

73Chapter 4

The twins had taken all of her free time outside of class and because her classes were with the Hufflepuff's she didn't get to see them during lessons. They sent little notes flying through the air between classes written in their own code, and planned the prank against Slytherin's along with many other small ones to divert attention.

That was all Hunn's idea. She had told them that if there was nothing going leading up to the big prank people would begin to think something was going to happen and it would ruin their work. So they planted dungbombs in Snape's pockets and in the dungeons where the Slytherins gathered. Students and teachers were going crazy.

The twins had really taken to involving her in their pranks against the Slytherin's and it made her more excited. They planned and plotted for weeks on how they would get it done. The twins cornered her after potions, the last class of the day and dragged her from the lower levels of the castle to the Gryffindor common room which had become mere like hers than hers had ever been. It had been a week since their trip to the village and she was really feeling much closer to them all, it felt good.

"Come on Hunn, time to finish the work on our prank."

"Really it's almost done?" She jumped with joy. It had been a string of long days and nights and finally they would see if it was all worth it.

"Yes, tonight is the night and at dinner the Slytherin's will see what we're really made of." They smiled wickedly and She couldn't help herself, and she snorted

The twins raced up to the common room and past everyone inside and their curious eyes.

Hermine, Ron, and Harry were sitting in front of the fire. Hermione was studying and Harry and Ron were playing exploding snaps on the floor, anything but their school work when Ginny called after them with her books open and her smile shining, "Hi, Hunn, back again?"

"Hello everyone! I don't think I have much of a choice." She called to them as she laughed racing after her partners

The twins pulled Hunn up into the boy's dorms and in their room. They had cleared out a corner in the back near the window to let out the fumes they created with their Potions pranks. Their current prank was brewing and in just a few moments it would be done.

Hunn stirred it and poured it into a wide silver tin, like one a candle would come in, and made it smell of limes and mint with a few drops of oil. It solidified in a few moments and Fred and George watched as she hovered her wand over the 'wax' and murmured a few words. The spell would keep their prank stable until the time needed.

"How are we going to get this onto the table?" Hunn asked them concerned about getting caught while 'Waxing' the Slytherin table.

"Hooky." Fred called out rather loud with a smile


"Yes, I forgot you've never meet Hooky the house elf. She is very handy."

With a loud snap a house elf appeared behind them in a light pink pillow case dress and no shoes. Before speaking she looked down and away, "Yes, miser and miser Weasley how can Hooky be of service to you both?" she looked up and smiled at them, "Oh! Hooky didn't see you missus. Hooky is very sorry missus."

The little house elf looked sad and ready to cry.

"Don't worry Hooky I am Hunn Rose-singer. It is very nice to meet you." Hunn held out her hand and the little elf looked confused and shocked by the gesture

"You are very nice to Hooky missus and Hooky thanks you for being so kind not all students are nice to Hooky." She did not take Hunns hand but she looked happy having been offered the gesture at all

"Hooky we were wondering if you could do us a favor before dinner tonight?"

"Yes, miser Weasley anything for you and missus Rose-singer who is so very kind to Hooky."

"We were wondering if you could wax the Slytherin table with this special wax we made for them." George explained using a sweet innocent voice

Nearly giggling Hunn smiled wide at Hooky who looked unsure, "Hooky does not know if she should. Hooky knows that Gryffindor and Slytherin do not like each other, no not at all." She shook her head and twisted her fingers together

Panicking Hunn began to beg Hooky "Oh please Hooky, we just want to bridge the gap between the houses and offer some friendship to start new."

Hunn placed her hand on Hookey's from where she sat on the floor and smiled.

"Oh is that all Missus and Miser Weasley's wish to do? Then Hooky will do it for you and she will be happy to help you and the Misers." She took the tin of wax and with a snap she was gone again.

After a moment the twins were howling with laughter, "Bridge the gap?" Fred let out a laughed as George rolled on the floor

"Offer friendship? Oh god" Hunn joined in their laughter and rolled onto the floor clutching her sides next to George

"Well she's going to wax the table now."

"Yes, now all we have to do is antagonize Malfoy and the fun will begin."

"Malfoy the seeker? The one I knocked over in last week's Quidditch match?"

"Yes, he's the one. We just need him to say the magic words and it'll begin."

Hunn looked at Fred and George from her position on the floor. The began to go over ways to make Malfoy mad and she couldn't help but observe them

They were completely identical but somehow she knew that Fred was on the left and George was on the right.

George's eyes crinkled a bit more when he smiled and Fred's mouth rose a little higher on the right side when he laughed or grinned. Not to mention their smell was similar but also very different. Fred was sweeter almost like sugar quills and George was smooth and sweet like a creamy caramel chew, they were so different but also the same it was so confusing.

Their faces were thin and handsome and their hair was growing out of control and wild. She wanted to run her fingers through their hair and feel how soft it was but when they smiled at her her insides melted and that alone freaked her out .

"Hey, quit staring. I know we're pretty but that's just creepy Hunn." George said calling her out

She blushed and looked away, "Come on we should head down to dinner it'll be starting any moment. We don't want to miss anything."

After rolling around on the floor she knew that her hair was a mess so She took the time to cast her untangling spell and pull her hair up into a high bun.

"How did you do that? Your hair is like silk now! Our knots don't come out like that we brush for hours and it hurts" George whined patting his own hurt head

"It's a simple cosmetic spell. Your hair can't be that bad its not to long after all."

"Teach it to us, we want to wake up later in the morning. Please please please please." Fred begged

She sighed, "Fine. You say, Lenis, while waving your wand with a curling motion over the knots." She turned George around and waved her wand soundlessly over his hair, taking the chance while she had it she ran her fingers through it to show the untangled strands. It was soft, smooth and silky against her fingers and a shiver raced down her spine

"Wow, George your hair is perfect now!" Fred gapped at it, "Do mine too!" he turned around and waited expectantly. Smiling at his silly voice she did the spell and ran her fingers through his hair as well. She couldn't help but love the feeling.

"Hmmm that feels nice Hunn. Do it again." Blushing beet real the turned away from Fred and started to walk away

"Come on it's almost time for dinner you guys."

They walked out together into the common room.

Ginny stopped when she saw them eyes narrowed, "What were you three doing? Your hair is perfect. To perfect."

The twins burst out laughing and looked at their sister. "She couldnt handle us. She taught us a spell for our georgus locks." Fred flipped his hair and posed with his hip cocked

"What spell?"She asked excitedly," Will it work for my hair?"

"Yes, I can teach you later, Ginny." Hunn smiled she was so sweet, they were fast becoming friend and she loved hanging around Ginny' sassy attitude

They walked together to the great hall while Hunn explained the spell to Ginny and the twins felt up their own hair, often touching each others while arguing over who's was best. They sat at the Gryffindor table in the middle of the room and across from Harry, Ron and Hermionie Who seemed to be arguing.

Food appeared and everyone began eating the amazing food. When it began nearing the end and sweets appeared Hun began to feel nervous

Fred leaned over to the center of the table and whispered, "Spttt, Ron say Malfoy is a prat."

Racing Ron's voice Hunn waved her wand quickly, magnifying his voice by ten.

"Malfoy is a prat." Ron spoke normally but his voice came out as a boom and echoed across the hall.

Everyone fell silent and looked for the source while Ron blushed and shot Hunn a look

Across the hall Malfoy stood, looking enraged and confused, "Who said that?" He yelled, no one dared answered

"You wait, just you wait, my father will hear about this nonsense!" In the same instant he slammed his fist onto the table and sat back down just as there was a loud poof of gray smoke.

In the next instant there was no long table anymore, instead what remained was a long pile of greasy slimy frogs that covered and hopped over the Slytherins who were sitting on the floor now covered in the sweet they were trying to eat

The hall burst into laughter over the Slytherins screaming and yelling, While Hun threw herself into Fred and George and lost herself in laughter. They caught her and together they laughed and watched as Marcus stomped from the great hall with frogs leaping from his robes covered in slime and bits of pie.

It was well worth the wait to see the Slytherins in turmoil, but Mcgonagall thought otherwise. Her eyes burned bright staring at them, knowing that the cause of this dinner theater was two identical gingers.