

Ray is a guy who did not believe in love. He used to be an artiste and Ray is an extrovert. He believed in love when he met her. It is not only love that Ray did not believe in, he did not believe in fate or destiny. A leak from the book She shifted on her seat to face him. " I wanted to learn how to make some dishes so I decided to go to Ashley because she is a very good cook. That's why I decided to sleep over. We were making dinner and at a point Ashley stopped me from doing anything because I'm not so good. She asked me to just watch her cook...", Ray cuts in. "Aren't you learning? She should have let you fo it!", He said trying to curry favour with Dorris. " You think so too. Then she asked me to take down a pot of soup from the stove. And I did......", Dorris paused. "Go on", Ray told her. She pouted then. "I did threw it down but that's because it is hot", Dorris said like a cute baby admitting a mistake. " You didn't use a glove or a rag?", he asked her. "I didn't know I'm suppose to use it", Dorris replied. Ray almost laughed. Like seriously? " I think I need to scold Ashley. Isn't she suppose to tell you?", he asked. "She tried to... But ot was too late. I spilled her soup", Dorris responded. . Will you leave me because of this?", she asked. " I won't leave you for any reason. I will be in charge of the kitchen. Just stick to the bedroom. Haven't you heard?", he asked. "What?", she asked him, using the back of her hand to clean her tears. " The way to a man's heart is no longer the stomach. It's three inches below the belly button.", Ray said and winked. Dorris blushed. "I will rather you learn how to handle my little long man down there than handling the kitchen", Ray added shamelessly. Dorris had turned pink. " What are you saying such vulgar words for?", she asked him. "Dorris, did you know?", he asked. " What?", she asked. "You're pretty when you are blushing and when acting cute, you usually turn me on. My little long man is fully awake now. You have to put him to sleep", he told her. Dorris swallowed and blushed. Ray added. " Since I will be handling the kitchen now, you have to be more pro- active in the bedroom now. Yes or yes?", he asked her.

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Chapter 43__Heart break

Harley was quite surprise to see many grown ups at the amusement park. Her initial thoughts is that it is only children that do cone to the amusement park.

Her parents are business people. As their only child, she was trained to handle her parents company.

As a child, Harley couldn't even do what children should do.

During school hours, all she do is to study and on weekends she will attend business dinner and banquet with her parents.

She couldn't do what girls her age should do. Going on picnics with friends, camping, trips, shopping,  going to amusements parks and sleep over.

Harley looked like a kid that was given a candy.

"Believe me, I used to think amusements parks are meant for kids",  She told Harry.

Harry was a typical extrovert. He loved to have fun and he knows all fun places that ladies like after all, he used to be a player. He would rather travel around than sit in a office all day but people from their circle couldn't even make simple decisions like that. There are a lot of things their parents will dictate for them especially the heir.

" Well, you're wrong ", he replied.

" Trust me, you will have fun. I know all the rides you will enjoy", Harry added.

Harley smiled. She was excited. Somehow, she is usually relaxed whenever she is with Harry.

"Forget about work and let's have total fun", Harry told her.

" Okay. I will listen to you", Harley said.

Harry smiled.

Harry was panting when they came out from the haunted house. Harley mocked him.

"You're such a coward"

He smiled.

"You're one to talk. I've you forgotten how scared you're of the rides. Even kids will not shout like that on a ferris wheel",  Harry teased.

Harley rolled her eyes.

" That's because it's my first time", she said.

Harry just smiled.

"Are you hungry?",  Harry asked.

" Do you want to try street food? ",he asked again.

"Street food? Isn't it unhealthy?",  Harley asked.

"There is nothing wrong with eating it once in a while. Trust me, It is usually good",  Harry told her.

" Well, I don't think eating it once in a while is wrong too", Harley said.

"After all, there are  people who eat it everyday of their life and still live long",  She added.

Harry smiled.

" Yes. That's the spirit", he said.

Guy downed the alcohol in one shot again. He is drunk but he is still drinking.

He can't believe he lost Dorris to another man. He liked Dorris since he met her at that particular audition and some how, they became partners.

He liked her more every minute he spends with her and when they became members of the same band he was very happy. He thought he would be closer to her and win her heart. Who knew he will never be able to confess perfectly or be rejected normally.

Dorris is the first woman he had a crush on. Guy is handsome and very manly unlike toby who can pass for a gigolo, a pretty boy. Ladies usually ask him out and they usually seduce him at any opportunity they have but he always rejected them coldly.

Who knows the first woman he will like will not even be interested in him not to talk of seducing him.

Guy knew one thing for sure

He will not be able to stay in the same band with Dorris anymore.

Recalling the scene when Ray took Dorris away, he downed more liquor.

Alcohol is the best pill for heart break.


What will happen to the rays now?

Is the band going to survive.

Guy fans.

Do you feel for your Idol.

I feel for him.