
Re: In My Bloody Hit Novel

VILLAIN!? Is that what you call me? Do you know what I have been through? Damn it! My fight is against the puppeteering strings of heaven itself. FATE dealt me this hand, and I'll find peace in it. Even if I have to end the world, I'll sit a king on its ruins. I'm not a good guy. I won't even pretend that I am. But then again, who in this world can truly claim that title? At least I know my heart. What about yours?" ..... Chiron lived an unfortunately miserable life as an orphan. Just when he managed to get rich as a result of a book about a world he saw in his dreams, he was murdered. He was even unable to enjoy his vast wealth before his death. But Fate had other plans for him. He was reborn in the same book he wrote as the main character. Appearing when he was about to undergo circumcision. But that was the least of his problems. After all, according to his book, the main character was to die at the end, risking his life for the safety of the world. To sacrifice one's self for the world was not his style. But the hunt for power and immortality---Now that was his style. However can he win when his enemy is Fate itself and the Gods that command it?...Especially with the Fate Change System he can never truly trust. ...... Note: The MC has no morality. Very Sick Shit happens in this book. I mean things that will make even your parents shy away. You have been warned!!! No Romance= (The Ancestors forbid it) Simping= (The MC would prefer Death please) Familiar bonds= (Family exists only for benefits.) Stray off the part of Power= (only to go kill a nation or something and we back on track) Note: So the first hundred chapters are endearing but very necessary. MC is at his weakest point ever. But it's also what builds his indomitable character and fearless nature. please be patient with it. The wait is worth it. {I never needed to say this before, but please read at least a hundred chapters before you leave a review. Thank you}

Dere_Isaac · Kỳ huyễn
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603 Chs

In the Bloody book...

'I was born twice. I don't remember the first, but this time around...'æ

'What are those?' Chiron slowly opened his sleepy eyes as he thought to himself, 'Are those...' he gasped, 'BOOBS!?'

The first thing he saw or could recognize was the abundant chest barely covered by thin, green-transparent silk. It was mesmerizing to the eyes of any man that had an appreciation for such bountifulness. He subconsciously traced the lusciousness to the face.

She was nothing like he had ever seen in his life. She was the embodiment of the word perfect. Her skin was flawless and seemed to reflect the dim light of the room. She had elven ears, almond shaped eyes, and was blessed with lips that reminded Chiron of red, ripe, juicy grapes.

Was this it? Was this what heaven looked like? Regardless of living a life without religion, the heavens still found me worthy to be called home. It was incredible. There was even an angel with immeasurable beauty to welcome me.

Just then, the woman's lips bloomed into a charming smile, and she stroked his head lightly, "Now don't you move, okay? This will only hurt a little."

"Huh!? Hurt a little?", Chiron thought to himself, but then his eyes happened to look at her other hand; in it was a long, weirdly-curved, sharp knife.

It was brought to Chiron's attention that it was not the woman's skin that was reflecting the dim light of the room but it was, in fact, the blade reflecting the light on her skin.

"Hold on! What is she doing with that?"

She suddenly tugged at something in his lower body, pulling at it and presenting the knife the way one would, a carrot about to meet the unforgiving edge of a knife.

The uncomfortable tug at his manhood sent shivers around his body that jolted his eyes open to the world. He caught his reflection on the blade of the knife.

"What? Is that me? That can't be me. Why do I look like I'm five?" He raised his hand to his face and to his amazement, he had small, slightly chubby hands.

At this time, he felt the cold blade only slightly touch his 'carrot'. This was the trigger that instantly allowed him to gather strength from every part of his small body to his legs. He pushed hard, kicking the woman right in the face.

He rushed to his feet. "What the hell is happening?" Looking around, he could see that everything looked bigger than him. Even more so, this room looked as though it was made specifically for the occult. It had weird-looking animal heads and bones as decorations on the walls, drawings that looked primitive but were still understandable at first sight, a bowl that Chiron was certain contained blood, and a lot of other things that he could not even bother figuring out.

He looked at the woman he had kicked on the floor and the only thing that came to his mind was 'RUN'.

He could see what looked like an opening to the outside world. It was a curtain, but from its sides, he could see very bright lights. As far as he was concerned, this was probably the way into the city. Maybe he could ask for help there.

He pulled open the curtain and ran outside. However, what greeted him was far from what he was expecting. The first thing he saw was painted faces. Rows and rows of painted faces, holding torches. They were all dressed in white overalls.

Chiron screamed at top of his lungs.

Before he realized what was happening, one of the people grabbed him by his clothes.

When he thought about it, he was also wearing a white gown.

"CHIRON!!! Are you crazy? Are you trying to disgrace me? Get back in there and finish the ceremony."

Chiron struggled fiercely and only managed to break free after much effort. He immediately turned to the nearest corner and sprinted into the bushes.

"Shit! Shit!! Shit!!!" he screamed out loud as he ran for his life. Through the bushes and trees, he ran. He could hear shouts from behind him. Apparently, the people with painted faces were chasing after him.

"How the f**k did I get myself into dealings with cultists," he thought to himself as his tiny legs pushed and his eyes searched for a means of escape.

By some miracle, he came out from the bushes to find that he had made his way to some houses. He ran for the nearest one and knocked vigorously at the door, but, before the owner could open it, one of his pursuers sighted him.

"There he is. Get him!"

"Shit!" he could not afford to wait for the door to be opened and ran in a different direction.

He ran into a barn, however, the first thing he saw, sent him back in the direction he came from. There was a cow unlike any he had ever seen, having the trunk of an elephant, and it struck a particular memory in his head. He shook his head hard in denial, "No! It can't be."

Running out of the barn, he was met with a very huge house accompanied by the stature of a man holding a dragon's head. This struck yet another memory in his head.

"No! It can't be." To confirm his suspicion, he looked around. And that's when he noticed it; all the houses looked like 15th-century Japanese structures.

"No! No!! No!!! It can't be. Maybe I was just kidnapped to a remote town. Yes! That must be it." However, in his denial of reality, he looked below and through the reflection of a pond of water on the ground. The full moon above his head was in fact, not a full moon but two full moons.

He hastily raised his head. This was the last confirmation he needed to be certain of what he thought was true. He dropped to his knees, his eyes on his little chubby hands.

"I transmigrated into the freaking BOOK!?"

"There he is! Get him!" His pursuers had caught up to him.

He felt a sharp pull in his chest. This sensation quickly spread to his abdomen and throughout his entire body. He felt like a dormant volcano about to storm the world with its revival.

He rolled on the ground, gritting his teeth hard. His skin felt as though it was being assaulted by the crushing jaws of a million ants.

Seeing him in this condition, the pursuers stopped at a distance and looked at him in surprise and bewilderment.

His skin then began to glow.

One of the pursuers quickly noticed this and yelled to the others, "EVERYONE, back off!"

The glow of Chiron's body increased in intensity until it became a blinding white light.

The people around him quickly ran for cover.

"AHHH!!!" Chiron screamed loudly as he floated high up into the air.


A loud explosion that sent a pillar of white light into the sky was heard.

Everyone looked at Chiron with surprise on their faces.

As the pillar of light slowly settled, it revealed Chiron, who fell to the ground, losing consciousness.

As his eyes slumped into darkness, he saw a piece of information in front of him.


It's a new book I'm working on...and depending on how much attention it gets, I'll invest ass much time as necessary... pls enjoy

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