

Chapter 1124: Unrelenting Trouble

The tense and solemn atmosphere in the Atlantic Air Defense Command diffused rapidly. The faces of everyone who entered or exited the command were stretched in anxiousness. The commander who stepped into the command in large strides was ashen because just 10 minutes ago, they received news that Space Shuttle 'Mayflower' that had headed to the moon to execute a top secret mission was pursued and attacked by an unidentified object on its way back to Earth and was seeking emergency support!

"How's the situation?"

Staring at the monitor, the commander asked with heavy breaths. The controller beside him answered quickly.

"Sir, Mayflower entered the air defense zone three minutes ago, but the enemy isn't letting up. It is moving almost as quickly as the space shuttle! Not only that, but its movement is also unusually irregular, unlike a meteorite!"

"Is it a space weapon belonging to another country?"

Facing the commander's question, the controller hesitated before giving a swift answer.

"We've confirmed that there aren't any foreign aircrafts in the air space! Thermal imaging and scanning also indicate that the enemy is a living creature!"

"Living creature?"

The commander was taken aback. At the same time, the controller seized the opportunity to display the result of the scan to him. Gazing at the scarlet and dazzling vital signs in the picture, the commander was speechless. He covered his mouth in disbelief. His face became as stiff as hard steel. At this moment, he heard the controller continuing his report.

"Judging from its appearance, it seems much bigger than Space Shuttle Mayflower. Even though we don't know how it maneuvers in space, it is moving really quickly at an irregular pace too. We were able to lock onto it, but it seems like it is wrapped in an unknown matter that deflects and conceals it against most of our detection. Up until now..."

"Reporting, Commander! The enemy has entered the combat zone. Please advise!"

A hasty voice interrupted the controller's report. Everyone lifted their heads and looked at the huge monitor before them. The scarlet dot was flickering constantly as it entered the air defense zone. In an instant, everyone in the war room held their breath, their eyes tracing in uncertainty at the scarlet dot. On the other hand, the commander pondered in silence as he stared at the screen. Then, he commanded.

"Lock onto the target and fire immediately. Destroy it completely! Activate the satellite defense system!"

"Satellite defense system connected. Target locked."


A string of bright radiance flashed in the night sky. Huge missiles glided through the air and headed toward the target. As they flew, their outer shells disintegrated quickly to reveal the mighty warheads hidden inside. In just a few moments, the warheads constituted a storm-like attack that blasted at the target. The exploding flares and flames engulfed the enemy entirely.

But at the next moment, the enormous body burst through the obstructions effortlessly and continued to head toward the blue planet. Warheads that were powerful enough to destroy the hardest meteorite didn't leave a single scratch on its scales at all. Of course, if one were to look closely, one would realize that the pitch-black dragon was reflecting an array of colorful spiritual radiances from its body.

"Target is continuing advancement!"

"Damn it!"

The commander cursed and punched the table heavily with his fist. He glared at the scarlet dot moving swiftly on the screen. His sudden burst of rage frightened everyone around him. They looked at one another helplessly, totally unaware of why their commander was so agitated. In fact, only the commander knew that he wasn't agitated, but terrified instead.

As the commander of the Atlantic Air Defense Command, of course he knew about the enormous dragon that had appeared over the headquarters a few days ago. Even though most information was concealed by the higher-ups of various countries to prevent social panic among civilians, as one of the 'higher-ups', he knew how terrifying the dragon was. Not only was it able to roam freely in harsh space conditions, but it also survived unscathed from nuclear warheads. He had never heard of the existence of such monsters. It was totally unprecedented. Ever since its first attack, Earth headquarters was discussing backup plans if the dragon were to attack Earth. After all, nuclear warheads failed to take it down and it was terrifyingly powerful. Although the higher-ups had convened elite scholars in various fields for discussions, there weren't any results at all. Under such circumstances, the situation was already tense. But now... what they feared the most just came true. The dragon was heading toward them!

Damn it. I wonder how those idiots enraged that monster and made it so relentless!

There was an instant when the commander thought of destroying the space shuttle to save themselves from disaster as the dragon was obviously going after it. As long as the space shuttle was destroyed, perhaps the dragon might return to where it came from. After that happened, he could explain that his finger slipped in a moment of nervousness and it was definitely better than sacrificing the lives of ordinary civilians, right?!



The commander slammed the table again. After all, he was just a soldier and the orders he received were to protect Space Shuttle Mayflower at all costs and eradicate the enemy. All he could do now was simply abide by the orders.

"Activate Thor's Hammer immediately!"


Everyone was stunned.

"Thor's Hammer is still in the testing phase and isn't ready for actual battles..."



The controller stared blankly at the commander's intense gaze and turned around quickly. Shortly after, some changes happened on the screen before them...

The gigantic and pitch-black metallic cylinder expanded gradually. It hovered silently in space and the metallic blades around it flickered in a dazzling white radiance. Shortly after, the tightly-bound metallic cylinder divided and formed the mysterious shape of a blooming flower. An orange-red light emanated from the 'middle' of the flower. At the next moment, the constantly-flickering light linked up with the metallic plates at the side. A thick, bright, and blinding light beam erupted into space.

The pitch-black dragon came to a halt abruptly, expanding its wings swiftly and lifting its head high. Then, a dozen intricate and gorgeous magical rituals formed by its wide-open mouth. It blasted a bright, dazzling dragon breath ahead.

At the next moment, the orange-red light beam and white dragon breath collided.

The powerful impact from the clash exploded dazzlingly outside the atmosphere like a supernova explosion. However, the orange-red light beam lasted for less than five seconds before it was devoured completely by the white dragon breath. The vivid whiteness streaked across the night starry sky with a dozen flares erupting at the end of the white trajectory. The enormous dragon closed its mouth, shot a look in satisfaction, and expanded its wings to dive downward.

At this moment, the entire Atlantic Air Defense Command was dead silent.

"... Thor's Hammer... has been utterly destroyed..."

The controller reported in a shaky voice because not even in their wildest nightmares had they witnessed such a scene. But now, the most terrifying scene was displayed unquestionably in front of them. In an instant, everyone stared blankly at the screen showing warning signals that it had lost contact with Thor's Hammer. Their head was in a complete blank when suddenly, ear-deafening alarms blared. The controller's howling scream instantly resounded in the war room.

"The enemy has entered the atmosphere and is continuing to chase Mayflower! There is no change in its direction at all!"

Upon hearing the frantic report, the commander shuddered and plopped back on the chair like a dejected, dying old man. He had a sudden bizarre thought: since the enemy was a living creature, it should be able to reason with it. Was it possible to negotiate with it and end the battle? But shortly after, the commander shook his head in denial. After all, this could only be wishful thinking. Even if it had such intelligence, it was apparent that it couldn't care less about humans like them. The strongest killing weapon of humans stood no chance against it, so even if they negotiated, what right did they have to ask it to stop? Could it be that he could only hope it was just a huge creature that came from Mars like in some movies and expect it to fall sick and be defeated? At this thought, the commander forced a smile. After pondering for a few moments, he gnashed his teeth and gave out orders.

"13th, 15th, and 17th squads are to take off immediately and delay the enemy as much as possible. Report to the headquarters to evacuate nearby residents now! Get all anti-aircraft weapons ready!"

This was the only thing he could do now.

Chapter 1125: A Heavenly Object

As the alarm blared, fighter aircrafts took off in a formation of four, whistling toward the destination. The pilots prepared themselves quickly for the upcoming battle.

"Eagle Eye III, this is Eagle Eye I. We're heading to the destination. Maintain formation! Scan the radar and search for the target!"

"This is Eagle Eye II. Captain, what exactly did you say we're going to face? Those old dudes up there sure are panicky."

Gazing at the radar screen, the wingman asked in confusion. Even though the pilots had an emergency take-off, they weren't aware of their mission even until now. Their higher-ups commanded them to reach the destination and stop the intruders, but as for who the intruders were, they never mentioned it. Could they be foreign hostile aircrafts? Or was this just an exercise for a secret mission? The intruders shouldn't be aliens, right...?

The pilots wondered what the officials were up to, making the entire situation top secret. Besides, the order they received was to hold back the intruders until the evacuations were completed... This was their first time receiving such an odd command. Although they were full of doubts at the moment, obeying orders strictly was their duty as qualified militants.

"It isn't up to us to worry about the mission. We're approaching the targeted sea region! Everyone get ready for battle!"

"Captain, there is a response from the radar... it's a space shuttle!"

Almost at the same time, a long trail of fire whistled across the fighter aircrafts from above. The massive and powerful airflow almost disrupted their formation.

"Damn it, what's with that space shuttle. Is it in a hurry to kill itself?"

"Cut the crap. Beware your surroundings. There are movements ahead...! Everyone get read—"

That was the end of the pilot's words.

At the next moment, the thick white cloud churned before their eyes abruptly. An enormous, pitch-black dragon expanded its wings, bursting out of the sea of clouds, staring at the space shuttle with its golden eyes. It widened its mouth and let out an ear-deafening snarl.

"Oh, Lord..."

Looking at this scene, everyone was speechless. Before the devastating presence of the black dragon, their fighter aircrafts were only the size of sparrows. Despite them sitting in the cockpit, they clearly felt overwhelming pressure as though boulders were crushing all over their bodies. Some even felt their arms on the operating levers begin to tremble on their own. They held their breath and gazed blankly at the monster in front of them. Their heads were completely blank and not even the doubt of "what exactly is that?" came up in their minds. They stared at the dragon in a daze and completely forgot what they had to do. The dragon was so massive that they lost their consciousness.

"Disperse immediately. Lock onto the target and fire! Delay it as much as possible!"

After a few moments, the senior pilot returned to his senses and ordered hurriedly. His voice instantly pulled his bewildered comrades back to reality and they got into action without responding. Humans had a natural sense of fear toward the unknown and danger. The dragon made them feel utter despair and fear in every aspect. In this situation, the only thing humans could do was to defend themselves! No matter the result, that was the only thing they could do!


Shortly after, the 12 fighter aircrafts left their formation swiftly and spiraled around the dark dragon.

Facing these enemies who appeared all of a sudden, Erin disregarded them entirely. She had fought more than once with these strange-looking 'metallic birds' on the moon bases. Even though she was somewhat astonished with the advanced 'alchemical techniques' in this world, to the moon princess born in the Country of Darkness, air wars were never her weakness. Facing the attack of the 'metallic birds', Erin didn't even bother to move. On the contrary, she continued to stare at the space shuttle in the distance that had almost turned into a black dot and flapped her wings to give chase. One had to admit that Dr. Martin was really lucky as Erin had almost sunk her teeth into the space shuttle earlier. But it was a pity that after entering the atmosphere, she neglected something: gravity existed on Earth.

Erin, who was already used to flying in space and above the moon's surface, didn't consider the effects of gravity and almost plunged into the sea head-on. Fortunately, her reflexes were quick in adapting to the conditions on Earth. But it was due to this slight delay that allowed the space shuttle to draw a distance apart.

"Oh-no-no, seems like I need to be quicker."

Although Erin didn't know where the space shuttle was heading, she was sure that it was about to reach its destination. It was apparent from the resistance she received from these pawns of Chaos (referring to the fighter aircrafts) that were trying to stop her. But even so, she had to hurry up. At this thought, she hesitated no more and fluttered her wings. With this motion, the enormous black dragon picked up speed all of a sudden and shook off the fighter aircrafts in the blink of an eye.

Looking at this scene, the pilots were stumped. They thought such a massive creature was only capable of moving slowly, but didn't expect it to flit across them in a black dazzling flash and fly into the horizon!

Damn it, this isn't logical at all. How is it able to move that quickly?

"Chase it! Go all-out! Report to the base command immediately!"

Erin wasn't mindful as to what commotion she would cause. Right now, only the space shuttle was in her eyes. She witnessed the battle between Rhode's group and Chaos, so she was well aware that she had to snatch away the black slate while the enemies were onboard the 'small metallic device' and couldn't summon too much Chaos. If not, she didn't know what would happen. Not only that, but Lydia and Rhode were also waiting for her return. As a gentlewoman, she couldn't let others wait for her too long, wasn't it?

At this thought, Erin's eyes glinted wittily. She widened her mouth and in this action, a massive magical ritual appeared in the sky. Air trembled and violent gales blustered to form a barrier ahead, stopping the space shuttle like a massive, flat wave. The wind barrier pushed toward the space shuttle. The space shuttle that was like an arrow released from the bowstring finally losing speed. In the face of the powerful gales, its speed declined gradually. Even though the blaze spurting from its tail grew larger and brighter, its body was getting more overwhelmed like a boat swept by strong waves in a storm.

"No, it can't be. The space shuttle is losing control, doctor!"

"Damn it!"

While the loud sirens trumpeted, Dr. Martin clasped the black leather box in his arms grimly. He thought he would be able to stop the intruders after awakening the sleeping spirits. For that, he had even given up the Americas Region's headquarters. But he didn't expect them to split into two and come after him. This damn dragon-like monster was apparently hard to deal with and incredibly smart. He thought he could pin his hopes on the headquarters in resisting it, but it seemed like it didn't work at all!

What should I do?

Right now, he didn't have any more strength to summon more spirits. But if this continued...

Before Dr. Martin figured out what he should do, the space shuttle rumbled abruptly. His heart sank instantly. His emotionless face finally displayed a terrified and uncertain expression. He lifted his head subconsciously and looked out the window. What came into view was the pair of golden eyes of the dragon. At this moment, his expression finally twisted. He lost all ability to think as he stared blankly at the menacing eyes and trembled all over. The sirens trumpeting over the cracks in the space shuttle had vanished in his ears. An unparalleled sense of fear erupted inside him.



The sturdy space shuttle was as though a child's plastic toy as it was shredded into bits under Erin's claw. Erin was totally disinterested by its predicament. She stretched out her front claw and emanated a string of dazzling radiance from her palm and wrapped the black slate that was floating above.

Good. It has all ended.

Neglecting the final wails and terrified screams of the corpses before they were torn apart, Erin gazed at the sealed black slate in her hand proudly. Perhaps due to the fact that Martin had used its power on the moon headquarters earlier, it didn't respond while being sealed by Erin. The young lady nodded in satisfaction before turning her hand around and putting it away. She lifted her head and gazed at the sky, intending to leave.

Since Her Highness Lydia and His Majesty Rhode are here, they should have a way to bring me back. In that case, I just need to head back where I came from and look for them.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

But at this moment, the guided missiles whistling from the back struck her heavily and interrupted her thoughts. She turned back and saw several 'metallic birds' flying toward her. She was taken aback, but quickly narrowed her eyes in a dangerous look.

As the noble moon princess, Erin thought she had given them enough preferential treatment. Even though the 'Bubble' and 'Canary' in this world explained to her the differences between this world and the Dragon Soul Continent, Erin didn't believe all of their words. Of course, she also considered the fact that they were ordinary people in this world and wouldn't know the internal affairs of the higher-ups. But now, even though she didn't know how the other regions were doing, it was apparent to her that this country she was facing had something to do with Chaos. If not, not only did they not retreat after witnessing her strength, but they also continued their attacks on her... hmm...

"Seems like I need to give them a little warning."

At this thought, Erin widened her mouth and along with this movement, an energy sphere coalesced in her mouth. Then, a silver-whitish beam of light swept across the sky, causing a series of loud explosions. In an instant, the dozen, most-advanced fighter aircrafts were blasted into bits. But this wasn't enough to satisfy Erin. Previously, she had destroyed many of their powerful weapons and thought that it was enough to make them back out of her way. But now, it seemed like the 'alchemical techniques' in this world were extremely developed. If they were in the Dragon Soul Continent, any force that had their formidable 'magic cannons' destroyed by her would choose to retreat temporarily. But now, the hostile forces didn't seem to waver to her destroying their military equipment at all. Besides, it also seemed like the advanced 'alchemical techniques' in this world allowed them to rebuild powerful weapons in a short period of time. Perhaps it wouldn't be effective no matter how many she destroyed. Not only that, but it might also trigger them to rebel even more. In this case... she also had a corresponding way to stop them.

At this thought, Erin turned around and gazed at the huge city ahead. Unlike cities in the Dragon Soul Continent, this city here wasn't surrounded and protected by city walls. There were many 'magic towers' and it also seemed to be highly populated. In this case... I shall give them a warning and teach them an unforgettable lesson.

Erin made her decision, fluttering her wings and soaring toward the huge, brightly-lit city.

At this moment, air-raid sirens filled the sky. The bustling metropolis fell into complete chaos. Erin's brazen attack and massive size had terrorized everyone who watched the live stream on televisions. And now, this massive dragon had turned around and headed toward them. This caused massive panic among the people as they drove away from the city as quickly as possible. On the other hand, the military forces responsible for defending the city also gathered quickly, setting up all sorts of defensive equipment on the roofs of high-rise buildings. Everyone tense up as the large dragon flapped its wings and approached them. They gazed at the scene before them palely, totally unable to imagine how they could stop this massive presence. But at the thought of protecting their home and people, they embraced themselves, lifted their weapons, and aimed at the enemy! Even though it might be a futile resistance, they would never allow this terrifying monster to destroy their city!

"Fire! Fire!"

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Upon hearing the command, a string of flares erupted from both sides of the streets. The air defense missile systems set up on the roofs of the high-rise buildings were activated swiftly, releasing hundreds of missiles at the monster ahead. The intertwining barrage of attacks formed an incomparably sturdy net of fire that attempted to stop the dragon.

But it was a pity that what they did was just sounding the death bell earlier.

Erin was curiously and cautiously sizing up the tall buildings that towered into the clouds because be it humans or undead creatures, none of them were able to build such tall and mighty 'magic towers'. But in this city, they were found everywhere. Moreover, the city wasn't surrounded by strong walls, so Erin thought these 'magic towers' were their 'defense facilities'. Even though the series of attacks earlier didn't leave a scratch on her skin, she continued to raise her guard. After all, she knew how powerful mage towers in the Country of Darkness were. Previously she didn't witness similar buildings on the moon perhaps due to them not being built. But here, maybe the city possessed some mysterious and powerful strength...

If Canary and Mini Bubble Gum knew this was going through Erin's head, they would surely regret not imparting her some knowledge in this aspect earlier.

And now, Erin confirmed her suspicions upon facing the sudden ambush. The 'magic towers' were indeed used to protect the city!

Alright then, I shall start from them!

At this thought, Erin narrowed her eyes immediately. She emanated a dazzling spiritual radiance from her body, which turned into a beautiful and huge magical shield in front of her to defend against the missiles. Then, she dove and landed on her feet in a loud boom. The statue of a goddess holding a torch was crushed to bits by her stomping. Erin lifted her head proudly and squinted at the brightly-lit city.

The moon princess sucked in a deep breath of air...

A white light of destruction erupted. The eye-catching brilliance devoured the deep night sky entirely, overshadowing the luminous light above the land in an instant. After a few seconds, a pure, dazzling white radiance expanded in all directions, enveloping the entire region. Before the tall buildings collapsed, they were crushed into powder by a formidable light torrent. Before one could visit the tall twin towers that were finally built after a long time, it was devoured by the dragon breath like melted snow in the sun alongside the other buildings, vanishing silently without a trace.

After half a minute, Erin's dragon breath came to an end. The scenery before her had turned into something completely different. The bustling metropolis no longer existed, be it the towering buildings or bustling streets‚everything was nowhere in sight. The powerful dragon breath wiped out everything completely and even created a deep hole that was almost a hundred kilometers long. Everything that belonged there became history. The ground no longer existed and seawater poured into the flat, smooth, and enormous hole. Perhaps after a while, this place would turn into part of the ocean.

Admiring this pitiful sight she made in satisfaction, Erin expanded her wings, soared into the sky, and gazed into the distance. At this moment, no one dared to attack her anymore because they lost their consciousness and didn't know how to deal with everything that just happened. This was like a nightmare to them. In an instant, their home, people, and families were destroyed without leaving behind a trace. Reality was so cruel that they refused to believe its authenticity.

But Erin didn't care at all. Even though this moon princess was peaceful in nature, she grew up in the Country of Darkness without caring for others' lives, especially those of lackeys who were in cahoots with Chaos and challenged her time and time again. She didn't mind teaching them an unforgettable lesson.

After confirming that they received her message through this attack, Erin nodded in satisfaction. She turned to the tragic city again and squinted. Then, the survivors heard her sweet and crisp voice in their heads.

"This is a warning, humans. Don't go around touching what doesn't belong to you. If you remain stubborn, you will only head down the road of destruction."

Erin said and spiraled around the city once more. She lifted her head and fluttered her wings. With powerful gales, the enormous black dragon soared toward the moon.

Chapter 1126: Chaotic World

Gazing at the young lady who grinned wittily while looking back at him proudly, Rhode was completely speechless. He extended his hand and held his forehead helplessly. Not only was he having a headache, but his stomach was also starting to turn...

"Welcome back, Your Highness Erin. I'm glad you're safe."

"Yes, I'm back, Your Majesty Rhode. I didn't expect you and Her Highness Lydia to pick me up personally. I'm overwhelmed with gratitude." At this moment, Erin no longer looked like a BOSS capable of destroying an entire international metropolis without batting an eyelid. On the contrary, she seemed like a lively, playful, and gorgeous young lady. Rhode didn't want to comment on her disastrous actions because what's done was done. Besides, no matter how much this young lady looked like a human now, she was still a genuine dragon and ordinary humans were mere lowly creatures in her eyes. Even though she often grinned and was friendly toward anyone, that was precisely her way of looking down upon the inferior humans. It was just like how humans treated cats and dogs. One might smile and caress an adorable cat or dog, but it didn't mean that one treated them as smart creatures who could communicate with one on equal footing. And now, humans and pets were no different to Erin.

"Where's the slate?"

Rhode got into business quickly. Since it wasn't his country that was attacked by her, but was a region on the other side of Earth instead, it didn't matter to him even if they plunged into an abyss of misery. That was why Rhode changed the topic and began asking about proper matters.

"It's right here, Your Majesty, including the other three I've got."

Erin said with a chuckle. She stretched out her hand and four slates appeared out of thin air above her palm, hovering silently before their eyes. Gazing at the four Akashic Slates, Rhode knitted his brows and sized them up. Then, he extended his arm. Along with this movement of his, the last piece of slate appeared over his palm. Shortly after, there seemed to be some force of attraction between the five slates as they began to overlap gradually, stacking up like building blocks and becoming a brand new presence.

"This is..."

Looking at this scene, Erin, Lydia, Canary, and the rest widened their eyes in astonishment.

In a bright, flashing radiance, the five pitch-black slates fused into one, losing their plain appearance and transforming into a huge, three-meters-tall, black stone door. The stone door and its two doorposts were engraved with an array of ancient symbols and markings. A blue radiance surged from the inside and the huge stone door instantly exuded a mysterious and primitive vibe. Even though it was erected on the spot, it made one feel like one was inside a historical site, where even the gentle wind brushing against one's ear was filled with the murmurs of time. Not only that, but also at a glance, the ceiling and floor also seemingly gave off a sense of solemnity that bore the weight of a long antiquity.

"I see..."

Gazing at the stone door, Rhode finally understood why the five original Creator Dragons, including his younger sister, transmigrated their closest subjects to this world along with the slates. It was because after the five slates merged together, the true information of this stone door emerged before his eyes.

[Door of Akashic (Creator. Legendary. Holy Artifact. Projection)———it belonged in the crevice of past, present, and future, born at the birth of all things, and records and transmits the information of all things. It created everything, and everything shall all eventually return to its embrace]

[Akashic Records———Communicate with all things (Ability to change the world)]

[Direction of Order———Designate Plane Projection (Ability to connect the planes)]

[Origin and end———Ability to create/destroy space (Unuseable by projection)]

Oh my...!

Rhode was flabbergasted by its details. Although he expected its strength to be exaggeratedly powerful, he didn't expect it to be this insane. All in all, this thing was entirely a game modifier, where it could effortlessly change anything after locking onto the target. Be it 65536 or 99999, there was no stress at all... Hey, is this game still playable? Are there any GMs around? I want to report a situation!


"Is this thing really that powerful?"

Perhaps the information displayed on the system interface was over-exaggerating, even Rhode refused to believe it. He puckered his brows, sized up the Door of Akasha, and asked dubiously. Shortly after, he heard his younger sister's response.

"Yes, Big Brother. This isn't the real Akasha. I suppose you've seen it for yourself that this is only its projection, which is really hard for us to obtain. Besides, the power of Akasha is exceedingly strong. Without our power of creation, even the current dragon soul heirs would be devoured by it immediately if they forcefully activated it. After all, Akasha isn't a product of Order, but is one between Chaos and Order. Back then, we sealed our powers in the five slates, hoping that our children could activate their dragon soul powers after transmigrating to a new world and opening up a plane channel. After they succeeded, we would then be able to arrive at the new world and do whatever we wanted. But..."

Rhode's younger sister didn't finish her sentence, but he figured what she was about to explain. Based on the details about the Door of Akasha, this object was the ultimate creation artifact. The five Creator Dragons had a great scheme. As long as they opened up the plane channel, transmigrated to the new world and cut off all connections to Chaos, they would have been able to create a brand new continent with this creation artifact. This plan should have been perfect. Besides, since the five Creator Dragons were willing to hand over such important artifacts to their subjects, it proved that their subjects were powerful and loyal to them. But for some unknown reason, not only did they not open up the channel like the Creator Dragons instructed after they transmigrated to the new world, but they also went different ways and buried the slates deep under the moon's surface. This was just too intriguing.

"Alright then, the reason why those people who headed to the Dragon Soul Continent in the past and were able to open up the plane channel was..."

"Based on the current situation, perhaps it was the results they got after researching the Akashic Slates. But ordinary people aren't able to use the power of the slates, so even if they created a similar plane channel, they need the slates to give them directions. This is also the reason why Miss Erin and us showed up near the location of the slates."

"In other words, we can head back now?"

"Theoretically speaking, yes. But..."

The younger sister was obviously in a tough spot. After hearing 'theoretically speaking', Rhode knew the situation wasn't as simple as it seemed. And indeed, the 'but' that he anticipated came up.


"Even though the Door of Akasha is complete, we haven't found the most important key! How is it possible that I can't detect its location? The key should have been merged with the slate as a pair. But now, we can't activate the Door of Akasha, which means that... could it be... no... why..."

"What's wrong?"

Rhode's heart sank upon hearing the rare fluster in his younger sister's voice. Upon hearing his doubt, the younger sister tried to calm herself down, let out a sigh, and muttered softly under her breath.

"Big Brother, just like I said. Our subjects didn't possess the power to activate the Akashic Slates, which was why we stored our power in them for activation. The key should be fused as a pair with the fifth slate, which is the one that Miss Erin brought back. But the slate doesn't have any signs of a key. This means that it has been separated. The only person capable of doing that is..."

The younger sister's voice turned a little deeper.

"My then dependent, who is also the Presence Deity Warden, Marybelle."

Although his younger sister didn't speak further, Rhode fully understood what she meant. He had always been curious as to why only six Deity Wardens were in charge of the Seven Fantasy Boundaries. It seemed like one of them followed his younger sister's order and transmigrated to another world with the slate. But due to some reason, the mission failed and the seven Deity Wardens lost one of their members and only six of them remained.


"Presence Deity Warden?"

"Yes, Big Brother. Among the Deity Wardens, Marybelle mastered 'presence'. She is able to judge the existence of all things in this world. If she thinks that it doesn't exist, then it doesn't. The reason why I created her was to prevent illusory boundaries that would lead to invasion of Chaos. She and Christie are my favorite children. She was also the strongest among the sisters..."

... Presence Deity Warden.

The corner of his brow twitched.

My dear little sister, this 'hack' of yours is just too powerful, don't you think? A thing exists as long as she thinks it does and doesn't as long as she doesn't think it does? Will the Dragon Soul Continent not exist if she thinks so? This ultimate killing weapon is just too OP. But now...

Rhode had nothing much to say about this Deity Warden who was most likely dead.

"What should we do now?"

"We have to find the key. Since they have uncovered the slates, I suppose there are clues to the key too. Big Brother... we...:

"Alright, since you want to look for it, then let's do it."

After hearing her words, Rhode let out a helpless sigh. Honestly, he had no intention of heading back to Earth, which was also why he didn't chase Erin when she pursued the space shuttle earlier and chose to wait for her return. Rhode felt complicated now. Perhaps he wasn't feeling emotional due to being on the moon that was far away from the mundane world. But after returning to Earth, he had to face the tough issue of whether he should stay or return to the Dragon Soul Continent? After all, Earth was his home. In the past, he didn't consider this question too much since he was in an entirely different world. But now, he was only hundreds of thousands kilometers away from his real home. Compared to the distance between both worlds, this distance between the moon and Earth was nothing. However...

For him to give up everything and abandon Marlene and the rest? He wouldn't do that, of course, which was why he remained on the moon. What the eye didn't see, the heart didn't grieve over. But now, since his younger sister hoped for him to look for the key, he could only let go of this dilemma that was deep inside his mind.

At this thought, Rhode let out a long sigh. He extended his arm and put away the Door of Akasha. At this moment, the tightly-shut door behind him opened. A yawning young lady waddled into the room and everyone turned to her.

"Sister Heart, how's the situation on Earth?"

The first to question was naturally the two Bubbles 'who wished for the whole world to be in chaos'. Back then, the video of Erin attacking the city was streamed everywhere in the world by the satellite, so they also witnessed her domination through the screen. It went without saying that the Bubbles made a big fuss in excitement and didn't treat the pitiful people as fellow humans at all.

That was why if one wasn't properly educated during puberty, it would be real trouble after their antisocial personalities formed...

Upon hearing the two Bubbles' questions, Orchid Heart yawned, rubbed the dark circles under her eyes, and said, "Earth is in complete chaos. The governments of various countries are currently asking the party involved for an explanation. After all..."

Orchid Heart gazed at Erin who stood at the side with a smile.

"... no one can remain calm after witnessing what happened."

That's right, just as Orchid Heart had said, all of Earth was in chaos. If Erin only attacked the city and left right after, the situation would be similar to Hollywood movies where monsters suddenly showed up and attacked humans. Perhaps their presence signified the disaster that human's destruction of nature would cause... and so on and so forth. But the problem was with the statement Erin left behind before she left that turned the situation toward a completely different direction.

Of course, Erin didn't understand the languages of Earth. But she didn't need to know them because it would be enough as long as she used her mental power to transmit her message into their heads. After the destruction, Erin gave a warning to hundreds of thousands of people and it went without saying that it caused a huge commotion. It might be treated as hallucination if only one or two people heard it. But after so many people heard her threat at the same time, it proved that it wasn't any hallucination. In the midst of panic, everyone began fleeing as far as possible because according to that enormous dragon, they were all implicated! The damn politicians must have done something to anger that terrifying monster and now they had to suffer the punishment!

Almost at the same time, the video of Lydia demolishing the Americas Region on the moon had spread all around, which stirred up a hornets' nest. Although neither the power of faith nor spiritual spells existed on Earth like in the Dragon Soul Continent, religion was equally developed, especially for the self-proclaimed 'chosen ones'. And now, after witnessing the messenger of God attacking them, many were devastated...

And now, in a small white house on the other side of Earth, the atmosphere was equally tense.

"How long do you intend to keep it a secret?!"

An old man in a military uniform slammed the table, glaring fiercely at the tall, skinny man like a wolf. Facing his snarls, the man narrowed his eyes and swept a silent glance at him.

"This is a top secret, to begin with. We have been working on this plan for decades and never released it to the public!

"Back then when that monster attacked the moon bases, you should have told us and we could've prepared ourselves! See what happened now! The entire Americas Region is destroyed and half of our city is gone. Tens of thousands of people are dead and this is only based on preliminary data with more to come. And yet, you're still trying to keep it a secret?!"

Gazing at his quarreling staff, a middle-aged man clad in a suit and seated by the table crossed his arms with a grim expression. Seated beside him was a glamorous woman in luxurious clothes, gazing helplessly at the screen ahead where tens of thousands of civilians were raising banners and protesting on the streets. Amongst the clamoring crowd, the intermittent voice of the report could be vaguely heard.

"Tens of thousands of civilians have gathered at First Avenue. They're requesting to... immediately... get... response. They claim that the people have the right to know the truth... Not only that, but all countries also... expressed concerns... over... incident..."

"Mr. President, it is time for the meeting."

"I got it."

At this moment, the man seated by the table stood up slowly, gazing at his staff with complicated gazes. He felt a lot of pressure on his shoulders because this was the first time he faced strong warnings and interrogations from other countries all at once. Even though international politics didn't involve any friendship, this time, even his closest allies had stripped off the tender-hearted veil. Well, they couldn't be blamed for such reactions. Even though Erin attacked his territory, her final threat was to all mankind! Although no one knew what this country did to cause such a huge catastrophe, Erin's words clearly told them that if this continued, it would be the end of humanity!

No one wished to be implicated for no apparent reason. All the higher-ups of various countries were aware of how powerful Erin was, as she wasn't hurt at all by nuclear warheads. On the other hand, the angel was even more terrifying. Even though people didn't know whether she was related to religion, it was apparent that her powers were enough to destroy all human technologies. The dragon only needed a few minutes to destroy half the city and didn't seem exhausted at all. No one wished to provoke such a scary monster.

As the moon princess, Erin was indeed smart and crafty. She purposely showed her ability to communicate with humans for them to break out into internal conflict. One had to admit that she read the situation well. If she led an army into Earth, no matter how exaggerated her words were after her attack, humans would stand united and resist the enemies. But now, only Lydia and her showed up before the humans. Besides, she proved to them that she could be communicated with, so as long as humans appeased her, they could avoid further disasters. And now, Earth was in complete chaos due to her actions and became even more dangerous. If the country that enraged the dragon wasn't willing to comply, it would only lead to the start of war between countries. Although a war was terrifying, losing a country wasn't considered much in comparison to the dangers of losing all mankind, wasn't it?

Moreover, it was they who attracted those foreign monsters in the first place! When settling disputes, one shouldn't involve third parties, so all the more reason they wouldn't be condemned for starting a war. This was why all countries righteously sent out diplomats, demanding that they attached utmost importance to the overall situation. Not only that, but some countries also sent out fleets to the high seas, ready to attack if they had the audacity to not obey. This was completely a military threat. But even so, they were careful in their actions. After all, if they were pressured into a corner and made history repeat itself, everyone would be doomed together.

"Currently, this is the situation on Earth. Governments of various countries are requesting the involved party to hand over detailed documents of the entire plan. They're also hoping for us to find a way to link them up with both of you."

After describing the situation on Earth briefly, Orchid Heart yawned again as though she wasn't cautious of Lydia and Erin. She extended her hand and rubbed her eyes like she was about to fall asleep. Then, she looked up at the crowd, before shifting her gaze to Rhode.

"Alright then. What do you intend to do, Rhode?"

"... We have our own things to handle."

Facing Orchid Heart's question, Rhode pondered in silence before giving an answer.

"But... I think we may need to make a trip to Earth."

Chapter 1127: Returning Home

The space shuttle glided, before landing silently on the tarmac like a piece of origami. The metallic ramp ejected slowly to connect to the jet bridge and the hatch opened.

Looks like I'm finally back...

Rhode sauntered out of the space shuttle, taking in everything with complicated emotions. Be it the towering buildings or pleasant country sceneries on the other side, everything seemed so familiar to him. In an instant, he felt as if it were all from a lifetime ago. He thought he was dreaming. This clear view in front of him became a distinct comparison to the Dragon Soul Continent in his memories. At that moment, the Dragon Soul Continent was slowly becoming indistinct as though it were nothing more than a thrilling dream. On the other hand, this modern city was spreading its arms apart to embrace and welcome his return. At a glance, the familiar scenes around him were as though reminding him silently that this was his true home.

"Your Majesty Rhode, what's wrong?"

Erin's voice sounded beside him. Like some sort of magic, the instant he heard her voice, the hazy sceneries in his head once again became clear. The title that Erin addressed him with made him recognize his identity. He was neither an online player nor university graduate who should be looking for a proper job now, nor an ordinary civilian. Right now, he was the one of the rulers of the Dragon Soul Continent, one of the five Creator Dragons, the owner of the Void Territory, and the Void Dragon.

"I'm fine, Your Highness Erin. Thanks for your concern."

Rhode said, nodding to her and turning around to head down the ramp.

There wasn't anything peculiar ahead of him. There were neither ferocious, fully-armored soldiers nor armored tanks nor special forces clad in black and wielding mysterious weapons, not to mention any guard of honor or important figures donned in expensive suits welcoming their arrival. The entire airport was silent. In fact, this was to be expected since civilians had already evacuated after the terrorizing attacks on the moon. Before the matter came to an end, it was likely that they wouldn't return to the moon through this space airport. Perhaps this was why no one was here. Apart from some service personnel, it was noiseless like on ordinary days.

"You can stay at the hotel temporarily. I've arranged the accommodations already."

At that moment, Orchid Heart yawned, sauntered to Rhode, and said. Frankly, judging from her look, one would think she didn't sleep for days. But in fact, Rhode was aware that she had slept all the way since boarding the space shuttle and had only just woken up.

Why is she so tired though?

"I'm surprised, Senior Heart. I thought there would be a grand welcome ceremony."

"Those higher-ups aren't dumb. Do you think it's beneficial for them to blow up the matter now?"

That makes sense.

Upon hearing her response, Rhode nodded in agreement. Come to think of it, so what if the higher-ups deployed an entire missile force at them? Aside from Lydia and Erin, even Canary, Mini Bubble Gum, and him could comfortably stop the intercontinental ballistic missiles. When that happened, Rhode might not even need to retaliate as the angered Lydia and Erin could probably destroy the city together in minutes. That city in North America was still fuming with billows of smoke. No other cities had the intention of helping them attract the attention of Lydia and Erin. This was why the best thing for them to do was to pretend to know nothing and treat the unknown beings as ordinary people so as to reduce suspicions in other countries. After all, with Orchid Heart around to mediate the situation, it was easier for the higher-ups to approach the unknown beings compared to other countries and this was naturally a good thing. However, it was apparent that the other countries wouldn't think of it this way. If the other countries learned that Rhode's group was related to that country in some ways, they would surely suspect that the country had secret weapons that were beyond their imagination. When that happened, the problem would become much bigger. This was why pretending to know nothing and laying things out in secret was the smartest choice for the higher-ups.

"How's the situation now?"

"They have agreed to all conditions in the joint meeting. Not only will they publicize the 'Apocalyptic Slate' plan, but they will also coordinate with us."

"Wow, that is hard to come by."

Rhode couldn't help but blow a whistle. If it were in the past, perhaps the higher-ups wouldn't treat the situation seriously even if the world was against them. But now, 'a phoenix with its feathers plucked wouldn't be as great as a chicken'. The status of them being the 'boss' of the world was gone and now, they couldn't even lift their heads proudly. Rhode initially thought there would be more troubles... but it seemed like Erin's threat worked well on the politicians.

"So then, what's your request, Rhode?"

"Just like before. When we investigated the base, we learned that their excavation of the slate began after they uncovered certain ruins and obtained essential details from it. Of course, we have to personally head down to the ruins and conduct an investigation ourselves. For that, I will need your help. As for the other..." Rhode paused. Earlier on, he had investigated the situation with his younger sister. The other party's illegal technologies were built on the basis of the slate's energy. In other words, the 'Akashic Slates' were used by them as energy sources, just like how magic crystals were required to activate magic cannons in the Dragon Soul Continent. Without the power of magic crystals, not even nuclear power generators could activate the magic cannons. And now, Rhode had obtained all the five Akashic Slates and only the key was left. In other words, the splendid machines in that unfortunate country had all become scrap metal...

Come to think of it, they were really pitiful as decades of hard work was ruined. The pieces of equipment constructed through spending hundreds of billions of dollars on research and development simply turned into a pile of junk. The painstaking construction of the moon bases was also razed to the ground. Half of their city was sacrificed, as well as tens of thousands of lives. Yes, let's observe a moment of silence in tribute to them.

"... if possible, we hope you will pay attention to a small, ancient relic that should look like a black slate. If you find it, you don't need to bring it back. We have our own ways to retrieve it."

"Okay, I got it."

Orchid Heart agreed and didn't feel strange at all. If her team brought the relic back, it would expose their relationship with Rhode and cause more troubles. That was why she didn't oppose Rhode's suggestion. She nodded in agreement and gazed at him.

"Leader, you've changed..."

"After going through all sorts of challenging experiences, it is impossible for me not to change. But as for you, Senior Heart... will everything be fine?"

Rhode said, before pondering in silence and gazing at the young lady in the military uniform. Honestly, his impression was fixed at her being the older female adult who wore sloppy clothes and stayed up all night doing improper businesses. Right now, even though she had the same dark circles around her eyes, her hair was neatly combed and she also wore a smart uniform like an 'upper-class' senior. This was all too peculiar to Rhode.

"It will be fine after you get used to it. Everyone changes, just like you... yawn..."

Orchid Heart replied and let out a yawn. She waved her hand to three other men in the same uniform and left from the other side.

"Alright then, you guys can go for a stroll. I've given you the phone and contact number. Call me if anything comes up and make sure you keep an eye on the two Highnesses. I don't want them to cause any troubles here."

Just like that, Orchid Heart handed over the most troublesome task to Rhode irresponsibly, before turning around and hopping onto the car. Rhode couldn't help but twitch the corner of his brow while he watched as the black car go farther away.

Look at her go and leave all the troubles to me!

But it was a pity that he had lost his chance for regrets. He sighed helplessly, turning to Erin and Lydia who smiled cheekily and Canary (x2) and Bubble (x2) as though they were twins. He let out a cough for their attention.

"Okay then, let's..."

"Go shopping! Since I made it to this world, we must properly admire the differences between this world and ours."

Lydia interrupted, sizing up the bustling scene outside the window curiously. Meanwhile, the other Bubble standing behind Mini Bubble Gum raised her arms high up.

"Me too, me too. Leader, I want to check out the CD shop, I haven't bought the CD for the latest theme song! And also that MP3... I'm gonna bring everything back this time!"

"In that case..."

"Your Majesty Rhode, you will bring us to watch the scenery, right?"


Upon hearing Lydia's words, Rhode finally realized that his dreams of heading back to the hotel for a good rest were shattered.

No matter in which world, accompanying women for shopping was the cruelest punishment for Rhode. In the Dragon Soul Continent, he rarely accompanied the young ladies for shopping except Christie. At the very most, he allowed Anne and the other young ladies to go shopping in a group. The good thing about a harem was that the young ladies could find their favorite companions for entertainment and didn't need him to accompany them. In this world, even though Rhode had many girlfriends in the past, only a few of them managed to get him to accompany them while they shopped. Even Canary—he had gone shopping with her less than five times.

But today... he thought he could stand on the balcony of a restaurant, overlook the scenery, be deeply moved by the world, and head back to a bar to hook up with some drunk ladies. However, his plan was completely smashed, only to be replaced by his most painful punishment. Since Lydia had already asked, it was impossible for him to say 'no'.

That was why he grudgingly brought the group of young ladies and began his most resentful exercise in this world: shopping.

One had to admit that Rhode's group was conspicuous. Lydia and Erin were stunning beauties and had unique, distinct, and grandeur presences as an archangel and moon princess respectively. As soon as one glanced at them, one's breath was taken away. The two young ladies wore their initial clothes which were noble, elegant, and eye-catching. No matter how one looked at their dresses, one felt as though the dresses were made out of the context of time in this modern city and were out of this world.

As for Mini Bubble Gum and Canary who were following closely behind them, they were equally mesmerizing. Perhaps they weren't as glorious as Erin and Lydia, but their exquisite faces, as well as their 'twins' who were as though reflections in a mirror also captured a lot of attention.

In comparison, Rhode, who was escorting them in the middle, felt tremendous pressure.

As this was their first trip to this world, Erin and Lydia were incredibly curious about everything they saw. Be it the flickering 'magic crystal signboards' or transparent 'floating devices' outside the 'magic towers', they were all amused by them. They asked Rhode about them along the way, pulling and dragging his arms. After all, apart from Rhode, Mini Bubble Gum, and Canary, no one understood their language.

On the other side, the two Mini Bubble Gums were also a troublesome duo. The projected Mini Bubble Gum craved to buy everything and couldn't wait to bring all the high-tech items back to the Dragon Soul Continent and hole herself up in a room to indulge in them. The real Mini Bubble Gum was nowhere better. Ever since she told Rhode that she wanted to follow him back to the Dragon Soul Continent, she began her preparations as well. It seemed like she would be carrying a lot more than one suitcase this time.

As for the two Canaries, they were much quieter. But for some unknown reason, Rhode felt like the real Canary behaved somewhat differently from his impression. He remembered her as a sweet and lively young lady. But after this one year, he realized that she seemed to have changed. He thought it was his misconception, but immediately detected the differences as soon as she stood beside her projection. Compared to the projection, the real Canary seemed more troubled and was obviously more mature. Even though she continued to present a gentle smile, unsolvable worries were written all over her forehead. Standing beside her projection, it became much more apparent.

Although Rhode had asked Bubble about what happened to Canary over the year, Bubble stammered and refused to tell him. That was why Rhode gave the task to the projected Canary. Since they were technically the same person, they should get along better.

Even though this matter with Canary gave him a headache, he also had other troubles to attend to right now. After spotting the dazzling lineup of clothes in a fashion store, Lydia's and Erin's eyes lit up as they charged into the store. The clothes in this world were odd and amusing to them at the same time. Some could be worn in different ways to make unique combinations, leaving them entertained and feeling fresh. After all, no matter how advanced magic and civilization were in the Dragon Soul Continent, in terms of clothing designs... it was an entirely different matter.

"Your Majesty Rhode, what do you think of this dress?"

Lydia stood before him and lifted the hem of her skirt. She asked with a smile.

Right now, this archangel had taken off her expensive and luxurious long dress and put on a skimpy outfit. She wore a short, close-fitting, bikini-like top that covered her chest and neck and revealed her slender shoulders and snowy, slim waist. Clad on her lower body was a pure, white miniskirt, as well as a pair of clean, white socks that bundled her fair, attractive legs. Paired with a small, exquisite coat, she had the presence of a superstar. She merely stood on the spot, but was so dazzling to the eyes. What surprised one was that even though this outfit was fitting for this archangel's aesthetic view of 'revealing all that should be revealed and concealing all that should be concealed', the onlookers sensed a holy and sublime beauty from her. She was like the bright, dazzling sun that blinded all customers and staff in the store.

"Hmm... that's alright, I suppose."

Compared to Lydia's bold outfit, Erin apparently had a more reserved style. Her outfit was also much simpler than Lydia's. She wore a full-black long dress with sheer lace trim that accentuated her elegant curves perfectly. Paired with pitch-black stockings, she emanated a dark and serene sense of beauty. Unsure if she had bad tastes, she also wore a leather collar around her neck. Ion should never witness this. If not, no one could imagine what would happen!

If Lydia was like an idol at the forefront of fashion and the matching clothes she wore would become a fashion trend, Erin would be on the other extreme end, where she ignored fashion trends, but continued to maintain her own unique charm uninfluenced by fashion.

It was imaginable how conflicting the auras both of them were exuding. Not only were the customers bewildered, but the staff also whipped out their phones and took pictures. After all, it was unprecedented for such glorious models to be around them. If they seized the opportunity and took some pictures, it would be great for remembrance and also for their store's publicity!

Lydia and Erin didn't mind having their photos taken. As 'public figures', they were already used to it. Even though people stood in a circle and gawked, they continued to pick out clothes that were interesting and good-looking to them. The 'onlookers unaware of the truth' were excited, but they didn't know these two young ladies were also the culprits who had destroyed the moon bases and half a city with the rise of an arm.


Gazing at this chaotic scene, Rhode let out a helpless sigh. He reached his hand out and patted the enthusiastic Mini Bubble Gum who was enjoying the bustling scene.

"I'll leave this place to you, Bubble."

"Huh? Why? Where are you going, Leader?"

"I need to do something. I'll be right back."

Rhode said, withdrew himself from the crowd quickly, and arrived at a secluded fast food restaurant. It was working hours now, so there weren't many people on the premises. Rhode ordered a cup of cola and sat down in a relatively quiet corner. He retrieved the phone that Orchid Heart handed to him and dialed a number.


Shortly after, the call got through and a voice sounded in his ear.

"Hello, this is B&M Company."

"Please get Mr. Arthur on the phone."

"Mr. Arthur is having a meeting right now. May I know who..."

"Please pass this message to him immediately. Tell him that..."

Rhode paused and the corners of his lips perked up into a smile.

"... Rhode has something important to discuss with him."

Chapter 1128: Difficult Choice

"I didn't expect to see you again, Your Majesty Rhode."

Displayed on the mobile screen before Rhode, Arthur seemed rather calm. On the contrary, the other three Creator Dragons gazed at Rhode in surprise, but they weren't flustered.

"I'm surprised, Mr. Arthur. I thought you guys would be shocked to see me."

"I'm already stunned by the television news of Lydia and Erin showing up in this world..." Arthur said and forced a smile. Rhode nodded in response. Perhaps ordinary people weren't aware of who Lydia and Erin were, but since the five Creator Dragons turned the Dragon Soul Continent into a game and made a copy of it, it wasn't surprising that they knew everything about the characters inside. That was perhaps why they could recognize their true identities at a single glance. But shortly after, Arthur skimmed over the topic and got to the main point. "But I suppose there is something important for you to look for me, right?"

"That's right."

Upon hearing Arthur's question, Rhode nodded and recounted the happenings to the Creator Dragons, including the Akashic Slates uncovered under the moon's surface in the Americas Region and everything that happened. After hearing Rhode's words, the Creator Dragons who maintained their calmness changed their expressions. Well, they couldn't be blamed. Back then, Rhode's younger sister also couldn't take it easy when she witnessed the Akashic Slates, so how could the Creator Dragons be spared?

"I see... so that's why... I was still thinking about why we came to this world back then... It seems like our powers sealed in the Akashic Slates came into effect... I see..."

Arthur knitted his brows and spoke with a pale expression. The other three Creator Dragons whispered in one another's ear with solemn expressions. After a few moments, the four of them lifted their heads and looked at Rhode.

"So the Door of Akasha is in your hands now?"

"Yes, do you want to have it?"


Upon hearing Rhode's question, Arthur revealed a bitter smile and didn't respond. Serena who sat beside him let out a subtle sigh and continued explaining. "Even though we really want to take back the Door of Akasha, it's a pity that it doesn't serve any purpose now. We said earlier that we left behind our dragon essence in the Dragon Soul Continent and stayed in this world for too long after incarnation, so we don't have much powers left. Although we have more energy than ordinary humans, that is all to it. We don't have powers like Lydia and Erin. After all, we're only humans now..."

Serena came to a pause and let out a helpless sigh.

"Can't you abstract power from machines like the Americas Region?"

"Even though I'm not too sure what specific method they used, I suppose they made use of its effects after triggering our dragon soul powers sealed in the Door of Akasha. The Door of Akasha has extraordinary powers that aren't controllable by ordinary humans. If those humans use their powers to touch the origin of the Door of Akasha..."

Serena paused awkwardly and the pair of sisters beside her continued her words.

"... they will be destroyed by the massive power of the Door of Akasha completely. Not only the moon, but everything here including space will also be smashed."

What in the world...

Rhode was bewildered. He didn't expect the Door of Akasha to be this overbearing. But come to think of it, this thing was dug up and researched upon by those bast*rds for decades before he was even born... A shiver ran down his spine at this thought. It seemed to him that he was fortunate enough to not witness the world being destroyed thanks to the sealed powers of the five Creator Dragons. If not, perhaps this world would have already been done for due to those hasty idiots before he was even born.

Rhode was in lingering fear, but the thought of having the Door of Akasha in his hands put him at ease. He gazed at the other Creator Dragons and suddenly realized their odd expressions. Serena seemed to be rather hesitant, while Ningmi and Ningjing puckered their brows. Arthur was also in a strange silence. All of a sudden, this left Rhode in extreme anxiety. It wasn't that he felt like they were plotting a conspiracy against him, but was more like he was about to face a tough decision. It was like an examinee who was about to enter a life-determining examination hall. Before one witnessed the examination paper, the thought of this day representing the direction of one's future left one nervous and anxious.

In the end, the younger sister spoke.

"Your Majesty Rhode, since you've already gotten the Door of Akasha..."


But before she completed her sentence, the elder sister, Ningmi, interrupted her harshly. She gazed at her younger sister and shook her head firmly. Upon witnessing her elder sister's expression, Ningjing was apparently unwilling to back down. Serena and Arthur also seemed rather hesitant, but eventually Serena let out a long sigh.

"Your Majesty Rhode, since you've already gotten the Door of Akasha, we hope you will make a smart decision. We just want to tell you that no matter what decision you make, we will support you fully. Of course, even in this matter, Chaos is still our sworn enemy. No matter in which world, this fact will never change. We will also conduct an investigation on this. If anything is to happen, we will inform you immediately. Alright, I'll leave it to you then."

The Red Dread: Gingers Might Soon Become An Endangered Speciesad

"Huh... okay..."

Gazing at the video call that came to an end on the mobile screen, Rhode was flabbergasted. He had even felt the tense atmosphere through the screen. The heavy mood like 'a huge storm was coming' was as though they were discussing a topic such as the existence of this world. But he was astonished by the soft sound of thunder and rain drops and the video call that ended abruptly before explanations were given. Their final words left him feeling dubious because he was certain that Ningjing was about to tell him something crucial before being interrupted by the rest. It was apparent that they weren't willing to affect his judgment. Even though it was a good thing for him, he didn't know what choices he should make for this unknown problem. It was as though one were given a blank piece of paper as an exam. How could one expect to answer without any questions?

His communications with the Creator Dragons came to a strange end. He was no longer in the mood to go shopping any longer. On the other hand, Erin and Lydia also seemed satisfied with their loot and returned to the hotel arranged by Orchid Heart for a break. At the same time, they curiously admired the differences in the hotels of this world and the Dragon Soul Continent.

Orchid Heart was generous. She booked the presidential suite that occupied the top floor of the hotel. It was luxurious and extravagant, with an open-air courtyard and huge swimming pool. Rhode had to admit that even though there were all sorts of problems and flaws in this world, the Dragon Soul Continent wasn't comparable in terms of enjoyment. Gawking at this sumptuous suite, Erin and Lydia clicked their tongues in wonder. Judging from Lydia's reaction, perhaps she might build an exact replica of this building without attempting originality after returning to the Golden City...

On the other hand, the two Canaries were unusually quiet along the way back to the hotel. Rhode had thought of asking what happened, but the projected Canary hinted him to not question anything. Be it the real or projected Canary, Rhode wasn't too concerned about them. Since the projected Canary told him not to ask, he simply let her handle the situation. Canary seemed to be bothered by something all this while and he wasn't in a good spot to straighten things out for her. After all, he had been away for one year and now that he was suddenly back, he didn't know where he stood in Canary's heart, which was why he chose to observe in silence.

Mini Bubble Gum (x2) booted up the computers and made huge fusses as they read the updated 'mangas' and 'animes'. According to Mini Bubble Gum, she wanted to download all the best movies, 'animes', and dramas and bring them back to the Dragon Soul Continent to show Marlene and the others!

Of course, as for the issue with Marlene and the rest being unable to understand the language in the dramas, Mini Bubble Gum had completely forgotten about it.

"Oh-oh-oh-oh, I knew the development of the plot would lead to the female protagonist dying! I understand those sick minds of screenwriters darn well! Hahaha, it's interesting to see how those good-for-nothing 'otakus' howl in grief over her death. Don't you think this group of people are masochists? They have obviously read the synopsis and know that the female protagonist is gonna die and now they're crying over her death... Oh-oh-oh, you see, he has been NTR-ed alright! Hahaha, these characters who only know how to 'act cute' are only good-for-nothing swines. I'm gonna post on the forums to rage against them...!"

"That's right, that's right. Make those idiots rage. It is such groups of masochists like them who howl in grief and beg for their favorite girls to not die and still buy merchandise for the producers to earn a profit. These idiots can't be cured! Haha, I like watching this, but sigh... the Dragon Soul Continent is great in many ways, but it is just too boring without these things..."

These two really do look like a pair of congenial sisters...

Hearing the noises from the two Mini Bubble Gum, Rhode shook his head helplessly. As he decided to go for a stroll and check out the scenery to relax himself, the projected 'Bubble No. 2' peered out from behind the monitor and asked.

"By the way, Leader, didn't you say you're going to transport the Dragon Soul Continent away from that ridiculous place? I say, you should move it to the solar system! Whenever we're bored we can still read some 'mangas' or play some games. Anyway, we will surely get sick of killing monsters everyday."

Bubble made a casual remark before repositioning herself in front of the monitor again. But it was due to this that she didn't realize Rhode's motion stiffened and his expression turned solemn. Bubble's words were like a hammer that smashed open a path that he had racked his brains to come up with a solution for. This instantly changed his expression and even his mood became heavy and serious.

Because he finally understood what exact choice the Creator Dragons wanted him to make.

Chapter 1129: Opportunity and Danger

If it weren't for Mini Bubble Gum's suggestion, Rhode had almost forgotten about it. Perhaps due to the need to slaughter the Chaos Beings and find the lost key, he instinctively threw the matter to the back of his head. But now, he had no choice but to face it. Why did the Creator Dragons try to transmigrate to another world with the Door of Akasha? Wasn't it meant to open up a new world and let the people of Order escape from the threats of Chaos?

And now, almost all the conditions were met. The Door of Akasha was near completion and Rhode, as the Void Dragon, was also present. Even though he left behind his dragon essence in the Dragon Soul Continent, causing his strength to deplete drastically, it didn't require his strength to activate the Door of Akasha. Instead, what was more important was the 'authority'.

That's right, authority. Without the inherited 'authority' from the five Creator Dragons, even if Rhode were ten times stronger now, it would only be wishful thinking to activate the Door of Akasha. Rhode, as the Void Dragon, naturally gained the authority of void from his younger sister. If not, he wouldn't be able to activate the Door of Akasha. And now, the success of the plan that the Creator Dragons gave their all for was right before their eyes! If Rhode were willing, he could return to the Dragon Soul Continent, make use of the projection signals of the Door of Akasha, and seal up the entire continent, which would be a flawless implementation. Besides, this was even safer than his own plan earlier. After all, he was like a blind cat stumbling upon a dead rat, and anywhere the continent transmigrated to would suffice. But now, with such a secure coordinate from the Door of Akasha, the dangers would be greatly reduced. Moreover, Rhode knew this place inside-out, which was much better than starting out in a whole new world that he wasn't aware of.

But now...

"You already knew about this, right?"

Rhode asked, standing on the balcony and gazing at the deep, dusky nightscape. He held up a bottle of cola and swirled it lightly while looking into the distance. Shortly after, he heard his younger sister's response in his head.

"Yes, Big Brother."

'But you didn't mention it to me before."

"... because this is something that you should make a decision for by yourself."


Upon hearing her answer, the corners of his lips perked up into a bitter smile. After pondering over the matter for a while, he understood that his younger sister must have also reacted to the situation immediately just like the other Creator Dragons. After all, unlike him, this was a goal that they had fought for their whole lives. They had even transformed their souls and forcefully broken through the space barrier for the sake of it. After losing their powers and reincarnating to Earth, they still didn't forget about their goal. No one would believe that they didn't set their hearts on it and wouldn't have any reactions upon hearing this news.

Theoretically speaking, there wasn't any issue transporting the Dragon Soul Continent to the solar system. As long as he controlled the dragon soul protections, enhanced them with a strong teleportation ritual, and used the Door of Akasha as the coordinates, he could directly transport the continent over. There were basically no dangers either. The dragon soul protections served as the atmosphere to resist foreign threats from the universe, which was even stronger than that unreliable atmosphere over Earth. This was because the dragon soul protection could resist Chaos. Not only could it stop magic attacks, but it could also defend against physical attacks. In other words, the dragon soul protection was like an energy shield over the continent and not even missiles could break through its defenses. When that happened, there would be an additional planet added to the solar system. But... this planet might not be in the shape of a globe, that was...

"What do you think I should do?"

Rhode focused his attention and questioned. He wasn't a fool. He knew why his younger sister and the other Creator Dragons didn't encourage or provide him with ideas and even wanted him to make the decision himself. It wasn't that his relationship with his younger sister was great, or that the Creator Dragons were willing to respect his decision. After putting himself in their shoes, if he were to do one thing for thousands of years without success and now that success was within reach, he would surely think of ways to achieve it. But now, the five Creator Dragons chose to cover up the truth inadvertently instead, which meant that something was definitely up and also related to him. Perhaps his younger sister told him the truth out of their years of kinship, but as for the Creator Dragons, perhaps it was just as they had mentioned: they didn't have the strength and solutions to speak conditions with him. After all, even if they didn't mention the truth, as long as they deliberately guided him, he would definitely realize and understand the meaning behind everything. That was why they might as well let him make the decision himself. Rhode had to admit that the Creator Dragons were indeed really smart.

"From the point of view of the Void Dragon, I think Miss Bubble's suggestion is great. It is a rare location for the Dragon Soul Continent to recuperate. I've once lived here too, which is why I understand it to a certain degree. This place isn't threatened by Chaos and not only that, but I also sense the dense spatial connections in this world. As long as we transport the continent to this world, we can use its qualities to communicate with other planes of existence. Here, we don't have enemies and life will be more peaceful. No matter from which aspect, this world is the best choice for the Dragon Soul Continent. But..."

As expected. There's still a 'but' at the end.

"... if I'm only a human on Earth, I would oppose this suggestion."

This time, his younger sister said without any hesitation. Perhaps due to the fact that she was just a soul fragment, she didn't have as many concerns as her original self.

"I suppose you've realized it too, Big Brother. On Earth, no, in this world... Even though I don't know how huge this world is, rules are still lacking in the entire solar system. Although there are religions and beliefs on Earth, there aren't any corresponding representatives of rules."

That's true. Even though he lived on Earth for years and had read several legends, he didn't truly witness one soaring in the air with wings.

"Chaos and Order in this world isn't as clear-cut as in the Dragon Soul Continent's. Besides, the power of faith is staggering and complex. Perhaps due to this existence, rules of this world are indistinct in general. After losing its clear boundaries, it can't create the willpower of rules, which makes it impossible for representatives of rules to appear."

I see...

Rhode nodded. After listening to his younger sister's explanations, he more or less understood what she meant. All in all, this implicated a philosophical question of 'you' and 'me'. This was a type of isolation method used by humans, no, used by everything. When one was aware of 'me' being 'me', it meant that an individual had come about, while 'you' represented another individual recognized by the world apart from self-awareness. In the Dragon Soul Continent, it was due to possessing this individual consciousness that rules were distinct from each other and disallowed Chaos from wreaking havoc. After all, the more chaotic the place was, the more possible it was for Chaos to infiltrate. Representatives of rules like Erin and Lydia were the concrete manifestation of 'you' and 'me' in rules.

But due to the staggered Chaos and Order on Earth, it led to rules not having the self-awareness to be separated distinctly, which was why there naturally were no representatives born.

This also means that...

"... When the Dragon Soul Continent is transported to the solar system, the rule representatives in the continent will make a full return and fuse with the world as one. For instance, the reason why Miss Erin and Miss Lydia are able to release the same powers as in the Dragon Soul Continent is because they were making use of the rules in this world. After a long period of time, they can also merge with the rules of this world and after that happens, Miss Erin and Miss Lydia will become the rulers of the sun and moon."

His younger sister paused.

"Just like you, Big Brother. Even though you left your dragon essence behind in the continent, you still hold the authority of the Void Dragon. As long as you want to, grasping the spatial authority in this world shouldn't be too difficult for you."

In other words, after the Dragon Soul Continent was transported to this world, be it the five Creator Dragons, Lydia, Erin, three legendary generals, three archangels, six Deity Wardens, and even rule representatives like Sonia and Karin would take over the originally empty seats of rules in this world. In other words, they would become the genuine Gods to the people of Earth.

But will Earth be willing for it to happen?

If it were centuries ago when Earth was still uncivilized, perhaps humans might kowtow to the emergence of these 'God's messengers'. But now? Humans had developed to this day with the help of technology, so how was it possible for them to be willing to be ruled by a group of foreign Gods?

What about them being completely isolated from each other all their lives? That was even more impossible. As long as Rhode transported the entire continent over, to be it the solar system or Milky Way, it would eventually be discovered by Earth. The Dragon Soul Continent lacked the capability to send a satellite to space and their civilization wasn't advanced enough to consider exploring the cosmos. But Earth was different. They would surely pay the Dragon Soul Continent a visit after discovering it with their satellite. When that happened... conflicts... were bound to happen.

It wasn't that Rhode looked down upon the technologies of Earth, but if both sides were to clash, Earth would surely be degraded as a colony. Although the population and technological advancements on Earth were more and better than the Dragon Soul Continent, the Dragon Soul Continent's high-end forces were insanely powerful. Even with just Erin and Lydia going all-out, they were capable of wreaking havoc without any problems.

Erin and Lydia had already caused a huge commotion on Earth, so what would happen if lichs and necromancers of the Country of Darkness came? The dead weren't afraid of nuclear weapons at all.

80 percent of the population on the Dragon Soul Continent wouldn't survive against Earth's technologies if Earth were to attack.

But the problem was with the remaining 20 percent, which were the key...

This was perhaps why the Creator Dragons weren't willing to mention this in front of him as they also felt equally conflicted...

Rhode fell into deep thoughts.

Chapter 1130: Secrets of Ancient Ruins

Rhode couldn't reach a conclusion in the end. Of course, just as his younger sister had said, he could set the coordinates farther away from Earth, be it out of the solar system or Milky Way. Since the Dragon Soul Continent was unlike Earth, which needed suitable temperatures and various restrictions for humans to live, it had its personal sun and moon. Moreover, the dragon soul protection was much stronger than the ordinary atmosphere. Putting it frankly, even if Rhode transported the entire continent to around Pluto or million miles away, it wouldn't matter to the continent even if it wasn't suitable for human habitation as long as there weren't any dark holes or supernova explosions. After all, the Dragon Soul Continent wasn't created by 'science'.

But just like what Rhode was worried about, the scientists on Earth simply loved sending strange things to explore space. The Dragon Soul Continent didn't have the technology to dispatch satellites. If they were discovered by Earth, Earth would rashly send out forces to 'research and investigate' them. However, the Dragon Soul Continent wasn't one to be trifled with! Even if they didn't have the remarkable skills to build rockets that carried humans, the teleportation door would be enough to give them a hard time. Aside from that, formidable beings like the legendary generals, three archangels, and six deity wardens could soar in outer space effortlessly. Not only were they not mindful of the harsh space environment to the slightest degree, but they could also move quickly. Erin took around half a day's time chasing the space shuttle and returning to the moon afterward. They wouldn't need a long time if they were to travel through space and reach Earth. After they set up another teleportation door on Earth, only God knew what would happen.

It wasn't impossible for them to have no contact with Earth at all. But Rhode wasn't willing to do it. After all, what Bubble said made sense. They were used to enjoying their lives on Earth and the Dragon Soul Continent was indeed boring in comparison. As a matter of fact, Rhode and Canary had similar thoughts too. After all, the local civilization of the Dragon Soul Continent wasn't really entertaining at all. If Rhode wasn't kept busy with staying alive and building his forces and territory, perhaps he would have a hard time withstanding loneliness like Bubble and Canary.

Of course, the best way was to have both civilizations scratch each other's back. But this way, Earth must definitely lower its head before them as both sides could only have friendly communications with strength on equal footing. Once one party was stronger than the other, it would be an entirely different matter. And now, the Dragon Soul Continent could easily destroy Earth, while the possibilities of Earth demolishing the Dragon Soul Continent was close to none. Even if the Dragon Soul Continent were able to maintain an aloof attitude, it didn't mean Earth wouldn't have their own opinions.

Seems like we have to get rid of Ion.

After pondering for a while, Rhode eventually made a decision that was as different as chalk and cheese.

In fact, this wasn't too surprising either. Rhode definitely wouldn't want to witness the Dragon Soul Continent clashing with Earth. On the other hand, Lilian was being taken care of by him. This little fella was peaceful in nature, so she wouldn't meddle with his affairs as long as Earth didn't drop a nuclear bomb on her. Meanwhile, Siena and Nalea weren't interested in things happening outside their own country. They might be amused by Earth, but as long as Earth didn't take things too far, they wouldn't intervene.

Only Ion was different. Rhode didn't know where Ion got his confidence and ambition. But based on the fact that Ion wasn't willing to give up the weak Light Mainland, it was imaginable whether he would 'take a long journey across the stars and ocean' after witnessing the Earth that couldn't resist his undead creatures a single bit.

Therefore, for the sake of peace between Earth and the Dragon Soul Continent, Rhode had to get rid of Ion before transmigrating the continent. After Erin took over as the new Dark Dragon, she would be much easier to work with than Ion with his strong desire to rule. Though Erin was eccentric at times, Rhode felt more assured with Erin exercising control over the undead creatures.

After we head back, I must come up with a way to kill the Dark Dragon without Erin noticing...

Only through this way, Rhode could lower the risks of the Dragon Soul Continent being invaded. With the high-end forces of the continent, it would be enough to make the greedy politicians of Earth back off. Of course, clashes might be inevitable between both civilizations, but that might happen only after a few centuries later.

Before Rhode had the time to consider deeper issues, he received news from Orchid Heart. Logically speaking, even though joint meetings usually required more than three to five days and there might also be closed-door meetings, efficiency was quick this time in the face of human destruction. Besides, it seemed like they had also given up the thought of struggling on their deathbed and fully cooperated. Shortly after, higher-ups from various countries who were worthy of knowing this matter learned about the main contents about the 'Apocalyptic Gate'. Of course, the information was kept secret from the public. But how they uncovered the ruins in the first place, gained information from them, built bases on the moon, and what exactly it was used for was all revealed.

And now, various countries sent out archaeologists and scientists to explore these materials separately to find the so-called 'calamity that destroyed humans'. After all, in order to avoid inadvertently putting all humanity to death, they put in a lot of effort this time after hearing Erin's threat on mankind.

But what left Rhode with his hands tied was that the so-called key wasn't found yet. According to the intelligence gathered by Orchid Heart, she had mainly found ordinary relics in the ruins and the black slate mentioned by him wasn't found. However, there was another piece of news from her that lifted his spirits. According to original estimates, there should have been five such ancient ruins. Back then, the related party initially decided to excavate five ruins to search for any secrets. But thereafter, the five slates were dug up from the moon's surface, while construction of moon bases required a lot of capital. As of now, that country couldn't splurge like in the past and after excavating four ruins and realizing that their contents were similar, they focused their attention on these black slates. Correspondingly, the excavation of the last ruin also came to a halt.

After Erin wreaked havoc on the moon, everyone began focusing their attention on the ruins, which explained why various countries dispatched experts to conduct investigations. The excavation job on the fifth ruins that was stopped earlier was once again put back on the agenda. And now, Orchid Heart was here to ask Rhode if he wanted to join them for the excavation.

Without needing further explanations from her, Rhode reckoned that the fifth ruins was built by the Creator Dragons' subjects who were sent to Earth. It seemed like they had intended to treat this place as a colony, but as for what exact trouble they faced afterward, why they abandoned this place, scattered the Door of Akasha, and retrieved and hid the key, it went to show that something was wrong.

"What's the specific situation?"

After hearing the news from Orchid Heart, Rhode pondered grimly and asked. The young lady answered quickly.

"For safety, we will be sending out a joint experts investigation team, with the intention of conducting an investigation on the fifth ruins. They will set off in a few days." Orchid Heart spoke casually.

After hearing her response Rhode thought about it and said, "... so then, there shouldn't be any issues for us to join the investigation team, right?"

"All of you?"

Upon hearing his answer, Orchid Heart widened her eyes in doubt, before restoring her half-asleep look.

"It isn't impossible, but it is somewhat difficult. Besides... This investigation team is formed by various countries... There should be no problems if two or three of you were to join them. But any more than that..."

Even though Orchid Heart didn't complete her sentence, Rhode understood her hesitation. After all, Rhode's group was too young and mostly females who didn't seem like scholars, researchers, or militants. This investigation team involved a human crisis and wasn't formed for an outing. It was surely impossible for his group to not stand out like a sore thumb and gather suspicions.

"I honestly suspect something terrible may happen in those ruins. I suppose I can guess some of the origins of those ruins. Logically, they shouldn't be what they are now, so I reckon the people who built the ruins must have met with some mishaps, just like how we faced the shadowy creatures on the moon. For the sake of safety, I think it's best for all of us to join them. I'm sure you're aware of the consequences of newbies heading into a high-level dungeon, Senior Heart. Even with veterans leading the team, they face a high risk of being killed."


Orchid Heart revealed a dignified expression. She was apparently present to observe the fight between Rhode and the shadowy creatures. If it was just like what he mentioned and such creatures existed on Earth, there would be huge troubles ahead. Due to this reason, she lifted her head after a short period of consideration and nodded slightly.

"Alright, I will try."