
Re:born - The Gamer Who Tamed Death

A young man with a tragic past finds himself reborn in a fantastical world governed by a powerful game system. Armed with his past life's knowledge and a unique skill called "Memento Mori," he embarks on a journey to conquer death itself.

StoicWrites · Kỳ huyễn
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35 Chs

A Bargain Forged in Whispers

The journey back to Aethel was fraught with tension. The knowledge of the trapped creature festered in their minds, a chilling reminder of the precarious situation they faced. Anya, her jaw clenched tight, steered the griffin with a grim determination. Alex, his focus inward, wrestled with the daunting task ahead - crafting a message through the discordant symphony of the whispers.

He delved into the creature's essence, piecing together its desires and motivations. The creature, a being of pure hunger known only as the Devourer, yearned for release from its desolate prison. However, the whispers also revealed a flicker of intelligence, a cunning mind capable of understanding complex concepts like deals and consequences.

As they neared Aethel, Alex formulated a proposition. He would offer the Devourer a controlled release – a limited window to satiate its hunger in a designated area far from the city. In return, the Devourer would swear a binding oath, a pact woven into the very fabric of the whispers, to never set foot on Aethean soil.

The message, once crafted, felt like a tightrope walk. It offered the creature a path to freedom, but with stringent limitations. One wrong word, one misinterpreted whisper, and the consequences could be catastrophic.

Back within the Guild halls, the air crackled with anticipation as Alex prepared for the communication. The Arcane Watchers, summoned from their mountaintop haven, formed a protective barrier around him, their faces etched with concern. Anya stood by his side, her hand resting on his shoulder, a silent source of support.

Taking a deep breath, Alex shut his eyes and reached out. He focused on the specific frequency of the Devourer's hunger, weaving his message into the cacophony. Images of a barren wasteland, teeming with sustenance, materialized in his mind – the designated feeding ground far from Aethel. He then depicted the oath, a complex tapestry of consequences should the Devourer violate its terms.

The whispers intensified, a torrent of raw emotion. The Devourer's hunger raged, a desperate plea for release. But amidst the cacophony, a flicker of something else emerged – a grudging sense of understanding.

The silence that followed felt deafening. Then, a single, chilling whisper pierced the stillness – "Agreed."

A wave of relief washed over Alex. The Devourer had accepted their proposition. Anya squeezed his hand, a hint of a smile playing on her lips. The Arcane Watchers lowered their barrier, their expressions a mix of awe and apprehension.

The following days were a blur of activity. Anya, with her decisive leadership, organized a team to scout and prepare the designated feeding ground. The Arcane Watchers, wielding their potent magic, erected powerful wards around the perimeter, ensuring the Devourer wouldn't stray beyond the designated zone.

Finally, the day arrived. Standing before the gaping hole in the ruins, Alex felt a knot of anxiety tighten in his stomach. He had negotiated the deal, but the true test was yet to come.

With a deep breath, he channeled the whispers once more, summoning the Devourer. The ground trembled, dust motes swirling in the air. Then, with a deafening roar that echoed across the plains, a monstrous creature emerged from the hole.

The Devourer, a grotesque amalgamation of razor-sharp claws and oozing tendrils, pulsed with an insatiable hunger. Yet, despite its terrifying appearance, Alex sensed a flicker of something else in its bestial eyes – a grudging respect, perhaps even a hint of… gratitude?

The creature let out a guttural sound, a gesture of acknowledgement toward Alex. Then, without a backward glance, it lunged towards the designated feeding ground, a ravenous beast unleashed.

Anya and the others watched with bated breath as the Devourer disappeared into the wasteland. A tense silence stretched on, broken only by the distant sounds of its feeding frenzy. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, the sounds subsided.

Alex, his body drained from the ordeal, released a shaky breath. They had done it. They had struck a bargain with a creature of pure hunger and averted a potential catastrophe.

As they turned to leave the ruins, a single whisper lingered in the air – "Remember." A chilling reminder of the precarious balance they had achieved, a constant vigilance required to ensure the Devourer remained true to its bargain.

The whispers, once a source of torment, had become a double-edged weapon. They had saved Aethel from immediate danger, but the city's future remained tethered to a fragile pact with a monstrous entity. The road ahead wouldn't be easy.