
Random Hero (Boku no Hero Academia Fanfic)

What happens when you awaken memories from your past life? What if the way you died was really terrible. Could you get over it? What if your new life is bad as well. This is the tale of someone that tries make thing right with his Random Transformation ability. --- This is my first story that I have written. I don't own any of Boku no hero academia characters or the world. I am just playing in that world with my own character. Not my Picture, if asked I will remove. Found on Pinterest

Sandman78 · Tranh châm biếm
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40 Chs

Before The Finals 2

A/N: Canon starts changing because of the Mc. Ps. I drew the names out of a bowl to pair them up. I laughed when I saw the pairing but didn't change them. The only thing I chose was the order they fight. When I did it randomly all the strong people ended up on one side of the bracket so I changed that.

"Now that we have the top 16 people, here are the results of the drawing." Midnight said.

The screen change to show who will be fighting who.

Tooru Hagakure vs. Denki Kaminari.

Neito Monoma vs. Yuuga Aoyama.

Kosei Tsuburaba vs. Jamie Tao.

Izuku Midoriya vs Shouto Todoroki.

Sen Kaibara vs. Hitoshi Shinso.

Momo Yaoyorozu vs. Kyouka Jirou.

Tenya Iida vs. Shihai Kuroiro.

Ochako Uraraka vs. Katsuki Bakugou.

I looked to see who I would be fighting and saw that it was someone from class B. I don't know what his Quirk is because they didn't come after me team in the cavalry battle.

He should be someone from Monoma's team. Kirshima didn't tell me what his Quirk is only that Monoma's Quirk is a copy Quirk. He can copy any Quirk if he touches the person. I am sure there are limits to what he can copy, just like there are limits to my Quirks as well.

I will just have to watch out for them to be able to win. I won't know them villains Quirk that I will fight against either so there is no point trying to scout my opponents Quirk out in advance.

It would be smart to do that first but I will use this as my training. If I can know the villains Quirk before I fight them I will definitely take the time to find out beforehand if I am able to. There will be times I come across villains were I won't get that time so I need training to fight the unknow in a safe environment like Hagakure and Jirou did with training with me.

"All right! Lets leave the tournament aside for a moment. Let's have fun with the recreation!" Present Mic said.

I was with the girls of my class when they said that and everyone started to have fun. Hagakure jumped into the air all excited about this stuff.

"First is a scavenger hunt!" Present Mic said.

Since I was in the finals I didn't need to do the recreation games so I decided not to do them to save my energy for the finals. I went to change out of this cheerleading outfit back into my gym clothes while everyone else did the recreation games. I saw Jirou heading back to while the other girls were having fun in the cheerleading outfits before the finals.

It looks like she didn't care for the outfits to. I wounder why she wanted me to dress up in them as well if she didn't like them. I caught up to her to ask.

"Hey Jirou-chan, why did you have me dress up in these cheerleading outfits if you don't like them as well?" I asked.

She got a smirk on her face when she heard me.

"I thought you would look cute in it, which you do." Jirou said.

I just looked at her not impressed.

"Besides I thought it would loosen you up. I noticed by training with you that you are to serious. You should have fun some times. I don't even know what you do for fun on your days off." Jirou said her real reason that she got to dress up with them.

That's true I haven't had fun in a while. All I think about are my plans to find out who was behind my mothers framing and getting stronger. I want to protect my younger sister as well but she should be safe with the family she has I think. I don't really have anything I do for fun.

"Yeah well, I don't know what you do for fun either besides tricking people." I said to her.

"Hey, it was Mineta that tricked us all into wearing this outfit. And for your information I listen to music for fun." Jirou said.

She was about to head into the changing room when I stopped her.

"Hey Jirou-chan, sorry for snaping at you. Thanks for trying to help. I will try to find something to do for fun." I said.

"Your welcome." Jirou replied.

I didn't follow her in and instead went to the boys changing room to get a my spare gym clothes. I went in there once because the girls let me. I am still a guy and I don't want to get into trouble for going in there.

As I was changing I was thinking about what Jirou said. I really haven't had fun in a long time. Ever since my parents in this life die I have been trying to get stronger no mater what.

Before I got my memories of my old life back at four years old I already was attached to my new family. For the next five years nothing they did made me like them less even though I already had a different family before.

With my last family getting murdered the way they did an me not being able to do anything about it. I started to train like crazy to get stronger until my new mother and father helped he calm down. I found it was nice not having the responsibilities of an adult for a little while.

They stopped me from going crazy from my Quirk. While I don't get all the memories from the people I transform into at once like I did when my Quirk awakened. I have to look though there memories to find what I want to know, but that still puts me at risk of going crazy.

What makes up a person personality is what that person when though during their life and how they handled it. With me looking at all the different memories I started to lose what I did and what the people I became did. My parents stopped me before I could really go crazy and lose myself.

I haven't trained my Quirk much and only train the abilities that the people I can become can do because I was worried about going crazy from it. I think I got a handle on it now that I can start again but I am not sure. I am glad that can only become female people now because it help me separate the memories.

For example if I was a girl in the memories it most likely wasn't my own memory. I have to loke at who I was with and if I can contact them to find out if it was their own memoir of if I was transformed into them. With so many memories I was losing my since of self.

With me only becoming a female when I transform, that has helped me out a whole lot. That's why I didn't fight to hard when I singed that contract that limited my power. They wanted to humiliate me but I used it to help me instead.

After I got changed and went back to my normal form.


I was about to leave and my phone rang. I looked to see who it was and was surprised to she that Sabrina was calling me again.

"Hello." I answered.

"Tao, you bastard! The memories you gave me are false!" Sabrina yelled at me.

I was confused. Didn't she call me before say that they were true and that she wanted me to help her.

"Do you want me to tell my father and brother that you are alive?" She continued to yell at me.

"Calm down what are you talking about? I can assure you that what I gave you was true." I said.

"Oh yeah? Then why didn't Midoriya come in first place in the obstacle race like in the memories you gave me instead you did. Do you know how much you cost me by losing that bet I placed on him, with you coming in first?" Sabrina yelled.

"Well those memories were of the future. I don't know if I was in them or not but if I wasn't and I now am in this school the future changed because I am now part of the class. I did warn you that thing might change." I explained.

"So now it is all worth less." Sabrina said.

"Maybe? Some of it may still happen but maybe not in the same way as before. If you wanted it to stay the same you shouldn't have wanted me to come here. But it is too late now my presence have already change thing that even if I leave thing won't go back to the same as they were." I said to her.

"Whatever I was going to give you the winnings off of the bet I made to help you. But now with you in the lead the profits aren't as high as before. Unless we set who wins as the under dog you will not be getting any more help for me." Sabrina said.

She was calming down a little now but was still upset she still wasn't her playful self yet.

"Well I am not going to throw a match. It will look weird to the people that know me." I said.

"True, well then you won't be able get any money from me. I will only be able to make back what I lost so far if I bet right from now on. You have to do it all by your self now." She said.

"That fine I was like you and places some bet too. But I bet on my self instead. So I made some money from the first round. I can't leave to place more bets so that all I will get from this." I said.

"Good to see you taking things seriously. I am sorry for blowing up on you but I did loss a lot of money." Sabrina said finally calmed down.

"It's fine I know what you are like. But let me make something perfectly clear don't threaten me again. You want me to help you get away from your family and I will to repay you for your help. You telling your father and brother that I am alive will only hurt your self." I said.

"Your right forgive me. Teehe." Sabrina said going back to her playful attitude.

"Just this once. Now I need to go the finals are all most starting." I said.

"Okay bye. By the way you looked cute in your cheerleading outfit." Sabrina said before she hung up.

I was stunned by what she said before I but it out of my mind. With her threat to me it made me realize I am under her thumb. She can tell her family and they could send assassins after me. I should be able to handle that but I am using a fake identity right now. They can use that against me to totally ruin me. I should make some planes in case it ever comes out.

She has the contract limiting my power still but I don't really care about that because it has help me out by lowering the chances to going crazy. Plus I can get out of it anytime I want now because of Sayumi Takanahi's power.

I should head out now.