
Random oneshots/storys

Ray_an_Drew · Thành thị
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Met you at a game

(this sadly turned from a funny story to a romance story)

one of my friends asked for this story since she thinks these characters go together

also this is a BNHA 2nd gen Au with quirks but they don't use them and all but maybe 3 character belongs to me

now onto the story


Ace's p.o.v

Today is the last game of the season and I know we're sure to win. I've known for a while that we would have a chance to win games but I never thought we'd make it to the playoffs. If you're wondering, I'm one of the best football players in the state, but I don't believe it when people say I'm the star player because I know it's not just me, it's also my best friend Mark. Mark and I have been friends since preschool and we grew up playing and watching football, baseball, volleyball, basketball, and hockey. If your wondering, there is a volleyball team for guys, and I and Mark always play it The same goes for the other sports. We walk out of the locker room and out to the field and everyone is chanting #1, which happens to be my number, and we ignore them like normal because the coach, my dad, says to stay focused and not to listen to the people in the stans. Now they are introducing everyone on the teams starting with ours since we are the visitors.

·°After the game since I know nothing about football°·

After the game, we all hit the concession stand because it's a tradition for us when we win, like tonight, then after we plan to go get pizza. Once at the stand I notice these two kids staring at me and Mark. So I told Mark and we went up to them to ask a few questions.

Mark's p.o.v

Once we get near the two kids we notice they're not kids at all. "So what's it like?" the kid with two different hair colors asks. "what do you mean by that?" I ask back. "do you mean being someone with pink skin or something like that?" Ace asked as I punched his shoulder. "no we mean what's it like being the ones who everyone depends on in the games" the blonde one asks. "Oh umm, what do you mean by that everyone on the team depends on each other?" I say. "No they depend on you two the most and you guys are the ones giving more effort than needed while the others don't even try." the half in half kid snaps. "Exactly and the coaches other than the one that looks like #1 are always yelling at y'all and the other coach only yells at the other players" the blond kid adds. "yah because he's my dad and he already takes me and Mark to extra practices," Ace said with his shark-tooth grin. "Woah how do you even have shark teeth," the shorter guys say at the same time. "HEY #1 AND #2 ARE OVER HERE" some girl shouts. "Well, shit...umm..we'll see you guys around maybe," I say as I and Ace start running away from the fangirls.

"yah ok bye," the boys say as they stand there and watch us run away.

·°Right before the bus is about to leave°·

"Man we didn't get their name and the white and green-haired kid was kinda cute too" ace as he plops down onto the seat next to me. "well yeah we had those stupid fangirls. who don't even care we are gay," I say looking at Ace. "ACE AND MARK COME UP TO THE FRONT OF THE BUS NOW" coach Bakugou yells. " OK POPS" Ace yells back as we get up and head that way. Once we get to the front he hands us a piece of paper and tells us to sit back down. During the ride to the airport, we decided to read what was on the paper. " 'Hey this letter your reading is from the boys you met at the stands before you had to run off..well, we wanted to give you our names and numbers since you guys most likely won't see us again..... Half and Half hair are Shoto Jr or Jr,***-***-**** is his number, the blond with a bit of purple and a black lightning bolt is Ashton or Ash, and his number is ***-***-****','' Ace and I read together with a smile. Just little did they know we played all the sports they would allow us to. After the plane ride, we entered their numbers and made a group chat with them telling them who's who.

Jr's p.o.v

Not even two hours later we were texting the tall guys we met and when I say tall it's like being 5"2 next to someone who's about 6"5. Being the dumb person I am I kinda fell for the blond one as soon as I saw him but he's probably straight as heck. Knowing them we most likely will only see them when it's football season. Ash got me to try for cheer so next game I'm going to be with him and other people while performing a routine we practiced. At practice, the next day we were doing the routine and my older brother came in and asked for me and Ash, so we stopped practice and went to hear what he wanted from us. "So you know how I won the science fair," Jake asked. "Yah you haven't stopped talking about it for almost a month," me and Ash say at the same time. "Well i'm going to *random state* next week for it and I was wondering if you wanted to come," he said as me and Ash looked at each other. "wait isn't the state those two guys are from" ash whispered to me.''yeah I think so" I whispered back. Then we looked at Jake and agreed to go with him. He said bye as he walked out of the gym, and we continued to practice.

·°The next week°·


Hey, what time are yall going to pick me up for this trip?


Umm... Jake said 30 minutes or so


Don't ask me ok he doesn't give me many details

but are you kinda excited about this?


Umm... yeah also I kinda have a crush on one of the guys

we met last week.


Is it Ace if so I will hurt you because

I saw him first




Ew no I like Mark he's hot

Plus you have terrible taste in men but

they are most likely straight




No, you, my friend is completely wrong

Ace is way hotter

And yeah your right they are

probably straight


What how Mark is kind plus he's unique

Because of his pink skin and beautiful black eyes


Umm....no Ace is because he actually

Has 2 different eye colors and

Sharp teeth that look like he could rip you

To shreds


Weirdo, you like violent people

Well not saying anything to offend you but

Ace looks like he wouldn't hurt a fly


Yah sure I've been on a video call with him

Before and he's buff


Like damn I want those arms

He's super strong too like his dad made him

Move the truck because he couldn't find the keys

And so he set his phone down outside and I saw

He pushes the truck out of the driveway


Damn ok can I like marry his arms they

Sound nice


Hell no he's mine you can have Mark no problem

Besides, you don't know him as

well as I do you know Mark better


True anyways gtg

your brother is here to bring me over there

I looked up and noticed that my dads are gone and so is my brother but Jake would be

right back to bring me to the airport with him and Ash. Once he got back and told me to get into the car. After the ride to the airport, we had to wait an hour because we were early and so we got lunch and started watching a movie. Once they called our plane number we waited in line for ten minutes till we got into the plane. Once the plane took off I started to freak out because one thing people don't notice about me is that I'm afraid of heights and I just so happen to be sitting by the window. So Jake and Ash had to close the window so I couldn't see and Ash moved me to the middle so he could sit next to the window. After the terrifying flight, we call a taxi then go to my and Jake's aunt's house. "Omg it's so great to see you guys again and I'm glad y'all brought a friend this time" Aunt Fuyumi said. The last time I saw her I was ten but now I'm eighteen so it's been a while and I've missed her plus our other uncles, her brothers, but the one I miss most of all is our grandma, Rei Todoroki, she was and will always be the best person you could ever meet. After an hour of being there, we went to sleep in our assigned rooms.

Ash's p.o.v

Once we woke up and ate breakfast we had to do some chores to help Fuyumi around the house. Around noon we go to a high school gym for Jake's science thing. Once there I spot a blond that looks like Ace and tell Jr, then we tell Jake that we're going to go look around. When we get there we see a girl that looks like Ace and Ace standing there talking. So we go up to them and say hi. "Oh hey I'm May and this is my annoying younger brother Ace," May says with joy. "We know Ace already met at a football game two weeks ago," Jr says quietly. "Oh, then you already know him... Well umm did y'all beat my bro's team" she asks a little more excited. "No, they had 35 more points than us," I replied sadly. "Oh well I hope this tall guy loses a game one day even though he's never lost at anything especially sports' ' she says. "Well if their so-called star player tried in their team they could have been close to winning," Mark says coming up behind me. A blush started to creep onto my face as I looked at Mark. "h-hey mark" I studder, thinking I'm whipped...so fucking whipped.

Mark's p.o.v

I walk up behind Ash saying "well if their so-called star player tried in their team they could have been close to winning" and Ash starts to turn pink like me then says "h-hey mark," in a shy tone which was the cutest thing I've ever heard. "Hey, Ash oh and you to Jr" I reply. "Hi Mark," Jr says, trying to hide the fact that he's staring at Ace. After a few seconds of silence "hey umm Mark can I talk to you alone" Jr asks. I agreed so we walked away and went outside. "So what's wrong Jr," I ask. "Umm, so I was wondering what yours and Ace's sexuality," he says quietly. "Oh umm, I'm gay and Ace is bisexual leaning more towards men. What about you and Ash?" I ask after I say ours. "Umm Ash is pansexual and I'm gay also," he says more relaxedly. "Ok, cool wanna go back inside now they're about to announce the winner and I hope it's, my twin, Elizabeth because she's really smart when it comes to health science," I say as he nods and we walk inside. "So what did he ask you" Ace whispered to me. "Why do you wanna know loverboy" I whisper back with a smirk. He turned a bit pink the answered "stop with that already I know you have a crush on Ash and I will tell him right now if you don't tell me," I looked at him in shock pretending like that would work "you wouldn't dare but if you do I'll tell him you like him and he only asked about our sexuality. I told him mine and yours so he told me his and Ash's." "Well, what's his" he whispers. "Gay just like me" I whisper as I notice he's gotten a little happier. "Do you mean it or are you just playing around?" he asks and I just nod. "Thanks, marker," Ace says knowing I can't come up with nicknames as quickly as he can. "No problem Ace of hearts" I replied hoping it was a good idea to call him that while he laughed a little. "Hey, guys my brother is going to get us snacks do y'all want anything," Jr asks. "Could he get me something extra spicy?" May and Ace say at the same time. "A strawberry and mango smoothie would be great" I reply after the two blondes.

Jr's p.o.v

"Could he get me something extra spicy?" May and Ace say at the same time. "A strawberry and mango smoothie would be great," Mark replied in a low tone. "Ok well tell Jake'' Ash says as we walk away. "So what did they ask for'' Jake asks. "Well ace and his sister wanted something extra spicy while Mark wanted a strawberry and mango smoothie," I tell him. "And what did you two want? '' he asks again. "I want a blueberry and banana smoothie" Ash replied to the question. "While I wanted some cookies and cream ice cream, '' I told my brother. "Alright I'll be back with your orders' ' Jake said acting like an employee at a drive-through.Once he comes back with our food May and Ace say it isn't spicy enough but they are glad Jake brought them something. Which I don't get at all since they had jalapenos and other peppers with hot sauce on it. Then Mark enjoyed his smoothie and the same with Ash. I and Jake just stood there quietly eating our ice cream with a smile. After we finish our food we decided to go to the park that Ace and Mark always practice at. Once we got there there were like six different areas. It had a hockey rink that was closed till winter, a basketball court, baseball field, football field, volleyball court, and a playground for little kids. Me and Ash looked at each other before running to the swings. We could hear Jake in the background laughing but we didn't care since we haven't been on the swings in forever. Finally, when we get to the swings, we sit down and see that Ace and May have climbed the tallest thing in the kids' area and are arguing about who has to be pushed off. While Mark is hanging upside down on the monkey bars and Jake is just sitting on a bench like a parent. If I'm being honest Jake and May are the oldest ones here and only May has the energy to play like a five-year-old. After the argument, Ace was supposed to get pushed off but he grabbed May when she pushed him and she ended up falling off. Which made me and Ash laugh. May then decides to go hang out with Jake on the bench, so she doesn't have to hear Ace laughing at her. "Ace be nice to your sister" Mark yells at Ace. "Not a chance" Ace yells back earning a laugh from Mark.

Ace's p.o.v

After being at the park Me, Mark, and May had to go home because our parents couldn't handle that when we were in high school and about to graduate. Well, May already graduated, she just doesn't want to go to college yet. Once we get back to Mays apartment, I and Mark tell our parents where we are so they don't have to worry, why they would worry I don't know, then we go to sleep with me on the couch, May in her bed, and Mark on a blow-up mattress.

The next day Mark and I meet up with Jr and Ash at a cafe we know they'd like. When we get there I order a coffee, while Mark orders a boba. After a while, Ash and Jr arrive and order what they want, and sit down with us. Mark and Ash are sitting next to each other, across from Jr and I, and they both are trying to talk to each other without giving away that they like each other. man Mark can be oblivious sometimes like it's quite obvious that they like each other. After we got our drinks we went on a walk around town so Mark and I could show them around.

Month of May

Hey bro bro Umm someone is at my apartment

Looking for you do you want me to tell him

You're at the park


Hell no that's my ex Axe

I don't want to see him again

Especially when I'm with Jr

Month of May

Oh I get it you have a crush~

On him don't ya


Stfu May you have a crush on the

Next door neighbor so

I don't wanna hear it

Month of May

Shush anyways what do you want me to tell him

He's becoming annoying


Tell him I'm out of state

Use a sports excuse or something

Just don't tell him where I'm at

Month of May

Ok thx bye

After I read the last message I put my phone up and looked back at Jr. "who were you Texting?" Jr asks quietly. "Oh just May" I replied. "Wait where did Ash and Mark go," Jr asked looking around. "They're probably making out or something," I say knowing something is going on. "Are you sure Ace? Ash wouldn't just do that with one of his friends" Jr says trying to hide something. "Same with Mark but if you look at their behavior they have a crush on each other like come on they are always blushing around each other, and Ash even stutters once in a while," I say looking Jr in the eyes. "Oh yeah if I'm thinking about it you're right," he said looking back. "How about we go to mine and Mark's secret place in the woods" I suggest getting up off the bench. "Yall have a secret place in the woods," Jr asks confused."Yeah of course we do, what do you think we do all day? Practice sports?" I reply with a laugh. "N-no I just thought y'all wouldn't have a secret place at this age," he says with a small smile. "Do you think we can be near our family 24/7?" I say grabbing his hand and walking towards the forest in the park. Slowly I bring him to a big tree, "is this your secret spot Ace" jr asks. "Not quite" I replied then hit the trunk of the tree and a ladder slowly came down. Once it has come down I motion for him to climb the ladder. After we both climb the ladder I bring him to a different room "choose a movie" I say as I open the door to a small pantry full of movies. "Omg, how many moves do you have Ace," Jr asks excitedly. "Quite a bit we've been collecting since we were ten" I replied looking away. "No way you have every Disney movie! Can we watch the little mermaid" jr asks excitedly. "Yeah sure I don't have a problem with that, just grab it off the shelf," I say looking at him. "Umm can you grab it I can't reach it," Jr says quietly as I laugh a little. "Sure shorty," I say, grabbing it off the shelf. "Hey I'm not that short, I'm only 5"4," he says annoyed. "Yeah sure tell that to the top shelf" I laugh while putting the movie into the movie player. "Whatever Ace," he says as he sits down on the couch. "Ok ok, I'll stop for now," I answered as I sat next to him. Later during the movie, Jr fell asleep. Since he was laying on me I couldn't bring myself to move. He looked so cute. Once the movie finished I grabbed the remote and switched it to Netflix and decided to finish the horror movie I was watching earlier.

Jr's p.o.v

Once I woke up I could hear sounds from another movie. When I opened my eyes I noticed it was a horror movie, one type of movie I hate watching. A scene came up where the killer hacked someone's head off and out of instinct, I grabbed onto Ace. Soon after I grabbed onto him he hugged me in comfort so I wouldn't be as scared but I soon hid my face in his chest so I couldn't see any more of the movie. Once I noticed what I did I completely turned red and buried my face even more. "Man you must hate horror movies," Ace said in a small whisper while hugging me tighter. "Yeah umm I'm sorry about that" I mumbled. "No no you're fine just never expect someone with a lot of confidence to be scared of horror movies," he said with a little laugh. "Is it bad to have a lot of confidence?" I ask as I look up at Ace. "No, why would you think that I'm glad I met someone like you with a lot of confidence." he says, looking down at me. "I'm not too much," I ask. "Not at all," he says after he kisses my forehead, making me turn red. "W-what was that for," I say and silently curse myself for stuttering. "What did you want, an actual kiss or something?" he says with a laugh. Turning redder I nod while looking away. Ace then gently grabs my face and kisses me, a bit shocked at first then I kiss back, and after a few seconds, we part. "Your mine now," Ace states more than says with a small smile. "Ok" I reply with a smile. "Wow, Ace you so fuckin whipped," someone said, passing the room. "Oh thanks, Maddie I didn't notice over you being whipped for, Mark's twin" Ace said to the person in the hall whom I guess is Maddie. "Shut up Ace," Maddie said stomping away. Ace then laughs and looks back at me. "So what do you want to do now," he asks as i pretend to think. "How about we find my best friend," I ask. "Or we could spray paint an abandoned building," Ace says with a smirk. "Yah no we're going to find Ash," I say while getting up. "But babe Mark wouldn't let anything happen to Ash but if that's what you want we can go look for them," Ace said while getting up. Walking out the door and into another room, I see Ash and Mark asleep on a couch. Ace then looked at me and said "see I told you he's safe." "You knew where he was didn't you," I ask looking up at him. "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't. You'll never know," he says with a smirk then starts walking away. "Hey get back here you bean pole," I say running after him. With a smile, he said, "then catch me shorty."

~·°The End°·~
