
Random Jump`

We all know the drill if you are reading a Fan-Fic. Dies. Go to another World. Get some OP protagonist cheats. And blah blah blah...Read the first chapter and you will know. *** Disclaimer: The cover is not mine. I own nothing but the OC character in this book. Everything used in this Fan-fic belongs to their original owners.

meatball_san · Tranh châm biếm
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
22 Chs


After the introduction, they started to make plans about leaving the academy.

They ignored Noah and Tanya.

They just did not know how to respond to a kid that can cut someone's cheeks with a hand and a kid that has a real gun with her.

No matter how they thought about it, this duo of children by no means normal.

Noah quietly looks at them as they were making their plans when he heard Tanya's voice.

"Are we going to follow them?"

"Hmm~, we don't really have anything else to do. We also don't know much about this World and what danger it holds while ascending. And I can't use a cube to jump another world. We will have to wait until cube recharges (?) before leaving this World."

Tanya hearing him, nodded and looks at the group that has completed their planning.

"We need to get keys from the staff room first. ~," Shizuka said, placing her index finger on her cheek.

Noah interjected them as he said, "Are you sure we all can fit in her car?"

Other hearing him looked towards Shizuka as she made a face as if she had an epiphany. "Ah! You are right. My car is too small for all of us~"

"No other choice then, we will go by bus. The keys should be inside of the bus." Takashi said.

Others nodded since it seems a reasonable plan. Saeko looked in his direction, "Are you two coming with us?"

Noah and Tanya nodded.

Deciding everything, they all left for the bus.

The plan was simple. They will save whoever they can in their way towards the bus. After taking the bus, they will leave the campus. They still haven't decided yet what to do after they left this academy.

Everything went smoothly as they were leaving when one of the students they saved on their way hits the fence of the staircase. which produces a loud echo—gaining the attention of every zombie that heard it.

"…RUN!" Takashi shouted, getting everyone out of their stupor as they started to run towards the bus parking.

Noah and Tanya were chilling behind as they followed them. They kept walking at their pace towards the bus. They could easily protect themselves from these zombies, and even if they get beaten, they will not turn into a zombie as their bodies already possessed mana in massive amounts.

Everyone reached the bus as they looked behind towards Tanya and Noah as they both luxury walk in their direction.

"Say, how much time would it take for the cube to recharge?" Tanya said as she shot the zombie head off.

"I don't know, a week or maybe a month," Noah said.

Both of them reached the bus with a corpse of zombies behind them. Everyone was looking at them and was thinking, 'who are these kids?'

Shizuka starts the bus, but just as they were about to leave, they heard a shout for help. They all looked in that direction and saw—some students with a man in his twenties guiding them—running in towards them.

"Wait! Help us too!" shouted the man.

Takashi looked at them and stopped Shizuka from starting the bus even though Rei told him not to save the man.

'Hm, he doesn't seem to be a good person.' Noah said, looking at the bespectacled man.

"A trash," Tanya said in a voice that everyone in the bus could hear, but they were too focused on helping them.

As everyone took the bus, Shizuka pressed the accelerator as the bus zooms out of the academy.

Outside they all could see their city in complete destruction that made them even more worried about their future and families.

"This world is done for if no one learned or developed magic," Noah said to Tanya while looking outside at the city.

"Is it common? For the World to be destroyed when it ascends?" Tanya asked. She was curious since it was all new to her.

"Quite so. We call it 'A New Beginning'. Though most of the World passes this stage with less damage to their civilization as people from other worlds help them and the World, after ascension, chooses 'exceptional' individuals and provide them with the knowledge of magic. That's how the so-called Hero is born; same with villains. But that is not all ways the case. Some worlds are too deserted or far from other magical civilized worlds. Which results in 'A New Beginning'. Most of the civilization is destroyed with every person dead. Then the World will give birth to new life forms that will follow the rules of the newly advanced World. The same cycle repeats after a certain period." Noah explains everything with patience.

Tanya listened with focus and would ask questions from time to time to fill her gaps.

"Oya~, what are kids doing here?" The bespectacled guy asked, which gained everyone's attention.

"Huh? Do you get a problem with us maggot?" Tanya said, looking towards the guy. He frowned hearing her.

"Have your parents not taught you how to respect your adults, brat?!" A spikey dyed hair guy stood and said. He was one of the students that came with the bespectacled guy.

"Calm down, calm down. They must be on edge with how things are going, right?" the guy said.

"Can you not talk to me, pig? Your stink is making it difficult for me to breathe. Shoo~, shoo~ go that way." Tanya said as she places one hand on her nose and waves with the other.

"Pff* Tanya-chan, he is more of a snake than a pig I think," Noah said as he laughed.

Takashi's group quietly looks at them. They knew that messing with this duo was not the right decision.

"You bitch—poof*" The dyed hair guy was about to punch her when his head was blown off.

A silence envelops the bus as the headless body falls to the ground.

"Kyaa!!" Students started to shout as the bespectacled guy scared shit looks at her.

A Group of Takashi also wide-eyed looked at her. They knew that they were not normal, but never thought that they would kill someone just like that.

It was a human and not a zombie. Killing a human was different then killing a zombie.

"What are you doing, Tanya-chan? Here, let me show you how to kill someone." Noah said as he walked towards the teacher and touched his chest.

<Interfering with reality>


The teacher had buckets of sweat leaking from his face as he started to shout out loud. "Stop! It hurts!" he shouted as the pain took over his senses.

"Come on, man~. We have just started and you already asked to stop? Be a man." Noah said, showing his trademark grin.

Tanya looking at him and frowned. 'I knew it that he was not a sane human, well, I, myself, am not one.' She thought and surged it off and kept watching the show.

Takashi group had sweat dripping from their brows as they watched him except Saeko, who, for some reason, was smiling as if trying to control her emotions.

"Say, is it painful? It is right. I know because I have gone through the same treatment." Noah said as his hand slowly enters Shidou's body and grips his heart. "But… you have raped people, right? I know you have done it since I've met a person like you before. The shitiest kind who think everything is under their control and they can do anything and others will just silently watch. But you know, it a kind of human that I hate from the bottom of my heart." He took his hand out as he could see his eyes becoming empty. "Ara~, to break so fast. It's ok~. Every ending has a beginning. I will be your beginning."


A magic circle bloomed below Shidou as everyone watches with wonder; how his body changes from man to a woman.

The one who was most blown away was Tanya; she shouted at Noah, "You can do that?! Why didn't you tell me before?"

"No, no, Tanya-chan. You are a woman. I can't have that blasphemy here." Noah said, shaking his head.

Tanya gritted her teeth, "I have told you before, I am a man! Change me back if you can!"

"Nope!" Noah said and ignored her.

Shidou, whose mind was healed with magic, woke up. He confusedly looks at his surrounding before his memories started to surface. He looks down at his body and then Noah as horror-struck him, "Mo… Monster!" he shouted as he slides back.

Noah caught his/her leg. "Where are you going, Shidou-chan?" he said.

He dragged her towards the gate of the bus, that was now stopped, and throws her out.

"Enjoy thou new life as a woman out there. I hope that the women who became your victim are watching over there." Noah said, joining both of his palms together and entered back in the bus.

He looked at everyone and said, "Does anyone else has any problem? If so then tell me, I will be his or her 'New Beginning'."

Hearing him, everyone shivered, hurriedly shook their heads. Noah surged his shoulders; he went and sat on his seat as Tanya started to bug him to make her a man.