
Autumn flowers

"No, not him. Please, I need him!!!"

"Keep shut Jay! Do you even know who he is!"

Jay immediately turned and shot a not so decent look at Arthur. Her face and eyes and were almost tear stained, but the threatening glare she threw was enough to make him and Chris back off. Judging the condition and her mental abuse (according to the lies they were fed), it was bound to come. But they didn't expect things to go that far. Jay wasn't herself; nothing was. They didn't know the person they were facing.

They didn't know what made their sister this way.

The whole noon dragged on spreading of news on the successful capture and taken into custody of the vile serial killer who had been in run, and who also had another young girl as a hostage who might have met the same fate them as the others.

Possibly she is brainwashed and had acquired Stockholm syndrome since she is refusing to part from the killer, creating trouble and throwing around tantrums.

For Ace and Jay, there were no people around them. Not the bunch of cops in the station or a few investigators in the closed cell with him to interrogate him.

For them, they were just separated by a tight glass wall in the middle. Ace could every little thing and voice from his cell, whereas Jay could only see him but not hear him. He never spoke a word after being brought, reluctant to answer any question asked to him. For others, he seemed strangely relaxed, but only the girl could notice how much his eyes were longing to shatter their separation and hold her. Momentarily, he would look at her with those blue orbs, and she would break down more and more.

She just wants to return to his home with him and not do anything with anyone else in the world. Everything was so perfect this morning. It was even more perfect last night. How close they got due to the incident, she never resented him for that. Their story …...just started! Will it end this fast? Is this the fate for their kind?

Ace was looking at her, smiling softly as he spoke slowly for the first time," She has nothing to do with this. I'm personally to punish for the murders I have committed. She has no idea who I was".

He provided no space for himself to plead innocence.

"Ace?", Jay stared helplessly, her mouth frozen due to shock.

No, he did not just say that! He can't!!! If he does this, that's the end for them. Everything will be over in no time. He just confessed ....and he confessed lies!

To keep his promise. To protect Jay?

But at what cost?

She'll be as good as dead if he's gone!

" Why are you lying? WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU SAYING???". She was losing herself at the thought of losing Ace. If he were to go, she'll must go with him. There were on equal terms for everything he has committed. For every single murder, they were equal to blame.


"Let Jay outta this, and I'll confess", came another shot. Jay was close to screaming.

She was feeling her fist loosening and everything that could be saved, shifting from hope, "Ace, please don't!". She pleaded in a croaking voice," You can't ...", tears start escaping her eyes rapidly.

Arthur and Chris watched helplessly and with shock pasted on their faces. Never in the life, they have seen Jay once expressing any emotion. And here she was, crying out for the very person who had murdered numerous girls of her age. They just couldn't take the fact well that Jay had decided to stay with him even after knowing the truth about him.

Arthur was sure that Ace was sketchy.

A kid, younger than him couldn't have intimated him so much with ease. Since that night, he had tried finding out about the blue-eyed guy, but Ace's evidences seemed to have vanished in air. He could get no dirt on him.

Chris wasn't in his best condition for days as well. It even worsened that very morning when he and Arthur had been pacing around worried fucking sick because Jay had been gone for a long time with no news or calls and a very foreign guy had visited suddenly claiming of his knowledge of Jay's location. He was about to be interrogated and that's when he had dropped another bomb in his defense by turning on the television bringing it at a news channel showing of the usual terror of the vile murderer of young lasses.

Things didn't need any further explanation when the brothers had jumped in to quick action.

"I'm sorry Jay, for hiding from you", Ace perfectly facade an apologetic face towards her.

"Why Ace? I knew it, knew it all!!!", Jay could just scream in her dismay. But none of the officials paid her any attention. Ace was the deal, if they could make him confess the girl need not to be pulled in to the investigation. Much to her brother's requests. They didn't care about Jay or her statements.

" Could you give us a moment?", Ace requested.

Arthur and Chris perked up suddenly in clear rejection. Arthur took the stance as Chris looked up at him.

"There's no way I'm letting her in alone with that monster!", he said firmly.

"Haven't you done enough already!!!", Jay spoke up, looking at him with a foreign look in her eyes.

And for a moment Arthur though he had mistaken that same look in the killer's eyes. They shared the very same look.

The thought made him look at Ace through the glass.

He was looking at him with smirky eyes, and glancing back at Jay with a phrase of 'That's my girl'.

His face screaming at Arthur that even if he dies, there's no chance he can take his sister away from his memories ever. He owns her …Arthur doesn't.

He backed off.

The 2 of the interrogators were aware that Ace is done for, they judged their looks by exchanging glances and got up. One of them showed five fingers, denoting 5 minutes.

Jay was let in with Ace in another closed cell.

Guards were placed for precaution.

Upon entering, she finally broke down looking at the pair of blue gentle stare at her. She won't be able to see them anymore. The very thought tore her apart. This was shocking to even Ace. Jay had never cried before. To feel that he had always meant this much in her life, made him feel that he's leaving his task incomplete. He's leaving her incomplete. For him, he didn't fear death but it wasn't the thing he would choose for Jay.

"You promised me Ace! I kept mine, so why are you breaking it?", Jay asked through her sobs.

His heart completely shattered by such words.

"I didn't Jay, and I won't", Ace pulled her closer despite the handcuffs, letting her rest her head on his chest," I won't ever leave you. I'll come back for you; I promise okay?'.

"You're lying!", Jay accused," If you go in there once, you can't ever come back".

"I will, I give you my words", Ace's voice was pleading and full of cracks. He didn't care for himself, but leaving Jay behind if something killing him already. He knew he was fucking lying shit but he had nothing else to assure her with," Just live till then, okay? Don't die, I'll save you when I come back again …please?".

"I can't ….m-make it without you ...…", she stuttered.

"You'll have to, till I come!". Ace almost ordered.

Ace didn't even get to finish properly as the cops started dragging him away from her. They made him tear separate from her grasp, one of the females, holding her in place. She fought back fiercely, too rash and wild to tame.

Ace kept turning back at her. For the first time he felt that this should get over quickly, so not to see Jay in such a piteous state anymore. The only person he ever loved, was crying like a maniac for him fighting for her freedom to run to him, and he was helpless as fuck.

Finally, when the cop couldn't bear to hold Jay back anymore, she pinned her down with the assistance of another 2 attempting to beat senses in to her. Jay still fought aimlessly to get to Ace one last time.

Arthur and Chris tried to intervene, but were barriered. They were helpless as well; Jay wasn't herself at all as she kept calling Ace's name.

Ace looked again at the scene; his eyes cold this time. He stared at Jay mercilessly as he swore dreadful words.

"Those of you have treated Jay this way, daring to lay a finger on her ...... will pay, for every scratch she receives on her mind and body!".

Everyone heard it.

But who's gonna pay attention to a dead person.

And before Jay's eyes, Ace vanished through the doors. She wasn't allowed to see him anymore.

Ace ...…. please no ......DON" T

Jay, I'll return I promise. Just live for me, okay?

At least don't die


And within a month with Ace gone, Jay was busy trying to send herself to him and then again bringing her back midway. His words always rung in her ears 'Don't die'. And those are what prevented her from actually giving up.

Not like she was even living while trying not to die.

She was as good as dead ......maybe better dead!

Each time she said in her head that Ace is never gonna come back, his words just returned to haunt her with hope even more.

She was almost forced to go to a rehab by her brothers, but the constant suicidal attempts and threats prevented their dare. They couldn't part with her, lest she's treated carelessly. Her delicate situation and angst temperament weren't helping. Both of them went under severe depression as well. The fell apart family, was almost on the verge losing everything. Nothing was going well. In fact, due to that dead person, the whole family grew apart more than before.

But Jay

who's she fooling?

Ace still won't come back ....

But he promised ...

He said he would.

All she has to do.... not die!

At least she's not dead yet!