
A garden of same seed

What could possibly be a family?

A one with parents and kids and unique understanding between them. Gives rise to a promising future and close to no problems.

Or a few with a lack of one or both parents. Siblings can handle well based on trust.

Few of the others even contain domestic abuse or violence with almost no step or chance of repairment until situation alters.

And a few annoying ones which gets destroyed due to poor situation.

And Jay's family?

Not even 1 of the three can describe what are they actually.

Arthur, a protective older brother with a severe age gap with his sister separates her from their parents to escape their unloving and strict treatment in life towards her which he had already suffered. His choice affected his responsibilities towards the 4-year-old child which made him determined enough to provide for both with no problem hovering over his sister.

Jay, a not so normal of her age child who grew up giving no certain trouble to her brother in the process. No stubbornness or tantrums for a child like her which indeed was easy for Arthur …way too bit easy. In the theory stuck to him not to let his decision make them suffer, he had worked his asses off barely making any time for the younger gene. Not like it ever affected her.

And lastly, Chris. The gentle hardworking lad who idolized Arthur and adored Jay. Even if not by blood, the guy had proved more than Arthur to be the perfect elder sibling and somewhat taking up as the role of an absent mother in the incomplete family. He cooked, cleaned and even laundered and managed his scholarships by his own.

It would all have seemed perfect ...…. seemed so .... but then,

What the fuck created the present situation?

What drove the quiet younger sister of the family to get acquainted and attached to a vile murderer at such an age and even shed tears for him? The one, who had never even expressed one ounce of her emotion to anyone in her life. Even knowing the fact that the girl was different, it never would have struck her brothers what she would be getting herself in to.

It's not everyday that a person with no social involvement, lack of life and excitement and a slight of depression in them, associate themselves with a murder the first day with no fear for life. And even fight back for that person.

The family wasn't all that good, but now ...…

It has fallen apart completely!!!

Jay has been broken beyond repair. She has been shattered! None of her brothers could have taken it a second time after the first horrifying experience of her trying to kill herself. And that was before the appearance of the criminal.

But they were forced.

They took it. Once ...twice .... thrice!!!

Jay kept herself busy really good after the criminal was executed at the trial. The first attempt had left permanent scars on her wrists, Arthur being the one to discover her in the action. For the first time he felt what Chris might have felt that day, watching his young sister with the face of a hollow ghost standing with no expression of pain and bleeding out, dripping a red mess on the floor.

He could thank himself to save her in time.

It was wise of the two brothers to keep a sharp eye on her after that.

The second time, only to check Jay tucked in messily in her bed, Chris had discovered an empty bottle of anti-depressants exposed openly beside the bed. And Jay?

Foaming out white in her limp and pale body from her mouth.

Even though he had felt himself going numb and the same shock of a feeling returning to him from before, he knew he couldn't afford to waste another minute. Every single incident with Jay pressured him to change to a level, where he couldn't find his timid and gentle nature anymore. He had forced himself to grow. Collecting his mind, he had to firm his hands to pick up Jay quickly and screaming out for Arthur. As he had rushed down the stairs with Jay lifeless in his arms, he had seen the same pale expression on Arthur's face as he had snatched her from him and dashing to the hospital.

Twice the same month ...….and the brothers were given a warning if Jay's gonna try and commit again. They must send her to rehabilitation.

And yet again the third time.

Which was most tough one to watch right before their eyes.

Arthur had ignored Chris's protests and decided to have a talk with Jay. The argument was overheated. With Arthur gaining all the voice and Jay positioning herself without a word.

And when things reached the climax, to the brother's complete shock and shunned face, Jay had just grabbed the knife right before their eyes, and before they could dash for it …. she had slit her palm with no hesitation.

It wasn't exactly an attempt, but a rather warning.

She blamed them.

She blamed Travis.

She had always held them responsible for the criminal's death. For her, they were the ones who drove her to her doom. Her very words had broken them from inside. With her dripping hand, she had showed them that nothing matters to her anymore. Not even them. Because it's all their doing, and they did enough!!!

Her very last words even made a negative lasting impression as she prepared to leave ignoring Chris's approach to patch her up.

"Don't worry, I won't die any time soon"

It threw them in to uncurable depression for a long time.

Jay rarely came out of her domain. Something had snapped in her, more like destroyed. She didn't attempt any more after that. She lived. She barely ate, but she lived. She didn't speak, but she lived. She never went out in sunlight, but she lived. She had cornered herself, but she lived.

She .... just didn't die!

Arthur grew richer with all the promotions he received. He had become a lifeless working machine with no chance of him getting a taste of his own life. He took more depressant pills and worked his shit off at a local gym. His physique broke. He kept debating, if he had not taken away Jay from their parent would there had been a different outcome?

If only he had given more time to her, she might have been a normal girl of her age?

He could throw all his luxuries in a heartbeat, only to hear one word from his sister. Any word. Any tantrum, any wish or any emotion even if negative.

And Chris?

The poor guy is just present physically. His soul, his mind and his thoughts were floating away. He did things as usual. Studied, worked and took care of the other two as per he could. Watching them slowly fade away before his eyes. His idea of residing with them, was nothing that matched. And more, he just detreated in his mental state. Totally hollow from inside.

The family had completely fallen apart!!!