

Hiatus mode on Listening to the professor teaching, welp that's boring stuff. I wish the class would be done now. Looking at the clock one minute and thirty seconds left. And that's class dismissed. Alright time to head ho- Suddenly a ball coming from outside the window hit his head. 'Getting hit by a baseball ball really hurt a lot. Looks like I'm in the clinic. After organizing my memories it appears that I remembered my past memories or what do you call it future memory. It seems like something dangerous was bound to happen in the near future. uploading chapter one per month or more? Author:nogaRXD414

nogaRXD414 · Kỳ huyễn
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8 Chs

Preparation (2)

6:09 PM January 19, 20XX(Wednesday)

The sky keeps rumbling as if it was hungry. I mean I'm going to give some of my food to Mr sky if he/she asks for it. Joke aside, if the atmosphere keeps rumbling like this, and from the looks of it. It might be a problem. I'm probably no, I am the only one who knows this. If I remember correctly, it was January 24, 20XX when the rumbling atmosphere occurs. Then that means it's going to happen on January 27, 20XX.

Anyway, I finished up my food. Pretty good I say, the seasonings and scent of this tuna were really good. Even the chicken teriyaki aroma has a different scent of it. Damn, enough about that. I should go now. Time is not by my side anyway. After cleaning up, I closed off the door and head out to the lottery shop.

With the unexpected event of rumbling some people might be panicking or some priest is notifying things like 'God has come to save us.'.How ironic. After all, the Gods were the ones who started this. I mean one of the Gods started this. The one that's observing or ruling the Earth? In my previous memory of this situation, I also think that God did not exist, I mean Gods. Welp, that's how it works.

While walking through the street. I saw their face turning into fear, the looks of fear in their faces. It was amusing, oh it seems like the memories are starting to affect me. No, they've already affected me. I was never the s type in the past, I guess you could say I'm a coward. But after everything that happened, a new 'better' me have been born. Regardless, now that I'm in front of the building. I should enter now.

I pushed the door and took a step inside step inside, I noticed that it was pretty empty. Not really empty because the staff that works here are still in their place. It seems that the earlier people here were looking at the tv, waiting for the mega-million announcement. They've probably heard the rumbling, no, they must have heard them. I mean, my apartment was pretty far from here. Which the rumbling event happens closer here in the lottery. Anyway, they must have seen it already, like they can do anything about it.

For the atmosphere to turn into the reddish color, and with the clouds turning dark. Also, the sound of the gushing wind hisses like a metal clattering. It's like a war was going on in the air. For them, it must have been scary. I mean, anyone who saw this phenomenon might have thought that this must be the end of the world. Welp not really, there's still a lot of humans surviving this phenomenon. About 10 000 000 million humans I guess. Not really sure about that.

Enough of that stuff, first priority on the lottery tickets. Writing the number (43) (92) (6) (78) (53) (18). Ok now that's done, I'm going to head out now. Wait, let me call a very good friend of mine that can actually help me in this situation. Setting the number.

(ring ring ring ring ring)

"Sorry, but the number you have dialed is now not connected please try again later."

So he didn't answer huh? Welp, I'm already expecting that. With what I'm about to text him. He will likely call me first. Of course, what I'm about to text him is about his secret. The secret that only I know. And that's his fetishes. I laugh while typing a message that I'm about to send.

And send.

(ring ring ring ring ring)

Oh, my phone rings. Not like I didn't expect it.

I answered.

"How did you know that?! Wait let me compose myself first."

10 seconds have passed.

"You okay now?" I asked.

"First of all, I'm fine and second how did you know that?" He asked the same question but not with the same tone earlier. Ok, turn on 'decent' me.

"Answering your question, its a secret. And now if 'you' don't want your girlfriend to know it, then follow my instruction. Let's start first with an introduction. I am Sydney Greywield."

"Shon Kreylamb. Are you going to blackmail me?" He asked with a worried tone.

"Of course I'm going to blackmail you, but it's for our safety." I answered calmly.

"What do you mean our safety? How do you think I'm going to be safe if you are going to blackmail me." He replied, not believing what I said.

"Well, I can assure you about your safety 'if' you follow my instruction. If you are not going to listen, you can simply die in the apocalypse that's about to happen. Or I can just tell your girlfriend about it." I spoil a little about the event.

"Wait what apocalypse, you mean those zombies. No, you're lying at all. Nothing of this is true." Losing his composure.

"This is the last time I will talk to you or maybe not. Get the biggest container ship and buy a ton of canned food and water bottles. Good for 100 people that can 1 year I supposed. Also firearms, good for 100 people." Informing the instruction to him.

"Wait how am I supposed to get that. I know how to buy it, but the money? How do I get the money, that's like about a hundred million dollars." Concerned about that huge amount of money.

"I'm going to send you my bank account tomorrow, and get it done for one day. I know you can do it." Ending the call.


On the other side of the call.

"Oh sh*t, my peaceful life. It's going to end now. How did he even know my fetishes? If my girlfriend happens to know this. I'm going to be f*cked up. Anyway if what he said is true, then its like a blessing in disguise. Oh yeah, I remember he said about sending his bank account tomorrow. Then maybe I'm not f*cked if I just listen to him." Lightening up his mood

"Thinking about the things he asked. It's really easy at all, heck I don't even need a day to finish. I only need half a day." Feeling accomplished to himself.
