day after tomorrow, thank you for everything, may the God's bless you," Rin says with the most beautiful smile I have ever seen.

We picked up Fusion and started our journey to Prometheus.

"I think this is a good place to rest for the night, what do you think Rin?"

"Sure sounds good."

"Grrrrrrr" Fusion growled as if someone or something was watching us with ill entente.

"What is it boy?" Rin and I say a the same time.


I cut through the bushes with my knife. Before my slash hit the bush as woman with blackish-blue hair, the palest skin I'd ever seen and the bust of a Goddess jumped out.

Boing boing

"Did you really just do that?" Ask the woman as her boobs stopped bouncing.

"Booooooobs" I say with blood dripping out of my nose as if I was hypnotized by bounciness of her fun-bags.


Rin punched me square on top of the head effectively braking the trance

"Snap out of it you pervert!!!" Rin yelled.

"Who, what, where, oh thanks." I say coming to my senses

"I am the one known as Mia Eldrove the demon queen and I've been watching you Will Rain and I must say you combat skills are something to be envied if that attack had hit me I would have been killed, you should be glad it didn't though because then I wouldn't be able to give you this offer, let me bare your children!!!"

"What!!!" Rin and I say in unison.

<——— To Be Continued...