
Re:Degenerate’s Tensei

What if Rudeus from the future succeeded in turning back time? What would he, a morally degenerate bitter old man in a child’s body do with his life now that he is starting from the beginning once again? Would he try to redeem himself for the mistakes he had made and become a better person, or would he fall further in his degeneracy and become a slave to his hatred and lust? This his His journey, a completely different man from the one who had first opened his eyes to this wondrous magical world. A Mushoku Tensei Fanfic. Read at your own risk. Incest alert.

Needygasm · Tranh châm biếm
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10 Chs

Roxy and Sylphy

"I'm Roxy, it's a pleasure to meet you"

And here she is! My goddess! She is as gorgeous as ever! Just as beautiful as the day I had married her! Her underage features, pretty white face and my favorite, that scornful look! I could even smell her familiar scent thanks to a helping wind.

Filled with piety, I silently offered a prayer, 'Oh my Goddess I have witnessed your greatness and my faith has been renewed!'

Her clothing suited her perfectly. Even after we had married, she would still wear her trademark brown wizardly robes she was currently wearing to her work as a teacher at the academy! Her blue hair styled into braids, her posture prim and proper… My god those eyes! So full of life!

Oh my dear Roxy, my Goddess… You have no idea how much I've missed you. Of course you can't remember… All of our memories together, the good and the bad, the struggles we have shared together no longer exists, only in my own memories... You have no idea that the little boy being carried by his mother in front of you right now would have given away almost anything just to save you, including his own life… You have no idea how you had saved him in his darkest hours, showing him the light. And you have no idea how you had destroyed him, by leaving him all alone…

I had kept back my tears and played the role of a precocious little boy as things had played out as it did the first time around, she was hired and so I was a believer once again!

And so began my lessons which of course was too easy for me as I already knew everything about them but I had put a show of an enthusiastic genius who is gradually improving thanks to his master's teachings. Also once again spending time with my beloved was just too precious regardless of any wasted time on my part. There were times I had struggled to keep myself from groveling and begging her for forgiveness for failing to save her, for disappointing her after her death, but I had barely managed to keep up the facade. Because now I have the power to change all of that! Now I have the means to save her! Now only the future matters!

Days passed and it didn't take long before I had obtained my first sacred artifact from the Goddess Herself! The Roxy Church expects their believers to hold such artifacts in high regard and expects regular offerings if they wanted to go to heaven in the afterlife! I am just saving my soul here, no impure thoughts!

One thing worth mentioning was that this time around Roxy didn't loose her confidence as I was very careful in showing off my capabilities; struggling and failing, asking questions trying again then succeeding and on and on... I only chose to succeed when I felt that Roxy had given me enough advice. This provided the benefit of giving her the illusion that it was thanks to her wisdom and teaching methods, as well as my more curious approach to magic that I have improved much faster than she did back in her days! Meaning, if she was also in my position she would have also improved faster like me. I know that I was lying to her and it brought me pain for doing that to her, but I believe it was the only way for her to stay with me longer!

Time went by and another year passed since Roxy has become my teacher and I must say I am proud of myself! I had somehow convinced my gullible teacher that I had 'found' an old book written in the Demon God language filled with king and Emperor ranked spells, as well as all of my own gathered wisdom about silent spells and how magic worked… When I gave it to her as a gift… Well suffice it to say, my Roxy had experienced so much emotions that day that she fainted, and I got a great view of her panties… Oh I want to lick her! No, I must be patient!

Thanks to the 'mysterious' book which we had agreed to keep a secret between ourselves, my dear master Roxy had elevated to King Class Water mage in no time, as well as mastering silent casting up to intermediate level spells! This was unprecedented for the previous loop Roxy, but she didn't have a Rudeus who was as knowledgeable about it as I was now.

As she made several breakthroughs, I in turn showed more of my powers and gradually, most of the time was spent with us trading ideas about the book instead of her teaching me. She didn't mind it as even if I was much better than her as a mage, which she had acknowledged, she was slowly but surely making headways towards becoming an Emperor ranked Water mage so our relationship dynamics had only improved unlike her own relationship with her mentor back in the Ranoa Magic Academy which had left much to be desired.

I was careful in surreptitiously planting ideas in her mind with my well placed and carefully constructed questions, which proved to be the wise thing to do as Roxy was a genius who with only a few hints made many breakthroughs in magical studies as well by experimenting!

And the best thing about it was, I had convinced my airhead of a teacher that it was completely her own ideas by drowning her in compliments which served to distract her enough in her embarrassment to make her forget that I was the one who had planted those ideas in the first place. Why was I even bothering with this? Well, as a devout follower of the Roxyism faith, it is my duty to elevate and venerate the Goddess at every given opportunity regardless of the truth of the matter! Because she deserves nothing less! And what better way to enhance her greatness by making offerings in the form of giving away my life's work to her? As it was only thanks to her that I had persisted and achieved what I had done to this day, it was only right that as her faithful follower, I should sacrifice everything in her name!

Apart from our magical studies, I had also convinced her to teach me the Demon God language which she was certainly enthusiastic about, not to mention how touched she was when I had wanted to see her hometown and visit there together. Yes! Roxy point get! Just because I had married her in the previous loop doesn't mean I should be complacent in this one!

There are always rivals in love who seek to take what is rightfully yours from you as I would definitely know! Because I have often been on the aggressor's side, meaning, I had lost the count of the married women I had seduced and bedded in the previous loop! One thing I was grateful towards Paul was his undeniably good looks and charm which I had also inherited! Even in my sixties women easily fell pray to my charm and leave satisfied thanks to my high virility which was also thanks to my dear father! Man I really am indebted to that fucker, guess I'll help him more in strengthening his Touki.

My relationship with dad was pretty good as well, he was very happy with my rapid improvements in swordsmanship, though it was only a matter of time before he will be disappointed with my imminent stagnation as I have no Touki manifesting any time soon.

But for now, we had a loving father-son relationship. I was careful to not act like a know it all this time around, opting to be the humble but smart son who valued his father's advice. Funnily enough, Paul was much more responsible and offered surprisingly accurate advice in many topics we talked about. I guess acknowledging and honoring him as my father made him want to improve himself and think extra carefully of what he speaks in my presence… And if my eyes aren't wrong, I could see his swordsmanship improving a great deal and would likely reach Saint class very soon if the brightness I could feel from his Touki was of any indication. This was mainly thanks to my Mana Barrage that I had surreptitiously used against my father during our sparring sessions which had worked to strengthen his Touki exponentially!

Yes, during my travels and research in the previous loop, I had developed the ability to sense even the minute amounts of Touki and even found a way to develop it in others who already possess it. All I had to do was to push against a person's Touki with a concentrated mana barrage and if this is done repeatedly, the person with the Touki will have their powers gradually increase.

Of course not everyone can do it as I can as I had monstrous amount of mana to just throw away without any signs of exhaustion! I had noticed this thanks to my many mortal fights with Eris, where I had tried many ways to slow down her monstrous speed that even my demon eye of foresight could not keep up with, and found out that if I just threw raw mana at her, her speed was easily halved! But every time we fought together she resisted all the more so I had to use even more mana to slow her down. This went on until I had noticed a pattern! One could say that her rapid increase in rank to Sword Emperor was thanks to me! And in this loop as well I shall try to help her in this regard when we meet again.

I estimate she would reach God rank in Sword God style in about a decade if I regularly mana barrage her! And if I had any say in it, I'm gonna barrage her hard alright! Not just in mana, but other 'delightful' ways as well as I had missed my mad dog who had stayed loyal to me until the bitter end, who I had failed as well and had to make amends to!

On another note, due to my magical education with Roxy, my time spent with mother had decreased significantly so she had opted to increase her clinic hours. Despite that our relationship was better than ever as I still kept the privilege of sucking those tits, as well as the daily handjobs and footjobs to brighten my day! Maybe it's just my imagination, but I feel that Zenith was acting a little bit differently towards me these days. Though she was still as loving and coddling as ever, she had begun to be more dominant during our pleasuring sessions which she was the one to initiate half the time these days, which I didn't mind.

She had begun teasing me, preventing me from cumming for prolonged periods of time, and if I did cum earlier than her required time, she would deny me her breast milk for the rest of the day! Could you believe it? My mother Zenith who was supposed to be this angel of a woman, the epitome of kindness was revealing a completely different side I had no knowledge of! And I loved it! I got the impression that she still wasn't feeling any arousal during our fun time, it was almost like she had made it her mission to train me to last longer to be the ideal lover for my future wife and I certainly don't mind the results as now I was sporting a hard-on the length of my mother's middle finger and twice as thick! I also lasted more than two minutes even with her footjob which was incredible in my opinion.

As for the topic of wifes, she had repeatedly made it clear that I should only love one woman and marry her and cherish her only for the rest of my life. I believe my 'sessions' with her hadn't done much to save my reputation and had lead her to rightfully believing that I'm a pervert just like my father so she was adamant in indoctrinating me on such a point.

Of course I didn't right off the bat raised any objections, though I had made a compelling argument to her that if I was to only cherish one woman, than it was impossible for me to marry in my lifetime as the first woman I had ever loved was her, my mother and she was already married. The look on her stunned face was priceless that day! And the ensuing argument after that was just too funny I had to hold back my laughter as she desperately made her points, trying to convince me. Though in the end she had lost the argument and I had somehow gotten a begrudging approval that I can love and cherish two woman but I could only marry one! Provided that one of them was herself and that I couldn't marry her! Well, I hope to change the terms of the agreement in the future, possibly increasing the allowed number of wives to three which should suffice but this was enough as a compromise for now.

I had also not neglected my mother's magical education as I had again 'accidentally' stumbled upon an old 'mysterious' book about advanced and saint class healing and detoxification spells, including recipes for specific ailments some of which will be discovered in the future! I had given it to her as a gift, but when she had noticed what kind of book it was, her expression turned from mild interest to that of pure terror but when I had quickly added how I had founded it, in the forest deep under the earth, she visibly relaxed and heaved a sigh of relief, telling me to tell of this to no one, as the Millis Church was very sensitive about the distribution of any healing spells above intermediate level.

Believe me mother, I might be the only one in this world who truly understands how 'sensitive' your religion's goddamn church is when it comes to such things! When I'd killed ten, they would send a hundred. When I'd killed those as well, then they would send a thousand! I hadn't discovered how to create teleportation circles at the time so it was extremely taxing for me to deal with them. There was just no end to them buggers until I had brought down that godsdamned city of theirs they love so much with a God Tier Nuclear Explosion spell! Oh that felt good! That felt good like nobody's business! I still remember celebrating that day with a bunch of high class prostitutes, drunk with lust and alcohol! Fun times! After seeing the reason for the deaths of my loved ones be reduced to nothing more than mere pebbles on the ground, I have experienced a catharsis that I haven't tasted in all my two lives! Though now that I think about it calmly, it was probably not good of me to enjoy massacring people, not to mention the innocents who had died along the way, but they had it coming! They all wanted my head! They all called for a crusade against me! An individual, not a country! So it was only right that I had destroyed them before they did me in, right?

Back on topic, when I told her that I'd understood her perfectly and that I would protect the secret to my last breath, I was rewarded with a loving hug which was always a welcome gesture in my book, though I would have preferred for her to be naked though…

And since then, my mother resumed her magical training after a very long hiatus since her time in Millis. I had never seen her so concentrated and driven before! Even the times when she took me to her clinic, she didn't sport such a focused expression when healing her patients!

I now loved watching her study as she seemed so fuckable when she looked like that! Her deep frown, at times excited and at times frustrated, the way she was biting her lower lip as her blue eyes darted from left to right lost in the book, occasionally taking notes! She really was a bookworm through and through considering the speed at which she could read and comprehend.

She must be feeling amazed at the privilege of reading such a book. Even the Millis Church would have killed millions just to have access to a third of the knowledge in that book as it's contents was revolutionary! I had made sure to dramatically shorten all the healing type spells to their absolute limit which was simply unheard of to the degree I had managed it. Of course, an ordinary mage could not just use these shortened incantations, they also needed to comprehend the mental image of the flow of mana which was crucial in using the shortened form of the healing incantations. I had written all of the required mental imaging down and to my surprise, mother's mental faculties were quite adequate enough to comprehend some of them in only a few months!

If I had been a doctor in my first life, I definitely could have found a way to silent cast Healing spells, but alas that could never be. Even now despite my many years of experience I could not use chantless healing magic unlike Sylphy and Orsted who could apparently do so quite easily, but for others, shortened incantations, especially in healing was a godsend! As there were times where there were only seconds left for a patient to loose their life and the incantations just took way too long to save them! But my shortened versions, apart from the Saint ranked which took a couple of minutes despite being shortened, could save lives, even those on the verge of dying. For more grievous wounds they could buy time for the Saint level spell!

So it was thanks to the new book that my mother was now at the advanced rank in Healing and Detoxification magic, which was something rare even in Millis! Though she still couldn't comprehend the Saint rank healing, she was slowly getting there thanks to the detailed accounts of my knowledge regarding how mana works.

The days went by and summer was here. It was finally time I had met my elven wife! So one day as the whole family including Roxy was at the dinner table, I had broached the subject,

"Dad I want to see the elves!" My tone of voice was as childish and enthusiastic as ever which tended to be so most of the time these days. It was not entirely an act either as the sheer happiness and fulfillment I was feeling with my everyday life had done wonders to heal me mentally, at least to some extent.

The people on the table including Paul laughed off my random request as something normal as I had tended to announce childish things at random to come off more as a child.

"Where did this come from?" he added after calming down his giggle

"Master Roxy had mentioned that they were known to be the most beautiful race in the world! But she, mother, Lilia are already the most beautiful women I have ever seen! I just can not imagine anyone more beautiful than them so I wanted to see and confirm it for myself!"

This elicited another bout of laughter especially from the females who were charmed by his innocent compliments. But my mother was probably the most aware of my intentions as she was well aware how horny I was generally.

After Paul gathered himself, he casted a quick look at his wife than cleared his throat, "While elves are generally more beautiful on average, on an individual level it is up for debate. For example your mother and I had a beautiful female elf on our party once as you may have remembered from the stories we've told you of our adventuring days," to my nod, he continued, "well in my eyes your mother far outshone her beauty so that's why I had left the party to marry her"

"Darling~ oh you~" my mother flirted as she blushed, Paul immediately took her on his lap and began kissing her in the middle of the breakfast table. Roxy was painted deep red as she watched with curiosity and Lilia just calmly closed her eyes as she bowed her head a little, displaying the Asuran palace curtesy to her masters.

I sighed. That's how lovey-dovey my parents were. No matter where they are, they are prone to get lost in their own world. I could see that they were made for each other and it made me happy, as well as a little jealous. It reminded me of when I had first married Sylphy, we were like that as well.

Rudeus smiled at them nostalgically as he chirped, teasingly glancing at his teacher on his right, "Master Roxy, shall we kiss as well? I'm feeling a little bit left out here~"

My answer came in the form of a head chop from the blue haired girl to which everyone on the table laughed! After taking in the scene, I had joined in as well. I was emotional, I am now back with the people that love me… The people I love… I will do whatever it takes to protect them! To protect this peaceful life we have!

Come next day early in the morning my father had arranged to take me to the Laws's household at my request to see the elves, my mother had sternly warned me to be polite to their daughter and not to make any perverted moves on her… Yeah I think she knows me too well, damn it.

And so I find myself on their door, waiting for it to open as my father stood beside me. I could hear my heartbeat thumping in my ears as the guilt I had felt all this time resurfaced. If only I hadn't cheated on her and slept with that prostitute, if only I had let her comfort me despite feeling unworthy of her, she wouldn't have had to die!

As I was getting more and more lost in negative thoughts, the sound of the opening of the door pulled me back from going into a possible panick attack. When I looked at the one who had opened the door, I was bombarded with the most beautiful color of green I had ever layed eyes on. It had been a long time since I had last seen it, the influence of the Laplace factor that she too has on her body had influenced her hair to such a degree… Though I loved her white hair, I wouldn't mind if it stayed green this time around…

It was her, my Sylphy, but it was the first time I had seen her this young… She must be four years old just like me, and the baby fat on her cheeks were more pronounced compared to when I had first met her in the previous loop. She was wearing a cheap light green shirt with brown colored pants as her father Laws was not as well off as us. Her eyes a beautiful shade of red just like our future daughter. She looked timid, almost ready to run away. Her long elvish ears were more drooped than I remember, probably had something to do with her confidence issues.

"H-hello uncle P-Paul" she timidly greeted him, not noticing me just yet

"Hi there Ruffi! Where's you dad?" Ruffi? I remember Sylphy telling me that her parents used to call her Ruffi. I don't understand why they would call her that when she had such a beautiful name! Just call her Sylphy!

"H-he went t-to the forest, to g-gather some m-mushrooms"

"Ahh I see, well no matter! Today I brought you a friend to play with Ruffi, meet Rudeus, my son" Paul enthusiastically introduced us, now that she noticed me Sylphy became more wary. It must mean that she was already being bullied by the other kids!

I introduced myself, coming off as more stiff than I would have liked, "It's nice to meet you, my name is Rudeus Greyrat," Fuck! That was too formal!

She hesitantly nodded, "Sylphiette"

Hearing her receptive to me helped calmed me down somewhat, so I added, getting into the role of a friendly neighbor kid, I smiled at her brightly, "woah that is a very beautiful name, Sylphiette… Sylphy, may I call you Sylphy? You are so cute, can I be your friend?"

Her face burned bright red as she tried to say something but accidentally bit her tongue, only making her intentions known by nodding along enthusiastically which elicited a laughter from Paul and a refreshed smile from me.

What was I getting nervous for? Had I not started anew? None of those mistakes have been committed by me yet, so why drown myself in pointless misery? This was no other than my clumsy little Sylphy! Before she had gained her self-confidence and independence. Before she had become my reliable Fitts senpai and ultimately, before she had become my dear wife. Ahh, words can not describe how I've missed her… Seeing her blushing elvish ears, I had to keep myself from licking them. Hihihi.

No good no good! I have to keep my urges to myself! I could never corrupt or sully my dear future wife as I loved her too much for it. The same goes for my Eris as well. Roxy is fair game as she was the same age as me from my last life in the first loop if I remember correctly.

As we were making some small talk, her mother came from inside and chatted with my father for a bit, she was skeptical at first but after hearing from me that I wanted to be friends with her daughter and seeing how sincere I was, she was quite enthusiastic about arranging a play schedule for us. Also informing her about my magical and sword capabilities, father assured her that I would keep her daughter safe to which the mother-daughter pair was happily surprised. I could even see stars in my Sylphy's eyes as her ears playfully twitched up and down! She's so cute!

Come to think of it, she had always loved magic, so this time I was hoping to make her a much more adept magician than before as I now know that she too has the Laplace Factor and therefore has similar potential as me. In some ways, she was even better than me as I couldn't match her instinctive comprehension in mana manipulation. I had to use my limited modern science knowledge and lots of mental imaging in order to match her.

After saying goodbye and a promise to meet tomorrow, father and I walked back home. On the way he grabbed me by the shoulder and rubbed my head, "Maaan, I'm proud of you my son! Looks like the Greyrat blood is strong in you!"

"Whatever do you mean, father?" I asked acting confused, to which my father didn't buy it as he nudged me on the shoulder, "Come on Rudy! We are both men here, you practically conquered her heart right then and there! Complimenting on her name? Saying how cute she was and how beautiful her hair was? Saying you will protect her against anyone who dared to hurt her? Now that's my son! I'm proud of you Rudeus!"

I ignored him as I went on ahead, a smile on my lips. I had missed this. Even though I didn't view him much of a father and even looked down on him in the previous loop, this man always knew how to brighten my mood. From one degenerate to another, we had a unique language where we got along… Though till now Paul didn't talk much about girls with me which was weird as I remembered in the previous loop he wouldn't shut up about it. I suspect mother had something to do with it, seeing as her only son was a horny pervert who liked being jerked off by his own mother, she must have not wanted her son to be corrupted any further which I could understand on some level, but I disagreed on principle.

On the way back, it didn't take long for me to cave in to my father's degeneracy as we shared a deep talk about girls and how to conquer them, slowing our walking pace to prolong our father-son time. Truly, I felt like at home now.