
Re : Harry Potter

Adam went to sleep one night after his usual shift at the Airport. He was the Cheif Security Officer of the TSA at the LaGuardia airport. He woke up to find himself in a different place, in a different time and in a different body. His confusion and fear quickly turns into excitement and expectation of the coming future. And with his future knowledge and his own knowledge of both sides of the world, he gonna make the most of his situation. He is gonna enjoy his life to the fullest, never looking back as he had always done.

Hellblazer_Crusher · Diễn sinh tác phẩm
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23 Chs

Volume 3

*Knock* *knock* *knock* "Mr.Potter, it's your 7:00AM wake up call." Somebody raised their voice from the other side. I quickly got up and went to the door and opened, "Thank you Miss Darla. Have a nice day." I called out, as I caught the clearly older girl blushing, "You can just call me Darla." I heard when I closed the door. I went to the bathroom took a bath and brushed my teeth before looking at myself.

I was pleased at my progressed and made a pose, I looked like the original Harry in his third year. Not as tall, but looked well fed and taken care of. I wasn't a Giga-chad in any level, but I wasn't a small helpless kid. I was more defined and full muscled. I was stronger, faster, smatter.... Better.

"Yer a Rizzard Harry!" I say to the reflection and laughed at myself while changing into the new set of clothes I had bought with my recently acquired wealth. I burnt Dudley's old ones. In fact I bought a whole wardrobe and burnt my old ones: Two pairs of trainers(or sneakers if you are American), A pair of formal black leather shoe, two red coloured shirts, two black coloured shirts, a pair of black Jean and a blue Jean, eight sets of t-shirts and pants, a couple of jumpers that had a dragon stitched into it and one had a lion into it and of course some nice comfortable boxers.

All if this costed me 11 Galleons and some change and I did not regret it on bit. I initially thought that I was jumping the gun by buying all "Lion" themed merchandise, but I digress. I'm gonna force the hat to choose Gryffindor for me.

I came down greeting Tom and and the other inhabitant, who start to came and talk to me but I quickly went to the back and went through the entrance to Diagon-alley. I have been here for the past week and started eating well sleeping well and most of all went on long walks around the three safer parts of the market.

A week ago, Hagrid had dropped me off at the Dursley's, but I did not even go in. I waited till Hagrid left, grabbed my trolley and walked towards the park. I had to dodge a few patrolling police officers, since they would definitely question me, because I looked like I was running away from home with my trolley stacked with my trunk and Hedwig's cage- which I technically was.

I waited in the park talking to the snake, practicing my Parsletougue till it was midnight. I raised my wand and waved . A soft white light spouted from my wand and minutes later a triple decker bus which was as fast as Flash barreled down the street and came to a stop in front of me. On its side was the words "The Knight Bus"

After a shockingly short ride I found myself in front of the Leaky Cauldron again. I pushed my things inside and saw Tom still at the counter and booked a room. And I have been staying here since, for the past week.




In this past week I have done a great deal of things. First I asked around and found that there was a small Quidditch stadium in the outskirts of Vertic-alley that can be used after payment of course. I paid eight Galleons for the whole month and an extra four Galleons for renting a broom. I had to bribe the guy three more Galleons to give me the best one he had- A Comet 290.

The second best broom since the release of the Nimbus 2000. I was taught the basics and I quickly grasped it. The minute I said "UP" I knew.... I was born to fly.

I got on and took off, "WWHHHOOOOOOOOOO!!! YEAH BABYYYY!" I screamed as I zoomed around the pitch at 60 Miles an hour. The guy who was there to teach my just sighed tiredly and went back to his office. And that's how I spent my mornings till lunch time. I went back to my room had lunch read my school textbooks and in the evening went out again.




I had followed the Ministry people who had been coming to Diagon-alley for two day until I found my target. He was a short, stocky and sweaty man that wore blue and purple robes that I found out were worn by Ministry Magisters and Public Prosecutors. Although Legillemancy with eye contact was effective, it was far more effective with a wand. I had to be discreet so that no one thought I was attacking him.

It was shocking how easy it was for me to get inside his mind without alerting him. It was understandable, concedering that more than half the Ministry employees did not know how to throw a decent shield charm to save themselves.

Everyday I sifted through his memories which were so boring and pointless that I gave up after three whole day. I moved onto another target, but had to switch three more targets till I found what I wanted. As I followed the guy I noted down everything I needed to know and left.

I went to Gringotts and asked them to be the third party witness for an Investment Contract and asked to meet with the "Ellerby and Spudmore Broom Company", to which they agreed and set up a meeting with them.

Today I'm going back to Gringotts for this very purpose. I wore a black Formal dress robes that I bought at Twilfit and Tatting's cloth store for this very occasion with a black undershirt and a purple tie.

I only had to wait for a minute before I saw two confused looking men who were easy to tell that they were father and son. The elder man was a ruddy faced beer-bellied and balding man that had a big mustache, his son looked like his younger version without a hint of facial hair on him, but a full head of hair. The father looked to be in his 60's and the son in his early 40's.

I stood up and went to greet them, Randolph- the son was the first to speak, "Harry Potter! In the flesh! It's an honor Master Potter." I gave him a brisk handshake and turned to his father.

His father had a reserved and nervous look but shook my hand with a nod, "Mr.Harry Potter sir. It is an honor to meet you. It truly is. But I do not under-"

"I know you have reservations on this meeting Mr.Spudmore. I would be too, in your position." I had a disarming smile to put them at ease and show my confidence, "But I assure you, after this meeting, you will understand some of the rumors about me are not entirely false." I gave a small wink and smiled. I saw him- Able Spudmore visibly relax a bit.

"Before I start this meeting, I have to ask if Mr.Elvis Ellerby will be meeting with us?" I crossed my legs and placed my steepled hand on my chair's armrest. To this Mr.Able had a sorrowful expression and said, "You might have not heard, but Elvis passed away a couple of months ago. Dragon Pox." The man's voice was caked with emotion, obviously the loss still stung him.

I uncrowded my legs and sat up straight and placed my hands on the table to show proper respect, "Then let me first give you my condolences and to his family. Does he have family Mr.Spudmore?"

A grateful smile graced his rough features, "That's a mighty big thing for you to do Mr.Potter, for someone of your station. He was like a brother to me. And yes he has two sons who had just finished their N.E.W.T.S. One of the boys is learning the craft while the other is trying for a job at the Ministry. Their mother is.... heartbroken to say the least and their financial situation is not the best and neither is ours." He said with a bit of embarrassment.

Everyone in Diagon-alley knew the Company's story. They had created two other broomsticks in the past- The Tinderblast and The Swiftstick which were failures: not due to safety, but due to their slow acceleration and low top speed, and were asking for investment, but were laughed out of stores for the same reasons.

"Then this has come to you at an opportune time. Mr.Able, I would like to invest in your company." They were shocked to say the least. I pulled out a file and handed them a document with the seal of Gringotts present at the bottom. "F-f-f-Five H-Hundred thousand Galleons? T-that's half a million Galleons!" Able, who was calm and collected could not contain himself and gripped his chair, lest he fall off.

"Yes Mr.Able. And that's just the Initial Capital. If.... No when we make a profit, I will inject an additional Five Hundred thousand after one year for further Research and development. But I think you wouldn't need the extra 500 thousand since you will be plenty rich!" I laughed as I joked with him.

The Goblin witness had also confirmed that I had the money to invest and that was the last brick on Able Spudmore's wall of grief to tumble. He cried openly and hugged me, followed by his son. I could feel his sadness and his feeling of Redemption. Mr.Able, his son Randolph had signed in one corner, I had signed in the other corner. The Goblin took out a special looking stamp and sealed the deal. Gringotts would get a fixed amount of 26,000 Galleons.

I took out another file and handed it to Mr.Able who took it with reverence. After reading it, his face went pale, "Mr.Potter, I don't mean any disrespect. But we cannot accept these terms.To sell Elvis's share in the company..." I gave him a nod and nodded at the Goblin to change a few words.

After he changed it and showed it to Mr.Spudmore he had a calmer expression, I pressed on, "I would like to be your partner and I have no problem what-so-ever for Mr.Ellerby's name to be present in the Company name. I actually do not mind if my family name is last, in fact I would appreciate it if you would do that. You will be having majority share in the company with 51%, Mrs.Ellerby will have 9% and I will have 40%. I only ask you, that you do not sell your company after your projects are done. Although if you are willing to sell it, I would gladly buy your share of the company too."

They had come back the next day after deliberating on their choices and had finally decidedly accepted to all my conditions and this was the moment a new company had emerged, although no one even knew about this. The Ellerby, Spudmore and Potter Broom Company ESP for short. ESP for Esper like my wandless magic, clever ain't it. I also gave a few ideas on sales and future projects. The best thing about all this? They will be releasing it an year before they should have released. I told them to release it on the same day another Nimbus was "rumored" to release another broom.

I also gave an incentive for treating me like an adult, "Mr.Able, I have arranged for Mrs.Ellerby to receive a fixed sum of 100 Galleons every month till the next year to support her. As a form of friendship Mr.Able. I never had any family that I could love and cherish. I won't let another suffer if I can do something about it." And I meant every word.... partly, well it also put me in a good light. "The boy who lived- Sexy, Millionaire, Entrepreneur, Philanthropist"

To that the large man lifted in a hug and laughed with joy, "If it was possible, I would have adopted you. But this is good. Say, Mr.Potter... I have a granddaughter of my other son studying 3rd year at Illvermony-"

"M-Mr.Spudmore!" I sputtered as he laughed with mirth looking at my embarrassed face.


After the one week, I started learning the study materials in the textbooks I was issued and learning to cast all the spells in both the textbooks as well as the other two books I bought as an extra. Now I could just flick my wand and my clothes would be folded and placed inside the trunk, wash the dishes on its own and many more.

They were simple spells, but by learning them, I had a sense of fulfillment and accomplishment. And living in Diagon-alley was a plus point that allowed my to use magic without fearing the Ministry catching my ass.

Today, I went to the Quidditch pitch which was currently being used by a team that was practicing. There were a lot of people, who came to watch them and shouted in support. I had to wait till they had left and then started my practice. Chasing ofter a snitch was all well and good and gave me good practice, but smacking an incoming bludger at a target is just so satisfying. Especially when you hear the ball smacking right on the target.

Snitches were designed to go just below the speed of the flyer(or else the game won't end), Quaffles are just normal but weird dented balls charmed to be unbreakable and the Bludgers are the ones to look out. The twin balls(lol) have a charm to chase after players and try to knock them of their broom. They have a kind of Soft Auto Aim function. Which means the Bludgers lock on to targets when they are hit in the direction of a player, though they don't just chase after that single player.

It is like the Auto-aim function in PS5 or Xbox controllers. It guides the aim to the target, but doesn't snap right to the target. No. Those are Hax, not the Controller. If the target moves just a little, the bludger will also slightly change its direction. But if he just dodges and weaves erratically or rapidly, the bludger won't be able to follow.

It is pretty easy to dodge if you know they are coming at you. The trick is to choose from unsuspecting targets and smack them right on their noggin so that they don't move too much.

After that day, the team had started coming more often and I found myself enjoying watching them practice. The drills they were doing were extremely coordinated and simply beautiful when they pulled it off. I started taking down notes and drawing pitch formations and went home and studied these formation. It was eerily similar to American Football... not soccer.

The difference being that both offense and defense were done by the same players and by only six players, since the seeker generally just flies around searching for the snitch.




Two weeks later... (1991, Age 11)

I had one more week before I make my journey to Hogwarts. A very important thing had happened a few day ago. It was lunch time and I was walking from the Quidditch pitch to my room when I saw a purple turban wearing bald man enter Flourish and Blotts. The danger level just went to eleven.

I immediately used Occlumency and closed off my mind and started running towards my room and with a flick of my wand I packed up my thing just to be ready to flee from the place. I calmed myself and took out the Ageing potion I had with me. In one swift motion I gulped the whole content of the vial.

I felt my skin wriggle and writhing before it went back to normal. I looked at myself and a Forty year old Danniel Radcliff stared back at me. I made my way to the one shop I know Quirrellmorte won't come to. I went to the South side of Diagon-alley and entered a crowded shop called [Gambol and Japes] a joke shop.

I was browsing through the contents, but I kept looking outside afraid the two-faced freak might show up right in front of me.

I had stayed there till the old man told me he was gonna close the shop and I had to leave. My potion wore out a couple of hours back, scaring the old man who looks after the shop. I explained to him that I have to take an ageing potion to disguise myself because I'm "the Harry Potter" if I want to go out in public, because I get swarmed by people who want an Autograph.

He recognized me and immidiately rushed to offer me a seat which I took. We talked about a few stuff, nothing major and before ai knew he took me to the back where he had some contraband that he couldn't sell. I rifled through them and found a few interesting items.

• Egytian Exploding Sun-Gems (flashbangs)

• Homing Clawed Frisbee (this should be illegal... oh wait. it is.)

• Homing Fanged Frisbee (totally different. but also illegal)

• Goblin made Chilly pepper Stink bombs (stinks up the place and burns your enemies throat and eyes)

• Chinese Venomous rubber snakes (....yeah)

• Bubbor Tuber Bombs (acid. just plain old acid)

• Demon Dung Bombs (Literally stinky Napalm. Who invents these stuff!!)

• Mongolian Banshee balls (Pokeball lookalike with a portable miniature screaming banshee. make ears bleed)

• Peruvian Instant Darkness powder

I recognized the Peruvian instant Darkness powder, cause Harry uses it in the train to Hogwarts, even Draco uses it on the Dumbledore's army. I couldn't resist and took two of everything and a couple more Egytian Exploding Sun-gems and the Peruvian instant Darkness powder. Now the tricky part is to bring it inside Hogwarts without Filch catching me. Must ask the Weasley twins for help.

I went back to my room with a bag full of joke items, in my left pocket was an Egytian Exploding Sun-gem that I palmed nervously till I reached my room. I locked myself for the night and had to check the hallways twice before I left the Leaky Cauldron and also checked the streets for turban wearing baldies.


One week later.... (1 September 1991, Age 11)

I owled Hagrid a day before telling him I was taking a muggle cab and reach King's Cross Station. I looked at the ticket and pushed my cart through the station. Five.... six.... seven.... eight.... Nine. There. I looked at a family casually walking into a wall and disappearing inside it. I looked at the time ten more minutes.... any time now.

And just in time a sea of red heads made a single file to reach platform 9¾. I quickly went to the plump motherly woman and asked, "Excuse me, I saw that you had Hogwart's crest on your trunks. Do you know how to... you know?"

The lady gave me a kind smile and guided me in front of the wall, "Of course dear. Just take a deep breath, helps calm the nerves and walk straight without stopping. That it!" she said. "Thank you ma'am. My name's Harry by the way. Harry Potter."


Safe to say their minds were blown away. "Merlins Beard! Are you really? The name's Molly Weasley, dear. You-" She was about to tell something but looked at the clock and shrieked, "Everyone! Get on quickly! it's leaving in 5 minutes! Hurry boys!" She took hold of my hand, "Don't worry dear we'll get you on board. "Thanks Mrs.Weasley!" I said as we entered the wall.

"HUH?" It did not feel like going through something, rather my vision just shifted. Like how a scene transition in a movie. You know there was a change, but it feels so natural.

We shuffled towards the impressive steam engine train and loaded our luggage with the help of the twins and Mrs.Weasley. I heard her talking to Ron, "Now you take care of him okay? He has lived a difficult life and I'm very sure living with those dreadful muggles was living hell. I told Dumbledore...." She was muttering with a sniff, "Anyway Ron. I want you to be on your best behavior and make friends with him okay dear?"

I couldn't help but smile when I spied on her talking with Ron. I got down from the train gave her a quick hug and ran back into the train before yelling, "THANKS MRS.WEASLEY!" she was crying while fanning her face when she yelled back, "AND DO TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF HARRY DEAR!!"

And just like that ai was going to Hogwarts. I had a shit eating grin that Ron might have found disturbing.