
Rambling and Random bullshittery

This be your most daring story; A rambling if you must, Of language most foul, of unexplored ways to curse. Of bullshit in every turn, in every twist, in every twists of tongues. As told by thine ol'hands and masterminded by the crude tongue, with all my tics and antics. Do-told tale of a vegetable who limbs and stumbled on a new realm of where creation was pierced in it's boundaries. Of a connoisseur who learns of ways of an unshackled breathing body, the occasional doggie styles and the utmost high of all forms of unequaled shag-getry, wooing tarts and thots and hoes, all manners of terms modern and old to name all wenches of all- the ripened titties; "Thine taste ranges from nymphs of florescent pure to flooded lips which hangs and are forgivably bonk-able with a passing thought riled up by the hard down under, Which in short means all!" Heinously wholesome in ways of the vile tongue which grew most crude, terribly heinous with every breaths more lived- after to after and then more, much much more. A rambling- to what he sees, to what he does. This is a story of a living, in a world of pixels; of new universe where a man could swim in lava, a world where such and such is deemed mundane. An epic where a naked fledgling dove in the heat of an avian war, baby-steps towards a destiny-, etched in the root webs of two worlds with only a goal; To be the Pirate Ki- nevermind! To live most free. Rejuvenation; maketh man a new being, now what would be his tale when all he knew of living was blinking a set of dead little eyes, what would such a virgin of a human ways do in a surreal world that explodes magics and bullshits. I'll tell ye all! Just listen to the ramble. (Stay with me, I won't ever drop this.) [Warning:] 1. Not for the faint of heart. 1½. Smut will be there but it will be extremely rare. 2. The english dictionary would require a thorough update after I'm done with this epic. 3. Fuckery most heinous most foul. (By decree of a certain fool) 4. Don't tell your mums you learnt (curses) from me. 5. No other warning just enjoy, If ye dares. Cover art not mine, thank you for letting me use it and sorry but pray tell if you ordered it removed. Will use it until I could afford a more authentic cover art or until boss wants it removed.

JF_Fanai · Kỳ huyễn
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32 Chs


"Aw! Look at that pouty face. Gwahahahah!" laughed the fucktard.

Owls and rainbow-fowls sang for the coming of twilight, as the sun hues redder and dark behind yonder the tall freezing peaks of Whiskey-Steepes; the call of night and their slacken dark embrace spreads from far behind the reaches of the mighty Sun.

My first night hath come, 'How long was this young master out.' That was a question I had not asked meself.

I was let go from the hook, no matter how the fuck I tried putting this scene in-, every words and nouns and verbs in the dictionary could not un-made it look like I was a fucking fish caught in a rod then getting fillet right after-, I now was naked.

Drenched clothes I hung in the bushes besides the river bank.

Never liked them anyways, bland and blue and sickly in simple nature.

Naked with a pair of self made leafy-undies I sat in the green grass next to a ring of many rocks circling a crackling fire this shitty oldman made.

At least he had the decency to roast some fish skewered with sticks, at least he was kind enough to roast a fuck-ton plethora of fishes-, they were lined and planted along the rocks; they rather smelled good which was marvelous for a game to concoct and despite his eyes which I'd assumed was weak for he sees me as 'a fish' his words not mine, despite that he managed to catch more fishes than a dozen.

Hidden- Houdini's palms covered the throat who gulped; yearning for a bite, never did I once did any bites and tastes? I held back my desire to praise the game already but me tongue promises to scream if the game gave me the promised gluttonous delight of taste.

I was void of feeling and you bet your ass if imma taste, this game be now me heaven.

Legs crossed so none could peak my golden rod save for that single blade of grass from down under that tickles the ball-sack from time to time, the little tease.

Finally now-, A pouty face to that oldman.

Humor he says, "It was fucking torture and you know it!" I cursed back at his laughing dick.

"Gwaaaahahahah!" he laughed with a belly full as it tires when he speaks right after, "Whaaaat were you doing flooo-oating with that hair anyways, I-"

"I thought you were a fish with a hard case of the parasites." he casually says after a short breath.

"I was a fish Gahahaha!.. Thoo!" sarcastic droopy ends of the lips cracked open as I spit in distaste.

"Gwa-hahahaha!!" he laughed and I mimic his hearty laughter along, albeit forcefully, there was not a funny bone present in my laughter.


"Fish me!!" I demanded.

"Aww!!" he went, treat me a toddler he did.

With sparkly eyes to widdle ol'me, "Grandpa's sowiie!" he announced his wish for death.

It was weird then, twas not anger I felt, I knew he meant to troll but all I felt back then was annoyance and the gap in ages and how he talks just now somehow make me want to throw a big tantrum.

I felt a child at this bullying oldman, in that I find no words to stood up to Kang.

Eyes watery like a pouting toddler-, I stared at the grassy ground in baby-fuming anger.


"Catch!" hollered Kang but all I saw was a blur-, of something with smokes flashing past the thighs which I crossed in a quick spit but still too late to stop that whatever which shot a shooting star- down to the leafy-undies it did landed-, And I felt hell's touch in the balls immediately.

"Yeow!" I Yeow'ed.

Indeed I did as little toes snapped me a jump.

I knew or used to think of pain, yearned to feel my past dumb-ass did but I did not like it at all.

Like my tenders were in burning hell for crimes it urges to unload to.

Premarital crimes, it was a nay of a religion twas raised in.

So there I was in the air, hot balls smoking a trail in the air from whence the ground I leapt.

"Gwahahahahah! They said this game was real.. but look at you jumping like that pussycat Tom!"

It might've been fate that anger did not prevail in my heart, or maybe I was molded of the kindest of spirits but twas really not and me wondered why- Why my afro wonders am I not wanting to un-alive this fucktard.


My slumbering anger!? To be more precise- it erupt not- for the fool had many a nose teasing roasted fishes- one which he threw at me; I could see it down on the grassy green ground where my balls recently rested.

Hunger subsides the pain-, Nah! But really though I am a Star Descent, super human in this world so pain in the balls go away in matter of seconds, all they amount to is just some subtracting whites on my trusty red bar which I could always see anytime we want in the corner of my eye's sight.

I landed, feet apart so as to not stomp the fish, it looked kinda charred but it smelled like what I presumed a cuisine would be, or maybe this is shit but to this recently rejuvenated nose it was pristine.

I grabbed the fish but as I did, "This touched my balls!" I hesitated.

Slowly I looked at the oldman who was donning a compelled angelic complete set of face.

Maybe it was too telling of my desires as Kang spouted, "You're not getting more unless you devour that meat first!" with a devilish smile he took a bite of his own-, One could tell he meant to spice up the fish he threw with the musky scent of thine balls.

I stared dead at Kang then slowly I brought up the fish, it somehow looked like a female, the first to touch my balls, my first lover?

I wasn't mind-ready yet but these little chompers of mine unleashed their maw for this fishy delight and so I took me first bite before I'd even realized it.



Everything in this game is heaven.

I chewed, left right like cows? Up down like everything else? is this how its done?

I need not care-, I chewed and chewed, they tastes and tasted too.



Everything… game is heaven.

Yes! For the first there was an orgasm in my little cunt mouth, "I- THERE!...." I huffed and stood so fast and joyous the leafy-undies snapped and Lo! Flung! my wavy little dick out, brave!- The balls dangling against the wind, against the world and I cried, "MY- I – A FUCKING ORGASM!!" with tears of orgasm or in the case an eye-cum was running down a river on my cheeks, little mouth chewed whilst the feet tapped for joy, so much that the dick fan around- maybe for two full spins. It was an around the world experience from the testicles point of view, "Like a clock minute hand winded up and ahead for exactly two hours." the testicles both claimed when asked.

Hard stomps from my chompers and my feet, the taste, my heart nearly broke had it not been strong as stones as it literally was from my birth, 'How much did I missed out?' faintly I asked myself but eager morer now I was instead- to taste and feel the magics of a working body.

I then felt a chilly breeze in the shriveled up goodie old sacks, 'Uh-oh!' as I felt the undies absence, lying defeated in the grassy ground; of where my balls hath rested.

All in that while, Kang was keen in the eye and observing yours truly.

As I realised he was there and seeing him noticing me noticing him seeing me- I realised I was there, I was so there I gave everyone or anyone a chance to devastatingly behold my treasures; the golden down-unders and this old-man definitely saw it.

Luckily he remained professionally silent despite the one when he kept his mouth shut when I went full throttle on going buck naked. I froze and gave him an awkward long stare, the treasures were still unearthed- his eyes went to the sides, a class act from a shitty fisherman.

Then I bowed, a kow-tow, I don't know but it felt right back then.

Not a word was said, nor breaths we take.

He then found it right to nod his head, clearing his throat, then I craned on up and saw the nod.

I understood so,

I nodded back.

Then found it right to sit my ass back.

I looked at the fish-stick which I grabbed, threw it, took another one from the fire, glared hard and cold at the blaze and solemnly, I took a bite.

It was raw.


I put it back and hesitant now I was as the hand which reached for the sticks froze;

Luckily the oldman was cultured, he took a hint and pointed at one as he cleared a clear fine throat.

I grabbed a bite, it was delicious.

Not a word more or ever was said and till the date not a word was never said.

He did not laughed and bullied me if any was concerned, how I wrote is how it was. History is written by cunts- You've heard the saying.


The night gets colder in the forest and perks of riding that bitch called luck gets you a meal in a nature themed cuisine.

It was always hard to tell in that stoic face of his but in his eyes as I met his gaze, I somehow felt warmth-, of kindness and joy-, I took bites after bites of fishy delights, 'He's kinda cool!?' I dared said until he had to open that flat lined lips of his, "Heh! Cannibal!"

"Phuck khiu!" little mouth full of juicy fish, I bad mouthed the one who feeds me as tears of wonderful delight still leaked down my cheeks.

"Bah-Whatever! Fish eats fish. Its normal!"

He went on to toss me another fish.

"Do you just simply suck at being a preda--… Just tell me WHY? You crying over a fish?" he finally asks, nearly frustrated too-, like that anger in the face when yearning to scratch that impossible itch in the mind.

"It's just… I never had anything before…" lamented I slowly.

"Had anything??" he emphasized, I could tell his eyes grew curious.

"Yeah!.. Never anything like these since I came here.. Wait nope! Since ever!" said I with another bite.

It took him two-thirds of maybe ten seconds to ponder, in that while I was left alone to chew on this delight and ponder of tastes on me own.

"Okay!" he clapped a thigh.

"Hmmpf?!" still the little mouth was full and the hand grabbed another stick as my eyes gave him my full afro attention.

"I'm curious. Tell me your story… all of it! Take it as a payment for saving your life and jerking that slut mouth of yours."

"Slut?" I nearly spat.

"What? You said it was orgasmic.. Thui!" he spat, "Ju- Just tell me everything about you and I'll decide whether to treat you as a piranha or cannibal sardine."


Oldman be cringe, to me at least.

"Don't worry, It doesn't matter which fish you are, people eats every kind of fish. We even like them raw don't we? Cannibal? Gwahahahaha!" hysterical- but very more so a respectable old fuckening chap, with strengths not to fret much at with a thick heavy log he effortlessly brought out from behind

"Would you shut up! I'm getting to it!" I barked back, leafy undies sat my bare ass back on the grass besides the fire, "Just so you know I think I'm the type to eat a lot when telling stories." Said I, slowly reaching my sly fingers for another stick.

"Speak Fish!!"

With full a little mouth and warm cozy tenders, in spite of bad manners in chewing I told this man my story.

From my gloom, to my hope, to my start, to my kills and down to the nature of my power.

Updates would be frequent soon.

I have many many fucking many stockpiled chapters, I went through chapters twice before publishing them and if I have some kinda mistake that means I made that mistake twice.

But really, thank you.

JF_Fanaicreators' thoughts