
Chapter 1

The rain would come down in sheets as the blood-soaked woman would rush her way through the alleyway. Every step she took would cause a splash in the puddles that she would run through as she would try to escape her captors. Although the woman was unsure if she was able to escape her captors as this was possibly the fifth time this week she has tried to run from them. But she sure wasn't going to give up running even if it has to be through the dark alleyways and possibly into the woods if she was able to even that that far away from the town. As of right now, it didn't seem likely that the young woman would even make it to the edge of town as the sound of screeching tires and yelling could be heard not far behind her. This would only make the woman wanna move faster to try and escape from the people chasing her.

Her harsh breaths could be seen in front of her in the freezing rain, as she would continue to run down the alleyway before she could see the end of the alleyway. A small wave of relief would rush over the woman as she would see the streetlamp that led into the residential area. Hopefully there she would be able to find some sort of help and to get herself out of the hellhole of a life. The woman would run faster towards the light as if the closer she got the more that she could feel the freedom and feel like she was safe. Each step she took at that point had meaning and she was glad that she took the gamble of going a different route to try and escape the bounds of her captors.

A small smile would begin to make its way onto her face as the end of the alleyway was a only few feet away from her. Happiness would slowly fill her body as she knew that once she crossed that street and into one of the houses she'd be safe. This whole nightmare would be over and she'd finally be able to rest her body knowing she is safe. Just as she took a step out of the alleyway she felt a pair of strong arms grab her waist before a bag was placed over her head. The woman felt like everything had stopped and she knew that she lost...again. Although it wouldn't register quite yet once she felt the rope being wrapped around her wrists she knew. Following that feeling was the sound of a vehicle pulling up and she felt her body hit the cold metal of a most likely van.

The young woman's freedom was ripped away from her just like that once again. The so-far nameless woman is known as Rosaria and she is going to be "the best assassin in the world"...against her will. This woman had all the qualities needed to be one but her unwillingness was a thing that her captors were trying to destroy so they could mold the young woman into whatever they deemed fit. But Rosaria was going to make it rather difficult for her captors....well her parents to try and mold her into the perfect killing machine.

The captors that she is trying so hard to escape are her parents. Her mother Alecta and her father Nicola. The two of them were obsessed with making one of the best-trained assassins due to their job titles. Both of her parents had quite the backstory but a quick rundown is they were trained in the art of killing but were much more willing than Rosaria. Unlike their daughter, the two were very open to the idea of shedding blood for a few thousand dollars but Rosaria was very different. The only time she would even attempt to harm someone is when they are a threat to her safety or when they work with her parents. This is how they would get themselves into the situation that they are currently in.

This is how they have a 17-year-old in the back of the van tied up and with a bag over her head. Although this wasn't going to be the last attempt the young woman was going to try and run away even if her parents would punish her. Most normal parents would punish their kids by grounding them or preventing them from doing things but not Rosaria's. Oh no, they would take a knife and would cut the back of her legs multiple times. These cuts were never large gashes no, they were small cuts and were similar to papercuts. This was the only thing the parents knew that would effectively punish the child. So Rosaria was currently being taken back to her "home" in order to get a stern punishment from her parents and a lengthy lecture.