

***PLEASE TAKE NOTE THAT I DO NOT OWN THE RIGHTS TO ANY ANIME COMIC OR GAMES THAT WILL OCCURE DURING THE STORY I ONLY OWN THE CHARACTERS AND ABILITIES THAT I MIGHT CREATE DURING THE STORY P.S THIS IS MY FIRST TIME WRITING SO DONT EXPECT GOD TIER WRITING**** Synopsis: Morpheus an otaku God wanted an apostle and also a brother so he save an extremely powerful soul from the floors of purgatory. Morpheus also decided to give the soul 6 wishes and send him to an alternate world of Re:zero were a couple of anime worlds are merge are and inside the galaxy. Join us and watch as our MC Asura rise up and become an emperor and also the demon God who feeds off the desires of others. join my discord : https://discord.com/channels/851513713991221288/851513890973024317

Retro_Senpai · Tranh châm biếm
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48 Chs

System shop and bloodline awakening


<<Affirmative now opening shop>>

<<Asura Please pick a store branch within the shop>>

<<Store varies from Skill store, Item store, Bloodline store, summon ticket store, and wheel of chance>>

Asura: Hmmm Cortana open up the skill store and show me the best suitable skills for me at this moment

<<Affirmative now opening skill store>>

<<The System has analyzed Asura body structure and has concluded 5 suitable skills that Asura should learn>>

. Stardust breaker: 40,000 DP

. Starburst Stream: 2000 DP

. Unlimited Blade Works: 30,000 DP

. Observation Haki: 5000 DP

. Sword Aura: 3000 DP

Asura: Damn these skills are definitely top tier skills, Cortana can you please explain to me what sword aura is

<<Affirmative sword aura is energy that engulfs the blade of the user sword to make it stronger the more you kill the stronger the aura get. All swordsman have sword aura some pathetic and some very dangerous although each sword aura is unique there are some people who cant increase the power of there sword aura due to certain unique condition that is unique only to them>>.

<<For example, the sword saint Reinhard use a sword aura to split the skies and disintegrate puck till not even ashes were left and the reason why his sword aura was so strong was that he inherits the aura of all the previous sword saints of the past but he can still make it stronger by fighting worthy opponents>>

Asura: Damn I still wonder what type of drugs Nagatsuki was on when he made Reinhard sadly it remains a mystery even to this day wait for Cortana why doesn't this body have sword aura wasn't Asuramaru a sword for most of his life.

<The power of sword aura didn't exist in that universe or more like no one was aware of that power or train to get that power. Since vampires use blood to reinforce their sword while human use curse weapon with their demon as a source of power>

Asura: I see Cortana buy me all five skills immediately sword aura is just too good to pass up although it the weakest skill for now. If I level it up to a high enough level I can probably pull off the same result as Balmung noble phantasm heheheh. As for the other skill, I can only say I'm living every otaku wet dream who wouldn't want to do stardust breaker that was literally the attack that Gojeta use to one-shot Janemba. The same applies to unlimited blade works I honestly think if I can combine UBW with starburst stream and sword aura I can create an even more destructive sword style.

<<extracting 80,00 DP>>

<<Total DP Left 720,000>>

<<Congratulations you have learned the skill stardust breaker>>

<<Congratulations you have learned the skill starburst stream>>

<<Congratulations you have learned the skill unlimited blade works>>

<<Congratulations you have learned the skill observation haki>>

<<Congratulations you have learned the skill sword aura>>


Stardust breaker: A powerful rainbow energy sphere made from stardust that can disintegrate your enemies.

Starburst stream: A certain black sword men second to last sword skill

Unlimited blade works: The reality marble of endless swords please be advised that only your default sword is present within the reality marble. You need to create your own set of swords and place it within the reality marble. (Chant needed)

Observation Haki (LVL 1): This is a form of Haki that allows the user to sense the presence of others, even if they are concealed from the user's view or too far to see naturally.

Sword aura (LVL 1): An aura that represents the user's soul and engulfs the blade to re-enforce it the more you kill or stand upon your sword for every two hours it will go up a level. If sword aura is a level up high enough your blade will be as hot as a lightsaber and shoot laser beams from it.

Asura: So it looks like I will have to make or buy a sword to put inside my reality marble oh Cortana by any chance that my default sword my previous sword body.

<<Asura is correct to summon your sword you have to call its name since it's linked directly to your soul its a part of you>>

Asura: if I remember correctly the sword's original name was Asuramaru the Demon Blade

of Perfected Possession. I find it really weird naming a sword after myself.

<When Asura has time he can recreate the entire sword making a new sword and give it a new name>

Asura: I see that very convenient well I should start by summoning my sword.

With that I started to stand up from there I close my eyes and concentrate on my soul trying to look for my beloved sword and when I felt something very close to me I open my eyes and shouted out.

Asura: Manifest before me "ASURAMARU!"

When I call its name for the first time an ominous black aura started to surround my hand and with it came a katana of 135 centimeters in length. Its scabbard is pure black except for the front and back. The front end has two golden rings while the end that touches the hilt has a ring with a gold "U" that pokes out on both wide sides. The sword itself is a midnight black katana I continue looking at it until I heard Cortana's voice.

<<Congratulations you have learn sword called>>

<Congratulations you have learn soul weapon manifestation>

<All stats increase by 100 when equipping Asuramaru>


Sword call: If you forgot your Kusanagi or any other sword at home call for it and it will fly to you at a very fast speed.

Soul weapon manifestation: the ultimate weapon of the soul a weapon that can be a game-changer in battle by calling out the name of your weapon the weapon will manifest before its user.

Asura: A very useful skill indeed Cortana can you please appraise Asuramaru for me

<<Affirmative now appraising>>

<Asuramaru the demon sword of perfect possession is a black sword with a gold "U" at the hilt even. In its dormant form, the blade is fully black, and in its awakened state it full black with its blade edge been emerald green simply just call it to name again to awaken it. When the sword is equipped all stats go up by a 100>

After I summon Asuramaru in my hands I try to swing it around just to get a feel of it I even try using sword aura which was pale red at the moment after a couple of minutes of practicing using my sword I decided to go back to the shop to buy a bloodline.

Asura: Cortana open up a bloodline store and show me the best possible bloodline that I should buy first

<<Affirmative now opening bloodline store>>

<<The system has concluded 3 bloodline two of which is superior grade and one unique bloodline>>

. The Argonaut bloodline (Superior grade): 50,000 DP

. Sukuna bloodline (Superior grade): 50,000 DP

. Ancient Fannus bloodline (Unique grade): 150,000 DP


Argonaut bloodline: The bloodline of a white hair boy who wanted to be a hero he was called many foul names such as fool, clown, and fake hero. He was even brought down by his own parents and was rejected by every girl for making a fool of himself. Till one day he unlocks an SSS+ grade skill that allows him to grow stronger depending on his emotion this skill was the reason he rises from despair and became the strongest within his world and was the first true hero and was dubbed as The Hero of Begging.

Sukuna bloodline: The bloodline of the almighty king of curses and the progenitor of the imaginary demons Sukuna was said to wreak havoc upon the world 1000 years ago.

Ancient Fannus bloodline: The bloodline of the ancient Fannus Byakko who went from a normal tiger Fannus to a giant white tiger Fannus after 500 years of meditation. He gains inner peace and superior fighting capabilities and was dubbed guardian deity of the west.

Asura: Holy fuck these bloodlines are so fucking op Cortana buy all of them this will only benefit me in the future.

<<Affirmative now Buying two superior and one unique bloodline>>

<<Now extracting 250,000 DP you are now left with 470,000 DP>>

<<Argonaut bloodline purchase>>

<<Sukuna bloodline purchase>>

<<Ancient Fannus bloodline purchase>>

<Would Asura like to commence bloodline transplant Yes/No "WARNING!" transplanting might have a slight change in personality and also transplanting all three bloodlines is life treating it advise to transplant one at a time and use their power separately.

Asura: What would happen if I transplant all 3 of them

<<In every case and scenario you would die from the holy energy but the user's supreme skill absolute adaptation cancels all possible outcomes of death unless a protocol treat level black execution is set upon the user. so the answer is unknown what would happen if you awake all three at the same time but I can guarantee the pain could only be described as unbearable>>

Asura: What is the protocol treats level black

<<User is too weak to know this information>>

Asura: I figured something along does lines was going to happen anyways pain only makes me stronger. Yes, Cortana please commence with the bloodline transplant of all three.

<<Affirmative now commencing transplant in 10, 9, 8,>>

Asura: This is going to hurt like a "MOTHER FUCKER!"

<5,4,3,2,1,0 now commencing transplant good luck Asura>


Asura Was standing up while he was going true immense pain all over his body as he feels like his blood was boiling from the inside. The temperature keeps on increasing till his whole body started to glow red from the immense heat in his body. Till all that was heard was a loud "THUD!" sound that was heard in the room Asura rolled all around the white room.

Shaking and screaming for about an hour one would think according to fanfic logic an hour of pain was all It takes for a bloodline awakening to occur well sadly for Asura that wasn't the case because the pain didn't stop there no It got worse. If what Asura was currently feeling was been blend and cooked alive what he felt now was as if he was been roasted by the sun core itself.

The sudden increase in pain that he felt wasn't the only thing that changes nothing just got, even more, worse than before. As a strange and bright golden light started to engulf Asura this light was no other than the Argonaut bloodline awakening. As the light got brighter the louder the scream can be heard till the screams stop sounding human altogether.

Asura's body starts to evaporate due to the intense heat and also rejection. Since Asura was a demon he couldn't really absorb 100% pure holy energy, not even the dreamer's heart wasn't pure divine energy at best 30%. While the other was 70% of some unknown energy asura wasn't familiar with as yet. Even if Asura was love by element holy energy was still deadly to him because for a demon holy energy was the worst type of poison for them.

Anyone who sees this would all think Asura was done for but right before he completely evaporate something miraculous happen he started to regenerate at speed too fast for the human eyes to see but the holy energy started to act like its have a mine of its own and started to get even brighter and brighter to counter this strange phenomenon that is trying to stop it from turning this demon spawn to ashes but the hotter and brighter the golden energy got the faster the regeneration got.

As a clash between the sun-like energy and light speed regeneration started to occurred of course Asura was under a series of immense pain that no words can describe. strangely doe he couldn't scream as if something was stopping him from screaming and keeping him awake to experience this unthinkable torcher.

The heat got stronger and stronger to the point Asura's body starts creating its own gravitational field and started floating the light was bright that you couldn't even see Asura's body anymore.

As poor Asura was suffering and wanted nothing more for the pain to end his hair started to turn Milky white as to say his hero bloodline was awakening but this is only the end of a painful first trial and the begging of an even more hellish one. As the golden energy started to ease down a whole new red energy started to leak out true all his pores, mouth, eyes, nose, nails, etc.

The red energy starts to swallow him whole as he started to feel something forcefully entering his soul and his body started to collapse under the huge pressure he feeling which was the madness of the curse energy. As his bones started to break and reform in the most gruesome ways possible.

If that wasn't enough the intense holy energy came back even stronger than before as to purge this evil energy trying to enter its master's body. out of all the pain, he felt today this was probably this worse not only is Asura losing his mind due to the corruption and the madness of the energy that tearing its way true his soul but he is also burning and reforming. The torture didn't stop there doe as the holy and curse energy started to clash against each other.

It causes his body to swell up to an unimaginable degree as he imploded from the inside out his blood and parts of his body flew all over the sky, but as to go forward with the awakening and survival of it master a certain passive skill started to activate with its miraculous ways ounce again. This skill was no other than absolute adaptation as it started to reform Asura's body whole again but as it reforms back to its original form it implodes an ounce more.

So it reforms so it imploded this process happens for about three minutes until something that completely breaks the law of physic happens. The skill started to make a new form of energy as if it learns from its mistake the first of its kind it was transparent energy that started to fuse with both holy and curse energy. Asura's body started to reform once more but his mind was dying due to all the madness of the pure curse energy. Then he felt something blocking all the madness in his mind and started to heal his shattered mind.

After Asura's body reform it began to transform as well meanwhile the combination of unknown transparent energy started to fuse along with holy and curse energy. All the energy started to compress together to make a beautiful neon red energy that surrounds Asura's body that has changed drastically.

We can now see a Floating figure still radiating in a neon red aura but instead of an androgynous boy, we now see a very handsome man at 6 feet tall he looks no more than 20 years old from his previous 12-year-old appearance. He looks like a fusion between Asuramaru and Sephiroth he has the same hairstyle as Asuramaru but the face of Sephiroth has crimson pink hair that touches the grown and the most beautiful eyes one has ever seen the sclera is Milky white while the pupil is YInMn blue. He has the same tattoo pattern as Sukuna but it was YInMn blue as well.

He has four eyes while the bottom pair is closed he also has blood-red claws and pointy vampire fangs. Along with a set of two elf ears and on top of his head are two pairs YInMn blue demon horns the first Pair curved along with his head and curve outwards looking like a ram horn. while the second pair grows beside the first and is curved upwards on the top of the first horn

(look something like this (https://www.pinterest.cl/pin/726768458602990887/).

above his head, we can see a spiky floating black crown with a majestic gold design below it and above the spikes.

He has on a YInMn blue kimono that shows his perfect chest with his black tattoos and abs that look like it's been chiseled by the Gods themself on his feet were YInMn blue shoes and he wears a long Crimson Pink scarf. This is obviously his demonic curse form but asura could care less about that at the moment as he was still feeling immense physical and mental pain.

Here how the crown look like (https://www.pinterest.com.mx/pin/800163058790612188/)

Asura's body was still floating high above the sky while radiating his neon red aura as we can see Asura's body start to pulsate slowly as it got faster and faster till it reaches a terrifying speed. As his neon red aura starts to fade away a burst of shiny diamond blue flame started to engulf Asura. suddenly Asura's long last voice starts to scream in agony ounce again as if whatever was preventing him from screaming and lock his mind freed him.


Asura wasn't screaming in pain because the flames were extremely hot no because it was extremely cold. Asura felt like trillion upon trillions of cold icy needles started to impaled his entire body it seems the cold flames started to re-shape and reform his entire body interior and exterior. just like that five hours had pass and Asura was screaming in so much pain and agony that he didn't even notice that a very beautiful blond figure suddenly appears out of nowhere to greet Asura only to hear screams.

She looks up at the screaming figure and watches with interest, to pass the time she suddenly spawns a giant black bean bag chair and a bowl of popcorn along with black shades that allow her to see Asura even with the blinding diamond blue flames these things seem to come out of nowhere as she watches asura like she was watching the new episode of a popular tv show while enjoying her popcorn.

???: I swear this guy is crazy and interesting at the same time was he suicidal in his past life or something well I don't think so since I have seen all his previous memories or doesn't he know his body is still too weak to handle those three strong bloodlines all at once. if it wasn't for his absolute adaptation skill finding some observe way to counter his death he would have died from the moment that pure holy light touch him anyways let's see where this goes this might be a good thing it just means I don't have to show a shred of mercy during our training.

Asura continues screaming until his body started to transform he now had Platinum hair with a purple hair tip. Along with sharp tiger teeth and sharps tongue with sharp claws and three pairs of white whiskers on the side of his face. A pair of platinum tiger ears appeared from his head and a long tiger tail with platinum fur with purple stripes on his tail which is on his lower back.

Asura had jade white skin and two colored heterochromia eyes the right eye yellow and the left eye purple. His facial features remain the same as a normal Asuramaru only with the detail stated earlier. Anyone seeing this would instantly want to jump this figure and engage with a serious assault of more mofu attacks.

Even the blond hair woman was coming up with a ton of blackmail material to get a long private session of mofu mofu with Asura if he doesn't cooperate well he can only blame himself.

Then finally silence hits the room Asura was still floating in the air but his body starts to freeze at a rapid rate and crystalize purple rose starts to appear from all over his body till it looks like he was buried by a huge bed of crystalizing purple rose in the shape of a coffin at the same time the blue flame reappears once more along with the neon red energy and started to fuse and what appeared was a majestic dark neon purple aura that radiates all over the now cover body of Asura in the coffin of purple crystalize roses.

The roses start sucking the aura which melts and molds all the crystalize rose into one giant pre-bloom rose. Its roots touch all the way to the ground and after an hour the giant purple rose started to bloom and what appears was a 30-meter giant tiger with platinum fur and purple stripes with a pair of heterochromia eyes the right eye been yellow and the left been purple he has an extremely long platinum tail (basically Byakko from persona 4 but slightly different).

The giant beast then looks up at the white space and sends out a loud roar that can shake the heavens and split the Earth as if telling both Heaven and the Earth of its birth.


After the great roar, Asura returns back to his space hair base form and all the crystalize purple rose shattered like broken glass into millions of pieces while falling to the ground the same goes for Asura as well since he doesn't have a shred of energy left but before he touches the ground a beautiful blond hair woman catches him.

Asura looks at the beautiful woman she had short blond hair jade white skin a pair of beautiful eyes that's has a variety of three colors the sclera was milky white while the iris was green and the cornea was yellow and her pupil was abyssal black if one were to look carefully into her pupil they would notice it was spinning like a black hole.

She wore the same exact attire as an angel in the DBS universe only cause her undergarment was white and her outer garment was black while the giant ringed around her neck was purple her angel staff remain the same doe. Asura was shocked to see who his assistant was even though he was physically, mentally, and spiritually exhausted he tries to say something to her before he passes out but before he could say anything the woman put her finger on his lips and said.

???: Both your soul and body are extremely tired after all that reforming I know you have a lot to say but for now please rest I will watch over you while you are out and answer all your questions after you wake up.

Asura didn't complain or fight back and just did what she said and started to close his eyes but before he fell asleep he said

Asura: Thank you, Lucy. (Lucy 2014)

Lucy: Yes Yes now go to sleep and recover your lost energy.

And with those word Asura was knocked out cold and fell asleep right on the ground Lucy then proceed to pick up Asura from the ground and conjure Up an Alaskan king bed with soft black Charollette Thomas bed sheets and ten golden pillows that were made from Filolial Queen feathers to improve sleep she spawns all things out of nothing inside the infinite white space and places the now sleeping Asura on top of the bed witch he slept peacefully. Lucy then began rubbing his hair and began to analyze the changes in his body and was quite happy with the results.

Lucy: To think that he went up two realms he now has power far beyond that of a great spirit although he is now at the green realm stage 8 if I trained him hard enough he might break truly to the purple realm before the yearly period is finished.

I honestly can't wait to find out what will happen when a demon takes a huge dose of CPH4 if it could turn me a mare mortal human woman into the Gold realm entity as a human after reaching a 100% I wonder about a demon hehe just thinking about it makes me excited till the point I want to inject it in him and see the results sigh.

Well, I guess I will hold myself back and wait for him to get up. for now sleep well, cause after you wake up you will be near death most of the time during your training. Fear, not doe you won't die this will only benefit you in the end I guess I should look over the system settings and check if I miss anything I will be back when you wake up.

And like that Lucy went back inside the system while Asura sleeps peacefully on a comfortable bed fit for a king within the infinite white space.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know. I already know how my story will go but if you have any inresting Idea please do trow them in there. Although this is the first ever book I created with 0 writing experience but I do hope you enjoy it after all I only do this for fun but I promise I will finish the story thank you for listining.

Retro_Senpaicreators' thoughts