

Two years had passed since that day. Ikki had trained relentlessly, determined to become the strongest knight he could be.


Ikki's thoughts raced as he flicked over the pages of his soul book, evaluating his possibilities. At first, the options appeared overwhelming - brain, muscles, reflexes, prana, equilibrance, tendon, ojas, concentration - but he swiftly eliminated those that didn't make sense to him.

He was aware that he was too young to move anything heavy, and he had no concept what prana or ojas were, so they were scratched off the list. Yet he recognized that if he wanted to defeat a mage-knight with a greater mana capacity, he'd have to have a lot of endurance to wield his sword or develop his reflexes to the point where he could respond to quicker opponents.

Endurance seemed like the obvious option, so he concentrated his whole focus on that chapter of the book. He read about the need of fully strengthening his lungs and the manner by which he might shift his whole metabolic energy from heating his body to jogging (mechanic power).

As Ikki read through the chapter on endurance, he felt a sense of excitement building inside him. This was the ability he needed to become a great knight.

He closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, picturing himself racing through fields and mountains, feeling the wind rush past him as he pushed his body to its limits. He was aware that it would not be easy, but he was determined to succeed.

Ikki opened his eyes and closed the book, setting it aside. He rose up and went outdoors, inhaling deeply the fresh air. When he glanced out at the world around him as the sun rose, he felt a fresh feeling of purpose.

He began jogging, his legs burning as he pushed himself faster and harder. He knew he had a long journey ahead of him, but he was prepared for whatever awaited him.

As he raced, he reflected about all the famous kurogane knights he had read about, particularly his great grandpa Ryouma. He want to be strong, fearless, and noble like them. He realized that improving his endurance was just the first step, but it was a crucial one.

He sprinted till he couldn't go any farther, slumping into the ground in weariness. Even as he lay there, gasping for air, he knew he'd made the first step toward becoming the person he'd always wanted to be: a genuine knight, capable of meeting any challenge that came his way.


When he reflected back on that period, Ikki understood exactly how much he had changed. He had worked harder than ever before, pushing himself to his limitations on a daily basis. He'd worked hard, but he'd never felt more alive.

And now, as he walked across the field, he felt like a completely different person.

As he made his way towards the sparring kids, Ikki couldn't help but feel a twinge of nervousness. What if they were too strong for him? What if he wasn't as good as he thought he was?

When Ikki neared the gathering of youngsters, the pasture was filled with the sound of clashing swords and cheers. Kisu Shadis, a big bald guy, was directing the training, although he paid little heed to Ikki's presence.

Ikki took a few seconds to observe the sparring sessions, noting their motions and skills. He could feel anxious energy rising up within him, but he knew he had to push through it if he was to show himself.

As he made his way through the meadow, he spotted a group of people sparring under the watchful eye of Kisu Shadis. Ikki slowed his heartbeat and observed them from behind a nearby tree.

But Saito, the chief trainer's 8-year-old helper, had noticed him. "Hey, what are you doing out of the house?" he shouted.

"Hey, what is the phantom doing here?" one of the kids muttered.

The youngsters surrounding Saito burst out laughing at the mention of the "phantom," and Ikki could feel his shame and wrath rising within him. He despised being referred to as the "phantom" of the Kurogane family, but it was a label he'd had since he was a toddler.

Ikki hesitated for a second before gathering his resolve and walking ahead. "I'd want to spar with someone," he said firmly.

The whole gang broke out laughing, and even Saito grinned. "Seriously, kid?" he inquired. "Can you tell me why are you really here?"

Ikki bristled at their ridicule. "I told you," he said sharply. "I want to spar. Who's up for it?"

The kids looked at him incredulously, and one of them burst out laughing. "You...? Spar with us? "

Ikki could feel the humiliation burning in his cheeks, but he refused to back down. He raised his bokken in front of him, ready for any challenge that came his way.

Kisu finally noticed the commotion and walked over to the group. "What's going on here?" he asked, looking down at Ikki.

"He wants to spar with us," one of the kids said with a smirk.

Kisu chuckled, "Is that so? Well then, who's up for the challenge?"

One of the group stepped forward - Ikki's cousin, Akira Kurogane. He was known for his wisdom and strategy, but he wasn't much of a swordsman.

He smirked at Ikki. "I'll take him on," he said, taking out his own bokken.

He stood in an unprepared position, sword hanging down, as if to riddicule his opponent.

Ikki clenched his teeth at Akira's arrogance. When he picked up his own bokken and prepared to face off against his cousin, he could feel his rage bubbling within him.

But then he recalled everything that he had learnt - both from his own training and from the boys he had seen - and he felt a feeling of serenity sweep over him. He was prepared for anything they hurled at him. He was eager to show himself as a real knight, one who had worked more than everyone else to reach to this point.

The meadow was filled with the sound of clanging swords and the grunts of effort as the two boys clashed. Akira's swordplay was sloppy, but he had a higher capacity of magic power, and it was clear that he was holding back.

When Ikki swung his sword clumsily, not exactly estimating the distance, the company laughed again.

His motions were sloppy and uncomfortable, and he had difficulty maintaining his equilibrium.

Kisu watched him with amusement, shaking his head in disbelief. "Look at him go," he said to the other kids. "He's like a baby bird trying to fly."

Ikki dodged and weaved, trying to find an opening in Akira's defense. He swung his bokken in a wide arc, but Akira easily deflected the blow and countered with a swift strike.

"You're wasting your time, Ikki," snarled Akira. "You're nothing but a wuss."

Ikki gritted his teeth and swung his bokken, narrowly missing Akira's head. "I'm not weak," he growled. "I'll prove it to you!"

The other children were shouting now, caught up in the excitement of the fight. They yelled encouragement to their favorite, urging them on with wild abandon.

"Come on, Akira, you can do it!"

"Show him who's boss, Ikki!"

The sound of clashing wood echoed across the meadow as the two boys battled it out, each determined to emerge victorious. The sun beat down on them, casting long shadows across the grass.

Ikki finally grabbed the upper hand after what felt like a lifetime. With a violent shout, he hit Akira's bokken with such power that it broke into fragments.

The other kids gasped in surprise, gazing at the shattered bokken. Akira staggered backwards, his face distorted with agony and rage.

"You'll pay!" he yelled, lunging at Ikki with his fists.

But Ikki was too quick for him. With a swift movement, he dodged the attack and struck Akira in the stomach with his own fist.

Akira doubled over, gasping for air as he clutched his stomach. Ikki could feel the adrenaline pumping through his veins as he watched his cousin struggle to catch his breath.

The other children were silent now, their cheers and taunts replaced with shock. Even Kisu Shadis looked impressed as he watched the boys spar.

"Well, well," Kisu said, his voice laced with amusement. Kisu said, clapping his hands together. "It seems our little outcast has some fight in him after all." "You've both shown great skill and determination. But remember, the most important thing for a knight of kurogane is not just strength, but honor and integrity as well."

Ikki felt a sense of pride swell up inside him as he heard Kisu's words.

Ikki looked around at them, a fierce determination in his eyes. "Who's next?" he said, his voice ringing out across the meadow.

The group was still in shock as they stared at Ikki, unsure of what to say or do next. Saito was the first to speak up, a hint of something in his voice.

"You're not half bad.... for a rank F trash, I mean," he added, coyly smiling at Ikki.

Ikki bristled at the remark, but he didn't let it show. "Thank you," he answered calmly, "but I'm not through yet."

Kisu took a step forward, his face expressionless. "I believe that's enough for today," he said emphatically. "Ikki, you've proved yourself. You don't need to push yourself any farther."

It didn't sit well with him. He'd come here to prove himself, and he wasn't going to leave until he did. "I can go on," he argued. "I'm not exhausted yet."

Kisu raised an eyebrow at him and looked at him for a time. "Pretty good," he eventually replied. "How about we shake things up a little?"

Ikki nodded excitedly, a glimmer of optimism returning to his eyes. He was prepared for whatever Kisu had in store for him.

Ikki nodded eagerly, a spark of hope reigniting in his eyes. He was ready for whatever challenge Kisu had in mind.

Kisu turned to face the gathering of children, his gaze scrutinizing them. "Who wants to fight him next?" he inquired.

No one took a step forward, and Ikki felt his heart drop in his chest. Has he already reached the boundaries of his abilities?

But then a voice spoke up from the back of the group. It was Saito the lanky boy. "I'll take him on," he said, a smirk on his face.

Ikki tensed up, his fingers tightening around the grip of his bokken. He had seen Saito spar before, and he knew that the boy was older, had more power and possesed D-rank capacity. This was going to be a real challenge.

Saito stepped forward, his own bokken at the ready. "Let's see what you're made of, little man," he said with a sneer.

The two boys circled each other warily, both sizing up their opponent. Ikki knew he couldn't afford to make any mistakes - he had to be quick and precise if he wanted to stand a chance.

The first few minutes were a blur of motion, the sound of clashing swords and grunts of effort filling the air. Ikki could feel his muscles straining with the effort, but he refused to give up.

Saito was a formidable opponent, and Ikki could feel his confidence waning with every passing moment. He had been so sure of himself, so certain that he could take on anyone and come out victorious. But now, as he fought against Saito, he could feel the weight of his inexperience bearing down on him.

He tried to remember all that he had learned over the past two years - the techniques he had stolen from the group of kids, the lessons he had gleaned from his book - but it was all slipping away from him now.

Saito was a blur of motion, his bokken flashing through the air with lightning speed. Ikki could barely keep up, his own sword clanging against Saito's again and again.

The other children watched in awe as the two of them fought, their eyes fixed on the two combatants. They had never seen anything like it before, two warriors locked in a battle of skill and strength.

"Go Ikki!" one of the kids yelled, his voice echoing across the meadow. "You can do it!"

Ikki's heart swelled with pride as he heard the encouragement from the sidelines. He was determined to make them proud, to show them that he was worthy of their respect.

But it was all for naught. In the end, Saito was simply too strong for him. Ikki could feel his muscles giving out, his breath coming in short gasps as he struggled to keep up with the older boy.

Finally, with a swift strike, Saito knocked the bokken out of Ikki's hand and sent him sprawling to the ground. Ikki lay there for a moment, panting and sweating, as Saito walked over to him.

"Not bad for a rank F trash," Saito said with a smirk. "But you still have a long way to go."

Ikki could feel his confidence shattering as he hit the ground, his bokken falling from his hands. He had failed again. He wasn't strong enough, he wasn't skilled enough, he didn't have enough magic power...

Kisu took a step closer, staring down at Ikki with pity and sadness. "You did well..." he tried to console the youngster. "It's not a shame to lose; your opponent had a better ability," he said softly. "Crossing levels is impossible... Sorry, I'm simply giving you advice, but you have no future as a mage knight."

Ikki felt his cheeks reddening as his anger started to burn. "No future?" he repeated incredulously. "Just because I lost to someone with a higher magical talent doesn't mean I have no future. I'll prove you wrong."

Kisu groaned and shook his head. "It's not only your magical ability, Ikki," he said calmly. "You must be realistic. There are certain things you just cannot alter."

Ikki bristled at Kisu's words. "I don't accept that," he said stubbornly. "I refuse to believe that there's anything I can't do if I put my mind to it."

The other kids watched the exchange with varying degrees of interest and amusement. Some of them had already given up on Ikki, while others were more intrigued by his determination.

Ikki appeared to pique the curiosity of Saito in particular. He took a step forward, his arms folded over his chest. "You've got spirit, kid," he replied slyly. "But, spirit alone will not go you very far in this world."

Ikki scowled at Saito, but he couldn't contradict the elder boy's reasoning. He had always been aware that he was at a disadvantage in terms of his magical ability, but he had refused to acknowledge it.

"I'll find a way," he said emphatically. "I'm going to prove you all incorrect."

Kisu groaned and shook his head once again. "You're welcome to try," he eventually responded. "But, keep in mind that it's sometimes best to accept your limits and take another road."