
Chapter 1

In a house there is a women screaming and looks as though she's in intense pain while holding the hand of a man.

"YOU DID THIS TO ME YOU BASTARD!" Yelled the women.

"Its okay breath. Hee hoo hee." Said the man in a panic.

"One more push." Said a women which appears to be a doctor.

After the doctor said that they all hear crying and the doctor has the baby in her arms and hands it to the man.

"Its a boy." The doctor said.

"Hey buddy I'm your dad."

"Let me see my son, I want to hold him."

After the women whom we assume to be the man's wife says that, the man hands her the baby.

"Hey my beautiful baby boy I'm you mom and your name will be Raziel." The women said with a smile so gentle and full of love.

"Raziel..... I like it." Said the man with a smile on his face while looking at his wife and son.


3 Years later.....

Smoke and fire. That's all anyone can see within this town. But if you look closer you can see what appears to be a small child barely 3 years old running toward a house and entering it.

"MOM, DAD! Where are you." The boy said with tears in his eyes.

"Raziel come here son." His father replied while opening a hatch in the floor with Raziel's mother beside him. Raziel went to his father with an expression of panic and worry.

"Listen Raziel I'm going to put you in here and I want you to not make a single sound no matter what you hear and do not leave until your grandfather comes. He's a strong wizard. Here put this on so he will be able to find you." The man said with tears in his eyes while putting a necklace around his neck.

"I love you so much Raziel don't you ever forget that." Raziel's mother said while hugging him and fighting off sobbing.

"You know we love you, and should you ever miss us hold onto that necklace and know that we will always be with you." After the man said that he picked Raziel up and put him in the hatch while saying. "Always be brave son, no matter what you do we'll always be proud of you."

A few minutes later Raziel could hear the screams and and what sounds like fighting. This went on for a couple of hours until it stopped. During the whole ordeal all Raziel could do was curl up into a ball and silently sob.


6 Hours Later....

Raziel fell asleep from exhaustion. But was awoken from what sounds like someone moving through his house. Then the hatch begins to open and Raziel clutches his necklace scared thinking it was one of bad guys. But who opens it is a kind looking old man.

"Raziel its okay son. You can come out, I'm here." ???? says in a gentle tone.

"W..who are you?" Raziel says with fear evident in his voice.

"Raziel I'm your Grandpa. Your father sent me a message saying there was trouble and he wanted me to take care of you if anything bad happened." Grandpa answered.

"Where are mom and dad?" Even though Raziel knew the answer he had to ask. He may be a reincarnated person but he has no memories of growing up and just some knowledge about the world he is in and his wishes that were gifted to him by God. And well may have thought it was a dream if not for the fact that since a month ago there has been a 'Loading....99%' in his field of vision.

"Their uh.... their dead son." Grandpa said with tears in his eyes.

After Grandpa said that Raziel ran to him hugged and started bawling his eyes out. But as this was all happening there was a miraculous phenomenon happening around him. Outside it started storming really bad as black lighting struck all around and the wind started to pick up, while dark purple ice started to form around where Raziel and his Grandpa were standing and Raziel's skin seemed to look as though small black fire was coming out and was beyond hot.

'Is Raziel doing this? This emotional tramua seemed to have awakened his latent innate magic. But I wonder what it is?' After thinking to himself Grandpa waited a few more minutes to let Raziel get it out of his system since it's not good to bottle up these kinds of emotions. "Raziel, listen son your parents wouldn't want you to continue to cry. No they'd want you to move on. To grow up. To find love and friends. To make them proud. I know it hurts but I promise I'm here for you." When Grandpa finished saying that all four phenomenon stopped at the same time.

After that Raziel and his Grandpa started buried his parents. After they did so Raziel asked his Grandpa this "Grandpa how do I get stronger?"

"Why do want to know that son?" Asked his Grandpa startled.

"I don't want this to ever happen to me again. I know I'm only three but..... I want to.... no I need to get stronger." Raziel replied, with resolution and conviction in his eyes.

"Alright, I'll teach you however I will not go easy on you. Especially since you appear to have been born with extremely powerful magic. Oh I'm not just going to train you, I'll teach you my craft and after you've learned what you need to from me I'll send you to an old friend of mine to continue training and learning how to improve yourself." Grandpa said.

"Alright Grandpa I trust you." Raziel replied with a smile.

After all was said and done the two left. Headed only God knows where to start Raziel's training.

Alright guys. I'm just gonna say that in the chapter comments there will be a comment by me which will be asking should I show a bit of Raziel's upbringing by his Grandfather or should I jump straight into joining Fairy Tail?

Infinite_Shadow_57creators' thoughts