
Ranting in progress….⚠️

Not a conventional thing by any means but I just wanted to clear my thoughts that I have on a daily basis with a little spin to it I guess … tell me if you are interested and want to hear more

Unparalleled_marti · Hiện thực
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2 Chs

Day 1 Battling with addiction

Shitty poem incoming ….

Wait for it…

Alright message has been sent ..

Seat back and go through this journey with me

It's late at night

Alone again just me and my knife

Oh no!I won't cut

Wouldn't dream of it

That was a lie

One thing you got to know

I even lie to myself

What makes u think I can be trusted ?

Is it my nice smile

Although it comes with crooked teeth

Or is it my sense of humor

Comes with low self esteem

Part of the job description

Being a full time loser that is

No benefits no vacation days

Wait there is one

You beat your stick for hours on end


Why can't I just stop

Plz cut it off

Damn it's in my hands already

Never quit is my motto

Momma I'll make u proud

Don't u worry

Wait what ????

Sweet home Alabama you say

Think I just took you through a ride

Please leave a good review on yelp

Tip generously

Losers need all the help they can get

So there's this girl right

She's blond hot and white

Can't stop won't stop

She's on my mind All the time

I work with her

We live in the same place

Go on lunch dates together

Invites me to her house all alone

Just us

Thought she liked me!!


Biggest joke you've heard all night huh

I know I thought the same

But a guy can hope right right RIGHT?

obviously I'm dead wrong

Friendzoned till I die

Made money moves I might add

She didn't care

She flirts with me

Look at me with sweet eyes

Rubs my bicep and calls me strong

Strokes my ego

More than I stroke my cock

Yet yet she goes for a guy

That I never saw coming

I'm hurt

In a bad place

Using shitty English 101 skills to write

So I don't cut

No matter how much I want to

I'm better than that

The end …

I know it's not what you expected dear reader or maybe not even what you wanted to see today. I'm sorry , but this is the healthiest coping mechanism I can find atm .Bear with me and continue this journey with me and my shitty grammar.

Any constructive criticism will be appreciated just no hate plz . I give enough of a hard time to the man in the mirror already .