
Re: Life - AKASHIN'S ADVENTURE Into The Other World

AKASHIN'S ADVENTURE Into The Other World In the other dimension, There's a world that is full of unknown creatures and full of magic. 8 Devined Gods were sent from the heavens, and this world has been cursed by the unknown God, even the 8 Devined Gods in the past generations failed and didn't break it. each God has its meaning, they symbolize Wisdom, Eternity, Freedom, Contracts, Love, War, Justice, and Hope. There's a human that came from the Earth and was accidentally sent into the world named Kintroies. This guy named Akashin Hizushi is a high schooler guy who was sent accidentally by the heavens, his goal is to go back to the Earth and with the help of his companions they will break the curse and have the freedom that they want. Are they gonna achieve their goal? or will fail and die of their foolishness. Let's see and explore the world that has many monsters and creatures, let's know the secrets and story behind this world.

KlayYeurVyncxs · Tranh châm biếm
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7 Chs

CHAPTER IV: A maze out

Akashin and Kazuki are cornered by Kruyombi and traps, this time Akashin is not on his self. Kazuki kept hitting Kruyombi at its head but those magical attacks didn't affect him, Kruyombi attacked both of them and got a scratch.

Kazuki: Why my attacks doesn't affect him?!.. Argh!..

Kazuki is annoyed

Kruyombi starts to attack fast on both of them, every hit that it does deal high damage to them but Akashin is quiet this time, observing every move and how it attacks. Kazuki is out of his mana and tired of dodging the attacks, and suddenly... Kruyombi cornered Kazuki at the wall.

Kazuki: h-help..

Akashin throws his dagger at Kruyombi's neck which physical damage affect him, He gets the attention of Kruyombi and starts following him, while Kruyombi is following him he jumps into the wall and goes towards Kruyombi. He pulls his dagger at its neck and starts to hit its head, but Kruyombi is strong and starts to bite Akashin.

He dodged it very well and ran again followed by Kruyombi. While running, Akashin does a double team. He goes from behind Kruyombi while the other Akashin are going to attack its eyes, Akashin's technique and plan are successfully made to blind Kruyombi but then Akashin starts to cast a spell and summons a divine dark dragon which is huge that everyone can see it at the outside of the maze. The divine dark dragon breathed a dark fire into the maze and Kruyombi burned to its dark flames, after that the divine dark dragon disappeared and the whole maze was burned in the dark fire.

Akashin and Kazuki are found unconscious and go out successfully after that everyone still doesn't even know what happened at that time and who summoned the dragon. The knights and other magic knights still investigating it. Akashin still doesn't know what happened, he was found unconscious that time when the maze was on fire. The trials are closed because of that, the next trial will be closed for a while. After that day, the King is out of his castle and goes to the training ground of the Academy, He seems very happy that time because of his discovery. He wants to investigate this more and give this more attention than anything else.

The dragon that appeared at that time was not an ordinary dragon, a dragon that is still unknown and doesn't have history itself. This dragon must be one of the gods that are sent from the heavens, maybe..a newly chosen one, and use it to save the world from its destruction.

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