
Rance Series Fanfiction Collection

Several months after the town of Custom was saved and Ragisis had been killed, Rance and Sill began to enjoy their lives at the town in the Free City of Ice. That was, until a red haired girl came knocking on their doorstep and asked (threatened) Rance to join her. But for what? Not to mention Kanami being here earlier due to something important. ~~~~~~∆~∆~∆~~~~~~ This is a Fanfiction about Eroge. Expect dark shit sometimes, or Rance going the H-route towards some females. (Now a collection of stories about the Eroge series) (Psst. It's optional to bring me power stones. This book doesn't need them. Not anymore)

ProcrastinatiMeem · Tranh châm biếm
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27 Chs

Episode 01 - Unexpected Visit

[ ~ Chapter • Start ~ ]

{ Monday, February 3, LP 0002, one week after Leazas Castle was taken over by Helman }

{ 11:30:39 AM }

In a house somewhere in the Free City of Ice, a man rested his back on the soft material of the Sofa he was sitting on.

He had brown hair, brown eyes, and when he yawned, his sharp teeth similar to a shark's were shown.

"There's quite literally nothing for me to do right now. No quests were important to me, and I still have a lot of GOLD, maybe around 78,000. And.... I wish something interesting had to happen right now...." This man spoke rather tiredly, and....

This is our Main Protagonist, Rance. A reincarnated guy who quickly adapted to the world, with some important knowledge about it. Aside from that, he can break laws of reality and even conventional laws of this world too.

He had several adventures, and one of those were him saving the four witches alongside an entire town, another being solving a kidnapping and fixing the Princess of Leazas, his own way of course and a few, barely unrelated things like finding treasures and finding Gal Monsters.

Aside from that....

A low, rhythmic humming from a girl can be heard from the kitchen, and he'd always recognize that voice, alongside the good smell of the food right there.

"Right.... how could I forget... I'm still hungry." He grumbled, getting out of the Sofa he was resting on and walking to the kitchen.

When he arrived there, he saw a puffy pink haired girl wearing nothing but a naked apron a mitten on her left hand and a ladle on the other hand, unknowingly showing her naked back enticingly to him while she cooked.

Also, this girl was Sill Plain, his partner, companion, and slave that he bought a year ago.

Without hesitation, he approached Sill and moved his hand forward to her ass and spanked it, earning a reaction from her.

"Kyaa~!? Master Rance?" Sill shifted her head to look at his grinning face while he moved his hand on the side and began to molest her cunt. "Umm... I'm a-almost done cooking..."

Sill struggled as she let her master do the sensual work while she tried to focus on cooking. This was definitely something she had been experiencing for a long while now, ever since she was saved (read: bought) by Rance and she was fine with all she had experienced as his companion.

But... before Rance could proceed further...


The door was opened with a kick, as Rance's eyebrows twitched and he was forced to halt his actions and jog to where the backdoor was to beat the shit out of whoever intruded his home.

Only to find out that the intruder was none other than a purple haired girl lying on the ground, heavily exhausted and looking like she'd travelled for hours with no end.

"This girl. She looks very familiar....." Rance spoke, grabbing the girl's shoulder and turning her body around, and was surprised when he saw her tired face looking at him with half-conscious eyes. "... Kanami?"

The ninja girl faintly smiled.

... Something bad is going on....

[ ~ Line • Break ~ ]

"So.... that happened..." Rance spoke, before chewing on the meat and gulping it all down, looking at Kanami with a serious expression "... I mean... Leazas Castle has been taken over by Helmanians, and to your surprise they're assisted by a few Dark Lords. And Lia sent you here to give me something important, right?"

Kanami tiredly nodded, munching on the rice offered to her by Sill.

"Dark Lords....? They're not mere stories at all now, right?" Sill asked for confirmation.

"I met one of them, and he's.... very scary. None of mine and Leila's attacks work even once... I still remembered the Dark Lord's name, too. His name was Ithere."

After a moment, the three of them had finished their meals.

"Rance... Here's the item Lia wanted me to give you."

Kanami unwrapped a shield and gave it to Rance, who nodded in acceptance.

"Is this what I think it is?" Rance asked, as once he noticed the "L" on the middle of the shield.

"Yes, that's the [Leazas Holy Shield]. By the way, where's the other [Holy Treasures]?" Kanami asked, and Rance shrugged his shoulders, making her feel afraid until he pointed to a familiar set of armor and a sheathed broadsword beside it.

"If you're confused, I kinda went overboard with the modifications of the both of them and never bothered using them until this very moment." Rance replied with a wry smile, though it looked like he wasn't done. "I still have some things that I kept hidden in secret, we'll get to those later."


Kanami wanted to ask more, yet Sill, who was still wearing a naked apron (quite shamelessly) stopped her from moving forward.

"Erm.... I think that's enough questions for now, it might confuse you and would hurt your already exhausted mind..." Sill spoke, gesturing Kanami that she should stop by raising her arms in front of the ninja. "... You also needed to rest, Miss Kanami. All that running from the east is taking a toll on you..."

Kanami sighed.

"I guess you're right. I do need to rest...."

The ninja sat back down on the chair they were sitting on, as Rance approached the armor that was displayed in front of him.

"Tomorrow, we'll set path towards Leazas. Well prepared." Rance spoke, nodding his head.

And just before he began to deeply plan, somebody knocked on his door.

"Master, may I?" Sill asked, waiting for approval as Rance stared at her as if she was... an idiot.

He bonked her head a second later.

"No, I'm going to talk to whoever is outside. And wear your clothes, you look pretty indecent in public with that."

The moment Sill realized this, she immediately ran upstairs embarrassed, surprising Kanami who became dumbfounded.

When Rance opened the door, a red haired girl waited for him, and.... there's two humanoids behind her.

"Good noon! What business do you want with me?"

The moment Rance asked this, the girl smirked as if she's confident about him.

[ ~ Chapter • End ~ ]

Character Images:

• Sill (Naked Apron)

• Sill (Normal Clothing)

• Rance

[ Status Update ]

• Rance

Age / Born In : 19 / GI 0998

Race: Human (Extra Affix: Abnormal)

Gender: Male

Class: Spell-Blader, Adventurer

Level / Level Cap: 49 / ∞

Spare EXP: 40 Million+ (Enough for 400+ Level Ups)

Skills: [Law Breaker Lvl -], [Eroge Protagonist Lvl -], [Magic Lvl 3], [Sword Combat Lvl 3], [Creation Lvl 0] (+50 more Level 0 Abilities)

Potential: ????

• Sill Plain

Age / Born In: 17 / GI 1000

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Class: Mage

Level / Level Cap: 50 / 50 (Current, will increase)

Spare EXP: 45,381

Skills: [Magic Lvl 2], [Divine Magic Lvl 1], [Housework Lvl 0]

Potential: Dark Lord (Reason: Rance)

Extra Note: Now always on top condition. Even if she's a few levels higher than Rance, he's still leagues higher.

• Kanami Kentou

Age / Born In : 16 / GI 1001

Race: Human

Gender: Female

Class: Ninja, Ranger

Level: 24 / 40

Spare EXP: 749

Skills: [Ninja Lvl 1]

Extra Note: Weakest person in group. Could use "some" training.