
SS - (A) Victorious Return

If I had those golden dreams

Of my yesterday (yesterday)

I would wrap you in the heaven

'Til I'm dyin' (dyin', dyin')

On the way

… Feel like makin'

Feel like makin' love

Feel like makin' love to you


Compelled by Glory Girls 'order,' I chased after Yoruichi through the sky eastward.

"Ignore Victoria's order," Raven whispered, and I felt my body return to my control. I jerked to a halt before resuming my flight.

Once I stopped flipping out, we ran tests on how the command worked. The general gist was; I followed the most recent order if two orders overlapped. Someone telling me to 'ignore orders from others' would be immediately supplanted by someone else saying, 'ignore the last order.'

"Thanks," I said with a grin. Raven coalesced in the air beside me. I was jetting at incredible speeds in Yoruichi's direction, the Island, but the cambion had no trouble keeping pace with me.

Raven nodded at me, her face blank before a portal opened in front of her, and she disappeared.

I wasn't surprised by her ability to teleport, but I was taken aback by the fact she didn't return to my shadow. Ever since that first day I had arrived on the Island, Raven had been a constant companion. She never left my side.

Flying through the early morning air over the dark ocean, I felt a chill that had nothing to do with the temperature.

I was alone.


Taking a deep breath, I sped up. The flight helped calm my nerves.

It wouldn't do to break down tonight.

It didn't take long until I saw the boats' lights surrounding my Body. Like twinkling stars on the dark water, they denoted boundaries of the intent-based Bounded Field Medea and I had set up around my pocket dimension.

I flew over them silently, curving southward toward the Mansion.

Halfway there, I paused mid-air.

Yoruichi stood in the night air, her naked form framed by the light of Ranni's Dark Moon.

"Took you long enough, slowpoke," she teased with a smile. Lightning gathered around her feet, and I tensed.

"Sorry," I smirked in turn. "A black cat crossed my path. I had to chase it down, or it'd be bad luck." Despite my sass, she was ready when I lunged at her, arms wide to catch the smug woman.

She vanished, appearing in the distance once more.

"Nyahahahaha," she taunted me. Turning around, she smacked her naked ass, its jiggling hypnotic to my eyes. "If you want this, you need to catch me."

And then she was gone.

I dashed off in pursuit.

My Element freed me from restraints, such as wind pressure or the lightspeed cap, but it didn't provide any acceleration boost. Given enough time, I could accelerate endlessly like I had in space and eventually reach speed force levels, but I wasn't a speedster by trade.

Nevertheless, I reached the Mansion in less than a minute, the power of horni giving me all the motivation I needed to go Plus Ultra.

I skidded to a stop in front of the glass doors and threw them open to see that chocolate ass sashaying its way up the stairs toward the master bedroom.

Yoruichi sent me a saucy look over her shoulder, and I jumped to the landing to push her up against the wall.

I kissed her with the passion of a man who hadn't gotten any in thirty-five million years.

She responded just as eagerly.

Our hands explored each other as our tongues intertwined. Her hands found their way to my hair, running through it before tightening her hold to keep my face to hers. Mine were not idle either, ghosting along her body, drinking in her whole form before settling on the plumpness of her ass.

I was considerably taller than the shinigami, so I lifted her and slammed her back against the wall. She groaned into my mouth even as her legs tightened around my waist.

Shirtless as I was, I felt her large breasts press into my chest. Her nipples were hard nubs, rubbing against me in a desire for stimulation. She ground her mound against the bulge in my pants, and I responded in kind, pressing into her sex as a wet spot formed from her excitement.

"I've wanted to do this for a year," Yoruichi panted in my ear as I peppered her neck with kisses. "Ever since you got out of that cell. You promised me a few things, and you need to deliver."

"I don't know what you're talking about," I paused my descent to her breasts to answer her. "That was centuries ago for me." I bent down to kiss her again. "I'm sure you can... remind me."

The shinigami let out a throaty laugh, sounding like sex and silk.

Then she pushed off the wall, sending me stumbling back even as her legs remained locked around me, and she continued to kiss me. My legs met the railing of the landing, and Yoruichi pushed off it at an angle, sending us at an angle to the bedroom door.

She dropped to the ground, but her arms wrapped around my head and forced me to lean down.

"I'm sure you'll remember," she told me, golden eyes shining with lust. "But not tonight. I have dibs."

"Dibs on what?" I asked leadingly. Something about her smile was a bit too smug for my liking.

"On being the distraction."

Then she spun me around and slammed me into the bedroom door she had unlatched without me noticing. I stumbled backwards into the master bedroom under her smug gaze.

"You'll need to catch me if you want to continue where we left off," Yoruichi said as she closed the door in my face.

Leaving me alone, panting for breath, and with the mother of all erections.

"Sir Mikael?"

Not as alone as I feared.

Still in a half-daze from the sudden shift in mood, I whirled to find Artoria sitting on my bed.

She flushed red as I drank in her appearance.

Her hair was still in its bun, and her green eyes stared at me under her bangs. Her only claim to modesty was an intricate blue bra and panty combo that did nothing to cover any of her curves.

I took a deep breath.

Her body language told me everything I needed to know to regain control of my passion.

The lust I had felt for Yoruichi was one of passion. The thrill of the chase and the knowledge she would give as much as she got made it almost frantic. It didn't feel like a battle for supremacy, more like two confident people teasing each other until they broke and tore off each other's clothes.

Artoria didn't need that yet.

Though she was sitting on my bed in a set of racy lingerie, her body language was anything but confident. She was one of the most beautiful women I had ever seen, but I also knew she did not feel that way.

Her only experience with romance had been with Diana on the Island over the last year. Her experience with men was limited to her time as king when she pretended to be a man and her experience as the Goddess Rhongomyniad. Through my observation during the Dream, I had more than once heard her lamenting her 'masculine' form, and she had expressed doubts that I found her desirable.

What Artoria needed right now wasn't a whirlwind of passion, of giving and take, bodies slamming against walls and breaking headboards. That could come later, once I had built up her confidence a bit more.

What Artoria needed was a full degenerate.

"Sir Mikael?" Artoria asked again, this time in surprise, as I prowled closer to her on the bed.

I remained silent.

My actions would tell her all she needed to know.

"Sir Mik-"

I cut her off with a kiss. It was gentle, leading rather than pulling, with less lust but more affection.

Our Love wasn't conventional, normal, or perhaps even healthy. But it was Ours. The sane did not hold a monopoly on love and affection.

Artoria hesitated before leaning into the kiss, melting against me. I climbed onto the bed, Artoria scooting back to give me room even as our lips remained locked together. I leaned over her, and she fell backwards onto the bed as our hands intertwined.

Full degenerate.

I released her lips to kiss her neck. She groaned, pressing upward and trying to free herself, but my hands held her fast. This was not about control or power. That would come later.

This was me telling her to let me worship at the altar of her body.

I reached the top of her breasts in my exploration, nuzzling against the bosom that had entranced millions in my home world.

My teeth sharpened, and my mouth lengthened into a small snout. I wrapped my jaw around the clothing that separated me from my prize and tore it from her body. Tiny particles of blue lace fell around us as her breasts bounded, free from their confines.

"Eep," Artoria squeaked as I dove into the sumptuous feast before me. A long moan left her as I let go of her hands to heft her prodigious breasts in my hands, my mouth leaning down to capture an engorged nipple in my mouth. Her hand held my head fast to her bosom, pressing me tightly against her as I rolled the nub around my mouth, lightly grazing it with my teeth. "Sir Mikael..." She panted. "They're... sensitive."

Though her words, her vulnerability, inflamed my lust, I held fast to my control. There would be a time for dirty talk, for domination and control, for raw animal fucking, in the future. This was but the first night of trillions to come.

When she fell asleep later, sweaty and worn, I wanted Artoria to be satisfied emotionally as well as sexually.

To feel desired.

To feel loved.

To do that, I needed to leave the beautiful mounds I was toying with and continue my journey southward.

"No..." the Servant mewled pitifully as my mouth left her tits and continued its meandering journey down.

I licked and kissed and nipped my way across her abdomen. Her body was an intoxicating mixture of hard muscle wrapped in a layer of pleasant plumpness. Her curves would drive pornstars mad with envy, but her muscles would put any Gym-Bro to shame.

"Sir Mikael," She groaned, both pleading and embarrassed, as I reached the crest of her thighs. My hands were under her, full of her round cheeks as I lifted sex to my face. Her hand tightened in my hair in anticipation, but I couldn't resist the temptation of further teasing the beautiful woman below me.

I waited to dive into the main course. Instead, I focused on the plump thighs wrapped around my head, ghosting my tongue across their smooth surface. I nibbled playfully at them, Artoria shuddering and groaning around me. I didn't tear off her panties as I had her bra. Instead, I unwound the string holding the garment together with my tongue and teeth with deliberate slowness. First, one side, then the other.

"Sir Mikael," she begged. "Please." Her pleading voice, her loss of control, was like music to my ears.

I dove into her core eagerly, working my way inward slowly and methodically. Using the rough texture of my tongue to full effect, I pressed the flat of it around the contours in long slow presses. I pushed forward deeper, tasting her as she writhed below me. Wherever my tongue wasn't, my fingers were.

There are many ways to eat out a woman. You can use the old 'lick the alphabet' trick. You can focus more on your hands, so your mouth doesn't get sore. You can target the clitoris, the bundle of nerves was a great way to get results, as was searching for the G-spot. The latter required a bit more experience, but it was also one of the best ways to please a woman whose clit was too sensitive.

No matter your style or preference, the key was to know what your partner enjoyed, what they didn't, and what drove them absolutely wild.

Since I was a sadistic asshole, I took absolute joy in watching those green eyes flecked with gold fall to pieces as they watched me. That had the side benefit of showing me what drove Artoria absolutely crazy.

That and I had seen her engage in similar acts with Diana during the Dream.

I licked and sucked and nibbled my way in and around her core for minutes on end. I drove her tension higher and higher with my gentle caress, and my playful and wandering hands flittered around, keeping her attention whenever I needed to reposition slightly.

I never allowed her release, winding her lust up even as I ignored the little red nub straining for attention. I was having so much fun I barely felt the pressure of her thighs on my head. A mortal man would have been crushed like a grape, but I took her desperate flailing as further incentive to tease her.

Something had to give eventually, though, and it wouldn't be me.

"Sir Mikael," Artoria mewled, staring down at me with desperation in her eyes. "Please 'top 'sing me. 'lease. I need to... I need... I." She bit her knuckle, unable to form a coherent sentence as I teased her into a frenzy.

I took pity on the king, withdrawing my tongue from her core and focusing slightly upward to her clit, ignored till now. I need only press my mouth around it, teeth lightly scraping against it as I had done to her breasts, for her to come completely undone.

Artoria screamed her release.

She wailed and thrashed in a whole body shudder, twitching around me, desperately clawing at the sheets for purchase.

I weathered the storm as best as possible, holding her in place with my hands on those beautiful hips.

Eventually, she calmed down enough that I was released from the prison of thighs that held me fast. I slowly crawled forward, leaning over her to look upon my work.

She was a mess. Sweat stained her forehead, and her hair bun had come undone in her thrashing. Artoria's golden locks splayed out behind her in a wave that fell to her butt. Her green eyes stared at me vacantly, unfocused as her prodigious bust rose and fell as she panted for breath.

I waited, as hard as I had ever been, as she regained her breath and composure.

"Sir M-" I captured her lips with mine once more, unwilling to wait for even a second more. My hands found hers once more, our fingers intertwined.

Then I entered her.

It was tight. Warm. Wet.

Her insides were a mirror of her outsides. A softness, pulling me deeper and deeper. A tightness of muscle that tried to lock me in place. Like soft velvet around a steel vice, sinking into her was like coming home as it was assaulting a castle.

We both groaned into each other's mouths as pleasure overtook us. I kept pressing and pressing, sinking deeper and deeper into Artoria's undulating core.

Then I bottomed out.

Our hips met, and I could go no deeper. We paused for a moment, savouring the feel of each other. Of finally being connected in the most intimate of ways.

I tried to pull back.

Those same muscles that had tried to impede my entrance fought desperately to keep me inside. It was a battle and a half to withdraw. Every inch was contested as her heated depths tried their best to suck me in.

I managed to get halfway there before the temptation grew too much, and I pressed forward once more. Artoria's insides yielded to my advance easily this time, but they held fast when I made to withdraw once more. Every time I pressed forward, Artoria rose to meet me. Every time I drove to pull back, she would try to do the same, only to reverse course and hungrily seek me out.

This process repeated, over and over again, as our forms swayed in and out of each other. Our lips remained locked together except for the occasional groan that escaped our throats. Our fingers remained intertwined in a mirror of our bodies.

Sex, like everything else in life, is what you make of it.

It can be a release, two people scratching an itch with no emotion attached. It can be transactional, for pleasure or for offspring. Sex can be an explosion of passion, both good and bad. Hate fucking was a thing, after all.

Sex could also be the most extreme form of intimacy, the physical act of making love.

This first round with Artoria was precisely that. A physical act that was the culmination of our desire for each other and the longing we had felt for so long. The bubbling of affection made manifest.

We fell into a rhythm of push and pull.

It was slow.

It was intimate.

It was romantic.

It was intense.

I felt her insides undulate, clenching and releasing as she shuddered in my grasp. Her orgasm was less catastrophic than before, but it continued for much longer. She shook for a full minute, her body twitching even as I continued my assault on her.

What can I say? I'm a sadist, even when I'm being wholesome.

Her third orgasm of the night followed the second closely, though this time, she released my lips and hands to press herself even closer than before. She screamed into my shoulder, my body vibrating with the intensity of the sound. Her hands clawed at my back, red welts healing as fast as they were inflicted.

Her fourth climax matched mine.

I was the tightness of her core, her babbling murmurs in my ears, the press of her breasts against me, was all too much, and I let go of my control. I seized up as I released inside of her. My toes curling and a grunt were the only signs from outside of the absolute pleasure of the moment for me.

I was the first man Artoria had even lain with but damned if her insides weren't milking me like a pro. I do not know if it was the tens of millions of years without sex, the absolute beauty of my partner, or the Love we felt for each other, but I would swear to my dying day that Artoria tried to suck out my soul through my dick that first night.

We writhed in our mutual orgasm for who knows how long before I let myself fall to her side.

Artoria's eyes remained unfocused, still shuddering and twitching with the after-effects of our coupling. The cool early morning air from the open window felt fantastic on my sweaty naked skin.

I was ready to go for round two, but Artoira needed a moment to gather herself, so I pulled her close and held her. I hummed a slow song under my breath, the rhythm in my chest helping to steady her. After a few moments, she stopped twitching, and her arms wrapped around me.

"That was..." Artoria sounded breathless.

"Yeah," I answered softly, nuzzling my head in her golden hair. "Still worried about what I think of you?"

"Sir Mikael," she said indignantly, giving me an embarrassed look.

"I'm just teasing you," I said with a chuckle. "I have all day to show you just how beautiful I think you are."

"Eep," she squeaked again as my erection pressed into her thigh. My rumbling laugh drew another disapproving look from the King of Knights.

"Before that," I said as I got my laughter under control. "I do have a question."

"Hmm?" She nuzzled closer to my side, half lying on me.

"Was that whole thing with Yoruichi planned? Tease me into an absolute frenzy, then lock me in a room with you?" Artoria flushed, looking away.

"It was not," she admitted sheepishly. "The cat was supposed to distract you while I got ready, she called 'dibs' on that aspect, but I did not know she would be so... lascivious about it."

"So, was it just you two? Because it looked like you were all in on it in the graveyard?"

"Twas a group plan," Artoria admitted. "Once it became apparent that Amelia was alive and you would be getting a body, we came together to decide on a plan. There was some discussion on who would be with you on the first night, but nobody protested when I requested the honour."

"Really?" I raised an eyebrow at her words. "Not that I am not happy you are here. I very much am." My hands found their way to her breasts, teasing them as I pressed her closer to show her just how happy I was she was there. "I would have thought there would be some more competition if from Melina or Ranni, if no one else."

"Originally, we had offered Melina the option since you two have been apart for so long. She declined. As did Lady Ranni. Neither stated their reasons when asked."

"Hmm," I hummed in thought. Those two had almost completely isolated themselves from not only the group but from me as well since we had landed. I would need to talk to them. Not addressing a problem like that could cause problems down the road.

But that was for later.

Thinking about other women when you were with one who deserved your full attention was rude.

"Eep," Artoria squeaked for the third time that night when I flipped us around.

"We've made love," I said to her, my smile predatory. "Now I'm going to show you exactly what I've always wished to do to you. By the end of tonight, you will never think of yourself as undesirable again."

"Be gentle?"

I stared at those begging eyes, those trembling lips, that body built for sin.


Her Ruler form had A+ Endurance, and Lancer had it ranked A. Since she was a conjoining of both saint graphs plus the Goddess Rhongomyniad, she'd survive.

"Sir Mikael!"


Here is where this story earns its mature rating.

My first sex scene turned out pretty good, I think. I am sure some were hoping for down-and-dirty smut, but I think it fits the characters. There will be some more extreme scenes in the future, but I do not want to sacrifice the story for the smut, so they will be used appropriately.

I had planned to have a few short Omakes here, but things have been insane around here, so this will have to do. (I say that, realizing it is the length of one of my early chapters.)

For reference, I consider Omakes to be short, non-canon vignettes. Side Stories are canon but not absolutely essential to the story. For this one, I made it almost modular, so I can take it down from some websites if it violates their terms.

Interludes are... you'll see. They are canon, but I have a plan for anything marked as an 'interlude.' I'll see you all next time.

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