

He was an Average Joe, lamenting over the cruel erosion of time. Humans are greedy beings. The more they have, the more they want. Despite living a comfortable life filled with joys and sorrows, he wished for more! A twist of fate—changed his life. Dying, only to find out a new world, a new myth, a new adventure awaiting him. In a world where, the advent of steam and machinery rang the bell of magic, churches, cults, hexes, arcane strength, artifacts, noble power struggle, eldritch horrors, and evil lurking in the darkness, he finds himself in the body of his new self. "I wish to fight against Time! I want to unchain myself! I desire to peer deep into myself!" He looked at the Canvas of Felony — A painting filled with filthiness, with cold calculative eyes while pressing down on his half-top hat and straightening the collars of his tuxedo. The corner of his lips, curved into a lopsided grin. To find what he so desires. He dawdled with the fine line between reality and fantasy — He questioned himself again and again. He kept prying into the unknown realm of mysteries — giving birth to all that is unholy! As the gears of fate churned, he got embroiled in the unending murky bureaucracy. But if that were all, things would've been much more manageable... The underlying madness and horrors of power—brandished its claws—gnawing at his inner self. Will he survive? Will he find the answers to the questions that haunt him? Will he peer deep into his spirit? Will he unfold a utopia—a world that doesn't exist in his wake? Or will he be crushed by responsibilities, destroyed by his enemies, and corrupted by power—losing himself in a dream of desires? ....... This web novel is highly plot-driven. There will be some "cultural" stuff, but it wouldn't appear all the time, after every two chapters. This is for my fellow men of culture who had been looking for a novel where there is no mindless pokemon hunting, but at the same time, has some questionable stuff with a well-thought-out plot. It has both action and "plot". If you come here by accident and are interested, then certainly read till 32 chaps(First arc) to decide whether you want to continue. The early chapters(1-25ish) are very short! (Not to mention, they are all free!) Much love!

AverageJoe · Kỳ huyễn
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61 Chs


Many tall blue spires, on top of different Tempest Cathedrals, spread across the entirety of Stormwatch, overlooked the capital city of Treon.

However, the tallest of all the blue spires could be spotted in the sea, some distance apart from the shore.

The House of Tempest— the highest authority of the faith in the Goddess, was situated on an island—Serene Isles, near the shore of Stormwatch.

People from all walks of life, all across the Treon Kingdom would come to visit the House of Tempest, also known as The Floating Cathedral, not only in the name of faith but also because it was a beautiful tourist destination and attracted a large number of travelers.

Seas around The Floating Cathedral were tranquil as gentle waves ebbed; the breeze was cool.

Many ferries and boats could be seen traveling between the Serene Isles and Stormwatch, transporting tourists and devout believers.

Even the most atrocious pirates from all over the world firmly believed and prayed religiously to the Tempest Goddess, and dared not make a scene in these regions.

On one such vessel, Caroline stood by the railings at the deck in her usual heavy greatcoat as her long black hair flew over with the gentle wind.

She calmly watched the setting sun in the distance; her face glowing with an orange hue, as a sigh of exhaustion escaped her lips.

Fatigue—not physical but mental!

The suppressed feelings in her heart seemed to have boiled again after seeing Kole in such a condition.

And the fact that she had to go back to the Akerses' manor for the upcoming coming-of-age ceremony of Kole, made it even harder for her to control the bubbling anxiety.

Despite running away, she couldn't run away from herself. And Caroline has come to realize this fact.

Caroline knew that from the very beginning when she felt something odd, she was destined to live a life of unrequited love.

Yet, it hurts!

It is so painful!

She sighed again.

"Carrie," Elmer's voice floated from behind. She shot him a neutral glance, as he continued "Where would you be staying, do you have somewhere to go?"

She arced an eyebrow, as Elmer came by her side and leaned over the railing.

"Like I always use to—at The Floating Cathedral…" Her expression turned strange.

For the past two years ever since she ran away from the manor—no, her feelings, she has been living at The Floating Cathedral.

Although her rank was still low, her progress was very fast.

From an unofficial member of the Tempest Order to the Captain of a team, she advanced rapidly!

Yes. Caroline was the actual captain of their team, but she felt like leading was a job that Elmer professionalized in.

She was more suited to following orders during crucial times.

Captains had higher strength, greater combat prowess, or strange abilities, but it did not always mean they were suitable for "Leadership".

Perhaps, her mind was also preoccupied with dangerous forbidden thoughts, and she felt it would be unfair for people to leave their lives in the hands of a psychotic individual.

Captains in the Stormwatch region can apply for lodging in The Floating Cathedral, though, most had families and preferred to live at their own expense.

Coming back to Elmer's question a strange light flashed in Caroline's eyes.

Yes, she may be naïve but she was no idiot.

She has lived away from the shelter provided by her mother and honed herself through all kinds of experiences!

And she wasn't surprised either. There was a reason why she preferred wearing overcoats, hiding her sinful body.

"Ah… You know," Elmer coughed to hide the awkwardness, "Lewis and I were planning to rent a manor at the Serene Isles. He would be bringing his mother along. He said it would calm his agitated heart… Especially after what happened to your brother, he wanted to take extra precautions…"

"If you wish, you can move with us. It'd be fun!"

Serene Isles belonged to The House of Tempest. Most, if not all businesses were handled by them on this piece of land. However, the manors that were built by the beachside couldn't be rented by ordinary people.

Though the church was supposed to spread the concept of generosity, the church wasn't obliged to provide luxuries to common people.

These luxuries were reserved for the guardians of light!

And this is why Elmer and Lewis could afford it easily, after all, they received subsidies from the church.

However, Caroline shook her head gently, as her gaze moved back to the orange ball of light in the distance, "Thank you for the invitation, Elmer, really. But I just want peace…" she declined politely.

Peace… her lips trembled a little as she turned her face away from Elmer to hide the tears at the corner of her eyes.

Hah!~ I have to back to the manor in a few weeks...

Ironically, with my heart unsettled… I don't think I'd ever obtain this so-called Peace…


As Kole was analyzing himself in Faneia's red eyes, Faneia was also looking at him. Her eyes glowed blood red.

"!!!" Almost immediately, Kole felt the hairs on the back of his neck stoop up.

<<Baneful Sense>> A unique passive magic skill, alerted Kole of the impending danger—It worked like an alarm against any sort of malign against Kole. It was something that Kole didn't need to learn or practice; it was a part of his very being after he Ascended!

Though its uses were limited as people at higher levels could create techniques to "hide" their sense of "malign" towards Kole despite brandishing a weapon in front of him, it was still instrumental in the current situation where Faneia was only testing and not severe.

If she was serious, Kole would die without even knowing how.

Right now, Kole could feel Faneia didn't wish to kill him.

Even the tingling sensation he felt, came from his right shoulder, and his vitals weren't targeted. But this time, the danger was real—If Kole didn't defend himself, his bones may be broken—which Kole didn't wish to see or experience despite being indifferent to pain.

Out of instinct, he pushed himself forward.

The moment he did, his body vanished from Faneia's vision, who narrowed her eyes dangerously.

After a moment of deliberation, she stretched her hand and pulled a confused-looking Kole from out of nowhere.

"Wh-What was that?" Kole looked around him in sheer shock!

He inspected his body and rubbed his arms together to calm down the goosebumps he felt all over his body.

Faneia looked at him calmly as her extended shadow suddenly retracted, her expression returning to an impassive one and then her eyes shined with a strange light.

"What did you see?" After a moment of thought, she asked.

"Uhh…" Kole craned his head a little after calming his turbulent emotions, as he recalled his experience, "I-I don't know… When you attacked me, I had this weird sensation that I could just 'escape'… and that's what I did."

"But…" His expression turned a little horrified, "In the next moment, I was surrounded by darkness… Absolute darkness. I couldn't even see—no, I couldn't even feel myself!"

Instead of the fear that Kole was feeling, Faneia smiled indiscernibly as she muttered, "Subspace…"

Another cliff. Another one. Another one.

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