
Random oneshots I thought at the top of my head cause I'm bored

Just Oneshots. DW

EthEn · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs

Oneshot 2

In an empty, white space, a lady wandered around.

"Hello! Is anyone there!" She screamed. It was only a moment ago that she was asleep in her own bed. She is what's called a regressor. Returning to the past to take revenge upon her noble family who had treated her less than poorly in her past life.

An ethereal voice suddenly spoke. "Emily"

The young lady looked around, only to notice a crack floating in the air. An hourglass like figure exited the fracture with long, white hair dangling forth. Her skin, dark as the sky, with tiny sparks sprinkled across it.

'She is beautiful.' Emily thought to herself.

The figure spoke again, her voice smooth like silk. "It's nice to finally meet you"

"Who- Who are you?" The young lady stuttered.

"My name is Vilra. The goddess of time."

Emily quickly composed herself and asked, "Why did you call for me?"

"Quite quick, aren't we?" Vilra chuckled to herself as she snapped her fingers. The scenery changed to a gorgeously designed garden. A stone table at its centre. "Would you like some tea first?"

= = = = = = =

The two sat across one another. The visitor looking around at the mesmerising scene. A garden in the middle of space was quite the spectacle.

"So..." The goddess started, "Let's start."

The Noble girl put her complete focus onto the conversation

"As you might have guessed, I am the person who turned back time for you." She started. "And while you might have questions as to why, I wont be able to answer you."

Emily's face quickly took a sour turn realising that she isn't going to find any answers. 'This is useless,' she thought to herself.

"How has your new life been treating you?" Vilra asked.

Stunned by the sudden question, Emily's eyebrow raised slightly before answering. "It's been going well, though unfortunately there has been many setbacks."

"Setbacks to what?"

"Don't act as if you don't know what I'm doing." Emily spoke with venom in her voice.

Still calm, the goddess responded: "But I want to hear it from you."

"Tch... my revenge."

Vilra giggled, as tea poured from the sky, feeling both their cups. "Why the aggressiveness; aren't I your saviour?"

"Saviour?" Emily gripped her teacup as hard as she could, cracking it in the process. "You could've reversed time a long time ago, but you only waited till I almost died to do so. We are probably just entertainment in your eyes."

"I guess so," She responded, quickly and to the point. This led to the rage that Emily had been bubbling up to finally pop.

"'I guess so?' The fuck do you mean by that." She stood up, splashing the tea everywhere "I had to watch my closest friends die! I had to withstand all that abuse only to get an 'I guess so?' You're just as bad as the duchy!"

"I guess I am. But can you answer me this one question?" Suddenly, the scenery started to change rapidly, becoming a blur. Vilra's eyes started a glowing a bright golden hue as she crawled across the table. her hips swaying side to side in a hypnotising way. "What's your purpose for this life?"

Her face awfully close to the Emily. Emily blushed furiously as she started onto the golden eyes. "For revenge obviously." She stated, despite not wanting to. She didn't know if it was because of how beautiful the woman in front of her was or because her golden eyes were really hypnotising her.

"And what will you do after you complete your revenge?"

For the first time since her reincarnation, there was a question that Emily couldn't answer. She never thought of an after. Her mouth opened and closed repeatedly but nothing came out.

Vilra reached foreword, gently cupping the soft cheeks. "Was that too hard?" She tilted her head emitting a cute aura. "Then who do you live for?"

"F- for myself." She stuttered out

"But you live for revenge don't you? Then you don't live for yourself."

"What do you mean! I want revenge, not them!"

Emily laid on an adorned bed with Vilra pinning her down.

"But your self worth depends on if you're successful with your revenge, not who you are." She said.

Emily could hardly respond to such statements, as they were in fact, facts. Vilra face drew closer, planting a kiss onto her forehead. "You should think about what I said" As she lifted herself from Emily's face, Vilra placed her finger on her forehead.

"After all, I prefer a happy ending for my entertainments rather than a depressing one." She flicked her finger, making the young noble poof out of existence. An orb materialised in front of her with the scene of Emily waking up from her sleep. "So be a good muse for me. It gets quite lonely her."