
Lethal impacts

Much to Wave's irritation, Jay was maintaining a decent distance between them for his earlier stunt. It was strange enough that she didn't leave the freak yet, but then she raised her guard up high and stole cautious glances as he continued staring at her shamelessly. The Raven actually had no concept of shame at all.


His actions didn't just stop before while he misused the contract and forced her to strip. Wave had literally compelled her to sit on her bottoms, closer to him on the floor like the sadist he was. All his desires bursting out at once which he had kept locked up for years. Jay had an impact on him, which was indescribable.

And as if that wasn't enough for the guy, her hands were kept a bay for him to behold the erotic sin between her spread legs and her chest. Beautifully cultured.

Her face was a million worth to look at.

But Wave needed the very face and more, when she was actually beneath him. His eyes had snapped to a lusty blood color, fluctuating back and forth while Jay couldn't even look in to them, too occupied with the attention and humiliation she was receiving.

She had proved herself to be very sensual and due to lack of experiences, had managed to keep this side dormant all this while. But Wave was a motherfucking asshole, determined to break down her shell.

It was shame on her face, but arousal with his eyes on her was evident too.

Eventually when the moment had passed, and Jay had finally broken out of her trance while keeping herself disposal at the Ash blonde boy, she had immediately resisted the commands of the contract, pulled herself back and vanished with her clothes.

Though after they had washed up and she still didn't leave, she wasn't letting herself anywhere near Wave, getting wary of him.

And it was pissing him off to the extent!

Only their first encounter night, and he had managed to heat up his nerves already. His eyes constantly flashing unknown emotions between grey and original black. Mind disturbing from the girl to unnecessary shit like the lukewarm cup of tea or the clothes hugging him which stank of another male, Jay's dead lover to be precise!

But when jay stood out of the blue, his eyes flickered at her alert and stayed fixed. He attentively followed her movements.

"Where?", he demanded not so politely.

And the equally ignored answer came," Home!".

"Home?", wave beamed out," What is this place then?".

Jay froze momentarily.

It was true point. She just spoke a mistake.

This was home. Ace's place had always been her salvation, her home. The other place, was just a house accommodation. Where she could hardly rest her eyes and feed for the day and night. Nothing more, nothing less. And another way to ensure the other two people residing in there, that she hasn't been in regular visit with Ace's place and his memories after it was shut down.

Because last time she had decided to follow her instincts and spend one beautiful night outside that prison, she had lost everything the very next day. Literally she was ripped of her improving life for once, and destroyed.

Wave wasn't wrong.

So, she took another measure.

"Stay here", she chose to avoid his glares, his previous actions were still fresh," There is abundant water, Air conditioner or heater or whatever the fuck you prefer, some food to go for days and paid electric bills. The clothes should fit you good. No particular reason for you to step out. If anything, let me know and I'll you whatever".

"When are you returning? Why can't you stay here with me?", Wave asked impatient.

He wasn't a sociable Raven, but a typical arrogant elite class. But he was used to quality time with his Rares. The previous ones had no family whatsoever, dead, killed or abandoned. They were older and earned for themselves, thus he led a luxurious life on their cash. It had been easy. But Jay had a family restrain, as well as society. It was challenging for the particular female.

Jay replied," I come here almost every-day, here's the number", and there was a serious warning," Don't fucking create a mess in here, else you might actually get killed twice by me. I can't spend nights here".

"Don't worry", Wave spat annoyed," I have mysophobic tendencies, so that's not an issue".

And for the second time that dawn, Jay felt another rush of familiarity.

The Raven twink wasn't even fucking human. Some self-proclaimed street shit calling himself Raven having color swapping eyes and going around conning Rares such as her, letting himself getting murdered and sealing a contract. He's got obnoxious fetishes striping them and fulfilling his sadism ways, control them on arousal and turn suddenly all attention craving and clingy the very next moment.

He was a sadist, pervert, rude manipulating creature!!

And yet, fucking yet .... why the hell his occasional moments and words reminded Jay so much of Ace?

There was no ocean depth in those eyes or a touch of gentleness, only hell lust! Yet his actions projected Ace's.

He was gone, he was fucking dead! SO WHY??

The Raven flashed an aqua shade of eyes as he felt the surge of sudden nostalgia through Jay. Unable to pinpoint the mere second of the emotion which made her feel the state.

Jay didn't provide him the chance.

Turning violently, she slammed the door leaving a confused Wave by himself.

If this was a contract, and she was gonna keep it professional, the Raven was going to have difficulties.

It hasn't been one day yet, and yet he had already started craving Jay.

He needed the female with him!


"Where have you been?", the confrontations had grown more stern over the past few years since the trial," This is a home, do you see the time?".

Even the youngest sibling's reply had gotten snarkier. Till time, there had been no communication amongst the three, until an extreme initiated.

"It's not getting robbed anyways", Jay didn't even spare a glance at Arthur," I had the keys, go to your precious sleep please".

"You think that's my prime concern??", Arthur followed her movements.

The sudden loud voice had jerk woken up Chris, who had fallen prey to the night's silence as exhaustion had overtaken him while waiting for Jay in the living room.

It was hours past midnight.

"Even though the town had escaped the terror of that monster, I don't trust you anymore Jay. You are unpredictable, and I ain't taking no risk anymore. I'm putting on a curfew".

Chris gasped horrified!

Ace was a topic, not to be talked about in the house. It was a very sensitive blow for Jay. She tends to snap violently, just like then.

"Stop, before you go any further ", Jay spoke in an unusual calm warning," You are not to mention him. If he is forbidden to talk of in here, you are not to bring him up for your disgusting insults at me too. And if we are comparing here, his decency exceeds yours".

"Mine?? With that binge-killer?", Arthur burst out," Get over that criminal Jay already, it's been months to it".

"No, not for me! And no more names against him Arthur. It's Ace, take the name if he's going to be addressed. Better be that, else I can make things go uglier than it already is" Jay's voice kept dropping octaves.

"Jay!!", Chris froze at her choice of threat to her brother.

She had never talked back in form of threats before. Arthur did lose words momentarily, but certain experiences had taught him well.

"You have been visiting that cursed place, haven't you?".

Jay flinched inwardly, but carrying appearances out like a pro was a blessing upon many Rares. Jay was no exception and immediately defended herself.

"Unfortunately, your favor got the place shut down apparently as a crime scene", she spoke nonchalant.

Arthur bought it well," House of a killer isn't exactly a Cathedral".

Chris suddenly checked Jay over the small detailed mistake Arthur just unintentionally overlooked.

But of course, Jay didn't. She couldn't!

The very edges of her skin rose as goosebumps, so effective and obvious that Chris swore he could detect the skin breathing.

Her tilted head dropped back once and slowly dragged it back, only to drop it to her side. A sharp breath intake was heard as Jay's complete demeanor transformed. The younger brother tried reaching over, but backed off to an invisible snarl from her eyes. Thus, he could only stand over Arthur and prevent further interrogation to worsen the situation.

It was too late!

"Maybe I should have made a special request of him as an exception for once. He would have listened to me and spared a girl for once. That was his job, right? Killing??"

Jay's voice and words were unnaturally low and cracking.

She had snapped!

And when her words had straightened up to the two brothers of what she meant, both of them had shocking reactions!

Arthur grew speechless as his arms dropped limp. Jay had been many things since before acquaintance with the boy and a lot more during the phase and a little bit extra after that. The after phase wasn't much civil either. She had been snarky, suicidal, depressed and wild. Only snapping when Ace was disrespected in her presence to the limit, where she left home often. Seldom at home anymore.

But for the first fucking time ever, she was spitting death threats at her brother. Things never had escalated this far to witness Jay totally reach her breaking point after handling all the burdens selfishly to herself.

An expensive vase met its doom with a violent crash and pieces shattering around the floor, reflecting the female's wrath. Neither Arthur and Chris could witness the moment.

Chris was at his limits finally.

The kid had picked up certain indecent habits, finding no other coping mechanism to the miasma around the house and his emerging stress. He had always loved his momentary family at first meet more than his own. He had grown healthier even with the lack of communication, but at least compulsory breakfasts in mornings was a must between the three.

But he couldn't hold things in place anymore when things started going downhill as he started to lose control. But still yet, he tried nevertheless, only to result in vain. And until recently, when he had finally given up and embraced his condition. He dreaded his life each second wanting an escape. He couldn't hold them anymore.

Arthur's eyes widened even more when Chris fished out a pack of smokes and started to leave the room hastily. His expression hard.

Immediately the whole focus shifted from Jay to Chris. Her fury in the eyes slowly subsiding as she felt no approaching blow anymore.

"We don't smoke in this house Chris", he said in a stern tone.

"Good thing that I'm going out then", Chris didn't even look much to Arthur's shock.

Chris, the gentle and motherly aura Chris just said those very words right back at Arthur. And he was a medical intern for fuck's sake. A bright scholarship student. He was ruining both his career and life. Or this family was ruining him to be exact.

"Not the ones who live here", Arthur tried, his voice losing confidence. Jay had retired to her room already.

"Then...", Chris paused hold on the knob," ...feel free to kick me out!", and left.

Was that what just fucking happened??

Looking around, Arthur just realized that he had been left completely alone. No one stood with him anymore. No parents, no sister, no brother. And he pushed them to do that. Everything he did and suffered, were all his fault alone.

Wasn't it?

Who drove them to be like that?

Arthur could only think how he had done no good for the family this whole time, and failed. The place he wanted to form, fell to ruins even before he could create it.

Under his supervision!

He was a disgrace!