
Re:Life in my Ideal World

This is meant as a casual autobiography mixed with financial and sexual wish fulfillment. The character will start to impact events with a cell phone (connected to modern internet) and untraceable email with links to directly influence businesses and governments. There will also be a religious shift to angle towards separation of Church and State (Ideal world), and some plot armor cheats like STD immunity and pregnancy cheats (controlled by the female instead of the MC). This evolves into more elaborate cheats as needed. Don't expect quick updates. The research needed for my intended impact on the world will be pretty extensive, as is my reading addiction, and i also work a full time job. Yes, i have loosely based the characters on real people and events (mostly personality stereotypes and the typical basis of flawed memories. Names and locations outside of the public domain will be altered enough to at least give plausible deniability. Please keep in mind that the personal relationships and characters will be greatly altered by the wish fulfillment part of the story. i will also give some discretion about some characters getting sex scenes to the audience, but still with my preferences prioritized. This story will include some sadly historical topics including: drugs, alcohol, and the murder and suicide of people that i've known; as well as the known events in pop culture. The character will also share my political, religious, hetereoflexible sexuality, and hometown first views. If a democratic leaning libertarian, that doesn't like the Christian beliefs, and favors Dallas, Texas above all other cities might offend you; you have been warned. For legal purposes all sexually active characters are over 18 Earth years in this fictional universe, but in view of the laws of this fantasy world the girls must either be within 3 years +/- their partner's age, or all characters must be of legal age in this universe as well. (presumed that each year and month in the alternate universe is twice as long as a method to make the sexual content match the laws) To balance that it is presumed that all money in this world is worth twice as much as in our world (less inflated). There will be no declared relationships, so NTR in either direction won't matter to the main character. In regards to Yuri, the main character will encourage it during multiple partner scenarios, but will not care about it otherwise. i created a discord to discuss the novel and other things we like, but i suck at using it. If you want to join it, comment on a chapter, and i'll try to send an invite.

some_Phreak · Lịch sử
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82 Chs

1998 Daily Life and Impacts in Panther and Rainbow Part 1

The income from our forecasts and services for this year is $217.94 Million. The yearly taxes and lawyer fees are now paid by the parent corporation, AdminAll, for all our related businesses.

The presidential affair gets reported by tabloids, but with our previous adjustments to laws, no congressional or legal involvement has happened. The president does not comment on it since there are no legal repercussions unless Hilary pursues legal action.

We also warn governments about suspected issues at: blackout in Auckland, New Zealand; tornadoes in Florida; forest fires in Florida; Papua New Guinea tsunami; Yangtze River flooding in China; Russia Rouble devaluation and Japanese recession; Hurricane Mitch in Honduras; Islamic extremists attacking villages in Algeria; Typhoon Babs in Philippines; US Military jet killing people in Italy; Serbian troops in Yugoslavia murdering ethnic Albanians in Kosova; an oil pipeline exploding in Nigeria, and widespread flooding in Central Texas approaching 100-year flood levels.

With our contributions towards the local transportation sector, MATA was linked to the Oakcliff Streetcar and St. Paul station. Construction on the Tan Line from Irving through North Carrollton, Frisco, and Prosper to Celina started. Then AMTRAK upgraded all the freight rails on the Dallas-Meridian, MS corridor to the heavier weight rail with double tracking to be financed by bonds on the freight tolls expected on their lines. The NTTA finished the subsequent expansion of the PGBT, extending the loop between SH 183 and I-30. (11 years early)

The K-pop groups that debut next year are: As One, Chakra, Cleo, Click-B, Fly to the Sky, g.o.d, and T.T.MA.

For As One, we have no initial advice; we just provide the typical housing and practice rooms for each artist who has yet to fully fund their activities. In 2003, we will invite Rhymer to found his label as a sub-label to be managed in our company and policy. Since his label only had issues after he let other people operate and lead his company, we can help him avoid the drama and retain his investments.

We have the same initial response for Chakra, with us buying their contract later instead of Kiss Entertainment. We will then support them if they continue past their original timeline. We will help Hwangbo and Jung Ryeo-won with mental health support and training and support in their future acting careers.

For Cleo, we can only provide the initial support to all artists before their success. For Click-B, we will provide the initial support and take over their label management next year. Fly to the Sky will have all our support since SM artists are scouted and hired under our label instead. We will support their ventures to lean in the R&B and rap genres. For g.o.d, we advised them that being entirely under JYP would be a cleaner contract/label. However, we would still provide support either way. For T.T.MA, we need more information to support in any additional ways beyond the initial support.

When conservatives complained about the possibility of legalizing vices leading to more crime. Research from my original life shows that while addiction could lead to crime, keeping vices illegal leads to gangs and cartels. We proposed that income levels could be used to declare supposed amounts of "disposable income" and require the brothels, casinos, and drug dispensaries to register any income spent (not the item/s purchased) with an online database that users do not exceed the allowed amount of disposable income. To get past opposition from existing vice cities, we grandfathered them as the exceptions to the income rules. This will maintain their status as Sin cities.

With the popularization of the internet, we also have issues caused by the anonymous nature of interactions. We suggested linking internet providers and services to legal users to combat this. To do this, users must provide their driver's license or identification card information through scanners or webcams to be verified by the internet provider. Children must have their parents create and verify their accounts (with more limitations and monitoring). This won't do anything about the dark web in the future, but it should help law enforcement combat predators, bullies, and hate speech.

This naturally leads to privacy concerns from law enforcement and other users. We suggest that internet and service providers require law enforcement to provide subpoenas before providing any information to the police. We will also need to ban them from selling user information. This should prevent Facebook and similar companies from causing Brexit, and it would also have prevented the Trump manipulation of voters. However, we have already stopped his eligibility for the presidency. Google will still profit from linking their users directly to the ads relevant to them. Services should be banned from displaying private information (name, photo, birthday, etc) without the user's permission. This will prevent my issues with Facebook. i never had an issue with companies having my information and using it. However, as an introvert, i'm not trying to give open access to people i don't know/remember to contact me.

To prevent 9/11, we are forwarding the airplane and airport upgrades that happened after the tragedy. We recommend the government to quietly require and/or fund the airplane upgrades and mandate that they be installed on all planes before 2000. Then, we recommend that the hidden airport upgrades be finished before 9/11 and the security updates suddenly be implemented on 9/11. We also forward the recommendations for marshals on the originally targeted planes. We also recommended that D/FW's airport Terminal D and SkyLink light rail be expedited to finish during 2000.

Since i'm supporting both Google and YouTube in this life, i will propose more amendments to copyrights. This time, i will suggest that copyright holders are entitled to be paid based on the product's percentage of use and profitability. This means the copyright holder can only create a claim if the profit for each usage exceeds some minimum basis (proposed cost of production + minimum cost of taking the claim to court). The amount the copyright holder will be allowed to claim will be based on the use percentage. Suppose a 3-minute song is played once in a 30-minute reaction. In that case, the reactor can keep 90% of the subscription and advertisement fees associated with that video. This will push YouTube to require reactors to list copyrighted material as co-creators and estimate their usage. The only copyright claims that will exist will be copyright blocks caused by not listing the co-creators and copyright claims on incorrect fund distributions (that will have to be reviewed and adjusted due to the claims.)

For our business ventures, we created a security company for events called SecureAll. It will mainly work with events and concerts to protect artists and attendees. We can offer this service with our ticket sales as a bundle to lower the overall costs to the artists/events. We can also pair this service with freelance services from our ModelSafe photographers to control the public image of celebrities. They can then employ our SelfDisclose website for their approved photos and articles to be published. This should lower the value of paparazzi and tabloids.

This year, our combined businesses brought in over a billion dollars in revenue for the first time. We had been barely below that amount for a couple of years. Since most of our businesses lean more towards the non-profit angle than for-profit business, we stayed below the threshold longer than we should. Our modeling and ticket agencies kicked us over the line as services that will be highly profitable even with low fees/charges. This means that my private services will no longer bear any weight of taxing or attorney fees.

Ms. Lee has also promoted another attorney from her company to take over the CEO role over AdminAll, the leadership branch of all our other companies. She is a redheaded Irish-American woman named Ms. Kelly. This frees Ms. Lee to focus more on forwarding my orders, supporting the women who decide to bear my children, and managing her law firm.

The first action Ms. Kelly requested from me was a trademark symbol for all our businesses. My answer was to use a broken hourglass with red sand, with different variations. Then i requested Ms. Lee to forward my orders to buy or build a mansion and apartment complex in the Oak Cliff section of Dallas.

The mansion will be for any girl who chooses to raise my children in a communal environment with other mothers of my children. No men will be allowed inside this building since these women can request to be with me. The apartments will be named MatriarchALL and will be low-cost/non-profit gated communities for single-parent households. While men are not banned if they are dating one of the women, security, and management will not consider their opinions important. The households with men will also be monitored for domestic violence. The women who refuse to leave abusive partners will lose their lease agreements. These apartments will also be available for the women who choose to bear my children but still want to date or be with other men.

We will also helicopter in on the founding of Google and offer to provide all the suggestions for their historical projects. We propose taking the 2nd highest majority stake at all points, with the founders maintaining the majority stake. We will provide extra funding when needed to keep this stake. We will fold our internet services into their ecosystem (but retain the employees under our brand and pay). We will also provide them with all the computer coding languages i can access, including their future Android language.

We suggest they hire the founders of YouTube and establish it sooner (with the knowledge that it may not be successful until sometime after 2006). We will encourage YouTube to create their Music, Kids, and Gaming subsets and push them to encourage users to vlog their daily lives on their platform. We will also make YouTube sort content by purpose to recommend to users by one-time use (reports, vlogs, etc.) or multiple-use videos (music, dance, etc.).

We also needed to jump into the Woodstock mess to manage the situation appropriately. We will preemptively start the process early this year before pulling the figurehead founder into his original cash-out position towards the event. We will sponsor it as a non-profitable venture and provide ticket selling and security for the event. We will use our profits for the installation of indoor bathrooms and shower facilities, as well as public access to water fountains. In exchange, we will require the venue to cap prices on water to a typical purchase price and lower fees on all food. We suggest that profits should focus on legal drugs, alcoholic beverages, and merchandise.

We will also force them to rearrange the order for the artists playing so that the original target audiences will be from Thursday to Saturday morning, and classic metal groups will lean towards Saturday. The aggressive groups (nu-metal, rap, etc.) are mostly placed on the final day. This should hopefully keep the target audiences grouped separately, and by the time the heavier groups play, we should have kicked out or arrested most of the problematic people.

With my foreknowledge of the weather, i could also choose a better weekend for the festival and provide more shade at the venue. Since we are providing security, we will only look for weaponry. We will also be very liberal in throwing out guys for attempts at unwanted sexual contact and invite additional cops and medical services to a clinic outside of the venue.

Finally, we started filming the first movie for my love of David Eddings' and Anne McCaffrey's novels. We began with Belgarath the Sorcerer (in chronological rather than written order). This will take 2 years to film due to the amount of material needed to cover. We will also film a short movie (extended promo) based on the Survey of P.E.R.N. (Parallels Earth, Resources Negligible) as the chronological intro of the Dragonriders of Pern series.

The personal parts of this story should be in the next chapter (unless the written parts are considerably less than the 1500-2000 words intended).

some_Phreakcreators' thoughts