
Re: Goose

or How I Reincarnated as a Goose and got OP really quickly. "MC-kun got hit by a truck?" "God gives out reincarnation opportunities as candy?" "But as a Goose???" "Honk honk? (What's wrong with that?)" First few chapters are gonna be pretty bad Note: This is not a serious fic and written for fun(bored) Worlds Traveled so far : Familiar of Zero, Shield Hero, JoJo, DxD Possible Worlds: MCU, Shimoneta, Metamorphosis, Jumpchain

Fifth_Goose · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs


I 'farmed' up some gold and points on the way to Zeltoble

Here are my stats right after I farmed

Name: Hönk

Race: ???

Level: 39

ATK: 469

MAGIC: 350

DEF: 300


MOVE: 483

CHA: 999 MAX

SYSP: 26328

I probably over mastered my spears and probably should draw items before I enter the city

'System Draw two 11x Draw'

[Deducting 20000 points]

[Drawing two 11x Draw]

[Black Keys 11x][Mapo Tofu 8x][Shadow Clone Jutsu (Magic Edition)][I.D. Create (No Gaia needed)][Pay to Win Feature Unlocked]

[Doom Slayer's Helmet]

I... am just shocked the gacha unlocked the pay to win feature, is it actually useful?

[Pay To Win]

[1 Silver for 1 Point]

[Will change between worlds]

and then the other items I have

[Shadow Clone Jutsu (Magic Edition)]

[Makes a physical clone that can transfer back memories to the creator]

[I.D. Create (No Gaia needed)]

[Creates a Dimension filled with Monsters or a dimension that distorts time inside, [System Note]: The Gamer needed this then you probably would too]

and the helmet just explains itself

*Zeltoble Gate*

"Halt none shall pass until they pay a fee of 10 silver" The Gate Guard said

I paid the fee and then someone made me decide to kill and rob them later

"Move it!, Our young masters has decided to hold a barricade none shall pass until they pay a fee of 1 gold per person" The young masters servants shouted out

"That's Highway Robbery!, Guards! will you guys not do anything about this?" One of the merchants asked

"Nope it's not our problem we just protect what's inside the city not what happens to others after they're outside" The Gate Guard Replied

I chose to wait and followed them back to their base

*few hours later*

"We have hit it rich the young masters told us we can keep 5% of what we taken.. I mean taxed." One servant mercenary said

"Yeah, We managed to get 1000 gold and safely placed it in young masters magic vault" another said

'Thats like ten 11x draws do I have [Golden Rule] or something like that or is there a hidden luck stat' I thought while using my [Shadow Spear] hiding myself

I then thought about the legendary Lin Fan and what he will do, would he rob them clean while breaking all their genitals while as Ren or just steal the gold, I can't seem to choose which type of robbery I'm going to do, The Stealthy or The Funny, I think I'll just do the stealthy way if I get caught then I'll do the funny way.

*Night Time*

I guess it's time to "borrow" some stuff from these so called young masters

There was a few tents surrounding a main tent in the middle of their base, that's probably where the safe is

"Ahhh.. Ahhh.. Ahhh.. MOore.."

I then suddenly hear moaning within the tent

"Shhhh... you don't want then to hear right Hitomi, What would the young master do to you if he found out that I am fucking you in his bed , You would be a very naughty and bad wife won't you." ??? said

I suddenly felt bad for the young master that he gets cucked but not bad enough that I won't steal the gold, that's just free points for me

"Brother-in-law please don't tell my husband, I just needed someone after he became the first young master" Hitomi cried out in sadness and pleasure

I just walked passed that part of the tent and saw the safe, The Magic Safe... was just an actual electronic safe from the year 2017... it even had a made in china and a made in 2017 stickers, I think that the young master must be a reincarnation or a world traveler, too bad his wife just got stolen by his own brother, his own otherworldly luck must have run out.

I just absorbed the whole safe into my spear inventory bypassing all safeguards and got the gold and probably some precious items

"Who's there?, I am the second young master, show yourselves!" The second young master shouted out while stopping his fornication with his brothers wife

I just used my [Shadow Spear] and skedaddled my way out of the tent compund

*Inside Zeltoble*

Time to count my loot, I got 1653 gold, some gems that have an aura of elemental magic, Some books and a map of Zeltoble and other countries, and a storage bag which the coins were stored in

I absorbed the maps into my [Navigation Sword] and then exchanged some of my gold into points and left about 1000 gold, I probably should buy myself some slaves and materials to make new spears

I then went to one of the Slave Merchants around the area I was in

"Ahhh welcome to my humble store, My name is Elokous and what would you like to buy?, some pretty sex slaves?, Or some warriors as guards for you." Elokous introduced himself and advertised some of his stock

"I would like to see some of your cheap slaves" I asked Elokous impatiently waiting for an answer

"Ah you're one of those people, well follow me into the back." Elokous probably thought I was using them as bait

I followed him into the back

The Backroom was If I explain it in one word... Dirty, The floor looks like it hasn't been cleaned in months and the slaves look like they will die within a week, I should probably buy some slave ink to get myself the stat increasing [Slave User Spear]

"*cough* *cough* Would you please by me sir, I will do anything sir please just don't let me stay here anymore!" Multiple slaves begged me to buy them but I just ignored them

They were caged like chicken cramped and unclean, I wonder if they used magic to keep them alive until now.

I transformed my spear into my [Compass Spear +8] to search for any anomalies or characters that shouldn't be in this universe in the slave pen

My [Compass Spear +8] tells me that there are a couple of anomalies in the slave pen

"Could we go further back?" I asked Elokous

"Sure but they're the most sickly bunch of slaves, I wouldn't recommend that you buy them." Elokous replied and lead me in further

I then saw a black haired girl and a blonde one and then used my [Observe] to check their stats

Name: Akame

Race: Human

Title: Malnourished, Reincarnated Person

Level: 1

ATK: 1


DEF: 1



Name: Ais Wallenstein

Race: Human

Title: Malnourished, Look-alike

Level: 1

ATK: 1


DEF: 1



I thought that she looked familiar, I don't know how but she must have reincarnated from the Akame ga Kill world, and the other one must been just a version of her in this world and not her adventurer version, I should probably buy them just to ask Akame how she died and if she died before canon or after canon, and probably talk with Ais about how she got enslaved

"Elokous I would like to buy those two slaves over there" I pointed to both Akame and Ais

"Sure they would cost about... one hundred silver for both or two gold in total." Elokous replied

I tried to bargain with my CHA, it should be pretty easy to lower the price down even though I have a thousand gold in my inventory

"Hmmm.... I could lower it down to one gold just because they're almost dying." Elokous accepted the bargain

I then went back to the room for the slave crest application on them

"Would you prefer a stamp or a collar?, either works fine the collar is just for decorations if it breaks" Elokous asked me which I would choose

"I think I'll just choose the stamp for them both." I replied back while nervously waiting

"Okay it will just take a second, shhhh...." Elokous said while screams of agony came out from their mouths still unconscious from the amount pain received

"Annnnd.. done, You now have received two slaves, just order them while holding your master seal hand closed for it to take effect" Elokous explained and quite tired of applying the seals

I then just picked them up and bought a ride ticket to Melromarc, and then I placed them into position

*Road to Melromarc*

Both of them trying to wake up

"Hey, you. You're finally awake. You were trying to cross the border, right? Walked right into that Imperial ambush, same as us, and that thief over there" I said to both of them who finally woke up after I said that.

"Who are you!? *cough* *cough*" both of them said.

"I am your new master the Spear Hero Hönk, and I saved you from dying in that slave pen, Here have some potions they will heal the Malnourishment and sickness you both have during the time in your slave pen" I introduced myself and handed out my normalish potions.

They became even more suspicious at the potions I gave them, they decided to just drink it all in one gulp.

"Oh wait you gotta mix both potions first so you don't pass out... I was too late aren't I" I said it to both of them too late.

*Inn Inside Castle Town*

"Hey, you. You're finally awake. You were trying to cross th-... ah right already did that bit" I said to them again

"Hey wake up?, I know that you're both awake don't let me use the command seal."

"*grumble* *grumble* Foooood...." both of them said at the same time

"Yeah yeah, There's food right here, eat up." I said as I began to pull out food from my inventory

"*munch* so ta-*munch*ty" Akame said while eating the 5 star food that a certain chef would approve while Ais just stares blankly at me and asks

"So you bought us from Elokous, yes?" Ais said while the way she said Elokous now that I noticed it is weird since the world is Japanese and they have names like Beloukas and Aultcray

"Could we have revenge Master?... I want to have my revenge on Stilvet" Ais hatefully said

"*munxh* Ye-*munch*ah" Akame also said

"We were captured by some Demi-Humans when they raided our village near Zeltoble *cough* *cough* I just want revenge for my parents" Ais said probably out of character for her

"You could have revenge as long as you serve me well, Now I want you guys to start fighting the balloons." I ordered while taking out [Slave User Spear +20] to adjust their stat and level growth

*Outside Near Melromarc*

"Okay girls just follow what I do, just take a deep breath and then slash the enemy, It s that simple." I was teaching them how to fight using a sword even though I can only use a Spear for within this world, but I have learned enough from the soldiers training during my time with Louise and inside Melromarc

"Yes Master!, One step Two step Three step thrust!." Akame tried some of the anime moves I taught her

While they were training I was making some new potions with some new herbs I got,

The new herbs I got were some higher quality version of Red Herb called Vermillion Herb

that increases the Yang inside the body and can be a supplement for you know what... also I got another higher quality herb called Azure Herb that calms down the consumer and increases their speed of thought as if they were alchemists from fate with their [Thought Acceleration] [Memory Partition] bullshit, I also have a new cauldron that I got from the gacha it can allow me to actually make pills

Well That's what happened these past few days about 3 to be exact I wonder what happened to Motoyasu

*End Chapter*