
Re-Born: Live, Lust, Conquer

On a faithful night, a man catches his girlfriend of 3 years cheating on him with another guy, his best friend at that. Distraught by the events and disloyalty by his girlfriend and best friend, he storms off in anger all alone in the nightly rain. As he begins to cross the street, he gets hit by the infamous and classic truck-kun and dies upon impact. The protagonist is suddenly reincarnated into a new world, but not as a normal human but as a King. He isn't any King, however. He has been reborn as a God-Emperor, the Stongest King to exist who is seen as a God in their Kingdom. The protagonist soon discovers that his kingdom is in a crisis after a cruel war took place and his kingdom was destroyed. This is where the protagonist's legend begins in the story of Re-Born: Live, Lust, Conquer.

ForgottenSaint · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

Battle! Luceros vs. Idrisid!

Sareth had already prepared the city for our attack by summoning monsters to fight alongside her. Theresa held her head as she kept watch for our arrival. She grunted as her condition became even more unstable.

A knight in all black armor walked up to Sareth and stood beside her. "The great God-Emperor. It's about time we finally end things and take over Luceros. None of his allies will survive the battle..."

"Blackfang." Sareth said then looked at him.

"I know Midnight is coming. I can just smell her." Blackfang said.

"Why'd you abandon her?" Sareth asked. "She could've been useful to us."

"She doesn't bare a Royal Crest. She isn't of royal descent like I am. Our children are...how should I say this...defects. How am I supposed to continue my bloodline if she can't even bare a single pup who has a Royal Crest." Blackfang said.

"I understand that, but I just know she's on the side of the God-Emperor. His overwhelming charisma and influence. It almost hurts to even speak about it." Sareth said.

"Don't worry. I'll rip his head from his shoulders and serve it on a silver platter for Lord Rudolf." Blackfang said then walked off.

Sareth smirked and closed her eyes. "Right."

I continued down a path and noticed we were nearing a city. I stopped my horse and the others stopped behind me.

"The City of Idrisid. After three days of travel. We made it. This is where we fight and win." Felix said.

"Lord Brother, no matter what we will stand by you!" Iris smiled.

"Just give us the order and we shall complete it." Yukari said.

I looked ahead then looked back at Felix and the others. "We shall strike them hard, fiercely! Strike them like they've never been struck before! We will win this battle!"

My army bellowed and cheered.

"Let us charge forward!" I commanded then made my horse charge forward. The others followed behind and we heard the horns blow that alerted the entire city.

I hopped off my horse and summoned my greatsword then dashed ahead, striking down the enemy soldiers. I began to force my way through the large horde of enemies so I could make my way to the citadel.

Felix rushed ahead and clashed with Ignas. Ignas seemed more prepared for Felix, but Felix's battle IQ was vastly superior than Ignas's. Felix slammed his axe to the ground and caused rock spikes to come up from the ground and strike Ignas, blowing him away. Ignas groaned as he rolled on the ground and coughed.

Raven and Francis clashed and entered a blade lock. Francis smirked and pushed Raven away then a male knight rushed ahead. He kicked Raven away and Wolfe caught her.

The knight had short lime colored hair, orange eyes, and wore silver earrings on both ears. He wore silver armor and carried a halberd with him. "We meet again, Knights of Luceros."

Raven glared and got out of Wolfe's arms then fixed her headband and got in her battle stance. "I remember you. This time I'm killing you, there's nowhere for you to run."

"Who is this..?" Wolfe asked.

"My name is Lance. That is all you have to know." Lance smirked and got in his battle stance.

Yukari walked up towards Sareth and dashed to her and created multiple clones of herself. Sareth laughed as she fought off the clones with ease. Yukari performed hand gestures quickly and jumped backwards.

"Ninpo Arts: Black Flame Rush!" Yukari said then blew multiple black fireballs at Sareth.

Sareth created a shield in front of herself and blocked the black fireballs then noticed a beam being shot at her on her blindside. She dodged the beam and noticed Iris to the right of her. She smirked and chuckled evilly. "The little bitch wants to play. Fine by me. I'll happily kill you as well!"

Iris glared at Sareth and put her shield back into defense mode. "For Lord Brother, I'll see to your death!"

Sareth dodged the next beam and dashed to Iris then summoned her staff. The monsters ran to Yukari and Iris. Yukari picked up Iris then vanished, dodging the monster's attacks. Yukari blew a mist from her mouth then multiple clones of Iris appeared around Sareth. Multiple beams were fired at her, but Sareth blocked the beams and deflected them back to Iris and the clones. Iris groaned as she was hit and rolled on her side.

"Is this all you can do?! Maybe last time was a fluke after all!" Sareth laughed.

I stopped running, noticing a battle between Charlotte and Theresa. "Charlotte.."

Charlotte and Theresa clashed rapidly then Theresa bellowed and slashed with extreme amounts of power behind it. Charlotte blocked the attack and groaned as she slid backwards. Charlotte panted and looked at Theresa. She grunted and dashed to Theresa and dodged her next attack. Theresa's sword stuck to the ground and Charlotte took the chance to go for a finishing blow. Theresa grunted and let go of her sword then dodged Charlotte's attack. She kicked Charlotte's stomach and Charlotte's eyes widened. She coughed blood then was blown away through multiple houses before slamming into a wall and falling to her knees.

Theresa grunted and held her head. She groaned as her eyes flashed red. Theresa bellowed and her aura grew wild. She began to become unstable and I noticed the tears in her eyes as Sareth kept pushing her further and further with the memories of her family being slaughtered.

"Go berserk! Kill Charlotte!" Sareth commanded.

Iris and Yukari looked surprised then noticed Sareth's sinister smile. The two rushed towards Sareth to try and kill her so Theresa can be free from her control.

I noticed Theresa run in the direction of Charlotte. I ran after her and the Crest of Divinity shined on my hand then I warped in front of Charlotte. Charlotte looked up at me and noticed me block an attack from Theresa. I trapped Theresa in my aura and she grunted and kept trying to break through me to get to Charlotte.

"Stop this Theresa..!" I said then looked at her. "I know this is hard for you, but you have to break out of her control..! I know deep down inside you still have that gentle soul. Sareth...isn't anything! Open your heart and return to the woman you once were!"

Theresa looked at me and began to calm down slowly. She looked into my eyes and I noticed the tears rolling down her face. My aura gave off a soothing feel and Theresa dropped her weapon then fell to her knees.

Charlotte looked surprised and watched her. "What did you do..?"

"I just soothed her pains." I said. "It's time to bring her over to the right side."

Yukari kicked Sareth into the air and Iris threw her shield at her, hitting her directly on her stomach. Sareth groaned and coughed blood then Yukari used the shield as a platform and grabbed Sareth. She jumped higher and tossed Sareth higher in the air then summoned a clone of herself and threw herself higher. The clone kicked Sareth to Yukari and she grappled onto Sareth.

"Ninpo Arts!" Yakari bellowed and dove to the ground head first with Sareth. She began flipping backwards and Sareth tried her hardest to escape the attack. "Final Eclipse Drop!"

Iris watched in awe and noticed a shine. Yukari and Sareth crashed to the ground and a large smoke cloud formed. Yukari appeared in front of Iris and looked back at her. Iris smiled brightly then noticed the smoke cloud disappearing. Sareth was on the ground dead as no one could survive an Izuna Drop from that height.

Theresa felt the mind control magic disappear and she could finally think clearly. "I'm free.." She said softly.

Ignas grunted as he felt the mind control magic disappear as well then Felix stopped his attack. Ignas held his head and fell to one knee. "It's over.."

Felix smiled then let down his guard. "It's good that you're good now."

Ignas nodded and looked at Felix then his eyes widened. "Behind you!"

Blackfang had snuck behind Felix and impaled him with his sword. Felix looked surprised and Blackfang smirked. "The famed War General...letting his guard down at the sight of a young warrior being free from his chains...you were always careless. Now you die the same way the previous God-Emperor did.."

Felix grunted and chuckled. "You think...something like this is gonna stop me..?" He grunted and pushed the sword out of his body.

"W-What..?! How did you-"

"The Thuriya Bloodline has a very close relationship with the Luceros Bloodline and our duty is to see through to their goals until the end...My Will to live and see Your Highness conquer the world exceeds death itself." Felix said. "That...and it takes more than a stab in the heart to kill me!"

Felix turned around and punched Blackfang's helmet, shattering it. Felix's fist connected to Blackfang's face then blew him away. Blackfang landed on his feet and slid backwards.


"I'm alright." Felix said.

Midnight howled and Blackfang's left wolf ear twitched. Midnight rushed to Blackfang and swung her broadsword at him, but Blackface blocked it. "Well...hello Alpha Wolf...remember me..?!"

"How could I forget your face..?" Blackfang smirked.

Raven dodged Francis's attacks then kicked him away then rushed forward and slashed in a circle. Francis dodged it and panted. Raven panted as well and glared.

"Heh...I'm surprised you lasted for this long...but this is where it all ends!" Francis said then his rapier shined.

"I guess I'll do the same." Raven glared and got into her battle stance.

The two dashed to each other and clashed rapidly then Raven parried Francis's attack, knocking his rapier out of his hand then went for the finishing blow. Lance blocked the attack and Francis smirked and turned into a colony of bats then reformed behind Raven going for a killing blow. Wolfe punched Francis's cheek and his eyes shined brightly. Wolfe howled and bellowed as he sent Francis flying backwards, crashing into a building. Wolfe panted and fell to one knee.

Lance looked at Wolfe then smirked and closed his eyes. He turned away then walked off.

"Where are you going?!" Raven bellowed.

"I know when I lost. Trust me though, this ain't over. Next time we meet, I'll come out the victor." Lance said then vanished.

Raven looked at Wolfe then helped him up. Wolfe held onto her and stood up. They decided to rendezvous with the others who were done with their battles.

Midnight tried to scratch Blackfang's face and snarled. Fur began to generate on her arms. "Where are my children?!" She was slowly turning into her Fenrir Form.

"Those defects?! Ha! I'm surprised you care about them at all! You're lucky I even gave you a chance. You were just another mutt I took off the streets in hopes you could give me what I wanted. You're just another breeding tool for me." Blackfang laughed and began to transform into his werewolf form.

"I won't ask you again! Where are my fucking children?!" Midnight snarled as she was fully in her Fenrir Form.

"They are dead!" Blackfang laughed. "Just like any other royal would do if their children are defects, either kill them or leave them in the wild alone for the beasts to kill them. I took the liberty of taking their lives because they don't deserve to be in this world!"

The news broke Midnight. The children she gave birth to and cared for was now dead according to Blackfang. She groaned and clawed at her own face, her anger was becoming uncontrollable. Her claws grew sharper and her fangs began to grow and become sharper. She panted and groaned loudly.

Felix felt Midnight's energy and looked back.

"What's wrong?" Yukari asked.

"Midnight.." Felix said.

"Tell me you're lying..! Tell me you're lying right now!" Midnight yelled.

Blackfang felt her energy becoming intense and rose an eyebrow. "This energy...Has she always been this strong...?"

"I'll kill you for that! I'll kill you!!" Midnight howled and charged at Blackfang without a second thought.

Midnight punched Blackfang's stomach and he groaned loudly. She began driving her fist deeper into his body and he groaned and began coughing up blood. Blackfang tried to stop it but he was too late, her hand impaled his stomach and she snarled loudly. She grabbed his head and began to drive her arm upwards and broke his body in two. Midnight yelled and growled. She couldn't help herself anymore. She was too far gone into rage. She turned around began to charge at Felix and the others.

I rushed out in front of Midnight and awakened my Crest then palmed her chest and her aura dispersed from her body then she fell to her knees. She slowly began to revert back to normal as I locked her Werewolf and Fenrir Forms. Midnight fell on her side and passed out.

"What did you do to her?" Iris asked.

"It seems like I locked her powers." I said.

"Seems like you're slowly getting back to your true roots. After you beat the Dark Lord, we are getting you in the library and making sure you fully understand your power." Felix said. "We will keep a look out on her."

I nodded and hurried to the citadel. I ran to the castle and barged in, defeating the knights that tried to stop me. I ran up the stairs and burst straight into the throne room and stopped running.

"You're too late, God-Emperor!" The Dark Lord laughed.

The Dark Lord had long black hair with red highlights, red eyes, and cursed marks all over his body. He wore a red kimono with black accents. He stood up and held the halo crown in his hands. He tried to put the crown on his head but I blasted the crown out of his hand with an energy beam. He looked at me and glared.

"So...you wish to stand against me like this huh? Well that's fair enough so before I wear the crown on my head...I shall destroy you first! I, Dark Lord Rudolf, shall kill you here and now!" Rudolf bellowed and lightning crackled around his hand then bolts of lightning began to crash down at me.

I dodged the bolts of lightning and dashed to him. I awakened my greatsword and jumped up then slashed down at him. He summoned his katana then blocked my attack. Sparks flew as we were in a blade lock. Rudolf pushed me away and I landed on my feet then slid backwards. He dashed to me and we clashed multiple times before I punched his stomach and blasted him away with an energy blast.

Rudolf crashed through the throne and looked up noticing me running to him. We clashed more and he parried my next attack before striking me with a lariat. He blew me away and I crashed through a pillar and groaned. I rolled backwards then rebounded onto one knee.

"Say goodbye!" Rudolf said then aimed a dark energy ball at me. He laughed and fired a large dark energy beam at me.

I summoned my shield and blocked the beam then bellowed as I deflected the beam then dashed to him. "It's gonna take more than some laser magic to stop me!"

"Like father like son I suppose! I'll be sure to kill you the same way your father perished!" Rudolf laughed.

We clashed once more and entered a heated battle between blades. Neither of us was letting go of the offensive pressure. We entered another blade lock and I glared at him while he smirked at me.

"You took everything from my people! You took my parents life! My kingdom! My crown! And for that you're gonna pay!" I bellowed and the crown on the ground began shining and floated up.

Rudolf noticed the crown floating to me and put itself on my head. He looked surprised then groaned when I used my aura to blow him away.

My hair slowly became pure white, my eyes shined and changed into a gray color, and wings of light formed on my back. I was able to finally tap into my true power with the crown back into my possession. I looked at my hands and wings.

"Oh yeah, my children are about to be Overpowered as hell." I said to myself then looked at Rudolf and smirked. "Now I'm about to beat the fuck out of you boy."

"Shit..." Rudolf said then growled. A voice spoke to him in his head then he nodded. "It would seem we have to cut this battle short, God-Emperor. But don't celebrate too hard...we will meet again."

Rudolf warped away.

I walked to the throne and sat down on it then a beacon of light shined in the sky from the roof. Felix and the others noticed it and the darkness in the kingdom of Idrisid disappeared and became more lifelike and cheerful.

"Idrisid conquered." I said and smiled then closed my eyes. "I could really use New Divide by Linkin Park right about now. This is definitely a Linkin Park moment."

"We did it! We conquered Idrisid! This is Luceros territory!" Iris cheered.

"Our mission is complete." Yukari said.

Charlotte and Raven smiled at each other then Raven smiled at Wolfe.

"Can you see us, King Orion? We are one step closer to your dream, total peace in the world." Felix said then closed his eyes.

Theresa noticed how much more beautiful Idrisid looked when the darkness had vanished. Ignas looked around as well. Midnight slowly woke up and held her head then sat up. She looked around and noticed the kingdom looked more lively.

I stood up from the throne and swung my cape then smirked. "Look out world because I am about to make my name known. Look out ladies because Mr. Worldwide is on the move."