
Re-Life In A Novel

Novel Title : Re-Life In A Novel ﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎ Greetings, Dear WebNovel Readers! Here is the short Synopsis : The tale of [Re-Life] unfolds within the quiet solitude of our Protagonist's room as his heart comes to a sudden halt, thrusting him [In A Novel]. Transcending the boundaries of time and space, he finds himself immersed in a wondrous realm - a world he once adored only in the pages of a cherished novel, now pulsating with life. Step into a captivating slice-of-life tale set in a Mediaeval Era brimming with wonders beyond imagination. Picture guns and cannons harmoniously blending with the clanging of Swords, the thrusting of Spears, the peak of Archery and the rhythmic galloping of gallant steeds. In this tumultuous land, Emperors clash in unending strife, and Kingdoms wage ceaseless wars beneath their banners. Everywhere, the echoes of battle resonate, leaving no corner untouched by the turbulence of their ambitions. But our Protagonist's story is far from ordinary. With a fresh identity and a memory tinged with familiarity, he embarks on an extraordinary slice of life journey. Amidst the turmoil, he finds solace in the simple moments of existence - the warmth of Family, the trust in Camaraderie, the laughter of Friendship, and the blossoming of Romance. As pages turn, secrets unravel, and the tapestry of destiny weaves a tale that bridges the gap between past and present. "[Re-Life In A Novel]" invites you to savour the essence of everyday life, even amidst a world engulfed in ceaseless turmoil. Are you prepared for an enchanting slice-of-life adventure? Embrace the charm, and let the journey begin. ﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎﹎ So? How was it? I hope you are interested in giving the Novel a try. Well anyway, here are the #Tags : #Slice Of Life #Romance #First Love(:Strong Couple) #Family #Adventure #Academy(:Military) #Kingdom Building(:Just a little) #R18(:Only for gore scenes) #Transmigration(:dah~) #No-Harem(:Assemble)

WrightBrothers · Kỳ huyễn
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49 Chs

Chapter - 30 : Meeting the Protagonist


(Rai's POV)

"Attention, please, my fellow students."(Minnal)

Minnal the Student Body Vice-President said putting an end to the shatters of students.

"...not again."(Rai)

I muttered, my eyes involuntarily rolling at the familiar scene. Seriously, how many times did I have to endure these speeches?

At least this time, I managed to snag a seat in the back row, far away from the frontlines of student politics.


I let out a sigh of relief.

The entire hall had undergone a transformation, with a stage now sitting prominently in the center.

The names echoed across the hall, calling forth the 12 House Leaders, each chosen to be at the forefront of this intricate dance of power.

As if choreographed by some unseen conductor, the Leaders assumed their positions in the front row.

It was like a visual symphony, with each leader embodying their House's unique essence with every step they took.

Viviana, ever the strategic opportunist, was also in her place among the chosen twelve.

Her posture radiated confidence, her eyes glinting with a mixture of ambition and determination.

And here I was, tucked away in the back like a spectator at a dramatic show that I didn't particularly want to watch.

This is one of the reasons I, similar to my character, didn't want to attend the so-called 'Orientation Ball'.

Just hearing the name made me want to roll my eyes for the third time in as many minutes.

If there was one thing I knew for sure, it was that I wasn't cut out for this kind of drama.

The grand event known as the–Ceremony Ball– serves as a glittering façade that masks the true nature of this cutthroat competition.

You see, this AzureIsle Military Academy[AMA] had a thing called "Houses," and it wasn't about sorting students into cozy dorms.

Oh no, it was more like a complex web of power, politics, and ambition. Joy.

At its core, the House system is a distinguished honor bestowed upon the top twelve(:12) ranked students among the sea of over 800 students, as determined by their performance in the Entrance Test.

These Top Ranked Students are offered the opportunity to form their very own House, establishing themselves as the Leaders of these exclusive factions.

However, the choice to form a House is not mandated.

It remains a decision entirely in the hands of those within the top 12 ranks.

But it is very rare that some deny this opportunity. In the first place, students even bet their lives to get into the top 12 in Test.

So getting placed at the top is not attained without the determination to become an enigma.

Each House holds a maximum capacity of 50 students, Leaders included.

The Ceremony Ball, with its grandeur and elegance, marks the outward celebration of this intricate system.

However, beneath the surface, it embodies a strategic battlefield where the true essence of leadership and talent is discerned.

It is the moment when the fledgling first-year students observe the candidates for leadership within each House, evaluating their worthiness, charisma, and vision.

Simultaneously, the House leaders vie for the attention and allegiance of the brightest talents, seeking to bolster their House's ranks with promising individuals.

In the heart of this system lies an intricate hierarchy that ensures the House's harmonious functioning.

The House leader holds the reins, followed by the Vice-Leader, Squad Leaders, and House Members, who work together to guide the House to success.

Every House was a mini Kingdom, with the Leader wearing the crown, the Vice-Leader as the hand of the Leader(:King), and the rest following in some intricate hierarchy dance.

In summation, the House system at the [AMA] transcends mere faction structure.

It is a web of ambition, strategy, and collaboration, where leaders emerge and Housemates rise together.

The Ceremony Ball, as an elegant yet strategic event, reflects the dual nature of this system - one of tradition and prestige on the surface, and an intricate battleground of aspiration and advancement beneath.

"It really is a pain in the ass…"

I once again muttered under my breath as I glanced at the now vacant seat which used to be taken by Viviana.

"...but I really don't have a choice."

I got myself into this on my own and I had to see the end.

Viviana would never let a chance to project her talents on the best stage of Empire slip up.

The grand plans were already laid out in her mind, like a roadmap to success.

Form a House, climb to the top, and probably snag the title of Student Body President like it was a piece of cake. Easy peasy.

"Alright, let the drama continue."

I lightly joined the crowd, which was seriously listening to the speeches given by the leaders announcing their ambitious dream of forming the House.

Taking a cue from the surrounding students, I tuned into the ongoing speeches, my focus oscillating between genuine interest and distracted daydreaming.

As the fifth-ranked student took the stage, my attention wavered. Viviana hadn't gotten her turn yet, as the turns started from the bottom.

I leaned back in my seat, letting the words wash over me like a background melody.

"Let them have their spotlight while I try to enjoy what little peace time I have."(Rai)

I thought with a small smirk.


(After thirty minutes…)

"After thirty minutes of what felt like an eternity."

I muttered under my breath, relief dripping from every syllable.

The seemingly endless barrage of speeches by the twelve House Leaders had finally come to an end.

It was like they were auditioning for some cosmic role, and I was just an unwitting extra member stuck in the last row.


The gentle hum of conversations surged back to life in the hall, a collective buzz of students eagerly discussing and dissecting the revelations from the stage.

As if a spell had been lifted, the once captivated crowd was now consumed by debates and deliberations.

However I don't why were these people so incredibly noisy? They had an entire week of freedom before the Academic Schedule officially kicked in.

They have so much damn time.

But no, here they were, unleashing a storm of chatter as if their very survival depended on it.

Everyone seemed to have a passionate opinion on which House was the best fit for them, or which leader had the most charismatic speech.

It was like a never-ending talk show, and I was just an unwilling participant.

"Like they're making life-altering decisions here."

I mumbled to myself, shaking my head at the intensity of their debates.

As if joining a House was the equivalent of signing a lifelong contract.

On top of it, it is not like they can join whatever House they wish without an interview showcasing their skills and talents by the Leader of the House.

Seriously, they had all the time in the world, and yet they chose to spend it in a frenzy of words.

Speaking of frenzies, discussions about House affiliations were now in full swing.

Uhmm, I think I also need to have a proper discussion with Viviana too.

But looking at her, it seemed like my chance of catching her attention anytime soon was slimmer than a hair's breadth.

Every student who passed by seemed to want a piece of her time, to bask in the glow of her ambition.

Still, as my eyes unintentionally met hers, there was a momentary connection that transcended the chaos around us.


"You did well."(Rai)

My hand moved in subtle signs, forming a thumbs-up – a silent message in a sea of voices.


Viviana's response was instantaneous, a bright smile that radiated as if she held the sun within her gaze.

My heart did a sudden flip, a jolt of surprise, and something else that I refused to dwell on.

With that exchange, the world around us resumed its uproar as Vivana also turned away and focused on her conversation making stand on my toes as a statue.

I could even feel a few of the crowd glancing at my direction due to her sudden change in the atmosphere. However, it seems they couldn't pinpoint me.

Meanwhile, I stood amidst the commotion, still a little dazed from her mesmerizing smile.

"...Get a hold of your Rai."

I muttered to myself, taking a deep breath as if trying to regain my center in the midst of a storm.

"Hello there Student Rai."(???)

–And then, as if on cue, a voice shattered the momentary silence that had enveloped me from behind.

I was about to turn, but I caught Kavir, with his ever-present confident demeanor, seemed poised to join me.

A flicker of understanding crossed my mind, and I subtly raised my arm in his direction, signaling him to hold off for just a moment.

"Mind if I join you?"(???)

Turning fully towards the speaker, I met the gaze of someone I had expected to encounter sooner or later as he added the final request cloaked in diplomacy.

Well, if it isn't the Protagonist himself–

–Brooklion Davonte Arjivon–

I thought wryly, inwardly amused by the timing. It had taken him quite a while to cross paths with a mere extra like me.

"Hello Student, Davonte Arjivon."(Rai)

There was no shock or uncertainty in my expression as I regarded the Protagonist of the Novel – the central character around whom the plot revolved.

"I would love to have a talk with you."(Rai)

Finally I came face to face with the Protagonist.


(To be continued…)

(Chapter END)


Chapter words : 1600

Total words : 42.99K